Emmo's place

Class Love






Hello my wonderful readers! Sorry for not updating as much! In this new chapter there are just some korean terms to keep in mind!

- "Emmo": It's referring to your Aunty but from your mum's side.

- "Emmobu": It's referring to your Uncle that is married to your emmo.


Thank you! 





The taxi soon came to a stop. "This is it," smiled the driver. I smiled back and searched around my bag for my wallet. Suddenly, a hand held my wrist. "Don't worry about it. I need it to go to my house as well." I looked up and was surprised to see Kikwang's face so close up to mine. A smile started to spread as he looked at my dazed expression. I snapped out of my haze and felt my face becoming hot, "I...er, thank you." I looked up at him, " you helped me a lot today an we had just met."


"It's okay, I didnt do much," he started to scratch the back of his head. I smiled at his cute reaction. I then got out of the taxi and went to get my bags from the trunk. "Here, allow me." Kikwang walked over and swiftly carried all my luggage and placed them on the pavement. *He's so nice.* When he was done, I bowed. "Thanks for everything. It was really nice meeting you." He nodded and simply said, "No worries. I hope that you have a good time here." He waved and went back in he taxi. I bowed at the driver and watched as it drove off. I reluctantly carried one of my bags. "It's so heavy!" I cried. Then I remembered how Kikwang managed to carry all of them. One by one, I brought them up to the front steps.


I pushed on thr doorbell and waited patiently. Soon, the door opened and a cheerful looking woman, around about in her forties stood with a wide smile. "_____ah!!!" Emmo pulled me into a giant bear hug. "Can't...breathe!" I gasped as she pulled back. She pulled my face so that it was looking at her directly. "Omo, look at you! You've become so much more prettier than the last time I saw you! I almost couldn't recognize you!" I blushed at this remark. She laughed, "one thing hasn't changed for sure! You still blush a lot!" "Stop it!~" I lightly pulled on her hands. "Arasoo!" I smiled, "It's good to see that your still the same happy person! I've missed you so much!" She held my hands and looked into my eyes, "How's everyone doing at Australia? Your family's all good?" I nodded and smiled.


She then called out to someone from inside. "Taemin-ah! Come here and help out with the bags! Your cousin has arrived!" After a while, a good looking boy came up from behind her. "Hi _____!!! I missed you so much!" He came around and embraced me in another bear hug then pulled away. I gawked at him. "Taemin!!! You've changed so much! Look at you! Your face has become so much more handsome! Your even taller than me!" I couldn't stop staring at him in shock. Taemin and I were the same age, and although he was born a few months earlier than me, I was always the more mature one. Just the last time I had seen him, he was such a kid, running around with his mushroom hair bobbing with his every move. And now, he was completely the opposite. "I know right?! Aren't I just so hot now?" he smirked. "Congratulations on becoming a man. I was worried that it would never happen," I said as I walked into the house. "YAH!" he shouted as he chased after me. But emmo stopped him, "You go and carry all the bags and put them in her room. NOW." He pouted, "Awww! I'll do it after I chase her down!" But he immediately stopped and went back to get them after she gave him a glare. I giggled at this sight and started to go look around the house. "Where's emmobu?" I asked. "He's at work. He will be coming home later. But until then, look around the house and your room. It the first one to the left," said emmo as she walked into the kitchen. "_____ah, unpack all your stuff and wash up, I'll prepare food." "Okay!" I called as I walked up to my new room. The first thing I noticed when I got in was the beautiful window on the far side of the wall. It had lovely cream colored lace curtains flowing from it.


I walked over and knelt by the window and looked out. It had the best view. I could see the whole neighborhood and it had views of the shops, parks and I could even see a small lake nearby. *This is the best. Im really liking it here.*

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im_a_squid #1
Chapter 27: update pleasee~
starxsmileyfacee #2
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update~!!!!
my three bias together KYA >///<
mysteriousaura209 #4
i bet teamin was so confused!xD
poseidon #5
Hmmmm still waiting....(taps foot impatiently)
Thank you :)<br />
Updates are coming along soon! ^^
poseidon #7
Mann I'm hooked now...i really like this fanfic i hope.you continue...update soon...:)
Oh noes! :O
Oh no... What's gonna happen next?<br />
This is very interesting, please update! ^^