Let Me Go!

Icy Wall, Warm Heart

The car pulled up to a large mansion-like house with a huge green yard complete with a wrought iron gate.  I immediately felt uncomfortable.  This was the reason I’d begged my parents to just get a normal apartment –big houses like this draw too much attention and send a snooty message.  I stepped out of the car and followed my parents to the front door where we were greeted by a servant who ushered us inside, taking our coats for us and hanging them up.  The man was kind and I liked him immediately.

If I get bored, I know who to go to.  I didn’t know if he’d accept my company, but it would be worth a try later in the evening.  I was guided to a large room already filled with beautiful people in evening wear.  Feeling self-conscious, I hid behind my parents like a shy child (although, I did it more subtly and maturely).  I was afraid I’d stand out with my foreign features and my fears were confirmed.  My blonde hair was a stark contrast against the dull browns and blacks and people stared at me as I passed by.  One thing consoled me –I wasn’t the only teenager there.  A few other girls who looked a bit older than me also wore short party dresses in loud colors ranging from electric orange to teal blue.  While a few peered at me curiously, others glared daggers in my direction.  I avoided their gazes as much as possible.

As expected, my parents introduced me to their coworkers and company members.  I smiled prettily and greeted the strangers respectfully.  In turn, the adults would introduce their children to me.  Most of the children were seventeen/eighteen-year-old boys who would soon also be a part of the company and possibly take their father’s place.  Most of the boys were very attractive and nearly all of them gave me appreciative looks.  Forcing myself not to shift uncomfortably, I stared back at them and remained polite.

After about an hour of standing idly while my parents talked to people I didn’t know, I finally decided I needed some fresh air and alone time away from the crowded room of curious gazes.  Excusing myself, I maneuvered my way over to the balcony outside a pair of glass double doors.  The evening was cool and the crescent moon shone brightly in the dark sky surrounded by gleaming stars.  I rested my arms on the railing, the chill from the metal sending goose bumps up and down my arms.  A shiver ran through me and I wished I’d brought something to keep me warm.  Just as this thought flitted through my mind, I felt something cover my shoulders, staving off the cold.  Surprised, I looked up at the smirking face of a handsome boy.  I remembered him as one of the many I’d met earlier –and also one with a hungry expression.  Yep, he still wore it.

“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling in his chest.

Momentarily distracted by his attractive features, I stuttered out, “Uh, I-I, well, eh...” I stopped before I could dig a deeper hole for myself.  Looking out into the night, I gave a single word response.  “Nothing.”

I heard him chuckle and I blushed lightly.

“I can see that.  I’ll keep you company.”

I grimaced.  “You really don’t have to do that.”

“It’s no bother.”

Yes, it is, I thought.

“You’re father will miss you,” I tried.

“No he won’t, he’s too busy talking with boring people.  People that I’ll soon have to deal with, but hey, might as well revel in the freedom I have now for as long as I can.”

Oh, so he’s one of those guys.

“I suppose.”  I still refused to look at him, hoping that my vague response would send him off.  I wasn’t so lucky.

He leaned his back against the railing, his arms folding over his chest.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed his muscles flexing under his dress shirt.  I refrained from rolling my eyes.

“So how old are you again?” he asked.

“Fifteen,” I answered curtly, thinking my young age would discourage him.  Again, fortune was not on my side.

“Really?  I wouldn’t think that.”

Surprised by his response, I glanced at him.  “How old did you think I was?”

He grinned, obviously happy to get a better response out of me.  “Well, I actually don’t know.  Now that I get a better look at your face, I would have said thirteen.”


“But you act older, you hold yourself in a more mature way.”  He eyed me up and down.  “You dress as if you were older as well.”

For once, I hated that dress.  Maybe I should have worn something more modest, more appropriate for someone younger.

Suppressing a shiver, I stepped away, taking off his coat.  “I’m going inside now.  Thank you for letting me borrow your coat.”  I tossed it to him unceremoniously, turning back to the party.  Before I could take another step, a hand grasped my arm tightly.  Stunned, I whipped my head up.  The boy leered down at me, his face contorted in a sneer.

“Why don’t we stay out here for a little while longer?” he suggested in a manner he probably thought was seductive.  “It’s much too crowded inside.”

I attempted to pull away, but his grip was unyielding.  “Let me go.” I demanded.

“Now why would I do that?” he asked, his voice sickly sweet.  He shoved me against the railing, the bars digging into my back.  Suppressing a wince, I glared back at him with narrowed eyes.

“Let go now,” I repeated, my words coming out slowly. 

“You know, you look so cute when you’re mad.”  He trailed a fingertip along my cheek.  I jerked away from his touch.  He laughed amusedly.  “We could have a lot of fun, you and me.”  His hand slid up my leg.

“Not even in your dreams,” I seethed past clenched teeth.

“Ooh, scary.” 

He placed one hand along my waist while the other slid slowly down my bare shoulder and across my collar bone.  I’d had enough of this creep, so I did what any other sensible girl would have done in this situation –I kneed him where the sun don’t shine.

Gasping, he clutched his stomach, doubling over in pain.  I shoved him roughly aside, prepared to stalk away.  Unfortunately, fate seemed to hate me that night.  I felt his dirty fingers take my elbow, nails digging into my skin.  Spinning around, I raised my fist to punch his jaw, but he grabbed that as well.  He me up against the brick wall by my arms and I nearly tripped on my heels.  Completely annoyed with this idiot, I raised my knee up again, but he predicted my movement.  He s his leg between mine, effectively rendering my favorite self-defense move useless.  His body pressed close to me until there was not a breath of space left.  He raised my arms above my head, clasping my wrists together with just one of his hands.  His other hand began its journey down my arm, to my shoulder, caressing the smooth skin.  His face leaned in and he nuzzled my neck, planting little wet kisses along the way, trailing his tongue.  I struggled to regain my freedom, to push him aside, but he was too strong for me.

“Get…off…of…me!” I growled between bouts of thrashing.

He snickered at my futile attempts as he ran his fingers along my cheek.  I snapped at the digits fiercely as they neared my mouth, but barely missed. 

The boy growled at me.  “I like mine feisty, but you need to be taught a lesson.” 

He slapped my mouth –hard.  I felt my lip split by my teeth dug into the soft flesh and the taste of blood blossomed on my tongue, trickling down my chin.  I gasped at the sting left behind.  With increased vigor, I fought back harder, little bursts of resentful noises escaping my throat.  He tried to shush me by covering my mouth, but that just gave me a chance to bite him.  Yelping in surprise, he took his hand back, his eyes widening and then narrowing again in anger.

“Get off of me!” I shrieked, kicking furiously.

“Why you little-” He wasn’t able to finish the sentence.  In a final act of desperation, I bashed my skull against his, seeing stars for a moment.

The guy seemed to be feeling the same way I was.  His grip loosened and I was able to tear free of his grasp, pushing him away just a little.  He stumbled a little, but regained his stability in a matter of milliseconds, pressing up to me once more.

“You’ll pay for tha-” his sneer cut off instantly when someone grabbed his shirt collar and wrenched him away, throwing him on the ground.

Still dizzy, I looked past the darkening edges of my vision enough to see a blonde-haired person attacking my attacker.  Not wanting to become a feast for someone else, I staggered away from the wall, reaching for the double doors.  My depth perception must have been damaged because my hand missed the edge of the doorframe and I fell.  I braced myself for a hard landing, but I never met the ground.  An arm wrapped around my shoulder and midsection, keeping me from falling.  My immediate response was to fight back, and I struggled in their arms before, in a daze, I peered up through my bangs, eyes landing on a pair of pink lips.  The lips were moving and it was then that I realized this person was speaking, repeating my name.

“Jin?  Jin!  Jin!”  The familiar voice sounded far away and travelled slowly as if through water.  The more I focused on that voice, the less dizzy I felt.  Finally able to raise my head, I looked up into the eyes of my rescuer and…

Nearly fainted right then and there.

“Youngmin?” I choked out.

“Jin?  Oh thank heavens.”  He pressed me close to his chest, hugging me.

“Youngmin, what are you doing here?”  I didn’t care about confusing honorifics at this point.  I just wanted to know how the heck this guy was standing in front of me at one of my parents’ business parties.

Youngmin’s chest bounced once in one breathy laugh.  “I pretty much just saved your life and the first thing you say is ‘What are you doing here?’”  His breath whispered across my ear, the hot gust stirring my hair.

I pushed back, breaking the embrace, staring at him with wide eyes.  My dizziness was already fading and I focused on the boy before me.  He wore an expensive looking suit with a white shirt and silver tie.  “You did not save my life.  And I think I have the right to ask that.”

He crossed his arms, looking at me with serious eyes.  “I could ask you the same thing.”

“I’m here with my parents.  They are attending a business party hosted by the company my father works at.  Now what’s your excuse?”

“My parents dragged Kwangmin and me with them to this business party.”

Eyes widening even more I breathed, “What?”

“Looks like our parents are in the same company.”


Hey guys!  So, short update, but don't worry, more is on its way :) And... cliffhanger!  Okay, so not really.  I kind of at those, but I'm trying to get better!  Were any of you expecting this?  Probably.  It's totally cliche, but I risked it.  Thank you for your comments!  They ar every much loved!  And I'm glad I'm different in a good way :)  Make me even happier by commenting more and subscribing ;D


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Omgxprincessmegan #1
Chapter 32: This was just tooooo cute!(: ,loved your story~ sequel maybe?
Chapter 31: This is so touching… even I'm crying! TT.TT
A very sweet story, well written and a real pleasure to read. Thank u ^^
Chapter 31: i love the ending a lot!! it was sweet :)
simply_beautiful26 #5
Chapter 31: Awww so nice. It really made me cry. I love how Youngmin made Jin so special...Please made a sequel. :)
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 32: Awwww this stories is so cute >_< The last chapter is the best!!! Boys should copy what Youngmin does!!! That is so sweet and romantic <3
Kristii #7
Chapter 31: Soooo cute. I wish it could go on forever. <3
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 31: Very very cute ending :D I really love your story. I'm sad that it already ended :(
Danieea #9
Chapter 32: I really love your story ^^ great story ^^
makeoutinkorean #10
I never write comments, just because I never have a lot to say, since a lot of fanfics don't meet my standards... But I must tell you that I absolutely adored this fic. It's very well-written, the plot is phenomenal (though it seemed a tad rushed), and the characters were all balanced with strengths AND flaws. There were also a few clichés, but they were executed in a way that it didn't feel so boring and overdone. You put them in a new light that I could actually enjoy. Thank you so much for writing this. I am a very critical writer in general, and this lived up to almost all my expectations. Good job!