A Stalker's Contract

❄I Made a Man Cry❄
“URGH!!!  I HATE CHO KYUHYUN SO ING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!  I WISH HE WOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Junghwa screamed as soon as she stomped into her house.
Her long, jet black, wavy hair was all tangled up and her clothes were all ruined by the rain.  She stormed up the long, white staircase, leaving a trail of water behind her.  She then roughly slammed the door to her room with a big ‘BOOM’ and began stripping.  She hopped into the shower and tried to wash her anger away down the drain.  The warm water was warm and soothing compared to the cold, harsh rain.  For a moment, Junghwa totally forgot about why she was angry.  It was when she stepped out of the bathroom door, reality hit her.  Her older brother was sitting on her bed with a concerned expression on his face.  It was like as of instinct, he knew something was wrong with his little sister as soon as she screamed out in anger when she came home.  His stare was piercing and intense, expecting Junghwa to give him an answer.

                “Oppa, Cho Kyuhyun followed me around… AGAIN!!!  Do something about it, Jungsoo!  Just get rid of him!  I don’t care how you do it whether it’d be sending him off to the Saharas of Africa, feed him to lions, or pay a crazy to kidnap and him to get him scared and traumatized!  Just please, GET HIM OUT OF MY ING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She complained.

She walked into her walk-in closet and opened it to pick out some dry clothes.  Jungsoo watched her every move with that intense stare still plastered on his angelic face.  This was probably the gazillionth time she ordered him to get rid of Cho Kyuhyun, but he couldn’t because of a hushed agreement with ‘the Devil’ himself.

“Park Junghwa,” His voice was full of authority and stern, “you know that I can’t physically make him disappear.  It’s against the law and appa would kill the both of us if he found out that you made me pay a to kidnap him.  I’ve already talked to the man a lot of times, more than I could count, but it seems that it’s compelling him to win you over more and more.”

“God, why does life so much!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!” Junghwa got out of the closest, fully dressed, and glomped her bed.

Jungsoo’s strict and concerned expression exchanged for a sympathetic one.  He knew how tired she was from having a guy follow her around all day and yet, he couldn’t really do anything about it.  He would, but he couldn’t because he knew the guy before he started to ‘stalk’ his sister.  He and Kyuhyun created a secret contract among each other regarding Kyuhyun’s deep infatuation with Junghwa.  This particular agreement was made two years ago…

2 years ago
                Park Jungsoo sat in his new office.  The late afternoon sun shined through the glass windows and lit up the whole entire room.  The radiant light made the objects in the office glisten like blinding sparkles.  In the core of the office, there lay a cherrywood coffee table, five black leather sofas that encircled that table, bookshelves full of books about business and the trade industry lined up at the right side of the office, and in the far back, there was the grand desk that was the most apparent thing in the whole entire room as soon as you walked inside.  And at the grand desk, there was Jungsoo sitting behind it.  On the table, there was a glass plate that states:  Park Inc. 박정수(Park Jung Soo) COO (Chief Operating Officer).  Yes, Park Jungsoo was appointed as the COO for one of Korea’s largest trading companies.  He had finally convinced his father, Park Minho, the CEO of Park Inc., that he was responsible and hardworking enough to earn this title.  This day had got to be the best day of his life so far.

                A huge smile was tightly sewed on Jungsoo’s face as he was taking it all in.  He’s was extremely proud of himself for making this far in the company.  From now on, every time he arrived to the company, practically almost all of the employees would bow to him on his way to his new office.  Well, it’s not like he wasn’t already been bowed by everyone before.  He was the CEO’s son after all.  But this time, instead of being respected as Park Minho’s son, he is going to be respected as COO.  The thought alone made him overwhelmed.  He was now deep in thought, thinking about how he would try his best to make Park Inc. THE BEST, until there was a knock on the door.

                A tall, lean man strode inside the office to Jungsoo.  He looked to be in his mid-twenties and he was quite the catch.  His face was clean and shaven, his hair was styled to perfection and his dark gray suit was neat and pressed.

                He spoke, “Sajang-nim, the staff wishes that you would join them in celebration of our new COO.  They said it’s wouldn’t be fun without its COO, sir.”

                Jungsoo chuckled, “Araso, Secertary Kim.  I’ll come to the party.”

                “YES!” Secertary Kim fist pumped the air and then immediately composed himself, “I understand sajang-nim.”

                He quickly left the office with slight humility because of his previous action.  Jungsoo smiled to himself and then, grabbed his coat and headed for the party.

                The celebration was completely fun and a bit crazy.  It took place at the Lim’s Karaoke and everyone was singing (off-tune) like they were crazy teenagers.  Everyone got seriously intoxicated with alcohol, including Jungsoo.  During the party, each of the employees asked Jungsoo a question to get to know him better.

One of the questions was, “What is your ideal woman?”

                He responded, “My ideal woman is kind and has a good heart.”

                A drunken male employee replied, “Immpppoozzziblleeeee!!  Yoooooouuuu lookkk toooo ‘baaaaaaaad’ toooo liiikke girrrrrrlzzzz liiiiike ttthaaaat!”

                “Fine.  I like hot bodied babes in y bikinis.”

                “I knnneeewwwww iiiii……. ZZZZZZZZZZ” The employee passed out.

                After the party, Jungsoo was not in a state to drive so he just walked home drunk.  The ‘walk’ light turned green and he walked across the street.  In his completely drunken state of mind, he took longer than usual to walk to the other side.  Suddenly, the ‘walk’ light turned red and cars started blowing their horns like crazy.  From a distance, there was a light closing in on him.  He turned his head towards the light and thousands of memories flashed before his blinded eyes as his life was on the line.  5 seconds before the car made impact on his body, a strong force pushed him away from the speeding car and onto the hard ground.  Jungsoo’s drunken mind woke up and took in his new surroundings.

                “Yah.  Are you ok?” A guy asked.


                “You should’ve been more careful.  You could’ve been run over like a possum!”

                “Mianhae, I should’ve been more cautious, especially when I’m drunk.  Ah!  My head hurts…”

                “I’ll buy something to cure that hangover, alright?  Just sit at the bench over there and I’ll be back in a heartbeat!” The guy grinned and ran off.

                Jungsoo steadily tread over to the painted-chipped teal colored bench.  He plopped himself on the seat and rested his throbbing head in his hands.  After 10 minutes, he heard the voice from earlier.

                “Here, drink up.” Jungsoo took the drink from his hand and almost instantly opened the bottle and gulped down its contents.

                “Kamsahamnida.  I really needed that.”

                “No problem.  It’s always great to help a person in need.”

                “How can I repay you for saving my life?  I’ll do anything you want.”

                A devious smirk emerged from the man’s lips, “Anything? Well, there is one way you can repay me.”

                “How?  Tell me and I’ll do it.”

                “I want your sister.”

                “BWOH?!?!” Jungsoo yelled out.

                “Your sister, Park Junghwa, I want her.”

                “What the hell?  How do you know my sister?!

                “I have my ways.”

                Jungsoo sat there, stunned, looking at the man who said that he wanted his little sister, his precious little sister!  There was no way in this insane world that he would give that stranger Junghwa!  It’s like selling her off to a freakin’ slave market.  It’s like betraying his own sibling with committing the worst form of abberation.  Who knows what this man might do it her?!

                “Hell no!  You’re not getting my sister, you crazy bastard!” Jungsoo furiously replied.

                “But you said you’d do anything to repay me.” He innocently replied.

                “Yeah!  Anything, but that!!!” He retorted.

                “Well, I guess I’ll just have to do it the hard way then.” He pulled out his phone and showed Jungsoo a picture of him ‘fooling around’ with a female employee at his company.

                Jungsoo’s face grew in horror at the scandalous image.  That picture could get him fired or maybe even worse.  He could end up being disowned and forced to live out in the streets in an old stinky box with 29 cats to keep him company.  He could see Junghwa’s idiotic facial expression and hear her taunting laugh right now…

                “Now, do you want to cooperate?” The man smirked.

                “Yes.” He may love his sister, but he worked his off for the COO position.  So there’s no way he’d give it up, not even for his sister.  It sounds selfish, but people are naturally selfish by nature.

                “Then, sign this paper that you’d agree to hand over your sister to me.” He pulled out the contract and a pen for him to sign.

                “You planned all of this out, didn’t you?” Jungsoo glared at the lunatic.

                He laughed, “Don’t worry Jungsoo-ssi, I won’t harm her.  I’ll treat her like the beautiful, enchanting princess that she really is.”

                “That’s what I was afraid of.” He mumbled, “If you hurt her, the contract is over!  Got it?”

                “I told you, ajusshi, I won’t harm her.  It also says in the contract that you have to help me win her heart.”

                He sighed and signed, “Ara.”

                “And we must not let anyone know of our little ‘agreement’, arachi?”

                “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” As soon as he handed the signed paper back to ‘Kyuhyun’, in which the contract stated his name to be, a gigantic rush of guilt hit him.  It made him felt he was run over by a train.

                ‘Mianhaeyo, Junghwa-ah.’

                “Since from now on, you’ll be helping me win your sister; I’ll ask questions concerning her like what she likes to eat, where she likes to go in her free time, her favorite songs, etc.”


                “So……..… what’s her bra size?”


                Junghwa was still sulking on her bed and Jungsoo was still comforting her in her moment of depression.  Just then, he remembered what his parents told him while he was on his way to her room earlier.  He was really reluctant to tell her, seeing that she’s already upset, but he still had to inform her.

                “Junghwa-ah, umma and appa wants to see you in the library.”

                “Hmm? They do?  Wae?” She turned head to face him.

                “It’s about marriage.” 
Well, here's the first chapter!  :D  I hope it doesn't disappoint. ^^  This actually took me about 4 hours to type up since I kept being distracted.  Lol.  xD  Nevertheless, enjoy reading!  ^-^
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This is really good! I seriously hope you update, Love it♥
KyeopTaemin #2
Please update your stories. I am really dying just to read this
Unnie, please please please please please update soon.<br />
I love this fanfic, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon.<br />
Ah? I want to know more, it's so interesting and I can't wait for more.<br />
Update soon please! Kyuhyunniee.. T___T
New reader here!<br />
<br />
Poor Kyuhyun oppa :(<br />
i want to see what'll happen in the next chappies. update soon :D
Hi~! <br />
New reader here :)<br />
<br />
TT^TT Junghwa is so mean to Kyu T^T <br />
btw...I love your poster unnie~!!! ^_^<br />
<br />
Update soon~ I can't wait for the next chapter ^^ <br />
Fighting~^^! <br />
God bless!
New reader here ^_^<br />
<br />
LOL at the barbies and the abs part xD<br />
But i pity Kyuhyun oppa. I hope she could accept him :3<br />
update soon, cuz every part interests me :D
wow. junghwa is a serius spoiled little rich -i mean girl^^ <br />
no offense XD<br />
update soon. the plot is really interesting :)