Chapter 3: It Was an Accident

Please Forget the Past

Woohyun’s POV:

How could I have not seen that car???? OMG and the driver looks like a girl! I ran out of my car to see the other car. It was right on top of the girl. I stepped in closer, and really looked to see if she was okay. She looks like…that girl at the fashion designing place….isn’t it…you??? No…NOOOOOO!!!! Right when I just found her after 6 years. When I just was about to apologize to her. There she is, lying there…motionless. I immediately tried to push the car off of her, but before I could, the ambulance already came and put her on a gurney. I hopped on the back of the ambulance with her.

I could see blood dripping from the crack on her head….NOOOO THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!!

I couldn’t go into the emergency room, so I waited outside for hours. Then finally, the doctor came.

WooHyun: Is she okay?

Doctor: She’ll live. She has a bad crack at the top of her head, but luckily she didn’t lose that much blood. Her memory should be okay too. Some important memories might come back to her, and she may start acting strange, but those will wear off after months.

Woohyun: Was any surgery needed?

Doctor: Not at the moment. If her brain starts acting up and she can’t think straight, maybe yes. But I doubt that she’ll need it. May I ask…are you her boyfriend?

Woohyun: PSH…I hope she will be.

Doctor: You’re welcome any time to see her.

WooHyun: Thank you doctor.

I left, because I know she’s not coming out and I can’t go in to the emergency room. I tried to focus on work, but it was so damn hard when I just almost killed the girl I liked.

The next day, I went to visit you. The nurse told me where her room was, and I walked there as fast as I could. But when I got to her room, she wasn’t there. WHERE COULD SHE BE???

you’s POV:

The nurse was supposed to take my cereal bowl back to the kitchen but, she told me they only had 6 of them at the hospital, and they all need to help these 2 senior citizens with something. It’s okay. I can still walk, so I walked to the kitchen and dropped off my bowl. As I was walking back, I saw a toddler, crying in the corner. I tried to pull him out. He kept crying “MOMMY! MOMMY!” I tried to calm him down, and asked him what his mom looks like. I quickly grabbed a lollipop from the nurse’s cart and put it in front of his face.


you: You want this?

I pulled off the wrapper and gave it to him. He on it happily and stopped crying. I took his hand, and walked to the front entrance to look for a woman with a black blazer and blazk pants. It’s what his mom looked like, according to him. I saw a woman talking to a nurse at the front desk.

you: Excuse me, is this your-

Mother: OMO! My baby! Oh! You found him! Thank you so much!

you: No problem.

Mother: Oh, what happened to your head?

you: I got into a car crash…

Mother: Who would want to crash into such a pretty girl like you?

you: No, it was my fault. I didn’t see the car coming.

Mother: By the way, what’s your name?

you: I’m  you, I work as a fashion designer, and sometimes I work at Dolphin Day Care.

Mother: I’m Hwanhee, and this is Jaemin. Maybe I’ll take him to Dolphin Daycare one day, because it seems like he really likes you!

you: Sure! I’d love to play with Jaemin again!

Mother: Well, we better get going.  Bye!

you: Bye!

I walked back to my room, feeling good about the good deed I just did. I opened the door quietly, and closed it behind me. I suddenly saw a guy standing in my room. I knew exactly who he was. It was that jerk Nam Woohyun.

you: I think you’re in the wrong room.

Woohyun: No, I’m not.

you: What are you doing here.

I shot him a dirty look. I obviously didn’t’ forget those times when he made me look bad in high school.

Woohyun: Where were you…?

you: Answer my question first. What are you doing here?

Woohyun: Do you know how worried I was when I didn’t see you here?

you: Why would you be worried?

Woohyun: Because I-

you: Please, just get out-

He grabbed onto my shoulders and shook me.


I felt dizzy after he shook me. I grabbed onto my head in pain.

Woohyun: Oh I’m sorry…Are you okay?


I pushed him out of my room and locked it. I went to sleep, trying to get his images out of my head. I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to talk to him. I know what he’s going to do. He’s going to trick me into thinking he’s a good guy, then taking advantage of me and hurting me again.

We’re not in high school anymore, Nam Woohyun. You’ve got to do way better than that.

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Bassplayer #1
Chapter 36: Wouldn't he get life sentenced?
Chapter 36: The CEO killed her family?

Chapter 36: So he killed her parents?!
Wth, why?! D:
Chapter 36: OMG NOW WE KNOW WHY. I WOULDVE PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE. WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT DATES. I NEED MY REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!! ____ is about to go down now. i wonder what im going to do next. update soon!
Chapter 35: The best, absolute, perfect singer part just got me spazzing, omfg. LOL.
Poor Woohyun. ;~; I feel bad for him, but feelings change so0o.
Chapter 35: OMG ____ IS GOING DOWN. i think theyre going to bump into each other right?
Chapter 35: Lol! Best, absolute, most perfect singer! I see what you did there! ^^ Yeah, I know. I'm lame.....
Chapter 34: OMG WHO WILL SHE CHOOSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! idk either....
Chapter 34: Daehyun kiss her on the lips?

And Woohyun, does it mean he still have feeling for her? Whah.
Can't wait for the next
Chapter 34: They are a couple ? Kissed ?! Great !!