Meeting the Seniors and .. Kwangmin ...again ..

Would you be my Boyfriend?

(I'm making the main character's name (your name) Yerin.... mainly because I'm too lazy to keep typing ________ )

Yerin's POV

I hurried to Physics class which was on the other side of the school. I choose a seat in the middle row and sat there awkwardly as the rest of the class filed in the classroom and sat next to their friends leaving empty seats all around me.  (this totally happened to me when I changed schools :P)

I gulped, I thought I would be able to hang around Youngmins friends, but I had no idea who they were.  I scanned the line of kids coming through the door and spotted Kwangmin.  I nervously waved at him, but he didn't wave back. Oops.... I mentally facepalmed myself. Brilliant, make yourself look like some type of creepy stalker. 

Suprisingly Kwangmin sat in front of me, glancing quickly at me and then waving a few of his friends over.

Anyones POV

Hyunseong waved his hand in front of Yerin's eyes "hey, you there? hellooooooo...."

Yerin snapped out of her social humiliation, "um.. hi?"

Jeongmin took a seat next to her, "Youngmin told us your really smart, you're gonna help us on the tests right?"

Yerin sunk into her seat, "I guess ... " she said squeaking at the last syllable.

Donghyun rolled his eyes  "Jeongmin ... don't scare her.... anyway nice to meet you" he said holding out his hand.

Yerin tilted her head and cautiously shook his hand.

Donghyun pointed to his friends, introducing them, "That's Hyunseong, that's Jeongmin and I'm Donghyun... oh and you already met Kwangmin" he said nodding in the twin's direction.

Hyunseong sat behind Donghyun and Jeongmin sat behind her.  The teacher walked in and wrote the chapter to take notes on.

Yerin sat uncomfortably as everyone around her started on their assignments. 

"um... can we share? I didn't get my book yet.." Yerin said turning to Donghyun.

"Sure" he pushed the book closer to the side of the desk so she could see.

Jeongmin let out a loud laugh and slapped Hyunseongs arm as Hyunseong tried not to burst out laughing into his desk. 

"hahaahahahahaha, you can't be serious!!" Jeongmin said in a husky whisper to Hyunseong.  Clearly neither of them felt like studying.

Hyunseong and Jeongmin continued to tell jokes to each other until Kwangmin turned around and glared at them. 

"Can you shut up for five minutes?" Kwangmin said hissing at Jeongmin.

Jeongmin, " um.. let me think about it... NO!!!" He continued laughing until Kwangmin sent him an icy glare.

Hyunseong cleared his throat "Let's keep working Jeongmin-ah" he said casting cautious glances at Kwangmin's back.

The rest of class passed in silence until the bell rang signaling to leave. 

"Thank you sunbae, for letting me use your book" Yerin said doing a slight bow.

"Gosh.. so formal... just call us all oppa okay?" Donghyun said laughing and patting her head.  "We'll see you during lunch!"

Yerin's POV (tell me what POV you guys prefer.. I'm having trouble deciding what's better)

I walked over to my next class saw Youngmin already in the classroom.

"Hey sweetie!" Youngmin said waving me over and putting a hand on my shoulder pushing me into the chair next to him. 

"This is Minwoo, our dance machine and maknae .. or used to be maknae since your the younger one now..." Youngmin said gesturing to the boy sitting next to him. 

I moved my head to look at Minwoo, I'll admit.. his face was adorable and he had an innocent halo of light around his head. 

" Hi noona!" he said eyes lighting up, his voice was slightly higher than Youngmin's and seemed full of energy.

Youngmin rolled his eyes "Minwoo, shes younger than you are."

Minwoo corrected himself " Hi dongsaeng!!!"

I blinked slightly amused, "Hi Minwoo -op" I stopped myself, maybe he doesn't want to be called oppa.

Minwoo didn't notice and just patted my head, "Youngmin's right, you are cute! But don't be so nervous!"

I nodded and turned my attention to the teacher who was in the middle of yelling at one of the students.  I flinched at the loud voice. She sounds so mean...

"Listen! All you kids speak so improperly these days and can barely form coherent sentences! " she rambled on and I sunk lower and lower into my seat hoping she wouldn't call on me to answer one of her questions.

"You!" she pointed at me.

I gulped nervously " Yes, seonsangnim?"

"SPEAK UP, What happened on page 4 in paragraph 3? care to explain that??" she said focusing all her attention on me. (I'm acting like this English class.. I don't know what they do in Korean class in Korea)

"She doesn't have the book yet" Youngmin said before she could yell at me again  "She's a new student"

The teacher flicked her eyes over at him then back at me "Well then YOUNGmin, can you answer for her then?"

It was Youngmin's turn to look down and flip through his book  "uh..."

I looked at the book that Youngmin was flipping through.

"Seonsangnim, The boy's parents were killed and he said that he felt nothing for them." I said answering slowly.

The teacher looked back at me, "I thought you didn't have the book?"

I shrugged, "I read it before"

Slighlty annoyed the teacher ignored us and assigned extra homework.

"know it all .. she thinks she's so smart .." I heard someone hiss behind me.

I glanced back to see what had to be the queenka of the school.  She had long tresses of dyed brown hair that was falling over one of her shoulders. Her eyes had lines of mascara and full lips that were pressed together in annoyance.

(sorry .. using a picture of Yoona.. she just seems so pretty and queenkaish)

The rest of class was uneventful and History was the same old routine of sharing Donghyun's book and having Kwangmin ignore me the whole class.  I was noticing that quite a few girls seemed to cast me dirty looks.  I was relieved when it was lunchtime again and I could see at least 2 people who seemed to like being around me.

(I will be updating more often because I GOT OUT OF SCHOOL THIS WEEK!! .. this chapter was kind of another introduction chapter but the next one will definitly be more interesting ;)

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!