Fourth Shot

Still My Tutor


It was finally the result announcement day. Here you were again for the second time. Standing in front of your boyfriend's school. Your hands were shaking badly. Your heartbeat was uneven. You were so scared.


Daehyun looked at you and chuckled at your expression. "I told you last night that it was better for you not to come along," he said affectionately. "It's like we're here to get your result instead of mine."


"But I want to come along." Your eyes started to swell with water. "But now I'm scared. What if the result was not good?" Your eyes widened at the thought. You grabbed his shoulders. "What if you failed? Oh my gosh!" You put your hands on your chest and breathed heavily.


She's so adorable. How is she even older than me? Daehyun lightly flicked your forehead which made you flinched in surprise. "You have that little faith in me?"


You blinked a few times. You touched your forehead and rubbed it. It did not hurt a bit. Your eyes turned to look at Daehyun who was smiling so brightly. Your heart clutched tightly at the smile. His question repeated once in your head. And you smiled, too. Naturally, your hand found his and gave it a meaningful squeeze. "I believe in you," you honestly replied.


Daehyun's heart fluttered at your words. She's amazing. She always knows what the right thing to say at the right time. Lovingly, he squeezed you hand back. "You wait here, okay? I'll go and check the result."


You wanted to go with him but you were too scared to even look at the result board. Maybe it was a good thing to stay outside. You gave him a smile and nodded. "Go." You gave him a push.


"I'll be right back," Daehyun said and ruffled your hair. With that, he went into his school.


You combed your hair using your fingers and pouted. Why does he like to ruffle my hair? He's the kid here. Not me. Then, you remembered that Daehyun was going to check his result and your heartbeat accelerated again. You clasped your hands together, shut your eyes tightly. Please. Please let him pass the test.


Five minutes later, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you lifted your eyes. Your eyes rounded. It was Daehyun. You stood up from your seat with a wide smile. But your smile died instantly when you noticed how grim Daehyun looked to you right now. He was not smiling at all. Even his eyes did not shine. You could tell that it did not go well for him. No. Your heart sank. Your hope sank, too. Daehyun tried his best. This is so unfair. You felt like crying. You felt like it was all your fault.


Suddenly, Daehyun grabbed your wrist and started to walk. You willingly followed him, not even asking where he was heading to. Daehyun stopped a cab and the two of you entered it.



Your eyes widened. How did we end up being here? You and Daehyun were standing at the entrance of Lotte World. To be honest, you had never been to Lotte World before and it amazed you how big the place was. You saw people were smiling and laughing with their loved ones. The place sure was lively. You tugged on Daehyun's shirt and he turned to look at you. "What are we doing here?" You asked curiously.


Daehyun gave you a faint smile. She's so naïve. His hand reached for yours and intertwined his fingers with yours. He really liked to hold your small hand. Your fingers fitted perfectly in his. "To play, of course."


Your heart ached at his faint smile. It was a sad smile. You liked his smiles but not the sad one. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. If only I spent more revision time with you. You sadly looked at your hand which in his hand. You bit your lower lip and brought your eyes to meet his. "Yeah, let's play to the fullest today," you said to him.


And the two of you did so. The two of you went for a roller-coaster ride which made you screamed your lung out. You were holding his hand throughout the ride. Thank goodness, you did not eat anything heavy earlier or else. You did not want to imagine the consequence. Next, the two of you tried the shooting game. Both of you were practically good at the game but he was better. He won the biggest teddy bear in the booth and gave it to you which he ended up carrying anyway.


You stared at the photo booth for a long time. Photo booth had always intrigued your curiosity. You wanted to go in but at the same time you did not want to. I love to take photos but I always look plain in photos. Your shoulders deflated at the thought.


Daehyun saw that you had been giving to much attention on the photo booth. You would look at it every time you and he passed the booth. Why can't she just say that she wants to go in there? He shook his head in amusement. He grabbed your wrist and started to walk to the photo booth direction.


And there you were. Inside the booth with Jung Daehyun. Your eyes explored the booth with so much curiosity. Whoever invented this is a genius. You saw Daehyun entered the coins into the slot and the machine started to produce sounds. You were shocked and amazed at the same time. Mostly amazed.


"Ready?" Daehyun looked at you. The expression of your face was too obvious. She'd never been in a photo booth before.


"Ready for what?" You did not understand what he was talking about.


He smiled at you. "Here goes the first shot!" He exclaimed and turned to look at the camera. "Kimchi!"


"Wha-" You went nervous and turned to look at the camera as well. "Kimchi," you said awkwardly but smiled anyway. Snap! The photo was taken.


"Another one!" Daehyun shouted cutely. "Silly pose!"


You turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Silly pose?" You panicked. "How do you even do that?" And this was what you meant by being plain. When other girls were filled with cute poses and all, the only thing you could do while taking photos was smiling awkwardly.


Daehyun wrapped his hand around your shoulder. "Just do a V-sign or wink or anything silly pose you know," he told you. But she doesn't even have to do that. She's just adorably silly.


V-sign or wink or anything silly pose I know? You blinked at him. You did not know other silly poses. So, your mind was only thinking between a V-sign and wink. V-Sign? Wink? You were in dilemma.


"Ready? Silly pose!" Daehyun shouted again. He did a V-sign with his right hand and stuck his tongue out.


You were too nervous to choose between the two options. So, you ended up doing a V-sign and winked at the camera with a small smile. Snap! Second photo was taken. That was a hard work for you.


"Another one!"


Your jaw almost dropped this time. "There is another one?" And what pose is it this time?


Daehyun nodded. His hand went from your shoulder to your waist. Naughtily, he pulled your body towards his. His lips were tugged into a smirk. "Kiss shot," he said softly, almost whispering.


Your eyes widened too much this time. "Kiss shot? NO!" Your heart raced as your face turned crimson. Your hands were on his chest, preventing his face from coming closer to you. You tried to break free from his embrace but his grip was just too strong. I don't want my kissing photo to be taken! "Yah!"


"Too late." He used his free hand to grab your left wrist and put it on his shoulder. Then, he leaned closer to you and pressed his lips against yours.


You shut your eyes in shock and you heard the snap sound of the camera. Did the camera really snap this photo, too? Your face grew even red at the thought. You thought he would stop kissing you once the camera took the photo. You were so wrong.


Daehyun tilted his head to a more comfortable angle and continued to kiss you. The only drug that I would do is you, ~~~~~. He pressed his body into yours. You felt so warm against him. And that drove him crazy. As always.


You blushed endlessly when he tried to deepen the kiss. You could feel your knees went weak that you could collapse any moment. Instinctively, you grabbed his collar to support your weight. It was a mistake to do so because you just gave him the access to your mouth. His tongue caressed yours and your stomach churned. What should I do? You just grabbed his collar even harder as you did not know what to do.


Daehyun tore the kiss and both of you were panting. He still held your body tightly against his. He did not want to let you go. Being as greedy as he always was, he leaned in again and kissed you lightly on the lips again. "Next time," he paused and inhaled his oxygen. "Try to kiss me back."


You were still gasping for air. You could feel your lips still beating from the kiss. Flustered, you looked at him shyly. "I- I don't know how to." You felt so embarrassed after saying that. It was the truth. You did not know what to do every time he kissed you. You could not think straight when his lips were on yours.


Daehyun released you from his embrace and ruffled your hair. "You'll learn in no time," he smiled. "Let's look at the photos, shall we?"


The photos turned out to be better than you expected. In the first photo, both of you were smiling widely. Especially you. You knew that you were really happy. With Daehyun, you were happy. No doubts about it. In the second photo, you were surprised to see that you did not look awkward with a V-sign and wink. You smiled at the photo. I could do better next time. And your face just went so red at the third photo. The kiss shot. Naturally, you covered your eyes with your palms. It was too much for your eyes to take. I can't. That's too much.


Daehyun could not help himself but to giggle at your cute acts. "Ah, the third photo is my favourite!" He exclaimed happily to get your attention. "The kiss shot!" He shouted a little bit too loud this time.


You uncovered your eyes and turned even red than ever. "Yah! Do you need to shout that? People could hear you!" You whispered angrily. You were embarrassed. How could he be so cool about it?


Mischievously, he leaned in and pecked you on the lips again. Your lips were his addiction. They were sweet. He did not like sweet stuffs. But he really loved the sweetness of your lips. He beamed at you with a meaningful smile. He grabbed your hand and the both of you left the photo booth with the huge teddy bear.


"Are you having fun?" Daehyun asked you and sipped on his Coke. The two of you were sitting on the bench. Three of you actually. Plus the huge teddy bear which was in between of you two.


You nodded happily. Of course, you were. It was your first time ever to be in Lotte World and you went there with Jung Daehyun. Your second favourite male. The first one would be always your father. But then you realized that you had fun every time when you were with Daehyun. You just felt so happy to be around him. "Yes, I am. Thank you," you answered gratefully and smiled. I 'm having fun because I have you.


Daehyun took a glance at you and saw that happy smile on your face. Finally, that happy smile. An affectionate smile curved on his lips. He was relieved that you could finally smile happily just like you always did. You were so down at the school earlier that he felt bad. I should be the one to say that. Thank you.


The two of you spent hours in Lotte World that you almost went to play almost all of the games. Since both of you were good at playing the games, prizes were getting too many to be carried. Luckily, you brought your bag pack instead of a handbag. Wait. You did not own any handbag. You put the small prizes inside your bag and held the larger ones. Daehyun had the huge teddy bear on his back and a few more prizes in both of his hands.


"Next time," Daehyun spoke up. "Please remind me to bring along a cart before we come here. I look like a mascot with this teddy bear on my back," he joked and shook his head.


You could not help but to chuckle at his words. "At least, you look cute with it," you .


Daehyun turned to look at you. "Which one is cuter? Me or the teddy bear?" He looked at you with hopeful eyes.


"I think." You tapped your index finger on your chin, pretending to think. "The teddy bear is cuter," you finally said. You were ready to run because you saw what was coming to you.


"Yah! How could you say that?" Daehyun jokingly shouted at you. "I'm going to get you for this!" Before he could even lay a hand on you, you ran away from him.


You stuck your tongue out at him. "Catch me if you can, Mascot boy!"


"Yah! Come back here!" Daehyun started to run with much difficulty. People were obviously giggling at him and he felt embarrassed. But he did not care at the time because his heart felt so happy. How he wished the time would stop for you and him now.

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mysoulisstarving #1
Chapter 5: omg.., the fourth one is my favorite! whooo~~ oh, and the fifth one too^^
Chapter 5: One of the best story I've ever read. Fluffy enough and cuteness overload! Hahaha!!! Thanks for writing! ^^
rainbow-lighter #3
totally looooooooooooove it >< love it love it love it!!!! good story author-ssi ㅠㅠ too good to be realized...
Chapter 5: Seriously this is the best story ever !! :D
AEGAJKDNSJFNJDKL *fan girling* :)
but I'm not his noona ToT . Ehehehe ~
Chapter 5: ERMAHGERDDD. AWESOME. ;u; I love it. <3
Oh my gosh, this has definitely got to be one of the most cutest and romantic daehyun fic that i have read (so far, at least).. Awesome job to the author.. huge applause to you.. n_n
Aigoo :)