Hello Korea!~

Class Love

After 10 long hours, the plane finally arrived in Korea. Still drowsy from the flight, I walked across to where passengers stood around to collect their luggage. After minutes of waiting, I spotted my bags and got ready to pick them up. Just as I was about to reach out, someone else picked them up before me. “Excuse me,” I started to say. Just as I was about to step forward, my luggage was placed in front of me. Confused, I looked up to find that same guy who found my ticket, the same guy who had also sat next to me for 10 hours straight. “You…”


“The luggage seemed a bit heavy so…”

A strange feeling arose from inside of me. Back in my home land, a boy had never offered to carry something for me. Gathering myself together, I said, “Ummm… I didn’t get to thank you before for finding my ticket. Thank you very much.”

“No need for that, I didn’t do much really… Do you have more bags? Where do you have to go?” he asked.

“It’s fine, I can manage.” I walked across to the rest of my bags that were coming out.

“Please, allow me.” He easily picked up all of them and took them over to where the rest of my bags were placed. My dad definitely took several trips when he was moving my bags… His arm muscles where very visible even through the black sweater that he wore. I immediately turned to face the other direction as I blushed.


I immediately followed him towards the exit. As soon as I was outside, I took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. I looked around the busy airport and I was amazed at how developed the place was. Bright lights and large LED screens hung on one side of a large building that was advertising the latest Samsung touch phone. Then boy group 2PM was advertising CASS beer. I stretched my arms and sighed, “Hello Korea…” I snapped back into focus when someone called out.

“Miss? Are you coming?” asked the guy from before, he was standing in front of a taxi and was waiting for you with an amused smile on his lips.

I scratched the back of my hair in embarrassment, “Coming!” I ran over to him and gave him a shy smile, “Thank you…” I got in the car and he soon got in with me, after loading his and my luggage into the trunk of the taxi.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Ummm…” I stuttered, then searched through my bags and drew out a piece of paper with my aunt’s address on it, then showed it to the driver. The driver gave a nod and asked me a question in Korean. Without thinking I replied back in Korean and realised that the guy sitting next to me looking shocked. “So you are Korean…” he said. I looked up to him and meekly smiled, “Yerh…”

He gave me a big smile and held his hand out, and in Korean, he said, “Annyeoung. I’m Lee Kikwang.”

I paused, just looking down at his hand then snapped out of my daze and slowly shook his hand. “Annyeoung, I’m _____ .” I smiled and looked down I felt my face blush. He just laughed softly and asked, “Are you new here?” I nodded. He continued smiling and said, “Welcome to Korea.”


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im_a_squid #1
Chapter 27: update pleasee~
starxsmileyfacee #2
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update~!!!!
my three bias together KYA >///<
mysteriousaura209 #4
i bet teamin was so confused!xD
poseidon #5
Hmmmm still waiting....(taps foot impatiently)
Thank you :)<br />
Updates are coming along soon! ^^
poseidon #7
Mann I'm hooked now...i really like this fanfic i hope.you continue...update soon...:)
Oh noes! :O
Oh no... What's gonna happen next?<br />
This is very interesting, please update! ^^