
Starting off on the Wrong Foot

Chapter 14 – Maybe…


The dreaded day in September came faster than anyone had expected. The sun rose that morning indicating that it was the day of the performance, the day Seohyun would confess to the one she loved.  Her policy of carefully avoiding him had worked for the remaining two weeks of August, but it was taking its toll on her. She missed his jokes, his smile, and most importantly, the way her heart fluttered when she was around him.

“Seohyun, are you ready yet? We have to be at the festival by 8 in order for you to sign in for the performances later in the afternoon, hurry it up.” Taeyeon’s voice rang throughout the house, trying to get all the girls in order so that they could leave the house together. Lately, the girls had all been busy with their own things at school, they were all glad that they would have a day where they could all hang out together. Classes had been called off for a week due to Fall Break, but the Fall Festival was definitely the highlight of the week. Not only was everyone ready to kick back and have fun at the festival, they were eagerly expecting the show Seohyun had prepared for the love of her life.

“Coming!” called a surprisingly calm Seohyun. She shed all her nervousness in the past weeks she spent practicing. She knew the song given to her by Yonghwa inside and out. If she were asked to she could even play it with her eyes blindfolded and her hands tied behind her back. If there was one thing she wasn’t nervous about, it was her performance.

“Don’t worry Seohyun, you have this. The only thing to be nervous about is how you go about confessing if…. No not if, when you win that competition.” She emanated determination and confidence. If anyone saw her at that moment, they would surely admire her courage and fearlessness. Seohyun knew that it was all or nothing, in order for her to accomplish her goals, she had to overcome the obstacle known as the fall showcase.

“Everyone ready to go?” Taeyeon asked the group of girls that finally gathered together in the living room. They all gave her a quick nod and smile indicating they were prepared for the day’s events. “Alright, to the car everyone!”

“Seohyun, fighting! You can do it today, we will be in the crowd cheering you on,” Sooyoung assured her with a fist pump in the air.

“Don’t disappoint us girl. You hyped up your performance way too much, so it better be good,” Jessica cheered in the only way she knew how to, with a grouchy tone.

“I won’t disappoint you guys,” Seohyun confidently asserted. “Today, I will give a performance that will make history, something nobody will ever forget. Even if Yonghwa doesn’t come to me after this, it won’t matter. All that matters is that I placed all my strength and determination into this, and I won’t go down.”

Her response shocked the three girls currently walking with her to the apartment’s parking lot. They had been with Seohyun since she was thirteen and not once had they seen her act like this. They were all used to her being a shy and reserved girl that never expressed anything that she felt. They all realized that Yonghwa must really be that great of a person if he could change their little Seohyun into a full grown woman.


“Ye Ji….. seriously let’s get going, you know I can’t stand being in your house,” whined Yonghwa. “We’re going to be late to the sign up event and you won’t even get to perform.” Yonghwa looked around her enormous and lavishly decorated house filled with expensive paintings and furniture. He truly despised the wastefulness of her family, and rich people in general. He didn’t even know how Ye Ji had talked him into picking her up from her house.

“Yah, you never visit my house. Don’t complain and hold this will ya,” she ordered, shoving her guitar case into his hands. “Besides, we have plenty of time to get there. I need to get as ready for the show as I can. The more I fix myself up, the more the judges will notice me right?”

“Wrong,” he quickly responded, earning him a glare from his spoiled girlfriend. “Those old guys are the worst judges ever. They tear the underclassman performances apart. They don’t care if you look like a goddess or a beggar from the street, they will pick out every single negative thing about your performance. Hell, they’ll pull crap out of their that you didn’t even know existed.”

“Oh well, I already started to get ready so I might as well finish up right?” she continued. She knew if she kept the argument going Yonghwa would eventually give up and let her have her way. True to her memory, Yonghwa just gave her a quick glance and turned away, leaving her to do her make up in peace.

“I wonder how Seohyun is doing,” Yonghwa whispered to himself, an expression of deep thought covering his face. Ye Ji heard him and quickly began glaring at nobody in specific. Lately he had brought Seohyun up at every moment possible and she was getting sick of it. Unfortunately for her, she had to hold in her anger, smile sweetly, and respond positively to his conversation about Seohyun.

“I doesn’t matter how she’s doing right now, in a few hours, she’s going to be weeping at how I destroyed her in that performance. And if losing in the performance wasn’t bad enough, I’ll humiliate her a little more afterwards. How does that sound Yonghwa?”

“Ye Ji, you have five more minutes. If you don’t pick up the pace I’m leaving right after they’re up,” Yonghwa threatened, rolling his eyes at the girl applying pounds of make up to her face. “You don’t need to put on that much make up, I’m telling you those judges won’t give a rat’s . If your song and performance aren’t good enough they won’t hesitate to have you booed off the stage.”

“Yonghwa, seriously? Look I was trying to use this as an excuse to look prettier for you. Can you not take hints or are you just an idiot?” Ye Ji was almost at a breaking point. Yonghwa had been way too distant the past couple of weeks and she did not like the way he was acting towards her at that moment. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to support me and tell me that my song is going to beat every other song out there? You’ve heard me play, even professional instructors give me perfect marks on every aspect of my playing, and there is no way I’m going down.”

Yonghwa wanted to support Ye Ji, he honestly did. There was just one fact keeping him from doing so. Ye Ji was b with confidence, while it was not necessarily a bad thing, it was in this case. She was overly confident to the point where she thought she was a god that could never be toppled. He was even considering to get her to back down from the performance since she severely outskilled the competition and it was just unfair for her to compete. While he was worried about all the rest of the people performing, in the back of his mind all his worries were concentrated on Seohyun.

“Yah, dummy, let’s go.” Ye Ji’s small insult broke him out of his pensive state once again. He stood up and headed towards the door, feeling relief from being inside that house he found disgusting. “Yonghwa,” Ye Ji began with a pout on her face nobody could ever resist. “I need you to support me all the way on this okay? I really want to win this; I want to show you what I can do. Cheer hard for me please.”

Yonghwa realized that he was being a little unfair on his end as well. Ye Ji was his girlfriend after all and he did owe her that much. “Alright, alright I’ll be in the crowd cheering for you. Even if you don’t win, it won’t matter, as long as you conveyed your feelings through the music you will be a winner.”

“Ugh, how can you say that sappy musician stuff? Obviously the point is to win. If those judges are as strict as you say they are, they will definitely be paying attention to precision and things of that sort. I will definitely win this, just wait and see.” With that final statement, Ye Ji flashed him a smile and they headed out towards the school and the long day ahead of them.


The fall festival was one of the largest events in the year for their university. Nobody really knew why since there were many more important holidays such as Chuseok and Lunar New Year, it just seemed like this festival was the biggest of them all. The large parks and courtyards found on the school grounds were filled with decorations, delicious aromas, and most importantly, the large crowds of people that made the festival possible.

“Wooooooooooow,” Seohyun gaped. “I didn’t know the festival would be this big, I just thought people from school would come. I didn’t know that even people from all over Seoul would be here.”

“Yeah, the festival is pretty big at this university. All the people from around the area come to have a day of relaxation from their busy city lives. Strange… the turnout seems 3-4 times larger than it usually is,” Taeyeon pointed out. Taeyeon was a 4th year student already, and had come to the festival every year but she had never seen it this big before.

“Oh, Seohyun what are you doing over here? I thought you were supposed to be registering for the competition at the booth over there,” Sooyoung asked, motioning towards a booth on the other side of the courtyard.

“I already registered. They gave me a number and a nametag as well as asked for the sheet music to my song and the method of performance,” she explained holding up a small nametag indicating she was the 12th performer.

“You got 12? Doesn’t that mean you’re going last? Wow, it’s like the heavens are setting this up for you. Being the last one will definitely give your performance more attention. They sure did save the best for last,” Taeyeon joked. “Did they tell you what time the performance is?”

“They said it would start around 5pm which is pretty late. They will allow everyone a maximum of five minutes per performance, with five minute breaks between each person. It sounds like it will be a long day ahead of us,” Seohyun explained with a small frown.

“No need to be gloomy,” the loudest girl of their group exclaimed. “Let’s go have some fun before the performances start. There are foods to be eaten and guys to be checked out, so let’s move out!!”

“Sooyoung ah, hold on!” the blond grouch of the family yelled, chasing after the tall girl. “You better not get into trouble for ual harassment again. We don’t want a repeat of the midsummer festival…”

“Don’t worry Sica, it isn’t if they want it” Sooyoung’s voice said, fading off into the distance.

“Ugh, those two can only be up to no good today… Seohyun ah, I’m going to talk to a few friends that I haven’t met up with in a while. I’m sorry we’re leaving you before your big day, will you be alright?” Taeyeon asked in sweet voice. “I promise I will round up those two crazies and we will be in the front row at exactly 5pm.”

“Don’t worry Taeyeon unnie, I’ll be fine. I think I’ll look around a bit on my own and then practice a bit more if I get bored. Go out and have fun, I wouldn’t want you to worry about me all day.” With a quick hug and playful spank, Taeyeon ran off into the distance just as the two other girls had moments ago.

“When in Rome,” Seohyun heard a voice behind her say. “Do as the Romans do.” Seohyun turned around to see a tall, young man that instantly put a smile on her face. “Comon, let’s go have some fun, you can’t be depressed on a day like this.”

“Jinwoon ah! Okay, you’re right. So what do you want to do first?” she eagerly asked. She was glad that Jinwoon was with her at a time like this. She knew that if she were to be alone at that moment all she would do is worry about what would happen when it was her turn to perform.

“Let’s go play some games. I’ll even win you a bear, just like I did that one time at our high school festival,” he said with a smile on his face.

“Ew, you’re so corny. And that wasn’t a bear that you gave me, it was a tiger,” she complained with a playful pout. “Guys are all the same aren’t they? They forget even the biggest details.”

“Whatever, I knew that. I was just testing you to see if you had forgotten,” he lied, hoping she would buy it. “Let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the large crowd of people already enjoying themselves on that bright September morning.


After a few hours of running around and trying everything to do at the festival, Seohyun and Jinwoon were worn out. A quick glance at the clock indicated there was only two hours left until her performance and she was beginning to lose a bit of her resolve. If only there was a way to stop time in order for her to practice enough to get it just right, right enough to get her the win she desperately wanted.

“Seohyun, I have to go to the bathroom really fast, would you mind waiting here for me? I’ll be right back,” Jinwoon explained. “The bathroom is kind of far so don’t move or else I won’t be able to find you.”

“Mhmm, I’ll wait right here,” she responded with a small nod. “I won’t move from this spot.” With her agreement, Jinwoon made his way towards the academic buildings in hope that he would find a bathroom fast enough to relieve himself. A dart game in front of the bench she was sitting on caught her eye and she decided to go check it out. Upon getting close to it, her eyes began to twinkle when she saw the prizes that could be won. Her favorite cartoon character of all time, Keroro, was one of the prizes.

“Oh, Seohyun ah!” a voice that made her want to run away called out. She didn’t dare turn around, she had to keep her calm and just walk away. As much as she wanted to do that, she was trapped. She couldn’t run away with him being that close to her, he would find it really suspicious. “What are you doing here all by yourself?”

“Oh, Yonghwa…” she managed to say after finally turning around to meet his glance. If only she had been blind at that moment, she would be spared from seeing the image in front of her at the moment. He wasn’t the handsomest of guys, but to Seohyun he was a god. He had his signature smile on his face, and since she hadn’t seen it in a while, she couldn’t help but be captivated by it.

“Sir, would you mind giving me a chance at the darts?” he asked the old man behind the counter. The old man agreed and gave Yonghwa  three darts in exchange for a 5000 won bill.

“Yonghwa, what are you doing?” Seohyun confusedly asked. She saw him launch all three darts in a row, each hitting the small red area known as the bull’s-eye.

“Wowie, this kid is a pro. I think I should have banned you from playing my game before taking your money,” the man said with a laugh. “You get to choose any one of these right here.” The old man pointed to large and expensive looking prizes but Yonghwa couldn’t keep his eyes off the Keroro doll.

“Is it okay if I take a smaller prize?” The old man threw Yonghwa a confused look but gave him a nod regardless. “I want that small green one right there.” Yonghwa pointed at the small, green frog and after a quick movement from the old man it was in his hands. “Kamsahamnida.”

Yonghwa then got onto one knee, with his head hanging down, and held the doll towards Seohyun. “Your majesty, I saw how you looked at this doll and noticed how much you wanted it. Please, take this as a humble token of my appreciation.”

“Are you on drugs?! What are you doing? Get up from there, you’re being really embarrassing. Besides what if Ye Ji saw you doing this? She would kill you.”

“Ugh, can’t you take a joke? Ye Ji is in the bathroom, they’re pretty far from here and she’s a girl, it’ll take her years to come back. Just take the Keroro already, it’s embarrassing for a guy to hold these things. Don’t deny that you want it, the look on your face says it all.” He the doll into her arms, and went to sit down at the bench in front of the stand.

“Are you going to watch the performance?” she managed to ask. “Oh, wait never mind. I forgot that Ye Ji unnie, is going to play too. Silly me, why did I even ask.”

“Nope, I’m not here because of Ye Ji,” Yonghwa answered, completely throwing Seohyun off guard. “I’m here to see how well you carry out Kyeong Eun’s will. I know you will make her proud.”


“Well I better get going and find Ye Ji. If she sees me talking to another girl she will think I’m having an affair with them, hehe. You better take first place you hear me? If you don’t I will ask Kyeong Eun to haunt you.” With a quick flash of his playful smile he walked off to find his cranky girlfriend, leaving Seohyun alone with her new friend Keroro.

“Thanks you idiot,” she thanked him silently. “I’ll take that first place in the competition, as well as the first place in your heart. Don’t you worry, my guitar and I will leave everyone speechless.”


“Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome all to the 56th annual Fall Festival showcase, I will be your host today, Professor Kim Jung Mo. Today we have chosen the best of the best from 12 music classes that have all worked very hard to entertain us. Please enjoy yourselves and give it up for our wonderful students,” Professor Kim yelled into the microphone, motioning towards the 12 nervous young men and women all lined up on stage. A large applause was heard, complete with loud whistles and various fan chants made just for tonight.

“Tonight, we have three very important guests. These three men are legends in the Republic of Korea, known for establishing the modern musical culture of this great country we live in. Without further ado, I shall introduce our esteemed judges for tonight: Mister Lee Soo Man, Mister Park Jin Young, and Mister Yang Hyun Suk. These gentlemen have made time in their busy schedules to come help our students improve their skills as musicians, please give them a round of applause for letting us have a bit of their valuable time.”

The crowd went wild once more, however the students were all frozen stiff. They could not believe that the three most influential people in the entertainment business were in front of them, ready to judge their musical talents in front of thousands of people. Any one that had a shred of confidence left in them, just lost it completely. All but two people, were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Ye Ji and Seohyun. Seohyun didn’t care if it was ‘The Big Three’ or the president of Korea himself who judged her, all she knew was that she would definitely leave them without words.

“The rules are simple. The performers will be judged on three basic qualities: fluidity, precision, and mood. Each category will receive a score of 10. At the end of the judging, the score will be averaged to a score from 0-10. The judges will also give their feedback at the end of each act. The student with the highest average score will  be deemed winner of this contest.”

Act by act, the students were slowly throw out of the competition. While Seohyun could not see what was going on from backstage, she could hear the students go through the torturous process. As soon as their performances were over, she picked up the unforgiving, acid filled words of the judges.

“Yah, did you hear? Every year, judges are picked to specifically kill our spirits. I hear they do this on purpose to clean out the crappy performers before they are launched into the real world,” Seohyun overheard a couple of stage workers saying.

“Yeah, in my 10 years of being part of the performances, I haven’t seen a single score over 8 given to one of our students. Maybe this year will be different.” Seohyun couldn’t waver, these words meant nothing to her. If 8 had never been given out, then those judges had better watch out because she was about to make them give out their first 10.

“Kid? Did you come here to waste our time? Your playing was pathetic, and I won’t even get started on your dancing or singing. You aren’t cut out for the real world yet. When you can perform better than my 5 year-old son, come back and see us,” she could hear a judge say over the microphone. “A score of 4 is more than enough for a performance of your caliber.”

As time went by the 10th performance was finished, the performer awaiting judgment.

“Guitar player eh? Well then, since you guitar players have it easier than those that play orchestral or jazz instruments, I think it’s only fair to go harder on you. You have some good points but I still wouldn’t hire you to sing for me. Your sense of pitch is off. Work on that and you could potentially get somewhere,” judge Lee Soo Man told the young man. “So far you’re our highest scorer, average of 7.5”

The terrified audience went wild for the first time since the introduction. They had all been anticipating a friendly competition, but the presence of the judges completely ruined the atmosphere. Finally, they had a reason to cheer on a performer.

The 11th performer took her place on the stage as the happy young man ran off to celebrate his ‘victory.’

“Ladies and Gentlemen I give you our 11th performer, Moon Ye Ji. Miss Ye Ji is also a guitar student who recently transferred here from the United States. Please give a warm welcome to this wonderful young lady who will sing us a song titled “Calling Out.”

Yonghwa, who was in the crowd, noticed Lee Soo Man’s frown worsened. The song that Ye Ji was about to play had been written by Lee Soo Man himself for two girls working for him, Luna and Krystal. While Ye Ji hadn’t known he would be one of the judges, she was still doomed. Judge Lee would surely know every aspect of that song inside and out and could potentially destroy Ye Ji at the smallest flaw.

(A/N: The song is “Calling Out” by Luna and Krystal of f(x). It was used as a song for the drama Cinderella’s Sister for those of you that don’t know. Take a listen to it here: )

Ye Ji began to play the gentle and gloomy song, immediately mesmerizing the audience. Anyone who knew even the slightest bit about music, would know that Ye Ji’s performance was nothing short of perfection. Silence filled the air as she continued to play. There was not one person that was not entranced by her voice, even if someone wanted to open their mouth to speak, they surely would not be able to form words.

After four minutes of her performance, her last note rang through the audience, indicating the end of her song. The crowd went berserk upon realizing her song was over. A group of boys from her class begin to chant “Ye Ji saranghae! Ye Ji saranghae!” causing the whole crowd to join in right after. Although the crowd thoroughly enjoyed her performance, the judges still had to give their opinions.

“Miss Ye Ji, I commend your effort,” Park Jin Young began. “You have left me and my colleagues impressed with your talents. Since Lee Soo Man was the author of this song, I will give full jurisdiction over this song to him.”

“Student, you are lucky you can play that guitar as well as you can. I know everything there is to know about that song. Your fluidity and precision earn you a 10 for those categories. But there is one problem in your performance. The feelings you express in the song are sad and melancholy, however, the feelings I sense from you are the feelings of desperation and determination. I feel as if you are only performing this well because you feel the need to completely crush someone in this contest. From the experiences I’ve had over my long career, I can tell what is in a singer’s heart from the first verse. Sadly since your feelings don’t match the feelings I intended to be placed in the song, I can only give you a 6 in that category. Alas, you get an 8.7 overall, becoming our highest scorer in the competition.”

Ye Ji smiled happily and ran off stage, latching onto Yonghwa’s arm.

“Yong oppa did you see?! Oh my god, I’m so going to win this.” Yonghwa however wasn’t paying any attention to her, instead his eyes were fixed on the direction Seohyun would soon be coming from. “Yah! Aren’t you happy for me?! Didn’t you hear my score?”

“Ye Ji, be quiet. No I’m not happy for you. You knew you were out of these guys’ league yet you continued. What you just did is no better than cheating in my eyes. How could you have taken away the spotlight from these kids who have worked 30 times harder than you have in preparing for this?” Yonghwa pulled his hand away from hers and went off closer to the judges, anticipating Seohyun’s performance.

“Stupid bastard. I’ll get you back for rejecting me like this. Unfair? That is just how life is, sweetheart. You have to step on everything and everyone that gets in your way to get further in life. Seohyun is up next, I can’t wait to see her fail. Once she does, I’ll stomp her remains like the little cockroach she is.”

“Finally the end of the competition is upon us. Our last contestant is a beautiful girl from my guitar 201 class. She has been diligently been preparing for this performance for weeks on end. She is an extremely skilled girl that plays a variety of instruments and has won many singing competitions in the past. Please give a warm welcome to the one and only, Seohyun. She will be playing us a song titled “What’s Up.”

Her welcoming applause was cut short by her getting up from her seat at the microphone to talk to Professor Kim. The crowd and Yonghwa looked at her with confused looks, not knowing what to expect from her sudden request.

“Well, it seems that Seohyun would like to ask a favor to the judges. While it is highly unorthodox, there is nothing stopping me from fulfilling her request,” Professor Kim explained before passing on the microphone to Seohyun.

“I am very sorry for interrupting the competition, but I have a request. Esteemed judges, is it possible for me to play a different song than the one I was intended to play? I promise you that it will be worth the trouble. I beg of you to let me play a different song,” Seohyun begged, bowing her head down in respect.

“Yah, what the hell is this girl doing?!” Yonghwa yelled. He took notice once more of the judges and saw how they looked at Seohyun with discontent. “, those judges are going to rip her a new one. They probably won’t even let her perform from the looks of it.”

Ye Ji also took note of the way the judges reacted, leading her to flash her signature malicious smirk. “Ah, Seohyun, you make destroying you too easy… I guess you were just destined to be a failure after all.”

“I don’t see why not? You have managed to stir up quite the bit of a commotion here, young lady. Let’s go with it,” Park Jin Young responded.

“Thank you very much,” Seohyun handed Professor Kim a sheet of the music to hand to the judges. “This is a song that I wrote myself, just for this competition. This song is written especially for someone amongst the audience. I’m sorry that I’m using this competition to give a personal message, but I promise that you won’t be disappointed.”

“Seohyun… stupid girl. You’re insane. You just learned how to play chords a month ago and now you can write music and lyrics too? Damn it,” Yonghwa exclaimed, restraining himself from throwing a punch to the nearest thing to him.

The commotion that was going on in the audience ceased as she began to play. Yonghwa was also surprised by the sounds entering his ears. Soon enough, the silence present during Ye Ji’s performance returned. She hadn’t even started singing yet, but her guitar playing was good enough to keep the audience mute. However, once she opened to sing, the silence present became different from Ye Ji’s. The silence Ye Ji’s performance earned was out of awe of her skill. The silence Seohyun earned was out of true understanding of her feelings.

(A/N: The song Seohyun is singing and playing. I know, I know, she didn’t write it, but you know what let’s just pretend that she did.  I highly suggest you listen to it along with the lyrics. Oh btw, my lyrics are better than the ones in that video :D     English lyrics first then the Korean lyrics are in italics)

NOTE: If you read it as soon as I posted it the Lyrics are funky I suggest you refresh your page to get the better version.
P.S. I tried to fix them as much as possible and they look slightly less funky but they're still bad so I apologize.


Cold hearted me, not caring about others feelings,                     chagaun gaseumi eoneusae jogeumssik

That began to change a little when you came to me                    noga naeryeonna bwa niga deureowasseo

I’m not sure either, but secretly you filled my heart                       geurigo nado mollae nae gaseumeul chaewosseo

When did it all start? While I was back home?                              eonjenbuteoinga jibe doraomyeon

Looking at myself thinking of you                                                     neoreul tteoolligo inneun nae moseubeul

I realized that you had already filled my heart.                               bomyeonseo nae mam soge niga inneun geol arasseo


Seohyun’s sisters looked at each other with blissful, proud smiles on their faces. They were proud that their little sister was capable of doing something like this. They didn’t know she could play the guitar that well, or even write a song either. Yonghwa was also surprised at her progress. There was just no way that the girl on stage was the same girl he tried to tutor months ago. That wasn’t the only thing that was catching his eye. He could hear his heartbeat louder than the music coming into his ears. His heart was racing at a speed that he had never experienced before.

“What is this feeling? What the hell are you doing to me Seohyun?”


Maybe you’re the one                                                                                            Maybe you’re the one

Maybe, perhaps                                                                                                     Maybe eojjeomyeon

Perhaps, you,                                                                                                          eojjeomyeon niga

Are the my other half that I am waiting for                                                         aega gidarin banjjogingeonji

Maybe it is true                                                                                                       Maybe it is true

Perhaps I’m too close to you                                                                               eonjena neomu

I guess you don’t know that                                                                                 gakkai isseoseo mollasseonnabwa

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                       Baby I’m in love with you


Ye Ji could not believe her eyes and ears. There she was, the same exact girl who didn’t even know a chord a month ago, was playing a self-written song perfectly. “What the hell are you Seohyun? How can someone like you, of all people… Are you even human?” With a worried expression Ye Ji turned to look at the judges. She wanted to jump on stage and bash Seohyun’s head in with her own guitar upon seeing the judges. Their frowns had all disappeared. While they weren’t smiling, they definitely were much more pleased now than they had been all night. Ye Ji could only watch in desperation as Seohyun continued to dominate the stage with her exceptional performance.


At first I didn’t know I would be like this                                                         cheoeumen mollasseo naega neol ireoke

I would be thinking of you, I would be loving you                                         tteoollige doel jul saranghage doel jul

Your heart too, please, let it feel the same as mine                                   ni mamdo jebal ireon nae maeumgwa gatgireul


Maybe you’re the one                                                                                        Maybe you’re the one

Maybe, perhaps                                                                                                 Maybe eojjeomyeon

Perhaps, you,                                                                                                     eojjeomyeon niga

Are the my other half that I am waiting for                                                    naega gidarin banjjogingeonji

Maybe it is true                                                                                                   Maybe it is true

Perhaps I’m too close to you                                                                          eonjena neomu

I guess you don’t know that                                                                            gakkai isseoseo mollasseonnabwa

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                 Baby I’m in love with you


I hope it’s not too late                                                                                      neomu neutjin anhatgil

By accepting me now, I can only see my heart clearly                              ijeya kkaedareun nae mam badajugil

Although it is at the last moment, at least I can see it clearly                  neutge aratjiman ijeya aratjiman

That these feelings will never waver                                                            i maeumeun jeoldae heundeulliji anha


Maybe you’re the one                                                                                      Maybe you’re the one

Maybe, perhaps                                                                                               Maybe eojjeomyeon

Perhaps, you,                                                                                                   eojjeomyeon niga

Are the my other half that I am waiting for                                                   naega gidarin banjjogingeonji

Maybe it is true                                                                                                 Maybe it is true

Perhaps I’m too close to you                                                                        eonjena neomu

I guess you don’t know that                                                                           gakkai isseoseo mollasseonnabwa

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                Baby I’m in love with you


Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                Baby I’m in love with you

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                Baby I’m in love with you

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                Baby I’m in love with you

Baby I’m in love with you                                                                                Baby I’m in love with you


The audience was left with a dazed look and their mouths agape. There was just no way a song like that could have been sung. Opposite to the reaction that Ye Ji obtained, the people didn’t even give a huge roar of applause. It’s not that they didn’t want to, but that they just couldn’t. Even Professor Kim took a few seconds to direct the spotlight to the judges.

“Ahem, well, there you have it, our last contestant has performed. Now we shall turn our attention to the judges to see what they have to say."

“Thank you Professor Kim. I would like to start by asking you one simple question Seohyun,” Park Jin Young began. “How much do you want this trophy? How badly do you want to win here?”

Without hesitation Seohyun confidently responded, standing up to the three frightening men that had successfully scared off the majority of the competitors. “How bad I want to win you ask? Well my answer is, I don’t want this win. This win is meaningless to me. I didn’t come up here to win but to have a chance to show what I have to offer to someone. If I win, it is fine, but even if I lose, as long as I got through to that person, I will have succeeded in accomplishing my goal.”

“Bold girl we have here huh guys?” Jin Young asked his colleagues. “If you were to win right now, who would you thank?”

“The person responsible for getting me here, the one that I owe this chance to stand on stage to.”

“Well, get ready to give that thanks to that certain someone,” Lee Soo Man began. “You have what it takes to make it far. Everyone participates in these competitions thinking that music is all about fame and fortune. You have the spirit of a true artist in you Miss Seohyun, I wouldn’t be surprised if you land a job right after this competition,” he joked.

“Based on your performance score Miss Seo Joohyun, you win this competition with a 10 in every category, congratulations.”

With that, the crowd’s cheer rang across the courtyard as a bouquet of flowers was placed into Seohyun’s hands. With tears in her eyes she scanned the crowd for the man that she owed her win to, hoping that he too felt the same way about her. She hoped that with her performance, he would be able to accept her in his heart. However, the tears of joy in her eyes quickly turned into tears of sorrow once she finally found the person she was looking for.



Author’s Note: HOLY CRAP THIS IS LONG!!! Longest chapter yet guys, even without the lyrics I threw in. Sorry if I lacked on this scene. It is probably one of the most important chapters in the story, and I am so glad that I got through with it. I hope everyone likes it :D I’m sorry if the lyrics I threw in are hard to follow, but I just felt like I had to put them in to get the message across. Before you Wonder Girls fans throw a fit, I’m sorry I said that Seohyun wrote that song but let’s just pretend she did alright? I appreciate all the feedback you guys have been giving me lately, it makes writing worthwhile. I will update soon again, I hope you guys wait eagerly for it. I hope you have as much fun reading as I did writing it. Oh shout out to all my Ye Ji haters out there, I love you guys.


NOTE: If you read it as soon as I posted it the Lyrics are funky I suggest you refresh your page to get the better version

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Wilhemina #1
Chapter 30: Plot twist Kyeong Eun was never dead. I don't want this story to end!!!!
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 29: Author-nim, you really know how to write really cute chapters and all that cheesy lovey-dovey stuff. If you had killed them nothing would've have changed because they died happily, together, in each others' arms. But I have a question, do you want to have your honeymoon in Hawaii? I read your story You Belong With Me and Seohyun and Lee Joo (I think that's his name) were supposed to have their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Wilhemina #3
Chapter 28: For some unknown reason, I don't want Young Jae to be dead. I want him to be there to witness the wedding. And I keep thinking that Ye Ji isn't dead too. I feel like she's faking her death
Wilhemina #4
Chapter 26: That dream though, thought it was real bruh.
Wilhemina #5
Chapter 17: This chapter was so cute, especially the last bit
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 30: That was a great epilogue and wonderful ending! Great work!
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 28: Is it just me or are one of those mind reader authors? Will we be moving forward with relationship finally...?
Wilde_sparxx #8
Chapter 26: While I agree with you not introducing another new bad guy character in this second half of the story, I really just hoped for the fluff ...
Wilde_sparxx #9
Chapter 20: Wow so much drama, lots of drama, too much drama?
Wilde_sparxx #10
Chapter 11: Well you've answered my question...