Stupid Barbies & a 'Prince Charming'

❄I Made a Man Cry❄
“What?!?!  Marriage?????  What marriage?????  MY MARRIAGE?!?!?!?!?!  BWOH?!?!?!  O_O” Junghwa exclaimed.
                Jungsoo didn’t say anything.  The mellow sympathy in his eyes was more than enough confirmation.  Junghwa was distraught.  She too didn’t say anything since the shock and horror in her eyes said everything.  She turned her body until she was facing the ceiling which was filled with yellow stars painted during her ‘princess days’.  Oh how she missed those innocent times…
                ‘Wae?  Did I kill millions of people during my past life?  Why do I have to suffer, huh?  First, I got a crazy stalker, now I have an arranged marriage?  Wae, Lord?  WAE?!?!’
                Junghwa grabbed the nearest pillow and barbarically screamed into it like a mad woman.   She couldn’t believe her parents would not let her have the fairytale love story she always dreamed of ever since she came out of her umma’s stomach.  In every single fairytale she read, the princess always met a handsome prince, fell in love, got married, and lived happy ever after.  Well, the sad thing is, fairytales aren’t reality.  In reality, everything is difficult, MUCH, MUCH MORE difficult.  Everything isn’t made of fluffy bunnies, pink unicorns, and pretty little butterflies.  Reality consists of pain, hardships, and even more pain. 
                However, with pain, comes happiness.  Without pain, every human would be weak.  Without hardships, humans would die of boredom because they wouldn’t have anything to mull over about.  Without obstacles getting in the way of a person’s dreams, more people would take life for granted and take more foolish risks.  Without difficulties, we would be numb, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Humans must always experience challenges to become a stronger person than they were yesterday. 
                 And that’s the reality Junghwa haven’t known yet.  She didn’t know what a hardship is.  No, she didn’t know that hardships actually exist.  Throughout her perfectly pampered life, she had never faced any conflicts what-so-ever.  Everything was decorated with precious jewels, satin, silk, and gold… well, not literally.  Whenever she wanted something, someone taller would always reach out and get it for her.  Junghwa lived dependently on her parent’s wealth for pretty much her whole entire life so far.  Her stalker and the arrange marriage were the things that Fate brought to her.  It was time to teach Park Junghwa a lesson.
                  “Jungsoo oppa.” Junghwa mumbled underneath her pillow.
                  “Tell mommy and daddy I love them.”
                   She threw the pillow at Jungsoo’s face and ran to the door.  When she opened it, two huge bodyguards were in the front of it.  ‘.  So much for escaping…’
                  “Miss Park, we were ordered by Mr. Park and Mrs. Park to you to the library.” One of the guards said.
                   She turned to her big brother for help, but he just mouthed, “I’m sorry, they’re too scary…”
                  “Urg!  Some big brother I have.  =_= He’s not even that good-looking either…”
                  “Yah!  I heard that!”
                   The two big macho nacho dudes escorted her down the long hallway to the library.  ‘I knew I should’ve taken Tae Kwon Do when I had the chance.  But no~, I had to spend time playing with Barbies!  Stupid dolls!  I’m gonna burn all of you plastic es someday. Watch.'  The macho men reached out to grab hold of the golden handle and opened the door to her doom.  An old man and an old woman, both elegantly dressed in black, were waiting at the other side, passing time by reading books about the ‘the History of Intimacy’ and ‘How to Have Great : The Old People Edition’.  WTF???
                   The old woman looked up at the visitor, “Junghwa-ah!  How’s my baby doing?”
                  “Just spilt it out lady.” Junghwa replied in monotone.
                  “Well, that isn’t a nice way talk to your beautiful umma.” Mrs. Park pouted.
                  ‘With all of that silicon and Botox, I highly doubt it.’
                  “Have a seat honey.” She gestured Junghwa to a single seat in front of both of the parents.
                  “I refuse to get married. May I leave now?” The young lady got up her seat only to find the two bodyguards blocking the door.  She sighed in defeat and sat back down.
                  “Good girl.  Now, tomorrow you will be meeting your future husband at Cheok Bok Art Gallery.  He will wait for you in front of Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ painting, which is his favorite painting I must add.  He’s a complete gentleman with a very good background.  He’s actually the son of Choi Corps., the biggest trading company in all of Korea.  He’s very rich and will provide you with anything you could ever want!  This marriage will not only benefit you, but it will also benefit our own trading company.  Not to mention, he’s quite the y beast, I must add!” Mrs. Park gushed, earning a glare from her husband.
                   “Yeah.   It would totally benefit the company, but certainly not me.” Junghwa rolled her eyes.
                   “Oh honey, don’t be such a pessimist!” Umma said and leaned in closer to where Junghwa was at, “He has abs too~
                   “He… does?” Her eyebrow rose, showing slight interest.
                    A mischievous grin grew on Mrs. Park’s face as she slowly nodded her head.
                   Junghwa violently shook her head, ‘No!  I will not fall for this.  Abs or no abs, I will not get married to a man I don’t know!!’
                  ‘But he has abs~ Didn’t you want a hubby with rock hard abs???’ Her ‘erted Me’ said in an  attempt to convince her.
                  ‘Well, yeah…  No!  No!  NO!!!  I shall not give into temptation!’
                  ‘You know you want it.  You know you want to feel those y abs underneath your fingers…’
                  ‘SHUT UP!!!  JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!  JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH ERTED ME!!!’
                  'ABS…  ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS… ABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  ‘I swear, if you say ‘abs’ one more time, I will bring Violent Me out to shut you up!’
                   ‘*gasps* I HATE her!’
                   ‘Yeah, so you better zip your lips!’
                   ‘Yes, ma’am! *solutes*’
                   ‘Finally, some peace and qu…’
                   ‘Chocolate bumps…  Yummy chocolate bumps…’
                   ‘Violent me, where are you?!?!?!?!’
                   ‘Who do I need to kill?Violent Me said.
                    ‘.’erted Me scurried away… in her Junghwa’s mind of course.
                    Junghwa snapped out of her thoughts just to find her parents looking at her with weird and perplexed expressions.
                    “What?” She asked.
                     “Anyway… Just like your umma said, you will meet your fiancé tomorrow.  So the maids will wake you up early tomorrow to make you look nice and pretty, arachi?” Her dad replied.
                    “Whatever.” She slumped in her chair.
                    “Yah!  What kind of young lady slouches on a chair?!  Sit up straight!” Her mom yelled.
                     Junghwa slowly and lazily fixed her position.
                     “Aigoo, aigoo.  This girl.  Aish!” Mrs. Park exclaimed, “You better not act like this in front of son-in-law tomorrow!”
                    “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She mumbled.
                    “And don’t try to escape either.  There will bodyguards everywhere in the house.  Yes, there will be guards outside the mansion too, so don’t you dare try to jump out the window!” Mr. Park ordered.
                    ‘Damn it!   I was going to do that tonight.’
                    “Whatever!” With that, she angrily stomped outside.
                    When she walked out of the library, there were guards lined up everywhere along the hallways.  There was not a way to get out of the house and not a way to get in either.  She was going to be trapped in a luxurious prison for the rest of the day until tomorrow morning.  Holding in her constant growing rage, Junghwa speed-walked to her bedroom.
                   “ BARBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Junghwa screamed out in which it shook the whole entire mansion and its residents.
The Next Day
                “Agasshi, wake up.  You have to get ready for your date.” A maid said.
                “I don’t wanna!” She grumbled underneath her covers.
                “Agasshi, you have to get up.  Your umma sent out strict orders to get you up and ready for your marriage meeting.” The maid politely informed.
                ‘Aish, this is so bothersome!  I wanna sleep, damn it!!!’
                “Ara, ara!” Junghwa forced herself out of the warm sanctuary.
                Before she headed to the bathroom to do her morning business, she stopped by the window and pulled back the blue pastel curtains.  The sky was still dark, but there were hints of midnight blue highlighting the endless darkness.  She switched her gaze south and saw a bunch of bodyguards standing guard.  They were outside standing watch all night to make sure the Princess didn’t escape.  Junghwa reached out to touch the window.  It felt like an overfrozen Popsicle!  For a moment she felt a little pity for the men, but she quickly shook it off convincing herself that it was just their job.
                When she got out, five maids were lined up with clothes and accessories for her to pick out for ‘the date’.  One maid stood by a rack of dresses, the second maid had boxes of jewelry, the third maid had boxes of shoes stacked up to about 10 feet up to the ceiling, the fourth maid was in charge of the purses, and the last maid was responsible for putting on Junghwa’s make-up, hair, and making her  look pretty.  After a 2 hour fashion show, she was FINALLY ready to put on make-up.  And after another 2 hours, Junghwa was all ready to meet her future husband.
                Dressed in simple, yet elegant knee length dress with her black hair pulled back into a loose bun, she catwalked out from her room, down the stairs, and to the front door.  At every foot she passed by, the workers were all lined up to bid their lady good-bye with bows after bows.  But never once, she did acknowledge their presence nor their respect for her.  She just walked passed them, treating them as if their just cheap statues for the house’s décor.   To her, the mansion’s workers were simply insignificant.
                The driver opened the car door and the young lady gracefully stepped inside.  He closed the door and they both headed toward Cheok Dok Art Gallery.  The ride was silent as always since she never felt the need to talk to her driver except whenever she ordered him to take her somewhere. 
                They soon arrived at the art gallery.  The building was practically art itself!  Its architecture consisted of symmetry and abstract figures.  The top of the building was shaped almost like a wide ‘V’ on every single side of the gallery.  If you were the divide the building in half at every single side, the division would be amazingly even.  The tile cement on the ground perfectly went in line with the long, straight lines on the building.  It was like a never-ending line of rectangular boxes.  Not to mention, the fountain in the front of it was breathtaking as well.  No wonder, people love visiting here.
                The driver pulled to a stop in front of the building, got out of the car, went over to his agasshi’s side, and opened the car door for her.  She stepped out and swiftly head inside to get everything over with.  She went on a scavenger hunt for her fiancé as well as the ‘Starry Night’ painting he was supposed to wait for her at.  After about 15 minutes of sight-seeing, she noticed a familiar painting with a very tall man standing in front of it.
                ‘Hmm.  So that’s the infamous Choi Corps.’ son…’
                In a matter of seconds, Junghwa stood right next to her fiancé.  She didn’t dare to look at him, so she immersed herself in the famous, peculiar painting.   She then felt a gaze upon her.  She turned to the right to meet that gaze.  He was incredibly handsome.  His face was perfectly portioned and crafted.  His skin was clear and looked really soft.  He wore a small smile that made his features look even more angelic.  His body seemed well-built, masculine, and strong.  He had this rich boy/prince charming aura that engulfed is entire presence.
                ‘Damn, this rich bastard’s pretty hot.  No wonder umma called him a y beast…’
                She unconsciously started to gawk at the man’s beauty.  It wasn’t until the guy waved his hand in front of her face that she snapped out of her trance.  Deeply blushing a hint of red, she quickly turned away to hide her warm face.  He smiled at her cute gesture.
                “Anneonghaesayo, my name’s Choi Siwon.  What’s yours?”
                “P-P-Park Junghwa imnida.” She replied still not facing the guy named Siwon.
                “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Junghwa-ssi.” He took her right hand and kissed it, just like a prince in the movies people see.
                Junghwa looked at her kissed hand and blushed even more.  It was the first time that ever happened to her.  She has seen it in western movies, but never seen or experienced that in real life.  For a moment, she felt like a princess.
                “This is a beautiful painting, isn’t it?” Siwon said.
                “Oh yes, it is…” She replied, not paying attention to the painting what-so-ever.
                “Do you have a favorite painting?”
                “Uhh.  I like all paintings.” She lied.
                “Chincha?” He raised his eyebrows.
                They stood in silence as the ticks in time moved them towards the future.  Unbeknownst to Junghwa, a pair solemn of eyes stood from afar watching his beloved woman with another man… 
UGH!!!  Formatting this chapter was a pain in the , I swear.  >_>  Nevertheless, here's a new chapter!  ^^
This chapter was SUPER long.  O_O  It's like 5 pages on Microsoft Word!  Well, maybe that's a little bit, but still!  xD
ENJOY!!!  ^_^ 
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This is really good! I seriously hope you update, Love it♥
KyeopTaemin #2
Please update your stories. I am really dying just to read this
Unnie, please please please please please update soon.<br />
I love this fanfic, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon.<br />
Ah? I want to know more, it's so interesting and I can't wait for more.<br />
Update soon please! Kyuhyunniee.. T___T
New reader here!<br />
<br />
Poor Kyuhyun oppa :(<br />
i want to see what'll happen in the next chappies. update soon :D
Hi~! <br />
New reader here :)<br />
<br />
TT^TT Junghwa is so mean to Kyu T^T <br />
btw...I love your poster unnie~!!! ^_^<br />
<br />
Update soon~ I can't wait for the next chapter ^^ <br />
Fighting~^^! <br />
God bless!
New reader here ^_^<br />
<br />
LOL at the barbies and the abs part xD<br />
But i pity Kyuhyun oppa. I hope she could accept him :3<br />
update soon, cuz every part interests me :D
wow. junghwa is a serius spoiled little rich -i mean girl^^ <br />
no offense XD<br />
update soon. the plot is really interesting :)