Me and My Mr. G (Chapter 34 - I Need My Mommy)

Me and My Mr. G


CHAPTER 34: I Need My Mommy.


YG: Mworagoyo?

Seungri: It was my entire fault, Sajangnim. Don’t blame her for this. *bows lowly*


Seungri decided to go directly to YG Sajangnim to report what happened. Even though I came with Jiyong earlier, he didn’t even bother to talk to him or hear any advice from him about this matter. Nevertheless, Jiyong followed us up to here to check things out to their maknae.


I sat on the couch by myself with Seungri and Jiyong standing on the side, talking with Sajangnim.


YG: A picture’s worth a thousand words, Seungri-ah!

Seungri: *still bowing* I…I’m sorry…Sajangnim…

YG: Well. We can’t do anything about it anymore, right?

Jiyong: What do you mean…Sajangnim?

YG: Since Seungri started the mess, he has to finish it. One way or another.


I looked at YG Sajangnim, really puzzled to what was he talking about. Without any reasons, my heart started to thump real fast.


Seungri: *looks up* Mwo?

YG: If any photo leaks…Just confirm your relationship with her.


My eyes widened as I heard him say that. Me and Seungri, on public??? Is he some kind of nuts???? Because of my unbelievable thoughts, I stood up and butted in.


Piper: jeogiyo. But what??

YG: *looks at me* Aren’t you two dating? Just confirm it.

Piper: But…that’s not possible…I, it’s not true!

YG: I’m sorry, dear. But this industry does not accept much of reality. Since, they have the evidence…I’m afraid we have to side with what they saw.

Jiyong: Sajangnim. Piper has got nothing to do with this…Can’t we just reject the issue and correct that it’s just a misunderstanding???

YG: Jiyong-ah…

Seungri: I’ll take care of this.


We all looked at him, surprised.


Seungri: This is my problem. Nobody’s gonna cover up for me or anything, I’ll handle it myself.


After saying those words, he left the office and closed the door.


YG: Jiyong, take this lady home. We have so much to do…damage control.

Jiyong: Ah…ne. Piper, let’s go.


We went down the building without saying any word to each other. I’m still dumbfounded to what happened just now. First, the heartbreaking song, the kiss then this huge problem with that sneaky photographer… Damn, why’d they have to go on to other people’s business??? Jeez.


When we got down, I saw Seungri coming towards us.


Seungri: I’ll take her home.

Jiyong: Sajangnim said…

Seungri: I said I’ll do it.


When I felt the tension between the two, I decided for myself.


Piper: You guys, I’ll go home by myself. I have my truck outside. It’s fine.

Seungri: You sure? I don’t want anyone following you around.

Piper: It’s fine. Really, you should go.


As I started to walk away, Seungri called me.


Seungri: Piper.

Piper: Ne?

Seungri: I have something to tell you…privately. *looking at Jiyong*

Piper: Uhm, okay.




(Jiyong P.O.V)


I went back to YG after leaving Piper with Seungri. Okay, so I felt annoyed by what Seungri’s acting. It’s not like I’ve done a mortal sin to him, right? I just happened to like someone he thinks he was first to like. Jeez. He’s acting really immature. Besides, it’s been almost a week since we fought and he hasn’t talked to me yet since then. And now, he got Piper into trouble.


Jiyong: Sajangnim. There must be another way.

YG: No matter on how you put it Jiyong, there’s no other way.

Jiyong: He can reject the idea. That simple.

YG: Jiyong, you knew the consequences of having issues…You can’t deny it, once they have evidence against you.

Jiyong: but still…Piper’s…

YG: Why do you even care so much for the girl?


I looked at Sajangnim and annoyingly avoided his question. I just bowed down to him and left his office. Honestly speaking, I don’t know exactly why I am mad…Is it that Piper was involved in a trouble like this? Or is it that Seungri’s going to confess their relationship in public??? AISH. This is seriously getting to my nerves, big time.




Ahjumma: Where did you go? Did you get lost?

Piper: Ani…I was just…roaming around.

Ahjumma: Aish, this kid. You should go home now, get some rest.

Piper: Ne…


I walked to my home, carrying my body like it’s full of crap and useless things. Jeez, seriously Piper Grace…what did you do to deserve a complicated life like this? I guess this is some kind of punishment for me for bumping into idols. I just can’t live that peacefully, can I? Sweet peppers. While I was going down the road, I remembered my conversation with Seungri…


Seungri: Come at the YG Family Ball, on Friday.

Piper: What?

Seungri: I’ll announce everything there…

Piper: But…

Seungri: Please, Piper. I want to take care of everything…Just trust me, okay?


Is he really out of his mind??? Announce everything in that ball? ME AND HIM? TOGETHER? This is just one of the frustrating days I’ve ever had in my life. No offense but, I’m a girl am I? As much as possible, I want to be with the man I truly like…or love. I don’t want to end up in forced relationships just to feed the public’s hunger. Jeez, what about me? What about my own happiness???


When I opened the door, I saw Stella sitting on the couch staring blankly.


Piper: Stella? You okay?


She looked at me, expressionless then she started smiling wickedly. She then jumped around the house and hugged me so tight.


Stella: CONGRATULATIONS, PIPER! I knew you two had something!

Piper: Wait…what?

Stella: Hello! Your picture is all over the internet and the fans are going crazy because of that kissing scenery. *laughs*

Piper: Oh crap. You’ve got to be kidding me.

Stella: ‘Course not! You are one lucky girl, Piper! AAAHHHH!


She squeaked and squeaked until I was finally fed up. I rushed off to my room, closing the door with a loud bang. I opened my notebook and connected to the net, when I saw the number one search in sites, SEUNGRI’S GIRLFRIEND. I saw OUR PICTURE, with Seungri’s kissing my right cheek, revealing the side view of my face very much crystal clear. CRAP. Then I saw the horrible comments….


….“Seungri oppa, whyyyy? TT”….


….”She’s not even Korean!”…..


…..”She’s a freaking FOREIGNER!”….


…..”She’s not pretty, how dare she.”….


…..”She’s a ing ”….


Then I closed my notebook for good. Dang, I can’t take those cruel comments anymore. Why do they act like act like TOTAL JERKS? If only Keisha’s here right now, she’d totally kick their asses out. I mean, don’t I have the right to cover up for myself? To correct the misunderstanding? Ugh. Now I know how it feels how to be an idol just this moment. It’s been so hard for them to take all those exaggerated rumors. Because honestly, I’m so ed up at this time. SO ED UP, that I started tearing up again.


Then I heard Stella knocked on my door.


Stella: Piper? Hey…

Piper: Go away! *cries hard*

Stella: Hey…It’s your mom. She’s in the phone…


I was relieved like for a second when she said, “mom”. I totally need mom’s hug right now. All of these things happening to me are just too much for me to handle. I hurriedly open my door, and got Stella’s phone from her. I got back inside my room again, locking up the door this time.


Piper: *brushes my tears off* Mom???

Mom: Piper? Why are you not answering your phone? Is everything alright?

Piper: Mom! *starts to cry again*

Mom: Hey. Why? What’s wrong???

Piper: I wanna go home….*cries*

Mom: What? Piper Grace, what just happened???

Piper: A very long, tragic story. Mom, I need you here.

Mom: Piper…as much as I wanted to, you know I can’t…Now tell me, WHAT HAPPENED THERE?


I told her the whole story, slowly relieving myself from stress. It’s really relieving to finally hear my mom’s voice and share with her all the things I’ve went through here. I started from the very beginning, from I when I met Jiyong then Seungri, then all the unlucky things happening now. She listened sincerely and did not complain for the long, saddening stories of mine. When I finished, she sighed.


Mom: Oh my, I didn’t…know it was that already bad there.

Piper: I know….

Mom: So, do you have any plans?

Piper: No, I don’t.…I’m really dumbstruck right now.

Mom: Well, Piper. I really think going home is not the right thing to do…

Piper: What do you mean, mom?

Mom: Hm, yeah. You see, you’re in big trouble right now there. The more you try to escape, the more it will haunt you. So if you want to end things, either in a good or bad way, stay…And do what you think is right.

Piper: But I don’t know what RIGHT is.

Mom: *chuckles* Oh my poor daughter, I too don’t know. It’s only you, who can answer that.

Piper: but…if I’ll choose, pain is all I can cause.

Mom: Then pick the lesser evil.

Piper: What?

Mom: Hurt cannot be avoided Pipes. One way or another, someone will really get hurt on the process…but eventually it will heal. Now, if you think you’re causing them too much pain then think of it as letting them go. Freeing them from hurt, is the best gift you can give to an aching heart.

Piper: I…I don’t know, mom.

Mom: Well, I’m really wishing you all the best there. But I’ve got to go, Pipes. It’s the customers. Think bright, okay? I love you!

Piper: Thanks mom. I love you too.


Then she hung up. I closed my swelling eyes and tried to get some sleep. I need the whole day, seriously.




Just wanted to thank you guys for everything! :D 

And that...I wanted to tell you guys I'm now working on the ending/ almost there. ;))

I have undecided ending yet, but I'm trying to think what's more fitting. 

And oh! I have another fanfic, Fairytale of the Bad- Female. ;) 

Can't work with it right now since I'm busy with this one. 



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Chapter 45: Wow!!! Finally, I finished this in a day, lol. Thanks authornim for this..^__^ anyway a new reader here..I like the plot & its phasing..looking forward to read other fanfic of yours...
I finally got around to finishing this story and I loved it! I loved everything from the plot of the story to the characters. I'm happy Piper and Jiyong ended up together. :)
I just finished reading chapter 20 and I really love this story so far. But I wish there was a translation when she's speaking in korean.
@lidyaaa I have another fanfic going on, it's actually about CL and Jiyong. kkkk hope you like that too :)
awawwawawaw please nmake a story about GD again
your story make me scream so awesome
Aww! You guys are amazing! Thank you very much!!! :> :) <333
Vvilde #8
Wonderfull!!! i love/loved this story <3 its was lik Nawww <3*omg, i'm such a fangirl* But seriously the story was Amazing, i relly liked the charachters and what makes it even better is that you're truly a talented writer! So I really wanna thank you for a great story, you really made me adicted and new chapters where the high lights of my day <3 So thank you for creating such an amazing story <3
I LOVE THIS STORY. Amazing ending!! :D And I am a hardcore Piper Grace fangirl ;) Thank you for creating such an amazing character amd such an amazing story :3