4.0 - Chapter 4

History Ex Libris

Hey guys, it's me, woobabylove0904!
This is the first time in....months(?) that I'm updating this story, because I'd previously lost the USB that the story was in, and now I finally found it! Yay~! I hope you didn't forget about me and the story? Well, if you did, I totally understand, and I'm expecting my subscribers to drop drastically as soon as this chapter is posted, but no hard feelings, right? Haha~ I hope you guys keep reading, and welcome to ALL my new readers, and welcome back to ALL my old readers! Well, happy reading!





Kris cursed under his breath as he looked at the watch around his wrist; seven-sixteen, he still had time. Abruptly coming to a stop, he quickly turned around and wove his way through the street. He was only a few blocks away from his apartment and if he could just get to the outskirts of the sidewalk, he could run there in less than five minutes. He tucked his briefcase under his arm and excused himself as he bumped the arm of a woman and stepped on the foot of a man. Cutting through the crowd, he finally reached the outskirts of the sidewalk and sprinted for his apartment.

The early morning crowds were one of the heaviest in Vancouver. People rush about to school and work, and Kris just happened to be one of them. He rushed across an intersection and stumbled to a stop. Pushing through the steady flow of people on either side of him, he finally managed to get to the front of the apartment complex. The High Estate was what it was called. The doorman welcomed him and he sprinted inside and up five flights of steps. The passcode for his lock was short and simple and in a matter of three minutes he managed to grab a few important files from his desktop and file out of the apartment, rejoining the nonstop flow of traffic. He checked the time; seven twenty-three, he had seven minutes and that was more than enough time to get to work without rushing. A relieved sigh left his lips and he started walking along to the flow of the crowd.

It was at times like these when he wishes he could just fly around like he did back when he was younger. He wished that he could feel that breeze gently tousling his hair and the wind carrying him around. It was times like those that he would grab Chanyeol or Tao, or grab Baekhyun's arm and take off on a run back to the men's wing to grab the spell book or the spell map that he'd forgotten for the day's class, but eventually he ended up flying both of them back to the training grounds, just before their lesson began. He missed those days, but he couldn't be stuck in the past forever. There was just too much at stake for him to wander off now.


The familiar sounds of the coffee shop soothed Bia as she handed a caramel macchiato to the tall, lanky customer before her with a smile. When their hands slightly touched, she could feel the boy's energy aura. It was low and dull, just like all humans. They didn't have energy like she or the twelve legends had. She grabbed a rag and whipped down the counter before glancing at the time and letting out a sigh of relief. She untied her apron and hung it back in the staff lounge before opening the blue locker and shouldering her long purse made of recycled baby bibs. She bid goodbye to some of her close co-workers and headed back to her apartment, just a few blocks down from the cafe she worked in. The night was young, and as she passed a large group of guys. She could recognize some of them from her university.

"Bia, right?" one asked as she turned at the voice. She nodded with a polite smile. The boy, she recognized, was a freshman at the university. He was one of the popular boys who kept tabs on many of the older girls that had a name at the university. As much as she hated to admit it, she has an established title as 'the beautiful maiden,' because of her unending status as single.

"What a surprise to meet you here! Where are you heading to? Maybe you could hang with us for a while." the boy said. Bia looked behind the somewhat short boy and saw a few boys from her year and some girls, watching her with weary eyes. She shook her head and put on a sorry smile.

"Ah, I would love to but I'm actually walking home to change for dinner with some of my parents colleagues. Maybe next time though...uhh..." she lied perfectly, stopping while searching for his name.

"Well that's too bad. And by the way, it's Hansung." he said, nodding to her.

With one last nod, Bia turned from the crowd and walked off, back on her track for home. She walked briskly, ignoring some of the eyes that followed her every move. She rounded a corner and stopped at the convenience store to buy a pack of toothpaste and the continued her way, briefly stopping to address a friend that she'd been somewhat close to for two years.

As she came to a crossing, she felt a strange presence from somewhere nearby. It was an essence none like the ones on Earth. As it drew closer, she could feel the real density of its energy. It was vaguely familiar, as if it was from her home, but something about it seemed strange and foreboding. Her heartbeat quickened as she felt it become more prominent. The pulse of its energy was like no other, and definitely not terrestrial.

Bia urged the signal to change so she could make a run from whatever was bound to start trailing her, but it stayed red, the hand not even showing any intensions to change. She turned her head from left to right and gaped at the numerous cars speeding down the long stretch of road. Right, rush hour. She waited for another three minutes, calculating the number of cars passing. A light sweat had started to form on her brow as she felt the throbbing deepen. It was getting closer, but at a slower pace than before. She finished counting the cars and sighed; she could make it.

“Maybe it’s broken? We should just wait until both of the lanes stop for the turning cars.” She vaguely heard from beside her. They were right. The signal hadn’t changed in over ten minutes.

Deciding to wait for the couple beside her to start walking, along with the other people, Bia tried to catch her breath. The source of the energy had just to her street, she could feel it. Every step of the way, she could feel its feet hitting the ground, sending out powerful waves of energy that pulsed through her body. She glanced at the couple beside her who were intently having a conversation. Then she looked to the woman beside her who seemed to be staring off into space. Focusing her sight back on the street, she urged the signal to change. It might’ve been a miracle, but as soon as she willed it to change, the green man appeared on its black surface. A wave of assurance flooded through her as she took her first step. But her assurance fell short when she felt a hand wrap around her wrist.

It was sudden and dangerous. The jerk of the two different energies colliding and then battling for dominance overthrew them both. Afterward, came the excruciating pain; the two essences joining as one, and molding into one another. Then, darkness; it was as if everything had stopped for just a brief moment, and they were the only ones there.

As she felt the hardness of floor underneath her back, Bia groaned and balled her fists, dictating herself to move. She was sore and she felt as if she’d been hit by a bus. As she curled her toes to try to get the circulation in her body to flow faster, she heard the small whimper and groan of a deep voice beside her. Forcing herself to stand up, with her muscles protesting heavily, she finally realized where she was.

“I didn’t know,” a slightly groggy voice exerted from somewhere below her. She looked down to see the dark skin, plump lips, and sleepy eyes of Kai sitting before her, stretching out his arms and legs, and craning his neck for some kind of movement. She felt herself freeze in all movement as soon as she realized who had grabbed her wrist and sent all that energy against her own.

“I didn’t know someone else, other than us twelve were here on Earth, much less in Seoul.” He stated, pushing himself up to somewhat meet her eyes, immediately corresponding their height difference. She felt herself drawing away from him, slightly threatened by his death stare and prowess.

"You weren't supposed to know." her lips formed, to her own surprise. Kai furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips, searching through her expression.

"Who are you?" he questioned, voice low and unnerving. Bia could see the insecurities, flash through his eyes. He bit his bottom lip in anticipation in her answer. Stretching out her hand, she looked straight into his eyes.

"I can show you…”





Alright guys, and for a treat to you guys~!

This one is older

And this is Jongin being cute!!!!

Credit to owner!


Thanks so much for reading guys! I really appreciate it! Also, don't forget to comment and subscribe!!!!! 8D

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qarisha #1
Chapter 6: yey.....thats a great chapter...plz update.....
jellyfriedgreen7 #2
Chapter 6: Hmmm, I sort of don't remember what's all happened before... but oohhh emmm geeez, Kai-Bia stuffs coming up...
sayuriNami #3
Chapter 6: Ohhhh finally!!!!
Chapter 6: Yay! You finally updated this story! Great author-nim.. Great job!
Chapter 5: ... love it. Are you planning on updating or is it cancelled? Just curious =)
Hey, I'm a new reader. I love your story~ ^^ It's unique compared to other EXO stories I've read. I'm looking forward to your next update~ :)
sayuriNami #7
Wooo. Super excited with the next one~~~
The vignettes of all the members in different places makes this really adorable, seeing Exo living their lives with super powers. Suho's my Exo-K bias so I loved him here. 8D
jellyfriedgreen7 #9
Kekeke, Suho talking to the shark~ What a cutiee!
Luhan taking an interest in a girl?? How did that happen??