the girls true identity?

He is my son's FATHER?!?!

My body froze. My eyes kept on Hyunjoong.

"______?" i heard Kikwang say. He came back holding drinks and pizza.

I stayed frozen. My body couldnt move.

Kikwang started to shake me and i turned to him.

"_______! Whats wrong?? You look pale" he asked looking worried.

I turned back and smiled weakly. I didnt want to ruin it for him.... he was having a fun time with me.

We started to eat the pizza. If i was feeling well i would've eaten more than 5 pieces but Hyunjoong and the girl made me sick.

I out down the second slice and looked up.

Kikwang was looking at me with worried eyes.

"You sure your ok?" he asked

"Yeh!!! course i am" i replied

"Are you acting all feminine in front of me? Dont be, i dont like girls acting all fake. Just be your normal self." he said as he laughed

I laughed with him and forced myself to finish a fewmore slices.


After Lunch we walked around shops and Kikwang bought me other food which i also forced down.

"Should we go watch a movie?" he asked excited

"Im sorry.. I dont feel well now..." i replied

"oh...ok" he said as he forced a smile... He looked dissapointed and sad at the same time.

"I'll take you home" he said as he pulled my hands but i pulled it out. I needed time for myself right now.

He stood there shocked but nodded and waved goodbye. He slowly walked away.

"sorry! next time i'll by you dinner" i shouted after him

"You promised" he yelled back with a smile.


It started to rain and i ran to the bus stop. The whole way i got wet. Even as i walked home.

The whole way i thought about Hyunjoong and the girl.

By the time i arrived home, my clothes were all soaked and starting to smell.

I went into Laeyi's room and found him sleeping.

I sighed and took a shower.


I realised Hyunjoong wasnt at home... was he with that girl???

I calmed myself down and went into Hyunjoong's room.

Maybe i should just sleep.... take a rest......

I walked towards the bed and was about to get in when i saw Hyunjoong's wallet beside the bed.

He must've left it when he left...

I grabbed it and opened it.




and for the second time today my body froze.



in his wallet there was a picture of a beautiful girl. She was smiling and holding hands with Hyunjoong.

But what suprised me more was that the girl looked identical with the girl i saw with Hyujoong today.

No.... they were simliar but there was something different with the girls in the picture.... it was as if they were related.  

(*please read chapter 8 & 9 if you cant remeber or dont understand ><)

Identical but not so the same..........

Confused i looked at the bottom right hand corner and somebody had written in pen















If you dont understand plz ask ><

hehe thanks :)

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o: what's gonna happen next? D: update! :3
nwatanabe #2
update!<br />
OMO. so they met again >.<<br />
jeez, i wish hyunjooong saw them but instead, she saw hyunjoong with another girl which ruined her mood. hmp.<br />
Update sooN! ♥
hyomin...his wife I knew it<br />
hyorin just a twin rite?<br />
<br />
YukiMary #5
WHAT?! The H?! OmG! >.< <br />
<br />
Update sooN~~~ ^^
Gosh. They are both dating other ppl :/<br />
Update soon~! ♥
YukiMary #7
What with Hyunjoong?! He with another girl?!!! Update soon~~~ ^^
mrsb2st #8
What is up with them?!?!? Why do they hate each other so bad?
kminjii #9
ooohhh... Hyun Joog with other girl???<br />
who is that? Hyo Rin????????