2.0 - Chapter 2

History Ex Libris

“Daddy, why won’t you come and live with me and mommy?” Bia asked the tall handsome man that towered over her with a delicate smile. He reached down and lifted her up so that they were eye-level.

“Because honey, daddy has important work to do.”


“You’re a liar!” Bia screamed at the top of her lungs. The man who wasn’t now too much taller than her cringed at her loud voice.

“Listen to me, Bia.” He pleaded calmly, but Bia refused. She covered her ears with her palms and fell onto her . Her tears stained her flawless face, and her father didn’t know what to do.

“You told me that you loved her…you told me that you loved me…but I should have known! You never had enough time to play with me, and whenever you came to see me, you would always give me a boy’s toys! You’re a liar!” She screamed again.


Bia shot up from her sleep, panting for air. Her clothes were drenched in a cold sweat and her hair stuck to her face. Regaining her posture, she looked over to the clock. It had only been four hours since she fell asleep, but now she couldn’t go back. Not after those horrible nightmares that haunted her for many years. The worst part was that they weren’t just nightmares, but reality.

Climbing out of her bed, she pulled off her wet shirt and threw a new one on. Then, slipping on a pair of running shoes, she headed out of her apartment. Running was her way of relieving stress. Whenever she found time on her hands, she would take a short sprint around the park and would find herself feeling refreshed.

The world seemed peacefully dead as she ran the path in the nearby park. It was almost five and no living soul was awake yet. A bird whistled a happy tune far off in a tree and a slight smile appeared on her lips. It had been a while since she had done much of anything but go from university to watching the boys and right now, she was enjoying her time to herself.

As she slowly neared the apartments, she could feel the boy’s presence. It was strange since she didn’t feel it unless he was somewhere close and it worried her, until she saw it. There was a small blur in the air just in front of the doors to complex C, and then the same lone figure that she had watched for the past three years appeared before her eyes. He hadn’t noticed her walking his way just yet, and she had to smile. He was at least practicing his powers in some kind of way and that assured Bia even more.

As she approached him, he must’ve felt her presence too because he looked up and completely froze. She smiled to him and as she passed him, she could feel his nervousness. A smirk lined her lips and she made her way up to her apartment.


A furious wind shook Sehun’s small compartment and he frowned. It was rare that a windstorm could sweep over his and actually cause him to worry. He didn’t practice his power much now, and that would explain why he was a bit shabby at avoiding the winds, but this storm wasn’t even all that strong. He furrowed his eyebrows and sat back at his desk.

The calendar marked the day as May 13. It had been exactly 1,096 days since he had arrived on Earth; in Cairo to be exact. There had to be a pattern for the days, but he still hadn’t found one.

Sighing, he looked out the window again. The winds were heavier and it was becoming hard for him to direct the stronger winds away from his small compartment which wasn’t meant for storms, period. Taking a pen into his hand, Sehun flipped open a small notebook. Many notes were in it, but none of them proved useful to him.

Before they were sent away, his father had told him about a prophecy. It had stated something about the darkness and other forces, but before the next generation of guardians took over, they were sent away to a planet called Earth to hide until the time was right. They never got a chance to read the prophecy, and it was killing him slowly. His curiosity grew as the day went by and for some reason he had a feeling that the time was nearing.


Bia could feel Sehun’s frustration in her own self. She was the only one who knew the prophecy. Once she had been told it, she never forgot those haunting words. They were just too much for her then, but now it seemed to be more real than it was scary.

Looking at the time, she shuddered. She would have to leave for her classes down at the university soon, but she had about an hour still. Closing her eyes again, she focused her thoughts to the coast of Thailand. She could practically smell the salty sea and hear the waves crashing onto the shore, and soon enough, she was by the boy’s side.


Chen smiled as he reached down to pat the little girl’s head. She gave him a wonderful and sweet smile before running off to her friends at the playground. He held the small flower in his hands and wondered why she had given it to him.

Chen was a helper at the daycare just a few blocks off from his house. After he got off from work at the Phuket Animal Shelter, he would make his way to the daycare and helped look after and play with the children. They had an odd attraction to him and every single one of them loved him. He had been doing this for the last three years. Helping the kids and seeing them come and go; it was something he loved to do.

Turning away from the kids and looking up at the sky, he could hear a slight rumble in the distance. A storm was coming. Pursing his lips, he turned back to the kids. He hated it when it stormed because the kids wouldn’t be able to play outside, but he had to bring them in before the rain started.

“Guys, let’s head back inside. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.” He called out with his gentle and smooth voice. With a small sound of complaint, all the kids started to file inside. Once they were all in, Chen looked up to the darkened sky, and soon he felt a raindrop on his arm.

As he sat at the window and watched the rain pour down onto the pavement, he shuddered. There would be lots of thunder and lightning tonight, he could already feel his fingers tingling for some fun. But he had quit using his powers long ago. Maybe today was the day that he restarted. Looking down at his fingers, he could see the currents of electricity running up and down his fingers. Then, he looked to the kids and smiled as one of them slipped of a block and started to cry. Rushing to the child’s side, he helped her up and calmed her down.


As Bia wrote down the last of her professor’s words, she packed her stuff and started her walk to a nearby café, where she would sit for a while before having to go back to her apartment. As she walked down the open halls, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around and saw a boy from one of her classes. His features were handsome and he was tall and she remembered his name to be Mingyu.

“Hey, Bia.” He said with a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. Bia just nodded and stared up at him, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

“The Scholar’s Association Ball tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would go with me.” He asked, his voice quivering for a second. In her mind, she rolled her eyes, but she gave him the sweetest, sorriest smile she could manage and frowned.

“I’m really sorry, but I’m visiting my parents tomorrow, and they really want to see me since tomorrow’s also my birthday.” She lied. Making up excuses for not going out with guys had become a piece of cake to her now. The boy’s expression fell and he nodded slowly.

“Oh, I understand…well happy birthday.” He muttered and turned from her.

She had been asked to the Scholar’s Association Ball seven times in the last two weeks and every time she had said no. She didn’t understand males in the human world and chose not to familiarize herself with them. They were too dull and stupid for her, and none of them were attractive in her eyes.

When she made it to the café, she could definitely feel some of the boys using their powers. One was a strong pulse and it had to be Kai, Chanyeol, or Tao, but some of the others were weak and slow, but it was a power pulse. Sipping her latte, Bia pulled out her notes from today day. It was better to hurry and study up instead of going to class Monday and not knowing anything.

While trying to memorize the laws of physics, Bia felt someone’s glare on her and looked up, only to find yet another boy from her college. She couldn’t recall his name, but he was also tall and lean and very attractive. There was a slight smile of his face as he sat down across from her and leaned in.

“Hey there, Bia.” He said. With a forced yet very natural looking smile, Bia nodded.

“Yea?” She asked, pulling off the innocent look simply.

“So, you know about the Scholar’s Association Ball, right?” He asked with a greasy smile. Bia shuddered and rolled her eyes mentally but nodded.

“Yea, what about it?” She asked.

“You and me at the ball. Together. A date?” he suggested. Frowning a little, Bia sighed.

“I’m sorry, but I have to visit my parents tomorrow. And it’s my birthday so they won’t let me skip this visit. I’m really sorry, but know that you’re only the eighth guy I’ve turned down.” She rejected, her voice turning suddenly cocky and sarcastic. With a smirk, she stood up from her seat, flashed him a wonderful smile, and made her way out. His eyes followed her; with his jaw still dropped, not believing that he had just gotten rejected. With a chuckle, Bia pushed open the door, only to quickly glance back and see Kai watching her with a small smirk on his face.

As she walked toward the park and to her apartment complex, she could hear and feel someone staring intently and following her. She made her turn into the complex and she stopped and turned around, shooting the person behind her a glare, only to find Kai completely baffled by her actions.

“Sorry, just trying to get home.” He said, and then smiled. Bia let out a sigh and smiled too.

“I really thought you were some stranger slash creeper.” She announced and Kai chuckled.

“It’s okay. But I saw that you were pretty smart with your words back there.” He mentioned the scene that had occurred just about ten minutes ago. Nodding and looking down, Bia nodded.

“I do; somewhat. Guys just annoy the heck out of me. They’re always just looking for a pretty girl to brag to their friends.” She replied. A smirk appeared on Kai’s face as he raised an eyebrow.

“So you don’t have to visit your parents and it’s not your birthday?” he asked. Taking a moment to hesitate, Bia shook her head. Kai gave out a small laugh and nodded.

“Well, I gotta get going, so I’ll see you around.” He said and started walking off in the direction of his house. Bia smiled and waved him goodbye.

When she got into her house, she felt a slight blush creep onto her face. She had never talked to him for more than maybe twenty seconds, but this time it was longer and he seemed to be intrigued by her. As a smile crept up to her lips, she dropped it before it even got to the corner. She wouldn’t allow herself to become close to any of them; at least, not yet.

As she walked into her room to change, she looked to the calendar and sighed. She had told everyone a lie about her parents, but not her birthday; of course, except Kai. But she couldn’t tell him that her birthday was tomorrow, not when it was the same day as him…

Excusing that thought from her minds, she grabbed a bottle of water and headed to her dark, curtained room. She needed to keep checking up on everyone. There were only four days left.


Making his way back to his small house with his guitar and a wad of cash in hand, Xiumin smiled widely. He had made good business today with the tourist passerby’s. As summer was nearing, his smaller business was gaining more and more attention in the crowd full of street performers. Rio was a busy place this time of the year with many tourists and festivities. It was a good time to try to spare come extra cash. Of course he didn’t need much of it, but it was to help the small local orphanage.

“Olá.” He heard from someone nearby. He turned to an old lady who was selling small gifts in her small vendor. She smiled to him gently and gestured for him to come closer.

With a hint of hesitation, he did. She was a frail old woman, but with her soft smile and white hair, she looked harmless and quite pleasant. Once Xiumin got closer to her, he could see that she wasn’t Brazilian, but an old Asian woman just like him, or at least, what he was classified as on this planet.

“Kumuha ito sa labas, ito ay darating sa madaling-magamit na mamaya.” She said, and without saying anything else, she shoved a quite large wooden box at him and smiled. Startled, Xiumin started to say something, but she just shook her head and told him to go away. As he stepped further away, her words started to form a sentence in his head: “Take these with you, it’ll come in handy later.” A strange feeling crept up inside him, but he bowed to the lady and went on his way to his house.

A few blocks off, he was standing in front of the orphanage. He opened the door silently and made his way to the office. Once he entered, he smiled to the old couple who ran the orphanage, Maria and Luis. Their faces brightened as Xiumin placed his guitar at the doorway and walked over to them, giving them both hugs.

“Você veio de novo, meu rapaz.” Maria said. At first Xiumin’s head was blank, but then he understood her clearly: “You’ve come again, my boy.”

“Yep. And I’ve brought a fair amount of money with me. It’s still a bit low, but it’ll get better in the next few weeks.” He replied. Luis clapped in glee.

It wasn’t a surprise for the orphanage. They felt better in the past three summers because of Xiumin and his generous donations to the orphanage. It was as if he was their angel that was sent down from heaven, and they thanked him day after day.

Before the kids would get up and storm into the office to see Xiumin, he left, giving all of his street money to the orphanage; total amount of R$507, just from that day. Tourists from the European countries were more generous than others, and today had been an extremely good day.

As he arrived at his house, he smiled at the sweet scents of the fresh flowers in his yard. They randomly spotted his yard like decorations and they were arranged in such a fashion that people thought he actually tended to his yard, but he didn’t. All he did was mow the lawn and just stare at the wild flowers that patched themselves to a gorgeous picture every year.

He placed his guitar in his room and then placed the wooden box on his desk. Staring at the strangely carved out design on the box, he felt a familiarity to it. Cocking his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows, he thought that he had seen this somewhere back in home, but then changed his mind. With a shrug of his shoulders, he placed the box in his closet and sighed.

He would need to go to work soon and work was something he didn’t enjoy. But with a deep breath, he hopped in the shower to wash the grime and dirt from his day work and to get into his uniform for work at the jazz café behind the counter. Soon he would be off to another night of jazz and liquor.


Bia gasped for air as she came back from Rio. Furrowing her eyebrows, she focused her thoughts to the box. He hadn’t tried to open it, but somehow, she felt as if it would come in handy later on. Withdrawing the curtains from the windows, she peered out the window and caught sight of Kai, dragging a bag of trash from his complex to the dump.

Turning away, Bia sipped her water and ran her hand through her slightly damp hair. She always had trouble concentrating on the ones like Xiumin and so she would break out into a small sweat. Taking her notebook from her desk, she wrote down the things she saw about that wooden box. There was something important in there and she needed to know what it was. There were those things that she needed to find for each of them on this planet, and that just might be her answer.




Hey guys, I was wanting to update yesterday, but AFF was going nuts on me so, I'll update today~ :)
I've currently been stuck with chapter eight, hence I haven't updated, but I've broken that this morning! Whoot-whoot!
I'll update tomorrow also, for you guys since feel bad for being a horrible author and being slack on updating /le sobs.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and subscribe~ (It'll help me finish chapter eight and maybe in celebration, I'll update again! :D)

Okay, is it me, or is Minseok like the cutest thing in the world? /le coos

Aww, Kaistal is perfect for each other~~~ This picture looks so real...only if it was... *sobs*

 Okay, and who else is like totally digging Kai's new hair??? I'm like totally in LOVE with it! *wiggles eyebrows*


History Ex Libris 2012 ©

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qarisha #1
Chapter 6: yey.....thats a great chapter...plz update.....
jellyfriedgreen7 #2
Chapter 6: Hmmm, I sort of don't remember what's all happened before... but oohhh emmm geeez, Kai-Bia stuffs coming up...
sayuriNami #3
Chapter 6: Ohhhh finally!!!!
Chapter 6: Yay! You finally updated this story! Great author-nim.. Great job!
Chapter 5: ... love it. Are you planning on updating or is it cancelled? Just curious =)
Hey, I'm a new reader. I love your story~ ^^ It's unique compared to other EXO stories I've read. I'm looking forward to your next update~ :)
sayuriNami #7
Wooo. Super excited with the next one~~~
The vignettes of all the members in different places makes this really adorable, seeing Exo living their lives with super powers. Suho's my Exo-K bias so I loved him here. 8D
jellyfriedgreen7 #9
Kekeke, Suho talking to the shark~ What a cutiee!
Luhan taking an interest in a girl?? How did that happen??