My Love is Greater...

Secrets Revealed


Taemin POV

Things couldn't get any better now. When Minho is beside me, I feel like reality is a dream and dream is reality. I wish that was true. I wish that I could go to school with Minho and my other friends. I want to be able to see my parents every day. To sit at the dinner table together and talk about how our day went. Why couldn't that been my daily routine instead of being stuck in the hospital. I want to forget that I have cancer and I willl die soon. I want to tell Minho, but my heart won't let me tell him as I don't want him to get hurt. He is the only thing that makes me happy in this time. The only way I am getting by is because Minho is beside me. But why do I feel all of a sudden that Minho is turning cold to me? It seems to me that he is turning cold all of a sudden.

Minho POV 

I fill like I am dying inside. I still didn't confront Taemin. If I did, what would I say? My heart is hurting everytime that I think about it.

Author POV

It's been hard for Minho lately to keep quiet about what he had learnt from the doctor. However, he decided it was time to ask Taemin...

Minho had decided that he was going to ask Taemin. He had raced to the hospital right after school. He dashed through the main entrance doors and eventually found himself in front of Taemin’s room. He knew he couldn’t keep delaying it.

He looked at Taemin’s closed door and took a deep breath in and gave a big sigh. He slowly opened the door and walked quietly into the room in case Taemin was sleeping. Taemin was in fact sleeping. Minho walked beside Taemin’s bedside and sat on the stool beside him. He studied his sleeping angel’s face. Taemin’s face was a pale color, but with a slight rosy color in his cheeks. Minho brushed his fingers against Taemin’s cheeks. His cheeks were slightly cold against Minho’s fingers. Taemin fidgeted as he felt Minho’s touch. Taemin slowly opened his eyes.

“Minho-ah, is that you?”

“Yes I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”

Taemin got up from his sleeping position and sat up.

“No, you didn’t. I was about to wake up anyway.”

Minho gave Taemin a week smile and immediately frowned as soon he remembered that he was going  to have to talk to Taemin about it sooner or later.


Taemin looked at Minho with a glimmer in his eyes.


Minho took a small gulp and then he started to talk.   

“You see, I talked to Doctor Kim last week and he was telling me a little about your condition in greater detail and…”

Taemin looked at Minho with his eyes filled of fear.

“And he told me about your condition and--”

“He told you that I am only going to be living till I am 17, didn’t he?”

Minho, horrified, looked at Taemin with shock in his eyes.

“A-a-h, y-y-a h-he did,” Minho said stammering with a soft voice.

Silence filled the room.


“I’m sorry for keeping it a secret, but I didn’t want you to know so quickly.”

Tears fell from Taemin’s eyes as he softly sobbed into his legs.

Minho looked at Taemin with sad eyes. And then Minho took Taemin into a tight embrace. Taemin’s crying got louder and he cried in Minho’s shoulder. Minho took his arms around Taemin’s arm and whispered into his ears.















“I’m not going to let you leave me. My love for you is greater than this obstacle.”




I am so sorry that I haven't update in awhile. Writer's block..  hehe

See ya soon!



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chapter 4 up! :)


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Update soon!!!!
Chapter 6: i hope taemin's parents will accept their relationship...
Chapter 6: Oh boy! They are going to tell his parents!!! And omo you updated!!!! Loved it :)
Chapter 5: 'however they were in for a little surprise' my reaction to that o.o WHAT THE HECK WHAT SURPRISE? IS HE GONNA BE OK IS THE DOCTOR SOMEONE THEY KNOW?

lol sorry but I am an over dramatic person lol
Chapter 5: Yay! You updated! It was short, but it's still an awesome update!!! ^-^
Joycechanxo #6
Chapter 5: Update please !xxx
Chapter 5: omg cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please update~~~~~~~~~~~~ >.<
Chapter 5: You need to update!!!!! Please?!?!???! It's amazing and I need to know what happens!!!!!!!
:) you finally updated!~ Im so happy keep up the good work and take your time <3 Hwaiting!~ Fighting!~
Omg u made me cry!! its so sad but so good!! cant wait for your next update