
Starting off on the Wrong Foot

Chapter 24 – Chances


“I think you deserve a chance to explain yourself,” she said to him with a small smile gracing her face.

Yonghwa continued staring at her thinking she was playing with him. Even though he had left her for a good reason, a very good reason actually, she didn’t know that. Did he really mean that much to her that she would let it slide if he explained himself? He felt like asking her if she was just screwing around with his feelings, but it would probably insult her so he decided against it.

“Are you serious Seohyun? You would really listen to what I had to say?” Yonghwa questioned.

“Yeah, you said you had a good reason for it. As much as it hurt me for you to leave, if you really did love me like you say you did it must have been important. I… I still… I mean… ahem, yeah so just go ahead with your story. I promise I’ll listen well,” she responded weakly. The truth was she was a little afraid of his reasons for leaving, but her feelings for him hadn’t faded in the four years he was gone. She hoped with all her heart that she could once again have him by her side.

“First thing is first,” he said as he stood up from the bench. Seohyun’s eyes followed his body as it moved in front of her and he dropped to his knees rather forcefully. Yonghwa’s eyes filled with tears that instantly began to run down his cheeks. “Seohyun, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left you like that. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but it’s something I desperately want. I didn’t forget you for a single second all 1450 days that I wasn’t by your side.”

“Yonghwa…” she mumbled, trying desperately to keep her eyes from following the actions of his. “Get up Yonghwa, you don’t need to do this. I’ll listen to everything you have to say, just please get up.” She couldn’t bear to see someone who was always so happy and laid-back in that state.

Yonghwa wiped the tears from his eyes and sat back down on the wooden bench. If they weren’t currently separated still, it would have been a perfect night to sit on the bench, hugging tightly, and enjoying the fresh night air. It took Yonghwa a few minutes to recover from his sniffling, but eventually he opened his mouth to retell his story.

“Ye Ji…” he growled through grinding teeth. “That person… that witch… that piece of trash that isn’t even human, she did this. I have never hated a person in my life, ever. Whenever someone was aggressive to me or showed hatred towards me I ignored them. However, that thing named Moon Ye Ji is something that I truly hate. If there was one person in this world I would get rid of with my bare hands, it would be that piece of .”

Seohyun watched him in fear as his hands gripped his pants in tight fists while his whole body shook in anger. Yonghwa was right, he never showed any sort of negative feelings towards anyone, at least since she had known him. Hearing Ye Ji’s name also angered her but nowhere near the extent it angered Yonghwa. Seohyun figured that Ye Ji must have done something incredibly despicable for Yonghwa to act like this.

“I didn’t leave Korea because I wanted to. I was forced to leave. I know that it seems dumb, and she didn’t exactly hold a gun to my head. She did hold the gun to someone else’s head though,” he explained.

“What? What do you mean?”

“I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I guess it’s okay now.” Before he began to speak again he cleared his throat and let out a deep sigh, probably to try to calm himself a little bit. “Ye Ji had people ready to kill your family, friends, and anything that was close to you. If I didn’t meet her at the airport the night I left you the note, everyone would have died. She even tried to kill Jinwoon when he was going to report her to the police.”

“What..? Yonghwa repeat what you just said. Did I hear that right?”

“Ye Ji had information on all the girls you call your sisters. She knew where they lived, where they worked, and anything about their location you could ever know. She had records of your father’s business and how she could buy him out and put him in the street with a simple phone call. I was in her hands. I had to keep my promise to you, the promise to protect you. I couldn’t let her do that, so I put my happiness aside for yours.”

Seohyun couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Ye Ji was really that much of a monster? How could everyone have been so blind and not seen it coming? Seohyun cursed herself for ever admiring and trusting someone like her.

“Did Ye Ji really hate me that much?” Seohyun asked herself. With that question, a rush of memories flashed through her head. She heard screams and grunts, she felt a grip on both of her arms, and finally she felt a sharp burst of pain on the back of her head. 

“Ye Ji… she was the one that attacked me that night on the beach in Busan. How could I have not remembered that until now? Aish, how did I ever trust that person? Yonghwa this is a little too hard to believe. Was Ye Ji really that evil of a person,” Seohyun questioned.

“Yeah, she was a monster. She kept me locked inside the house for all those four years. She gave me anything I asked for and she even allowed me to get some private tutoring in music and songwriting. Of course that helped me get this job today, but the hell she put me through was not worth it,” he continued.

“What happened to her? How did you get back to Korea?”

“One day she let her guard down. I found out where her father worked and called him. Since he is a rich man he got dozens of investigators on her trail. Turns out she had been illegally gaining money through blackmail, intimidation and even murder. He got the South Korean police to work with the American police and they raided the house I was kept in. They put guards near any of her potential targets and eventually caught all her thugs.”

“Yonghwa you better not be lying. This story seems a little too move-like for me to believe,” Seohyun criticized. She wanted to believe what he was saying, but it was just a little too unrealistic.

“I’m not lying. Ye Ji was captured and taken to prison in America. I think they South Korean officials are planning to have her imprisoned in a Korean jail since they have the jurisdiction over her. I don’t care what they do with her as long as she stays 50 miles away from me. I feel nauseous just remembering her name. I feel like such an idiot for ever associating with her in the first place,” he cursed himself.

“Yonghwa it’s not your fault she was crazy. You were just being yourself. She told me the story about how she met you and it seemed like she genuinely liked you. I guess she went off the deep end when the only person who truly ever cared about her left her side,” Seohyun sympathized. Although Ye Ji was despicable, there was room for the slightest amount of sympathy for her in Seohyun’s heart. It wasn’t Ye Ji’s fault the world left her all alone since she was a child.

“I’m just glad it’s over. I never want to see that woman again in my life. She ruined mine and now I hope she is rotting in jail,” Yonghwa angrily hoped. It was unlike Yonghwa to say such things which surprised Seohyun. She understood now that Ye Ji must have really hurt Yonghwa in order for him to act that way. Then a strange thought creeped into her head. What did Ye Ji do to him that disgusted him so much? Of course the whole plan was revolting but there had to be something else.

“Um, Yonghwa,” Seohyun began awkwardly. “Did by any chance Ye Ji…?”

Yonghwa stared at Seohyun expecting a question after her stuttering and flustered expression. “Did she what?”

“You seem so disgusted by her, so I was wondering if um she…” Seohyun continued to pause. She was thankful the light the park lamps gave off was too weak to reveal the deep red color of her cheeks.

“Spit it out Seohyun,” Yonghwa ordered, growing a little impatient at her. Dense as ever, Yonghwa was not getting the clues that anyone else would have gotten.

“Since you seem sick to your stomach when you mention Ye Ji… Did she hurt you in a way that scarred you? What I mean to say is, did she take away your, um innocence,” Seohyun put it in a naïve and childish way. She could have flat out asked, ‘Did she you?,’ but the word definitely did not belong in .

“Seohyun,” Yonghwa said with a chuckle. “Are you serious? Are you trying to ask if Ye Ji ever me?” Seohyun nodded shyly and turned away to avoid Yonghwa’s gaze. “Ahahahahahahaha Seohyun that’s the funniest thing I have heard tonight. Are you really wondering about that?”

“Shut up! I was just curious. I don’t think about stuff like that, I’m not a byuntae like you!” she exclaimed in her defense. Yonghwa was glad Seohyun asked that naïve question since it lightened up the gloomy mood his story had set up. He supposed although Seohyun changed over the last four years, she was still the cute and childish girl he fell in love with.

“To answer your question, no I wasn’t. She didn’t really try to initiate physical contact with me. I think she just needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t alone. She was obsessed with me but not for my body. I think she just needed emotional support. I guess that’s why she never really touched me and only wanted to make me happy,” Yonghwa supposed. Seohyun unconsciously let out a sigh of relief, causing her to slap a hand over . Yonghwa laughed at her once more for being relieved that Ye Ji hadn’t touched him in inappropriate ways.

“You’re such a ert Seohyun. I wonder what else runs through that little head of yours,” he joked. He raised his hand and began to pat her head, his hand eventually running down to her cheek. He caressed it gently, letting his fingers enjoy the softness of her skin. His head instinctively began to lower itself towards her, closing the gap between their lips.

Seohyun felt his breath escaping his mouth, warming the surface of her lips. She instinctively closed her eyes and also began to lean towards his face. Just as their lips were going to make contact, she shoved him to the side and a loud slap echoed throughout the park.

“Yah! Why the hell did you just slap me?!” Yonghwa yelled.

“That’s what you get for trying to make out with someone who isn’t your girlfriend you byuntae,” Seohyun responded defiantly. “I refuse to do anything like that with players like you. I think I should go now,” she joked. Yonghwa just pouted and clutched the cheek that had been assaulted by her right hand, hoping that the burning sensation would soon disappear.

“Seohyun,” he began in a serious tone that wiped the small smile off of her face. “I wasn’t kidding with that song back at the ceremony. I’ll wait however long you want me to. Even if I have to wait one hundred years, I’ll wait. Even if I die and aren’t a part of this world anymore, I’ll wait. No matter what it takes, I’ll wait for your heart to come back to me.”

“Yonghwa…” she began before getting cut off.

“I don’t need to hear your answer now. Your friends are probably waiting for you at the ceremony. Go on Miss Princess of Korea, your people are waiting,” he joked. He grabbed her hand and forced her to stand up, nodding in the direction of the building. “Go before I try any more of my ‘byuntae’ tricks on you, hehe.”

“Pabo, idiot, … Why didn’t you let me tell you that my heart already belonged to you?” Seohyun thought while she walked out of the park. She turned around to see Yonghwa calmly looking up at the sky, as if he were looking for the answers to his problems amongst the tiny dots of light scattered in it. “I’ve been such a selfish since you came back. How painful must it have been for you to leave like that, for me of all people? Why does someone like you chase someone as worthless as me? Jung Yonghwa, you’re such a bastard for making me fall so hard for you.”

“Seohyun!” she heard Yonghwa yell from a distance. “Tomorrow ride the route 280 bus until the last stop at noon. Get off at the last stop and you’ll find a surprise!”

“Route 280 bus..?” she mumbled to herself. “I wonder what the heck he wants me to do there.”

“Be there or else!” he continued to yell.

“You better not be pulling some trick on me Yonghwa!” she responded with a yell. “I’ll make you wish you didn’t come back to Korea if you do anything stupid. I have fanboys by my side so you better watch out!”

“Tch, as if I’m afraid of fanboys,” Yonghwa scoffed to himself. “I said I’d wait for your heart to be mine again Seo Joohyun… I never said I wouldn’t make it come to me faster did I?”


“Did you talk to Seohyun?” a female voice distracted Yonghwa from staring at the stars.

“Oh, Shin Hye what’s up? How did you find me here?” Yonghwa asked.

“I’m an actress signed to SM Entertainment. I had to attend the awards ceremony where you were announced as the new guy at the agency. When you told me you had applied for a job, was this what you were referring to?” she curiously asked.

“Yeah, I made a pretty big return didn’t I?” Yonghwa joked with his goofy smile on his face. “Although I’m sure there were a few people there that didn’t welcome my return.”

“Hell yeah there’s people that don’t like you there. You left for four years and the first thing you do is sing a song like that? Jesus Yonghwa you have no sense of style. That stuff doesn’t work and you should know it. You’re on Seohyun’s sisters’ wanted list now. The second they see you they will tear your insides out with the bare hands,” Shin Hye joked back.

“I know, and they have good reason to do that. I hope Seohyun can calm them down a little bit though. I’d rather not die yet.”

“You’re an idiot…” she said while rolling her eyes. At least Yonghwa was still the same Yonghwa. She was worried that after the four years he spent away from home, he would be someone else. He was the same goofy idiot that she met when Kyeong Eun was still alive. “You understand them right?”

“Understand what?” Yonghwa stupidly asked.

“Understand why they are like that. Seohyun was one of the first of the group to start dating, yet she is the only one to not be married. She’s been a bridesmaid eight times, but never once the bride. Do you know how painful it was for her to go through the weddings with a smile when she secretly wished that she was the one at the altar?” Shin Hye asked.

“What the hell did you come here for? If I wanted to feel worse I would have went to meet her sisters in person right now. I’d rather get my guts torn out by them than to be lectured by you…” he groaned.

“Oh shut up and be a man. Anyways, what did Seohyun say?”

“Um I don’t really know. I told her everything and she seemed worried about me. She was really angry at the beginning but by the end she was so ready to get a piece of me,” he joked once more, rubbing his hand over his lips. Shin Hye threw him a punch and a glare that said ‘stop joking and get serious.’ “Ouch, stop hitting me while I’m talking.”

“Call me a again and see if you don’t spend the rest of your life feeling an unbearable amount of pain when you go pee,” Shin Hye threatened.

“Aish, it was a joke chill the heck out. I asked her to meet me tomorrow and she didn’t say no. I guess that means she’s willing to take me back?” he asked.

“I don’t know, you’re the one who heard her talking, not me.  Honestly, I think she would do better by leaving your sorry and forgetting you. Kyuhyun is such a sweet and responsible guy, I’d rather have her date him,” she teased.

“Yah, whose side are you on? Get lost if you’re just going to sit here insulting me,” he commanded in a voice full of annoyance. “I don’t need to take this from you.”

“Alright you Negative Nancy, I didn’t think you were much fun anyways. Do you have anything planned for tomorrow? Oh!!! Let me plan it pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! Remember how amazing the Busan thing went? I can do that again for you. OMG I’m going to have so much fun with this,” she squealed.

“Hell no. Tomorrow it’s going to be all me. Stay out of it Shin Hye, I don’t need your help this time,” he discouraged. “I hope you can keep your nose out of this just this once. I need tomorrow to go smoothly so I can keep things going well with her.”

“Fine,” she pouted. “Oh I have a question.”

“I might have an answer,” he responded sarcastically.

“You never told me what happened to Ye Ji. Did they catch her and lock her in a jail back in the US or what?”

“Well the guy who came to the house and freed me, searched through all her stuff, and eventually captured her said she was going to be put in an American jail until they found out any of the bad stuff she had been doing there. If there wasn’t enough evidence to give her a harsh sentence in the US they would ship her sorry over to Korea and they would deal with her. I really don’t know much about what was going on. Before leaving the US the cops told me that Ye Ji was suffering from some form of mental trauma and that she was probably a little too unstable to travel without posing a risk. I think they said that after she was put under control they’d bring her here. Why?” he finished with a simple question.

“Just wondering,” she responded with an equally simple answer. “Even if she was in the hands of the police, I wouldn’t want her setting one foot in Korea. If you say she is as crazy as she is, she can surely get out. She also had quite a bit of influence here, so I’m sure someone could get her out.”

“Don’t say that kind of stuff, especially around Seohyun. Ye Ji can even be considered an international criminal. I think she had contact with lots of illegal criminal syndicates in lots of countries. I’m sure someone like her wouldn’t be easily set free,” Yonghwa replied. “Go on and leave before I start kicking your for being so annoying.”

Instead of the punch or kick he braced himself for, Yonghwa received his second hug from Shin Hye since he returned to his homeland. “Yonghwa, you better be right about Ye Ji. I know I’m being too pessimistic about it, but there’s a voice in my head that keeps nagging me. Every time I walk around alone, I feel like someone’s following me. I think it’s just my paranoia acting up. If Ye Ji is as dangerous as you say, I’m sure she won’t be running around too freely in the middle of Seoul huh?”

“Yah, get off of me. I don’t want to get your nasty Shin Hye germs on me. Weren’t you leaving?” he asked rudely.

“Fine you jerk, I’ll leave. Last time I try to console you!” she roared before storming off.

“Shin Hye… why is it that I feel the same way as you?” he mumbled to himself. “Ye Ji can’t be running free. She just can’t. Seohyun, come back to me faster or else I won’t be able to protect you…” Yonghwa resumed his gazing at the night sky, this time thinking not about how his life would be perfect with Seohyun, but on denying the possibility of Ye Ji being free.

The large, elaborately decorated door to a huge mansion opened, a stream of moonlight illuminating the dark doorway. A middle aged man wearing a black suit and red silk tie walked in, sighing in fatigue from his long day from working at Dongguk University. A small thud was heard as he lightly threw his briefcase onto the coffee table. When the light was finally , and light illuminated the room, a cold metal object rested against his temple. A clicking sound was made from the object, causing him to freeze in fear.

“Why hello there father dearest, how was your long day at work? I’m sure you are very tired and would like to rest. Shall I draw a warm bath for you or perhaps some tea to relax your nerves? Or how about I take this little gun in my hands and pull the trigger?”

“Ye Ji…? What the heck are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in - ”

“In jail?!?” Ye Ji yelled at her father. “Father how could you do that to me? I’m your only child, your beautiful daughter. Remember the times when you and mom would tell me how pretty I was and how I would be someone that everyone in this world will want to be?”

“Ye Ji I didn’t mean to put you in jail because I want you to realize that what you are doing is wrong. You’re my daughter and I’m doing this for your own good. Put the gun down and let’s talk about this,” he suggested. Ye Ji pushed the gun closer to his skin, causing him to groan at the discomfort.

“Alright, we’re going to talk. Sit down old man,” she ordered as she threw him onto the couch. “I’m doing the talking though, just listen to what I have to say.”

“Ye Ji, please stop what you are doing. How did you get out anyways, and what are you doing in Korea?” he questioned.

“Your questions show me that you would rather have me somewhere else right now? Daddy am I that displeasing to you. I know that you hate me, but you don’t have to show it that much,” she joked in a playful, yet evil voice. “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you, at least until I’m done with you.”

“Ye Ji, you know I love you. I’m sorry I haven’t shown it, but I do. I sent you to the US when you were young to let you have a fresh start, somewhere where you could make friends. I know it seems like I hate you but I don’t. I know you also blame me for your mother leaving, but that’s also not my fault. Even sending you to jail was for your own good. Ye Ji give up now and I’ll even arrange for you to be free, but you have to stop these crimes,” her father pleaded.

“It’s too late for your explanations now. You should’ve tried treating me better as a child instead of throwing me away while you valued your work more. As if throwing me away wasn’t bad enough, you send me to jail just because me and Yonghwa wanted to be together? Tell me, you never did like Yonghwa did you?”

“Ye Ji you’re imagining things… Yonghwa called me to put you in jail. To say that he loves you is a lie. Ye Ji, you need help. I can give you that help if you let me.”

“Yeah, I do need your help. Don’t worry, you’ll give it to me whether you like it or not. First things first I need money and lots of it, at least a few million. It should be pocket change for you anyways. Second, I need you to use some influences to get my right hand out of jail. He will be invaluable to my plans. Lastly, I need you to round up as many of your thugs as you can,” she concluded.

“What do you intend to do?” he asked.

“Oh nothing much, just a little revenge is all,” she stated nonchalantly as she the side of her gun gently. “Don’t you worry about that father, just worry about getting me what I want. Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, you’ll need new security staff and maids. Your old ones are kinda dead now,” she coldly stated with a giggle. Her father’s face looked at her with pure disgust. How could anyone be so heartless and cruel? He blamed himself for not giving her enough attention, but it was too late for that now.

“Revenge on whom? Yonghwa? Ye Ji… you are sick, please let me help you. Yonghwa isn’t the one at fault here, it’s you,” he tried again in vain to convince her to desist from her criminal activities.

“Nah, Yonghwa loves me too much to hurt me. I need revenge on the person responsible for taking away his love. I know Yonghwa really well father. I know he wants to marry me, and have kids, and live together peacefully until we grow old. He’s told me that he loves me so many times,” she explained with a content smile on her face. There was no doubt about it in her father’s mind, she was definitely insane.

“Are you sure about that Ye Ji? Are you sure that Yonghwa loves you as you say he does?” he questioned in a serious voice.

“YES! I know it for a fact! Stop trying to turn Yonghwa against me father, you’ll be next on the list if you don’t stop that at once!” she shrieked. “Anyways, there is one person that has turned Yonghwa away from me and that person is going to suffer until her poor, broken, little heart gives up on her. I’ll crush that with my own two hands and enjoy her screams of fear. The blood she will shed, the tears that will run down her face, the yelps of pain that will escape ; I want to squeal in delight as I think of them,” she listed in an excited tone.

“Ye Ji… when did you become this monster…?”

“Monster!? Father, even you will continue to look down on me? Enough, I’ll talk to you later. Free Young Jae this instant, I’ll need him for my plans. The money and the other men can wait. I’ll bide my time until that stupid and Yonghwa are off their guard and strike then. Once Seohyun’s smiles and giggles blind her with happiness, she won’t even know what hit her,” Ye Ji chuckled. She quickly drew her gun and a bullet flew into a portrait of her family resting on the wall across the room, hitting her father’s face as if it were a bull’s-eye.

“Now, chop chop daddy, I need Young Jae here by tonight or else you’ll end up like that picture over there. Oh, and if you try anything funny, you’re a goner. That’s not a threat but a promise. Now have a good night daddy,” she wished as she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a quick good night peck on the cheek.

“I didn’t want to resort to this but you leave me no other choice… Seohyun you’re dead. You better hope you confessed your sins before I catch you, or else you’re going straight to hell you cheap . I’ll make sure that Yonghwa’s eyes are opened and he realizes his love for me once again. Hehe, don’t worry about your family, this time around I’ll go after you myself.”

Thoughts of Seohyun tied up in a dungeon entered her mind. Her tightly bound hands and feet were bleeding from the attempts to free herself from the rough rope bindings. Tears filled her eyes and stained her cheeks as Ye Ji slowly and painfully ran a knife down her body. The silver blade slowly became covered in a thin coat of the precious fluid known as blood. At the thought of the blood she her lips in anticipation.

“I cannot wait to be reunited with you Seohyun. I’m sure we will have tons of fun during our ‘girl’s night out’ don’t you think,” she laughed to herself. “I hope you’re prepared, .”

As always, the bustling megacity with its millions of inhabitants was full of activity. Unfortunately for Seohyun, that activity manifested itself as traffic. Just as Yonghwa had instructed she hopped on the bus and waited until the last stop was reached. What should have originally one hour ride was close to becoming two hours. Checking her watch, she was worried when the two hands read 12:35. Why Yonghwa had asked her to come this far was beyond her, but after four years of not seeing him, it didn’t matter how far she had to go.

Before she left her house she had a rather unpleasant game of ’20 questions’ with some of the girls that decided to stay at her house and party some more after the ceremony ended. They had the nerve to question what she was doing in her own house, but she supposed it was for her own good.

“Yah Miss Bigshot of Korea… where do you think you’re going?” Taeyeon asked weakly, most likely hung over from the massive amount of alcohol she consumed the night before.

“I need to meet someone at around 12 today. I don’t know when I’ll be back so I’ll say goodbye to you guys now,” Seohyun responded politely.

“If it’s with Yonghwa forget it. I can tell from a mile away that it’s him. Seohyun did you not learn your lesson four years ago? That guy is bad news and you know it. Tell that off and go find someone who is worth your time. Trash like him doesn’t deserve a gem like you,” she snarled.

“Who are you to tell me what to do!? Last time I checked you aren’t my mother Taeyeon!” she yelled at the eldest girl of the group. Taeyeon was caught by surprise. Not once had Seohyun ever yelled at her, even more surprisingly was the fact that she called her by her name and not the usual ‘unnie.’

“Yah, Seohyun chill out,” Jessica fought back. “You know better than to talk like that.”

“You too Jessica. I’m sick and tired of listening to you badmouth Yonghwa. If you knew what happened, you wouldn’t be saying all of this. I love him and I intend to be with him whether you like it or not. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to get to.”


She supposed she could have gone through that a little bit better, but she still got her point across. Yonghwa didn’t deserve the criticism at all, not one bit. If anyone deserved it, it was Seohyun herself. All she had done for four years was resent him and wish she had him in front of her so she could beat him until he died. She never once tried to guess why he would leave her like that. Now it was her duty to make it up to him.

“Last stop, if you do not wish to return one hour back, we suggest you please leave the bus at this moment. Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day,” the speaker spoke. The double doors opened, letting Seohyun step out of the bus after almost two hours. Yonghwa never told her to go anywhere, just arrive at the bus stop so she supposed she just had to stay there and wait for him. A light tap on her shoulder prompted her to turn around.

“Hey there beautiful,” Yonghwa cheesily greeted. Seohyun’s mouth was left wide open, not because of seeing Yonghwa, but because of what he was holding. An enormous bouquet of roses was in his right hand, probably at least a couple dozen. “Man am I that hot that you need to look at me like that? Well you are a ert after all…”

“Are those for me?” she stupidly asked. Yonghwa nodded and held out the bouquet for her to hold. “Wow… thanks Yonghwa. You know, this is the first time you’ve given me flowers. Four years is kind of late don’t you think?”

“Fine you don’t want them? I think I’ll find someone else to give them to,” he complained, tugging on the crinkly plastic wrapping.

“No! They’re mine now aren’t they. And I don’t like them… I love them. So what are we doing here today? I don’t know my way around this part of Seoul, so I’m kind of in the dark.”

Yonghwa held out his elbow, motioning for Seohyun to link arms with him. “We’re going to make up for the dates that we missed over these past four years. Does that sound good to you?”

“How are you going to make up for 1400 and something days of not seeing each other?” she sassily questioned.

“Oh, don’t worry, there’s definitely a way. You just focus on enjoying yourself; I’ll worry about the rest.”



Author’s Note: Here comes the string of apologies. First of all the biggest one… Ye Ji, grand queen of evil, has made her return. I know many of you were rejoicing at the fact that she was gone, but alas, she has come back, eviler and ier than ever. My second apology is for not updating according to my usual schedule. You can all blame school for that. My final apology is saying sorry for throwing in the whole 'Yonghwa-Ye jI' story in here again. It's like the third time he's explained that already, so I know it must be boring to hear it again. I promise I won't put it in anymore. Okay I’m done with the sorrys. I hope you Ye Ji haters aren’t too upset, but I promise I will make it up to you later. Anyways, I’m out of things to say so I’ll leave with my classic: Comment/review or I’ll die line. Peace out, girl scouts.

P.S. Lately I have been welcoming my subscribers on their pages as they subscribe. I know it’s not much, but I do it sincerely and appreciatively, since without you guys I wouldn’t have a reason to keep updating. However, lately the subscribers page is being stupid and doesn’t show me it in order of who subscribed last, so it’s all mixed up. For those three new subscribers that I probably haven’t said anything to: Thanks for taking interest in my story, I hope you find it enjoyable to read as it goes on :D.

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Wilhemina #1
Chapter 30: Plot twist Kyeong Eun was never dead. I don't want this story to end!!!!
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 29: Author-nim, you really know how to write really cute chapters and all that cheesy lovey-dovey stuff. If you had killed them nothing would've have changed because they died happily, together, in each others' arms. But I have a question, do you want to have your honeymoon in Hawaii? I read your story You Belong With Me and Seohyun and Lee Joo (I think that's his name) were supposed to have their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 28: For some unknown reason, I don't want Young Jae to be dead. I want him to be there to witness the wedding. And I keep thinking that Ye Ji isn't dead too. I feel like she's faking her death
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 26: That dream though, thought it was real bruh.
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 17: This chapter was so cute, especially the last bit
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 30: That was a great epilogue and wonderful ending! Great work!
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 28: Is it just me or are one of those mind reader authors? Will we be moving forward with relationship finally...?
Wilde_sparxx #8
Chapter 26: While I agree with you not introducing another new bad guy character in this second half of the story, I really just hoped for the fluff ...
Wilde_sparxx #9
Chapter 20: Wow so much drama, lots of drama, too much drama?
Wilde_sparxx #10
Chapter 11: Well you've answered my question...