3.0 - Chapter 3

History Ex Libris

Okay guys, as you cantell, I've deleted the previous two chapters that weren't really chapters. And I just wanted to apologize before i updated the chapter. I was away for a bit this week and I did have my laptop with me, but like the horrible person I am, I didn;t write at all. I knew that it was going to be difficult to update last week since I kind of forgot about eveyrthing I'd written since I had so many chapters writen already, so some of the plot and characters have changes, not that it will show for you guys though. I hope you forgive my absence, neven though I promised an update, and if you've read my other stories or collections, I do that a lot! I'm really sorry, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!




Working at the aquarium could never be tiring for Suho, one because he loved taking care of all the amazing animals there, and two he was surrounded by water day and night, giving him energy when needed it. As he dipped his way around the large rocks in the fish tank, he put on a small smile and approached some of the large sharks. They eyed him skillfully and moved away, sensing some sort of danger. Suho rolled his eyes. Every time he fed the sharks it was always the same thing:  they would move away from him because of the unfamiliar yet familiar atmosphere that he brought with him, only to remember him a bit later, seemingly approaching him in a quite friendly manner.

He’d created a quite close relationship with the sharks, being able to tame them well due to his powers. He drifted near a smaller shark that seemed eager to see him and pulled out the bait, waiting for it to approach him willingly. Ever-so-slightly, the shark came near the bait, nudged it a bit and opened its mouth wide and snatched the fish right from his hands. A smile formed on his lips as the shark came near him again, this time nudging his arm. It was different this time, unlike the way it nudged the prey. It was somewhat loveable, or something a friend would do to another friend, something like a playful shove.

He made his rounds, feeding the sharks and petting them as he went around. He also tossed a few cut up shrimp to the smaller fish, gleefully watching their bright colors swim around him. The small ring in his ear signaled him only a few more minutes with the oxygen tank. He looked up to see a familiar dark-skinned figure above him. With a thumbs-up, he turned to leave the tank when he caught the same small shark, approaching a blue-tailed fish. His face turned grim as he approached the hunter and prey, hoping to get there in time. With a small movement, he created a water blockade as the fish passed him and the shark neared. It ran straight into the clear wall of water and jumped back in shock, turning to Suho. A quizzical expression lined the shark’s face, but it was obvious that he got his message through:  no feeding on the other fish in the tank.

When he pulled himself up, Suho found three of his friends worriedly scanning over him for any kind of medical needs.

“Your oxygen ran out three minutes ago, we were worried that something might have happened to you.” Baruti, a close friend of his who also worked at the aquarium, stated. Deep lines of worry creased his forehead, but Suho smiled.

“I’m fine. I told you, the water loves me, it can’t harm me.” He explained, a glint of a sarcastic smile lining his lips. The three boys before him nodded innocently as Suho took off all of his diving gear. He smiled to himself and started back down to ground level to change back into his work uniform.

Fixing his nametag, he smiled at the window behind him. The shorelines of Cape Town were a wonder to him. They were aqua blue with numerous species of fish in its colorful reefs. He loved it in this town. He loved the people, although they certainly did look quite different from himself, a classified Asian, but nonetheless, he loved everything about this city.


Bia stood in front of the hotel on the way back home from her classes. The large banner at the top signified the Scholar’s Association Ball would be held there. She watched as a few people she recognized from some of her classes rushed in and out of the hotel, voluntarily helping to set up for the night’s event. She couldn’t help but marvel at the wonderful colors that the decorations at the entrance put up.; gold and silver, cascading into a sea of aqua and green. She felt herself smile. Maybe if she was a normal human girl, she would be going to this ball with her friends or maybe a date. She might just have the best night of her life. Maybe she would even have a boyfriend…

No. Quickly pushing those thoughts away, Bia started her way back to the apartment. She couldn’t waste any more time thinking about humanly matters. Once she reached the apartment, she quickly set aside her stuff and shut the curtains. Without wasting more time, she closed her eyes and drifted into her thoughts.


It hadn’t been his fault. Those boys were being unfair to a small child. They were going to him, and he couldn’t just walk by and ignore what was going on in the alleyway. No. But he didn’t mean it to end like that. He didn’t want to crush any of them with his strength. He didn’t want to break bones or fracture limbs, only help the child who ran away in the end. This was how he was. He just couldn’t control himself anymore.

D.O shook as he thought about what had just happened. He was out for lunch, quickly trying to grab a snack wrap or something, and then he saw those kids. He wanted to help, so he did. He looked at his hands and saw them pale and clean, but still overflowing with power. He was just too strong.

“D.O?” the familiar voice whispered. He looked up from his hands and found Haeun, his girlfriend, carefully approaching him. He shifted a little as she sat beside him and took his hands, causing him to squirm in her grip, making her eyebrows furrow.

“It’s not your fault, you were just trying to help.” She tried to reassure him, but it didn’t work. No matter how hard she tried to calm him down, he would just shake his head and shut her out.

This hadn’t been the first time he’s gone too far with himself. It happened the first year he was there in New York. He’d fallen endlessly in love with Haeun, but hadn’t had the nerves to confess to her because she already had a boyfriend. But one day, he was going home a few weeks before high school graduation, and he’s heard whimpers in the locker room. He thought someone was hurt so he went in, only to find her boyfriend about to hit her again. There was blood on her face and hands and she was crying and whimpering and backing away from him. He became so fumed. That’s when he’d lost it. Haeun didn’t care though. Her boyfriend had deserved it.

After that, he promised not to lose it again, but it had happened, just a few hours ago. He pulled away from Haeun and curled up into a ball in the corner of his bed. Silent tears streamed his cheeks, but he didn’t make a sound. He couldn’t. He was too ashamed to.


Bia knew what was going on. They were getting stronger even though they weren’t practicing their powers at all. She pushed herself up and stumbled out of the dark room, only to be greeted by the darkness in her hallway. It was dark out now. Cursing to herself, she the lights and made her way to the desk in her room. She scrambled through the notes for some of her classes and then her mind started drifting.


“You have to be strong. Focus!” the man’s voice barked from behind her. She forcibly closed her eyes tighter and tried to drown out the shouts of the man behind her. Her mind flickered with images, but she couldn’t make them out. A smile, a table, a hand; the focus blurred and soon, she lost all concentration and felt herself fall forward from exhaustion.

“You fool! You’ll never be ready to help the Legends! This is why women will never be able to protect the Tree of Life!” the man’s voice faded away and Bia was left there, the cold floor beneath her offering no sense of sympathy.

She pushed herself up using all her energy and started out of the meditation room that was set aside for all of her training to become the protector. Her whole body ached from the morning’s combat and physical training, and she had a throbbing headache from all her mental training. She stumbled a bit, but caught herself. She was in the courtyard of the temple and she was about to head straight to the small women’s wing at the far right when she saw a pair of eyes watching her.

She knew those eyes. They were sharp and curious and very much like her own. She gulped down a lump in and looked away. She hated the boy that was watching her from the far left of the courtyard, coming from the men’s wing. She hated him for being who he was. She hated Baekhyun.


Bia felt herself slightly trembling as she took deep breaths to clear her mind. She never thought about those memories during the day. Furrowing her eyebrows, she closed her eyes and looked into her energy lines. Everything seemed normal except for a small streak of black that was slowly fading. Something was controlling her memories just now, but she couldn’t figure out exactly what.

An ominous feeling started creeping up her spine, but she blew it away. As she got up to head back to the other room, she caught sight of the small picture that was hanging out of the booklet on her dresser. Slightly hitching her breath, she grabbed it roughly and tossed it into the dresser. Then running her hand through her slightly distorted hair, she traveled back to the other room and sat on the yoga mat once again.


It was impossible, yet everything in the room was levitating in the air. Luhan smiled and gently set everything down again, just to pick things back up after a minute. He didn’t have much to do since he’d been in Austria. It was hopeless in this small town of a population of approximately thirty-five. He also lived in the higher, much higher regions of the town and also didn’t even bother trying to make friends.

The people were nice to him, but not friendly. They stared at him like he was crazy and some even avoided him. It was mainly because of the huge difference in looks and diversity. Luhan had lived in the city for a few months before coming to this town and was used to the diverse types of people there, but this town was all just one kind of people and they didn’t like accepting foreigners, much less strangers from just out of town.

A small knock came at the door and Luhan jerked his head up. No one ever, never in his whole life on Earth, showed up at his door. No one. With a tilt of his head and a curious stance, Luhan opened the door. The girl before him was beautiful. She had short cropped honey colored hair with large brown eyes and thin pink lips. She was shorter than Luhan by a few centimeters and a smile was etched to her lips.

“Hello, I just moved in just below your residence two days ago and I was just stopping by to say hello. My name is Serim. I heard you were the only other Asian living in town.” Her soft voice lulled Luhan in and it took him a while to process what she was saying.

“Oh, yea, I’m the only Asian here. My name’s Luhan and welcome to our small town.” He replied, a grin plastering his face as he shook her hand.

“Would you like to come in for some tea?” he asked, glancing behind him at the slightly messy home of his. Serim smiled but shook her head lightly.

“No thank you, I have to go back down soon. But my mother would love to invite you for dinner tomorrow.” Her voice slightly rose in excitement. Luhan chuckled at her adorable expression and nodded.

“I’ll be there at around 6:30?” he questioned. Serim nodded and waved, taking the crooked path back down into the lower part of town. A smile spread on Luhan’s lips as he closed the door and out of excitement, he accidentally threw a book across the room. Surprised by his actions, Luhan snickered to himself and ran to his room, carefully planning his outfit for tomorrow.


She was in an endless black dream, dark smoke and flames rising from the floor and her standing in the middle of a giant circle. Her arms were scorched and her legs were torn with pieces of flesh hanging loosely. Strangely though, she didn’t feel the pain.

“You’re weak.”

Bia in a breath, only to let it out by coughing dramatically. The smoke was the only thing affecting her.

“You’re useless.”

Her fists clenched at the words, but she couldn’t move. All she could do was take in the smoke infested air and choke.

“You can’t protect anyone, not yourself, your mother, or your precious father.”

Bia squirmed under the pressure and lack of oxygen, but she couldn’t get out. She tried to shout back at the voice, but nothing came out of . Suddenly, a blinding light filled the room and Baekhyun stood before her, smirking. He gripped her arm and slowly smiled, nodding his head. Then a moment later, Kai appeared beside her and he gripped her shoulder and they disappeared.



And before I run off to start writting chapter 4, I'll leave you guys with what I think will be my favorite Kaisoo gif EVER. I know you guys have seen it before.


And my manip again because I love it~~~


History Ex Libris 2012 ©


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qarisha #1
Chapter 6: yey.....thats a great chapter...plz update.....
jellyfriedgreen7 #2
Chapter 6: Hmmm, I sort of don't remember what's all happened before... but oohhh emmm geeez, Kai-Bia stuffs coming up...
sayuriNami #3
Chapter 6: Ohhhh finally!!!!
Chapter 6: Yay! You finally updated this story! Great author-nim.. Great job!
Chapter 5: ... love it. Are you planning on updating or is it cancelled? Just curious =)
Hey, I'm a new reader. I love your story~ ^^ It's unique compared to other EXO stories I've read. I'm looking forward to your next update~ :)
sayuriNami #7
Wooo. Super excited with the next one~~~
The vignettes of all the members in different places makes this really adorable, seeing Exo living their lives with super powers. Suho's my Exo-K bias so I loved him here. 8D
jellyfriedgreen7 #9
Kekeke, Suho talking to the shark~ What a cutiee!
Luhan taking an interest in a girl?? How did that happen??