Truth or Dare or Dance??

Would you be my Boyfriend?

"Kwangmiiiiiiinnnnnnnn" Minwoo whined.


"Stop being a nerd and doing your homework"

"what do you suggest I do then?"

MInwoo paused to think about it.   After the Winter Kpop festival Boyfriend spent majority of their dance class period sitting around doing nothing.


Kwangmin groaned but his twin jumped up and down excitedly.


Kwangmin reluctantly headed toward the center of the room and sat between Youngmin and Jeongmin in the circle.

You furrowed your eyebrows "I thought only girls played that..."

"Nooooope boys play it too, we just don't hug each other and go OMG OMG OMG YOUR FIRST KISS WAS HIMMMMM??"


Minwoo shrugged "Either way its more fun that you're playing with us."  You didn't quite know what that was supposed to mean, but you had a bad feeling about it.

"Okay... I'll start!!" Minwoo said clapping his hands together.

"Youngmin, truth or dare?"

Youngmin twirled a piece of his blonde hair pondering over the question.

"... Truth"

Minwoo frowned "Truth is boring"

"You said I could pick it"

"FINE, gosh... well... Youngmin have you ever watched a dirty movie?"

Kwangmin broke into a fit of coughing and tried not to laugh while Jeongmin and Hyunseong were howling away laughing it up.  Y

Youngmin's face blushed, "WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT??"

Minwoo smirked "Well?"

"NO, I have NOT"

Minwoo rolled his eyes "Fine, whatever... your turn"

Youngmin blinked and recovered, turning to his brother.

"Kwangmin-ah truth or dare?"


"Pick dare"


"Dammit I'm your hyung follow my orders!!" Youngmin said pointing at him accusingly in a mock commanding voice.

"By 6 minutes... " Kwangmin said rolling his eyes.

"how about dance?"


"Dare or dance?"

Kwangmin his lips nervously seeing as Youngmin and everyone else was fiercely glaring at him to pick anything but truth.

"Fine.. dance..."

Youngmin smiled deviously "I want you.... TO DANCE HYUNA'S BUBBLE POP"

Kwangmin's eyes bugged out "NO"

"Just a half of it.."


"a minute"


"Don't make me get out the sugar"



"I dont wannna... " Kwangmin whined putting his hands in his dark hair and pretending to cry.

You found this quite amusing and laughed while Minwoo desperately scrolled through his ipod.

"I HAVE THE SONG" he said plugging in the ipod. You mentally gasped,* he actually had the song??*

Youngmin dragged Kwangmin by his arm and pulled him to his feet.  At first Kwangmin was reluctant to do anything but stand next to the hip-shaking Youngmin who was enjoying himself despite how embarrassing it looked.  However eventually he started swaying his pelvis to music and suprisingly he actually knew the dance.  Then Youngmin took it to another level by putting his hand on Kwangmins hip and making them look like an awkard odd couple in Hyuna's video. (that part where the guy dances with Hyuna)

Jeongmin pounded his fists on the ground laughing while Hyunseong held up his cell phone to video tape it.

"YAH!! NO CAMERAS!!" Kwangmin shouted.

They ignored him and continued taping until Kwangmin stopped dancing and jumped at Hyunseong trying to tear the phone away and delete the video.


*wheeze wheeze* your sides hurt from laughing so hard.

"Okay .. Okay... that was THE BEST TURN EVER YOUNGMIN" Minwoo said patting him on the back.

"Yeah yeah yeah.. its MY turn" Kwangmin said glaring at the circle of people who were coughing awkwardly trying to stop laughing.  His dark eyes flickered back and forth before settling on you.


You gulped terrified of what revenge Kwangmin could come up with.

"Neh~ ..."

"Dare or dance?" he said clearly not giving you the easy way out of truth.

"... Daannceee?" you answered nervously. *don't make me dance to y girl band dances.. ANYTHING BUT THAT*

"Trouble Maker" he said grinning narrowing his eyes in sweet revenge.

Your mouth literally fell open, he didn't go there.

Minwoo let out a whoop "YEAAAAH LETS DO IT YERIINNNNNN"

You stood up awkwardly while Minwoo searched his ipod which literally had every song on it possible.

"By myself?" you asked *I could always do Junhyung's part.. that's not so bad*

"I'll do it with you!!!" Minwoo said already standing up and taking your hand.

Youngmin and Kwangmin shot up almost simultaneously.

"this was MY turn" Kwangmin said trying to pry Minwoo's hand from yours

"Yerin likes meeee better!!" Youngmin said pushing his brother and Minwoo out of the way.

" I AM the best dancer here!!" Minwoo shot back. "Ask Yerin who she wants to dance with!"

You backed away nervously *oh gosh...who do I pick...*


In the comments tell me who you want to dance Troublemaker with!! :3

Thank you for subscribing and reading :D I know it's a little boring.... but there is good suprise up ahead !

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NightmareSparkles #1
Chapter 17: Yes plz update soon.
Tianaton #2
Chapter 17: OMG Update soon! Plz your story is so cute and had alot of skinship to well not that much!
Just update soon! <3
Mangokitten914 #3
Please update soon! I really love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Too...many...feels...
Chapter 17: ^O^ Update soon
TheCloudyOne #6
Chapter 16: i like this story its so cute and awawawawawawaw ^^ Update soon
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 16: ummmm new reader X'D
I like your story~~~ Update soon?? ;D
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really love your story♥
Chapter 4: Holy crap! In this chapter she's (the oc) is just like me! XDD

(I'm kinda a big eater...Although it's embarassing because I'm skinny and stuff and that my bros try and beat me XD)
Update soon pwease!! ^^ I love your story!