I Met Yunho!!!! A Job?! What for?

My Name Is Kim Jaejoong And This Is My Life As A Substitute Agent

It was already three and I am still contemplating on two different black suits when someone speaks out. Great, another salesman.

"I'll choose the right one if I were you." Wait, that doesn't sound like a salesman to me. It sounds more to...

Jung Yunho.

I turn around and there I met him. He's here! Infront of me! Oh my cookie. Is this a dream?

"Hey, you alright there?" I snap out from my daze. Wait, I space out? Silly Jaejoong. I heard Yunho chuckle. Aww. Wait, why did he laugh?

"Wait, did you hear what I just said?" I asked. Please say no. Please say no.

"Silly Jaejoong? Of course I did." Yunho said, smiling at me. I could only laugh to cover my embarassment.

"So, which one are you going to buy?" Yunho asked. Wait, he's talking to me, isn't he? Seriously? He's talking to me! Wait Jaejoong, maintain your cool.

"Oh, I still don't know." I replied, trying to sound as normal as I can. I'm going to blush if he keeps talking to me!

"Why don't you try it?" Yunho suggested. I could almost feel my face warming up. No, Jaejoong. This isn't the time for you to embarass yourself. Keep cool.

He's just another guy on this Earth that may become my partner for life if it's not because he's getting engaged to Hero Kim tonight. Oh yeah, he's engaged. Kim Jaejoong, forget about him.

"I've tried both but I couldn't come in to a conclusion." I confessed.

"Try it again then. Maybe now that I'm here, you could find the perfect suit." Yunho said as he walked to the changing rooms. Hold on. He is asking me to change? He wants to give his opinion? He's helping me out? Aww, how sweet.

I walked to the changing rooms only to be blocked by him suddenly. His face leaned closer towards me before he showed off his bright smile.

"Oops. Sorry. I thought you were not coming. Come on now." Yunho let me in before sitting on the waiting area. It was empty except for one. Nevermind. I'm changing again.

I walked inside and quickly change to the one he suggested first. As soon as I buttoned the last button on the coat, I got out. Is this a dream? He's still there, reading the newspaper but still he's waiting for me! Oh, somebody pinch me.

"Someone's looking perfect." Yunho whistled at me. He just whistled at me! I feel like jumping up and down. Kya!!! Hold on, Jaejoong. You are not going to do that. Right. I have an image to take care of.

"Thank you." I smiled softly as I turn around when he gestured for me to turn. I could see him walking towards me as I finished my turn.

His face was just inches from me and I had to fight back the strong urge to kiss him right there. No, Jaejoong. We don't do that to strangers. Correct.

"Why don't you go and change to the other one while I wait here?" Yunho asked. I managed to nod before locking myself inside the changing room. I fanned myself as a blush crept up my face. Did my eyes see wrong or did I really saw Yunho winking at me? Nevermind.

Let's just quickly take off this suit and try on the other one. While diligently putting on the other suit, I heard someone getting out of the changing room next to me.

"What are doing here? Come on. I'm done shopping. Let's go and pay." I heard that before hearing a grunt. Probably some arrogant brat. Ignore it, Jaejong. I got out once I was ready. To my utter disappointment, Yunho wasn't there. Bummer.

I was looking forward to his view. You know what, Jae? Let's just buy both and see what my brothers think about it. Yup, that should do. I changed back and head to the cashier with both suits.

I queued and finally, after a long line, I was finally able to pay. As I waited for the cashier to scan my clothes. Yup, I bought things for Karam and Junsu too. Souvenirs. I hope they would believe it is.

"These too, Hae." I heard Yunho's voice again. Is this my lucky day or what? I turn slightly to confirm and it turns out to be true. It's him.

"Hey Jaejoong." He called me! I turn and smile at him.

"Sorry I didn't give my opinion on the second one. I had to do something." Yunho explained. Can you believe that? He's apologising to me. The one and only awesome me!

"It's alright." I said.

"So, which suit did you buy?" Yunho asked me.

"I bought both." I replied as I turn my attention on the cashier who is reciting the total amount. A great total of $2451. What's with the $1?

"Paying through credit card or cash?" The cashier asked me.

"Credit card." I answered as I hand her the card. "I could have paid for you." Yunho said, startling me in the process.

"It's alright." I said as I grab hold of the five shopping bags.

"Let me help you." Yunho said as he grab hold of all of my bags. I wanted to refuse but I decided not to when I heard him talking to his, I think personal assistant, to bring his bags to his car.

"My car is parked in the basement." I said as I lead him out of the store.

"So, what do you work as?" Yunho asked suddenly while we were on the escalator.

"It's complicated." I told him. I was about to ask a few of my own questions when my phone rang. Judging from the ringtone, I guess it was Changmin. I excused myself before answering the call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Jae hyung, care explaining how I receive a credit card transaction from the clothes store when I'm inside the office the whole time?" Changmin asked me. Yes, people. I stole his card. Payback. Anyway, he's filthy rich. Why bother saving?

"Well, maybe because I used your credit card to spend it on clothes for my brothers and of course, me." I said as I get to the basement level with Yunho walking beside me.

"Tell me, which credit card did you use?" Changmin asked me. I reached my red open top car.

"You can place it behind." I told Yunho.

"Behind?" Changmin asked. I'm not talking to you.

"No, you idiot. I got it from your room. Inside the drawer with all your videos inside." I joked.

"You took that one?!" Changmin shouted. There's one inside that drawer? I winced and brought the phone away from my ear as Changmin ranted about how precious that card was. I look to my side. Oh, Yunho's still here.

"Uh, boss. I need to attend to something. Call you later." I said before looking back at Yunho. I toss the phone carelessly on the seat.

"I thought you went already." I said. Shouldn't have joked about Changmin's videos just now. How embarassing!

"Well, I wanted to but I decided to stay. Just to say bye properly." Yunho replied, looking at me. O...K...Awkward.

"Well, bye then." I said before opening my car door. I had a feeling that Yunho wanted to say something. So, as I turn on the engine, I turn to look back at him.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Yunho shook his head quickly. How cute.

"Bye." He said. I was about to drive off when I remembered something.

"Congratulations on your engagement tonight, Jung Yunho shi." I said with a smile. As I drove off, I heard Yunho shout something but I decided to ignore it. Why bother knowing what he said when I can't get him, right?

As I stop to wait for the traffic light, a tear run down my cheek. Hey, I'm not crying, alright? I'm just...yeah, I'm crying. Why? Can't a guy cry too? Oh! I need to call Changmin. I dialled Changmin's number before putting on loudspeaker.

Hey, I don't want to get fined by the policeman, you know? As I waited for Changmin to pick up, a car stops beside me. I look once and I don't know whether I have good luck or this is just my lucky days.

Yunho was driving the car and guess what? He seems shock to see me and beside him was his going-to-be-fiance-in-a-few-hours, Hero Kim. Kim Youngwoong to be exact.

"Jaejoong, I-" Yunho wanted to say something but Changmin chose to pick up his phone right at that second. Seriously, why must Changmin always disrupt my moment with Yunho every single time?

"Jae hyung! Come back here now!" Changmin shouted.

"And in the mean time, tell me where are the keys for these shackles of yours!" Changmin screamed so loudly that I think even Yunho can hear it. The red light turns to green and I zoom off, leaving in embarassment. Seriously, must he say that loudly? That just sounds so wrong.

"Min, you can get the key under the pillow. Guess what, Changmin? Those shackles that you're trapped in, it wasn't meant for you." I said truthfully. It was for Yoochun. Just in case that guy sleeps on my bed again. Wait, why is Changmin on my bed then? Oh, nevermind.

"First, my credit card. Second, my body. What's next, Kim Jaejoong?!" Changmin asked.

"Chill, Changmin. Are you out now?" I asked as I drive along a private school before turning into a lane.

"Yeah. Please don't put those shackles on your bed again." Changmin said.

"I'll try not to. You know what? I'm reaching home already. So talk to you later." I said before I hang up. My house is just infront. That small little house up on the hill. I drive straight and stop just right infront of the metal gate.

I searched for the control to open the gates inside my car compartments when the gate open by itself. Oh great. They're home.

I drive through and stop infront of my doorstep. Someone opens the door before walking down the stairs. Now, I don't remember having or hiring a butler.

"Welcome home, Master Kim." The guy said before opening the car door for me.

"May I know who you are?" I asked, immediately checking him out from head to toe.

"I am the butler send by Mr Shim to take care of the other two Master's needs while you are away and until Mrs Kim is back, sir." He replied with a smile on his face.

"I didn't catch your name." I said.

"Oh, my name is Jung Ji Hoon, Master." He replied, bowing his head a little. I got out from the car before passing him my car key.

"There's no need for you to call my brothers and me Master. Just call by our names will do." I said.

"Yes, Jaejoong...sir." Ji Hoon added.

"Let me just get those shopping bags first." I said as I grab hold of the five shopping bags.

"There's my luggage inside the trunk. Bring that to my room, alright? Where are my brothers?" I asked Ji Hoon.

"Master- I meant Karam is in his room studying and Junsu is with him helping." Ji Hoon replied.

"Alright." I said as I head inside the house. I'm back! Finally. I walked through the corridor that were lined with photographs of my family members and relatives. The house and the hill was an inheritance given to the three of us by our grandfather. He was a rich man.

It was also through his contacts that I land a job as Changmin's personal assistant and then became the first agent of the ISA, Changmin's own company other than the Shim Corporations which his father heads. I passed a white door with my name on it and walked on.

I passed Junsu's room too before opening the door to Karam's room. There they are. Not studying but playing video games.

"Ji Hoon told me you were studying, Karam." I said, as I rest my body on the door. The shopping bags were placed on the floor. My brothers turn to look behind before running towards me.

"Jae Hyung!" They shouted as I get squeezed in between them. I expected myself to get hug until I die but the hug lasted for only a few seconds.

"How was London, Jaejoongie hyung?" Junsu asked as he brought me to sit down on Karam's bed.

"London was great. Too much meetings. So, not that much time for me to go shopping. As an apology, my boss treated me by giving his card to spend it on whatever I want. So, I bought clothes for both of you." I said. I look at Karam who was already digging through the shopping bags. That kid.

"Karam?" I called him.

"Woah! A new suit!" Karam exclaimed as he took out the suit that Yunho chose for me.

"Wait, Karam. That's mine." I said as I walk towards him. I quickly grab hold of the suit.

"Your clothes are in the other bags. This is mine." I said as I folded the suit properly.

"Why did you buy a suit?" Junsu asked.

"Good question. I'm going to a party later tonight." I told my brothers who look at me quickly.

"Party? Can I go?" Karam asked.

"No and no to you too, Junsu." I told them.

"I'm going as Changmin's partner so I can't bring you guys." I said. I saw Karam's face change when he heard Changmin's name.

"Relax. I'm just accompanying him. He's still yours." I teased my little brother. Immediately, I see a blush on his face. How cute.

"Alright, I'm tired. You guys, go and study. I'll be in my room. Sleeping." I said before grabbing the shopping bag that has the two suits in it. I walked out and close the door. Ji Hoon was walking out of my room so I called him.

"I don't want to bother you but can you help me with these two suits?" I asked him, passing the shopping bag.

"I'll have it ironed and send to your room as soon as possible." Ji Hoon said before walking away with my two suits. I pushed open the door to my bedroom. The poster of Yunho modelling for his father's company greeted me. I need to take that down. It's not good to stare at someone who is getting married.

"He's getting engaged tonight, right?" I snap out from my daze. Junsu was standing at the door.

"Can I come in?" Junsu asked.

"Come in." I said as I sat on the bed.

"Sit here with me." I said when I turn to look at Junsu. He sat down beside me and smiled.

"You're going to his engagement party?" Junsu asked. I nod.

"Apparently, I found out that Changmin is Yunho's best friend." I said to Junsu. I knew he can sense my sadness. Better change into a different topic.

"So, how is school?" Junsu rolled his eyes.

"Jaejoongie hyung, I'm not schooling anymore." He said as he sigh. Oh no, Jaejoong. How can you be so stupid?

"My bad." I joked. Good thing Junsu laugh.

"So, how are you?" I asked. "Got any soccer match coming up?" I asked. This time, Junsu laugh again.

"Hyung, the seasons finished last month and you went to the final match. Before you ask whether I won? Yes, I did." Junsu said. How forgetful are you, Kim Jaejoong.

"Sorry. Too much things in my mind. You want to talk to me about what?" I asked Junsu.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about the house." Junsu said seriously. Was there something wrong? I urged for him to continue.

"The thing is the electricity bill for the whole house wasn't paid for last month. The company sent us a letter, saying that they will cut off the electricity and water supply if we don't pay." Junsu paused. Oh yeah, I forgot to pay for it. I was busy being Kim Heechul that I forgot to tip off Hyun Joong to pay the house bills for me.

"So, you helped me pay? There's enough money in our joint account." I said. I earned quite a lot of money from substituting. That's why I never quit.

"It wasn't enough. I couldn't pay Mrs Kim her pay so...she left." Junsu explained.

"Mrs Kim left? But Karam said that she was sick." I said. How could Mrs Kim do that? Leaving my two brothers alone in this huge house just because she didn't get her pay?

"I told Karam not to tell you. I don't want you to worry and leave your meetings in London. So, when I told Changmin hyung about it, he came and said that he'll handle the bills until you come back home. He even send Ji Hoon hyung to take care of us. He even-" Junsu stopped at that.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He offered me a job in his company." Junsu said. A job? Changmin is that kind?

"Job? You want to accept his offer?" I asked.

"Can't I? Plus, I'm bored staying at home all day long. I just finished school and I need to find a job. Here comes a job finding me so let me take the job, alright?" Junsu asked. I pondered on it for awhile. It is true that Junsu just finish school. He is looking for a job. Well, then he should take it.

"Alright, you can take that job but we have to find a caretaker to take care of Karam now that Mrs Kim is not coming back." I said.

"That's easy. Just drop him on Changmin hyung's lap and he'll be as quiet as a baby." Junsu said.

"I didn't mean that guy." I told Junsu, not agreeing to let Changmin take care of Karam.

"Come on, Jaejoongie hyung. Even if Changmin is not taking care of him sometimes, Karam is a big kid, he'll be able to take care of himself." Junsu explained. That is correct. Alright then. Changmin it is.

"Alright. I'll tell Changmin later. Trust me, he'll be jumping with joy when he hear this news." I said.

"Great. I'm going back to my room. Get some rest. I'm going to monitor Karam on his studies." Junsu said as he walks out of my room. I need some sleep


Third chap is out!!! Yay! Loving the comments always. Enjoy reading!

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Chapter 48: Gahhh!!! Author-nim!!! Read this in one day! I'm impressed! Seriously though, how can I missed this? I have no idea...just kill me!!! You doing so good! And I hope to hear from you soon...can't even comment decently on each chaps because I'm in a need to read this wonderful story as fast as I could~ ahahah...,Thanks for sharing this author-nim! You are amazing!
Chapter 36: Brace myself~
Chapter 34: Jae is one dramatic agent! Ahaha...Gosh...poor Yunnie but, can't he feel J aura on Jaejoong?
Chapter 33: I cry too~~~ this is deep...love it...
Chapter 31: OMG!!! Me love Yunjae!!!
Chapter 29: Arggghhh!!! Just when Yunjae having their honeymoon~
Chapter 28: Yunjae=romantic+ert~ ahaha..honeymoon!!
Chapter 27: Aigoo!!! Poor Yoongwoung~ no wonder he despise Yun..his father though~ huh~
Chapter 26: Jaejoong!!! My Goshhh!!!
Chapter 24: Yunnie~~~ hehe...Minnie, seriously~ ahaha...