Youngjae, where are you?

My Name Is Kim Jaejoong And This Is My Life As A Substitute Agent

"Youngjae ah. Wake up." I said as I tried to wake the five-year-old boy up.

"Mummy, five more minutes." The boy muttured as he ignored my effort to wake him up.

"Young Jae, how many times must I told you not to call me Mummy? I'm your Daddy for goodness sake." I said.

"Now come on, wake up. It's your birthday today. Strong five-year-old boys shouldn't sleep in on their birthday." I continued. I heard the door creak open and I looked behind. My two brothers walked in, each holding on to a wrapped box.

"Youngjae, you're still sleeping?" Junsu asked as he sat down beside me.

"Hey, if you continue to sleep, you won't get your presents." Karam said and immediately my boy sit up, his hands reached out as he asked for his present.

Youngjae gladly reached for his presents before hastily tearing the wrapping paper. He tore open the box and frowned when he saw that the two boxes are empty. I chuckled as I saw the same old trick happened to my little son for three years straight.

"You tricked me again. Not fair." Youngjae said as he crossed his arms, a pout forming.

"Come on now. What do you think it was inside? Toys?" Junsu asked.

"That would be great." Youngjae mumbled.

"No more toys for you, honey. You have to throw some of the toys in your playroom if you want me or your uncle to buy you more toys." I said as I stand up.

"Come on. Let's go and have your shower." I said as I carried him to the bathroom. I helped him shower before putting on his clothes.

"There. My boy looks so cute." I said, pinching his cheeks.

"I'm not cute. I'm handsome." Youngjae said.

"Yes, honey. You're the most handsome man I've seen." I . Youngjae kissed me on the cheek before running out.

Yes, Youngjae. You look just like your father. Just as handsome as him.

"Daddy! Aren't you coming?"

I snapped out from my daze and smiled at Youngjae who was waiting for me by the door.

"Come on, birthday boy." I said as I brought him down to the dining table right outside the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Youngjae greeted the four men sitting around the table as we joined them.

"Morning, Jae hyung." Changmin greeted me as I walked behind him to get to my seat.

"Good morning, cookie monster." I called him as I slid into my seat. Changmin pout as a response.

"Jaejoong hyung, don't call him that." Karam said as he carefully feeds Youngjae the cereal that I had prepared beforehand.

"Where are you going after this, Jae?" Yoochun asked me as I sipped on my coffee.

"We're going shopping. Youngjae would want some new video games, right?" I asked the little boy and he grinned at me.

"Should we follow you?" Junsu asked me.

"There's no need to. Just go to the KSA and handle the things there. I've already accepted the new batch of substitute agents. Make sure they go through the training as planned and you're done for the day. Oh yeah Yoochun, I need you to fill in for me during the meeting with Minho on our new business venture. Can you do that for me?" I asked as I suddenly remembered the meeting that I have set up with Minho just two days ago.

"Sure thing, Jae. I guess you're not coming in today, right?" Yoochun asked and I shake my head.

As we finished our breakfast, I prepared myself to go out with Youngjae. Plans have been made to surprise Youngjae with a birthday party. I was tasked to bring Youngjae out to get him a new pair of clothes.

The two couples were tasked to supervise the decorators that will be decorating our backyard. I walked to Youngjae's room and saw him playing games with Changmin.

"Youngjae, come on. Let's go. And Changmin, why are you still here? I thought you have a meeting in the office." I said as I blocked the both of them from able to see what was going on in the video game.

"You lose." I heard the narrator in the game announced loudly and I smirked.



"Now you two, don't blame me. You guys didn't listen to me. Come on, Youngjae. Let's go. Clean this up, Min." I said as I hold onto Youngjae's hand.

"Are we only buying video games?" Youngjae asked as he got on the seat.

"Now listen, I'll get you video games if you behave yourself today. We're going to get new clothes for you." I said before closing the door.

I walked to the other side before getting in the driver seat. I drive out through the gates before heading to the shopping mall in the neighbourhood.

"I'll turn on the radio." Youngjae said, reaching for the button. I just hummed as a sign of approval.

"Jung Yunho, the famous model director of Jung Corporations was seen in a club flirting with a few other female celebrities. He was seen bringing an unknown female into his car before..."

I changed the radio channel, not wanting to hear about Yunho anymore.

Five years... 

Its been five years since I met him. Even if Yunho tried to meet me, I had Changmin to meet him instead. Subsequently, Yunho's constant calls to me died down.

Has he given up?

Finding me?

Finding J?

I guess he is...

I turned the car into the underground car park before parking the car.

Oh! This was the mall that I met him.

"Come on, Youngjae." I said, throwing away the previous thought. I brought him to the clothes store as Youngjae started choosing his own clothes. I chuckled as I see him fussed around over two blue shirts.

"Just take both if you don't know which one to choose, honey." I said as I looked over him.

"I can't. I won't be able to choose what to wear later on then. It's the same thing." Youngjae said as he looked at me. He put both shirts back.

"I don't need them. I'm going to try on the other ones that I chose just now." Youngjae said. I nod before leading him to the changing room.

As soon as Youngjae finishes trying on his clothes, I went to the cashier with him to pay for it.

Wait, is that...? Yunho? No wait, please it can't be.

I rubbed my eyes before looking at again.

No. It's really Yunho Why is he here? Of all times, must I really meet him now?


He can't know about Youngjae.

"Could you hurry up? I'm in a hurry right now." I said to the cashier before handing her one of the many credit cards in my wallet.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Youngjae asked me as he realised my sudden actions to hurry up.

"We need to go. Away from here." I said as I grab the shopping bags before walking out of the store.

I quickened my pace before only stopping when I was a few stores away. I turned around to look at Youngjae only to realise that he was not behind me.

"Oh my god. Youngjae!" I screamed out as I looked around, trying desperately to find him.

Where did he go?


Where are you, honey?

"Youngjae!" I feel my voice cracking up as I started crying. I run back to the store, looking through every walkway, hoping that Youngjae is just standing there.

"Youngjae, please. Come out wherever you are! This isn't funny, honey. Please, Youngjae!" I desperately called out as I reached the end of the store.

I run out of the store, heading to the customer service counter in the shopping mall. I wipe my tears away but the tears kept coming. I slumped my body to the counter, shocking the woman sitting behind it.

"Please, help me. My son. My son is missing." I said. The woman stood up.

"Please calm down, sir. Take a deep breath then tell me how old is your son and what is he wearing the last time you saw him." The woman said. I followed her instructions, describing Youngjae's red polo shirt and white bermudas.

"Alright. Have a seat over there while I make the announcement." I nod before sitting down on the chairs provided. I brought my hands together as I sat down nervously.

Youngjae, where are you?

My son...

You have to come back...

I can't afford to lose you...

So yeah, I fast forwarded the fic again. You can blame my brain for that. I was stressed out from studies when I wrote this chap. Anyways, loving the comment so much. Free hugs for everyone!


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Chapter 48: Gahhh!!! Author-nim!!! Read this in one day! I'm impressed! Seriously though, how can I missed this? I have no idea...just kill me!!! You doing so good! And I hope to hear from you soon...can't even comment decently on each chaps because I'm in a need to read this wonderful story as fast as I could~ ahahah...,Thanks for sharing this author-nim! You are amazing!
Chapter 36: Brace myself~
Chapter 34: Jae is one dramatic agent! Ahaha...Gosh...poor Yunnie but, can't he feel J aura on Jaejoong?
Chapter 33: I cry too~~~ this is it...
Chapter 31: OMG!!! Me love Yunjae!!!
Chapter 29: Arggghhh!!! Just when Yunjae having their honeymoon~
Chapter 28: Yunjae=romantic+ert~ ahaha..honeymoon!!
Chapter 27: Aigoo!!! Poor Yoongwoung~ no wonder he despise Yun..his father though~ huh~
Chapter 26: Jaejoong!!! My Goshhh!!!
Chapter 24: Yunnie~~~ hehe...Minnie, seriously~ ahaha...