Miracle & Acceptance PT.1

Secrets Revealed

It has been at least 2 months since Minho had discovered about Taemin’s shorten life span. Minho had no school for the next 2 months, so he was always visiting Taemin every single day. Taemin had daily visits from Minho’s parents, who did not know about his relationship with him. It stung Taemin’s heart that if he told his parents about Minho and him, they would automatically go crazy and do anything to make sure Minho and Taemin never saw each other as they still didn’t know anything about their relationship.

On the bright side, there was a chance for Taemin to survive! Taemin’s doctor had told Minho and him that there was a doctor in Canada that had created a method to remove the cancer from Taemin’s leg and that that doctor would be coming to perform Taemin’s surgery that was scheduled to happen later in the year, but was bumped earlier to 2 days from now!

Minho was ecstatic, including Taemin’s parents when they were contacted by the hospital.  They rushed over as soon as they could to see Taemin. However, they were in for a little surprise....

i am so sorry for not updating!

i had writer's block... -_-

this is like the first third of the next part since the story will becoming to an end....

see ya soon!


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chapter 4 up! :)


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Update soon!!!!
Chapter 6: i hope taemin's parents will accept their relationship...
Chapter 6: Oh boy! They are going to tell his parents!!! And omo you updated!!!! Loved it :)
Chapter 5: 'however they were in for a little surprise' my reaction to that o.o WHAT THE HECK WHAT SURPRISE? IS HE GONNA BE OK IS THE DOCTOR SOMEONE THEY KNOW?

lol sorry but I am an over dramatic person lol
Chapter 5: Yay! You updated! It was short, but it's still an awesome update!!! ^-^
Joycechanxo #6
Chapter 5: Update please !xxx
Chapter 5: omg cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please update~~~~~~~~~~~~ >.<
Chapter 5: You need to update!!!!! Please?!?!???! It's amazing and I need to know what happens!!!!!!!
:) you finally updated!~ Im so happy keep up the good work and take your time <3 Hwaiting!~ Fighting!~
Omg u made me cry!! its so sad but so good!! cant wait for your next update