Pride, Prejudice... & Humility

❄I Made a Man Cry❄
A voice boomed through the gallery, “Junghwa-ssi, what a coincidence!  I didn’t know you’d be here~”
                ‘Why am I not surprised?’ Junghwa scoffed.
                “Of course, I’d here!  Are you kidding me?  I LOVE art.  Just like my friend here.” The woman smirked as she gestured his gaze over to the grinning gentleman as he made his way towards her.
                “Siwon, this is Cho Kyuhyun.  Kyuhyun, this Choi Siwon, the son of the biggest trading company in South Korea, and my fiancé.”
                “H-h-he’s your fiancé?” He stuttered and began to stare at the man.
                  At that moment in time, Kyuhyun’s heart pulled himself down into the dark, depressing depths of hopelessness.  He was nothing compared to the god-like statue in front of him.  For a short moment, he felt all was lost and that he should just give Junghwa up and let her be in the hands of that man.  He felt that he should let the other man hold her, kiss her, touch her, love her instead of himself.  However, his stubbornness and his determination wouldn’t let him.  It wouldn’t let another man be her star.  Kyuhyun has always dreamed about being Junghwa’s star and he wasn’t going to let someone steal his dream, not when his heart is still beating behind his chest.
                 “Yes, I am this pretty lady’s fiancé.” Siwon pulled into a cheeky smile.
                 “I know.” Kyuhyun’s voice became low, almost deadly with envy.
                 “Anyway, we’d best be going.  We have an amazing date planned out.” Junghwa gushed before she affectionately wrapped her arms around Siwon’s.
                 Kyuhyun’s hands curled up into tight fists, “Oh really?”
                “Yes, now we must go.   Come on, Siwonnie!” She chirped.
                ‘Siwonnie?’ Kyuhyun AND Siwon wondered.
                “Bye-bye!” She began to pull on Siwon, but he wouldn’t budge.
                “Wait, Junghwa.  We must invite your friend to our engagement party this Saturday!” Siwon happily suggested.
                “Our engagement party?  This Saturaday?!” Junghwa asked making great effort to hide her surprised tone.
                “Yes, this Saturday!”
                “Umm, b-b-but Kyuhyun wouldn’t want to go to a BORING party…”
                “Actually, I do want to go to your engagement party.  It sounds like fun~” He emphasized the word ‘fun’.
                 Before Junghwa could protest again, a devious, but clever scheme popped into her brain.  A devious, but clever plan that may get rid of a man named Cho Kyuhyun… forever.
                “Pfft!  What was I talking about earlier?  I’d love for you to come to our engagement party!” She faked a ‘plastic’ smile.
                “Yes!  The celebration will start at 6 and end around midnight.  You must come!” Siwon urged.
                “I already told you.  I do want to go to the party.” Kyuhyun shot back, annoyed at that man.
                “Then, it’s settled.  We’ll meet each other again soon!  Goodbye for now.” Junghwa literally dragged Siwon away, leaving Kyuhyun in the now vacate art gallery.
                Junghwa stopped in her tracks and turned her head back to Kyuhyun, “And by the way, just dress casually.  We didn’t want it to be too fancy.”
               Once Junghwa and Siwon were out of the building, Junghwa breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face Siwon.
               “Siwon, we must make the engagement party as fancy and extravagant as possible!”
               “But you just said you wanted it to be casual…”
               “Screw what I said earlier!  I want it fancy!  Period.”
                Junghwa woke up by the sound of rapid footsteps gliding back and forth her front door.  Many of the mansion workers were swiftly, yet fastidiously creating an extravagant fairytale engagement party just like how their lady wanted it.  They ran back and forth across the mansion, picking up supplies to decorate the Grand Ballroom, where the splendid celebration will take place.  In the Grand Ballroom, it was practically a ‘clean mess’.  The head butler, along with his right hand men were hastily directing the workers what to do and how to set up the fancy décor.  Everyone was running around trying to help one another to ensure the party’s huge success and to satisfy their princess’ demands.
                Their hard work resulted as probably the most beautiful and extravagant Grand Ballroom they’d ever created.  Content smiles were pastured on each of the workers faces and deep within their hearts, they wished that their precious young lady would love it too.
                In the middle of the Grand Ballroom, there hung a magnificent chandelier.  The chandelier lit up the whole entire room, including the people residing within it.  It shined like a big bright sun within the sky painted ceiling.  The realistic sky emitted an illusion of a wonderful day.   In the prideful princess’ eyes, today would be extremely wonderful, but for the man she strongly despised, today would be anything but a wonderful day.
                6 o’clock came and a chilly night began to wrap its dark blanket the ever-bustling city of Seoul.  Guests were already arriving to the son of Choi Corps. and the daughter of Park Inc.’s engagement extravaganza.  All of them were dressed in complete elegance and oozed wealth from head to toe.  Every one of them were gossiping about how exciting it was to have two of Korea’s major trading companies bound together by a money driven a compatible marriage. 
                While guests were arriving like a swarm of butterflies, Park Junghwa was in her bedroom getting ready for her night.  There stood the princess in front of a mirror, shamelessly admiring her own beauty.  She was dressed in gold Dior to melt hearts and painted with Chanel make-up to help illuminate that shameless perfection.  She wore a beautiful, but dirty smirk on her porcelain face that fully contrasted the innocent beauty she presented.
                In the mist of her self-admiration, there was a soft knock on the door.  She turned around just to meet the gaze of a beautiful young woman about her own age.  She was dressed in a purple Vera Wang evening gown and was decorated with Loreal Paris make-up.  She pulled on a gentle smile as she strode over to Junghwa and embraced in her a tight hug.  The young woman was named Hwang Aerin.  She was the daughter of the CEO of the South Korea’s infamous car company, Seo Dae Motors.  She was also Park Junghwa’s best and only friend.  Despite Junghwa’s prideful arrogance, Aerin stuck by her ever since middle school because she knew that deep down, there was a lonely girl wanting to just be loved by another.
                “Rinnie-ah, I’m so happy that you came!  I thought you wouldn’t make it!” Junghwa exclaimed as pulled out of her friend’s hug.
                “Psh!  Of course I have to come to my best friend’s engagement party!” She made a playful offended expression.
                “Well, the party’s about to start.  We should get going, neh?” Junghwa wrapped her arm around Aerin’s and she led her to the door.
                “Hmm?  What’s wrong Rinnie?” She raised an eyebrow.
                “Are you sure you want to do this?”
                “Do what?”
                “The engagement.  Are you sure you want to go along with it?  Because after you officially announce your engagement with Siwon, there’s no backing out.  You know how the wealthy can be.”
                “Yes, I know how rich people are like!  I’m not stupid!  I am one of them!” She huffed.
                “I’m just saying, Hwannie.” Aerin shrugged, “Anyway, do you still want to do this?”
                “Of course!  Besides, I’m already forced to do this, so I can’t do anything about it even if I refuse to get married.” Her voice lowered.
                “Gwenchana.” Aerin comforted.
                “Anyway, let’s go!  Kaja!” And both of the ladies catwalked to the Grand Ballroom.
                When they arrived to their destination, the grand door opened and everyone’s gaze automatically turned to them.  Everyone in that room started to gawk at their beauty.  Silent whispers complemented both of the girls’ perfection as they made their grand entrance.  In the center of the ballroom, a god-like gentleman stood there waiting for his woman.
                “Junghwa-ssi, you look beautiful tonight.” He took her hand and kissed it like he did on their first meeting.
                Déjà vu hit Junghwa as she stuttered, “T-t-thanks.”
                “Ahem!” Aerin nudged her friend.
                “Siwon, I’d like you to meet by best friend, Hwang Aerin.” Aerin politely bowed to the man.
                “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Aerin-ssi.” Siwon grinned.
                “It’s nice to meet you too, Siwon-ssi.  Junghwa has told me A LOT about you.” Junghwa kicked her friend.
                “Ouch!  What was that for?!” Aerin winced at her impact.
                Junghwa just shrugged.  Aerin was rubbing her feet when she caught a glance of someone.
                “Siwon-ssi, I’ll leave Junghwa in your hands for tonight AND for life, araso?  I swear, if you hurt her, Imma go all ninja on ya!” She threatened.
                “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll take care of her.” Siwon reassured.
                “You better.” Aerin warned, “ Junghwa, I’m gonna go okay?”
                “Ara.” Junghwa stood in silence until Siwon offered her a drink.
                Meanwhile, Aerin walked towards these two guys.  One of them was Park Jungsoo, Junghwa’s older brother, and the other was a shorter, but handsome man with dark hair.  Both of them were immersed in a conversation when Aerin appeared in front of them.
                “Anneoghaesayo, Jungsoo oppa.  Anneoghaesayo, Donghae oppa~” Aerin blushed.
                “Ah, Aerin dongsaeng!  How are you these days?” Jungsoo asked.
                “Oh, I’m fine thank you.”
                “Aerin-ssi, you look pretty as always.” Donghae complemented, making Aerin’s cheeks florid.
                ‘That heartthrob!’
                 Jungsoo was making googlely eyes at his friend and to Aerin when he caught a glimpse of a familiar person walking into the ballroom.  Junghwa noticed this peculiar person as well.  She took Siwon by his arms and walked a bit closer to the person.  This person stood out from the rest of guests because he was the only one in dark skinny jeans, t-shirt under a gray jacket, and that same blue and white striped beanie.  He’s outfit was way too casual for this elegant engagement party.  It was so casual, it made Junghwa extremely content.
                  “Kyuhyun!  It’s so nice of you join us today.  I thought you’d never come.” Junghwa smirked.
                  “Of course, I’d come.  I wouldn’t miss it for a thing.” He replied sarcastically.
                  “Well, let me offer you some refreshments.” Junghwa gestured to the table with expensive vintage wines from all over the world.
                  As Kyuhyun started walking to the table, Junghwa stuck out her feet.  Kyuhyun immediately lost his balance and crashed against the table.  A pyramid of glass-filled wine came tumbling down on Kyuhyun.  In a matter of seconds, he was drenched from head to toe in wine.  The shattering of glass on the polished granite floor caused everyone’s heads in the Grand Ballroom to turn to the usual sound.  Soon, all eyes were on Kyuhyun. 
                  Junghwa slowly walked over to Kyuhyun.  She bent down to meet his gaze.  His eyes were unreadable as he continued to stare into Junghwa’s eyes.
                  “Oh my!  Kyuhyun-ah, did you trip?  I’m so sorry.  Here, let me help you~” Then, she poured all of the contents in her drink onto Kyuhyun’s head.
                  He closed his eyes and ducked his head down by the liquid’s contact.  There were gasps as well as snickers all over the ballroom.  No one would want to be Kyuhyun’s shoes right now.
                  “Oh, I’m sorry.  My hand accidently slipped~” More light snickers arose around the room.
                   Junghwa took her sweet time to enjoy Kyuhyun’s moment of shame before she began to speak.
                   “Yah, Kyuhyun.  Cho Kyuhyun.  Do you know what’s funny?  A mere poor man like you trying to score a woman like me!  The fact that you even dare try to go for a girl that’s way out of your league is humorous.  The fact that a man like you can believe that he has a chance with a woman like me is pathetic.  You’re a pathetic man, Cho Kyuhyun, do you know that?  Tsh!  Of course, you don’t!  You’re too stupid.  You probably have a brain of an ant for all I know!  A one celled organism like you can never make enough money to impress a fine woman like me.  Look around you, Kyuhyun.  Compared to all of the people in this room, you’re the speck of dust everyone wants to get rid of.” Junghwa sneered.
                    Deadly silence engulfed the Grand Ballroom.
                    She continued, “Do you have the money to take care of me?  Do you have the money to buy me pretty things?  No, you don’t Kyuhyun.  So how do you think that I’m going to be happy with you?  I might as well shoot myself in the head with a pistol than be with a poor pathetic peasant like you.  You can never lay your hands on this enchanting goddess right in front you.  You can dream, but it’d be a waste of energy, don’t you think?  You can dream.  I’ll let you dream.  Just stop making your ty dream into reality.  Because no matter how hard you try, it won’t work.  Your dream won’t come true because your dream will make sure it doesn’t.”
                    Kyuhyun felt a thousand boulders crush him down into a billion pieces.  Pride was nowhere to be found because it was scared away.  Humility tugged his heart down and kicked out every ounce of hope in it as well.  So much humility filled up his heart it started to hurt like crazy.  It hurt so much it generally brought pain to every inch of his body.  That pain stabbed his heart and broke it.  And yet, it still hurt.  He started to feel weak without his little hope.  He couldn’t move.  He couldn’t run away from the pain.  He just stayed there and let the woman he loved kill him slowly, yet brutally.  Call him crazy, but to be honest, he liked itIt was better than feeling nothing at all…
                   “So, what I’m trying to say is…” She started to poke his head to taunt him, “Poor pathetic men don’t get pretty rich girls.  Understand, you idiot?”
                    Kyuhyun was still silent, letting shame devour every part of him.
                   “Kya.  Get out.  You’re not welcomed here nor will you ever be.” With that, Junghwa stood up and transferred her attention to the guests.
                   “Everyone, please get back to what you were doing.  Let’s continue to enjoy my engagement party.” She announced.
                    Everyone slowly got back to what they were doing before the interruption.  Some of them even stole glances at the man that was just publicly humiliated on the floor.  Junghwa went over to a bewildered Siwon like nothing had happened, entirely ignoring Kyuhyun’s presence.
                    Aerin, who had seen every second of it, marched on over to Junghwa.  Before Junghwa could even open , Aerin grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the ballroom to the indoor patio.  When they went far enough out of hearing range, Aerin furiously let go of Junghwa’s arm, making Junghwa hiss in pain because of the strong grip.
                   “Did you really have to do that?” Aerin asked.
                   “Do what?” Junghwa replied, completely oblivious to what her friend was referring to.
                    Aerin scoffed at her friend, “Why the hell did you have to humiliate him like that?!  WAE?!”
                    “Because he’s annoys the hell of out me!   He’s been following me around for the past 2 years!  This engagement party was my chance to get rid of him once and for all!”
                    “By destroying his pride in front of all of those people?!”
                    “Well, that was the only way!”
                    “The ONLY way???  Are you ing serious, Junghwa?!  Don’t you realize what you have done?!”  Aerin screeched.
                    “Of course, I realized what I have done!  I’ve successfully made him disappear from MY life.  Now, I can live in peace again!”
                    “You monster!!!  What about him?!  Do you think that man can still live in peace after what you did to him?!”
                    “Oh my god!  Who the cares about him and his ing life?!?!  At least if MY life is perfect, then I’d be completely happy!”
                    “It’s always been about you isn’t it?” Aerin shook her head, “You still haven’t learned, have you?”
                    “Learn what?!  I don’t need to learn about anything!  I practically know EVERYTHING about life!!”
                    “Everything???  No Junghwa.  You’re wrong.  You don’t know a about life!!!  You don’t know what other people go through each day just to live and breathe!  You don’t even know what is!!!!!!”
                    “Of course, I know what is!  It’s the dirty smelly stuff that comes out of your after you’ve digested your food!”
                    “OH MY GOD.  ARE YOU ING SERIOUS?!?!  I feel so sorry for that man...”
                    “Aerin!” Junghwa said, sounding offended, “Don’t give sympathy to that pathetic dog!”
                    “For what you just did to him, he deserves all of the sympathy he can get!”
                    Junghwa just stood there with words stuck in .
                    “My god!  Every time I pass by your house on my way to work, I always see him standing there in front of your gate.  ALWAYS!  And whenever I come back from work late at night, I always see him still standing there, WAITING FOR YOU!!!  I still see him standing there even in the cold!!!  Do you know how much he’s suffered because of you?!  Do you know how much time he wasted because of a brat like you?!  And yet, all you care about is your stupid pampered life!  How shallow can you get, Junghwa?!”
                    Aerin was more than ever appalled by Junghwa.  She knew Junghwa could be kind of shallow, but not to this extent.
                    “I don’t get it!  Why do even care about some other’s man’s life more than your friend’s life?!  Is my life not that important to you?!  Why can you care and I don’t?!”
                    “BECAUSE YOU’RE A SELFISH !!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU’RE A SELFISH SHALLOW BRAT WHO CAN’T GIVE A ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!  IF YOU CAN’T EVEN GIVE A ABOUT ME, THEN HOW YOU GIVE A TO THAT MAN?!?!?!?!” Aerin was enraged.  This was probably first time she was actually angry, really, really, really angry at someone.  Junghwa had ignited the fire.
                    “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON’T GIVE A ABOUT YOU?!?!?!?!  You’re my best friend!!!”
                    “Best friend my !!!  You never really cared about me even when my mom was sick with cancer!  All you ever did was gave her flowers and a card that said ‘Get well soon!  :D’.  What the ?!  You didn’t even visit my mom at the hospital even once!  Do you know how depressed I felt when I was going through that?!  No, of course not!!!  YOU WERE TOO BUSY PLANNING OUT YOUR ING SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!”
                     Angry tears started to stream down Aerin’s face.  Pain was apparent in her brown eyes.  Pain that was stored deep down inside her, hoping that one day Junghwa would finally open her eyes and see the world in full color, rather than a perfect black and white that she had always seen the world in.
                    “Don’t call me Rinnie!” Aerin stormed past Junghwa.
                    Junghwa was still speechless.  She still didn’t understand what exactly Aerin was trying to say.  She sat down on a bench and started to mull over their fiery conversation they just had.
                    Just then, it hit her.
                    ‘I am such a …’ 
Sorry for the late update everyone!  D:  But at least I did update, right?  :D             Eventually............
Well, I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!  <3  ^_^
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This is really good! I seriously hope you update, Love it♥
KyeopTaemin #2
Please update your stories. I am really dying just to read this
Unnie, please please please please please update soon.<br />
I love this fanfic, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon.<br />
Ah? I want to know more, it's so interesting and I can't wait for more.<br />
Update soon please! Kyuhyunniee.. T___T
New reader here!<br />
<br />
Poor Kyuhyun oppa :(<br />
i want to see what'll happen in the next chappies. update soon :D
Hi~! <br />
New reader here :)<br />
<br />
TT^TT Junghwa is so mean to Kyu T^T <br />
btw...I love your poster unnie~!!! ^_^<br />
<br />
Update soon~ I can't wait for the next chapter ^^ <br />
Fighting~^^! <br />
God bless!
New reader here ^_^<br />
<br />
LOL at the barbies and the abs part xD<br />
But i pity Kyuhyun oppa. I hope she could accept him :3<br />
update soon, cuz every part interests me :D
wow. junghwa is a serius spoiled little rich -i mean girl^^ <br />
no offense XD<br />
update soon. the plot is really interesting :)