Chapter 92: KAPOW!

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 92

Yeah so the reason I never wore bathing suits was because I was uncomfortable with the whole thing. 

But having several guys stare at me like I was some zombie was very… intimidating.

“Uh…. Hi Key.” I said. “Can I have those bandages guys?” I asked and Chanyeol passed me the bandages.

My wound seemed to have stopped bleeding now, and I cleaned it up a little more before beginning to wrap it. Though I was doing a terrible job. I soon had my hands swatted away by Key who took the wrap from me and begun doing it himself.

I noticed his face was pretty red… maybe he was getting a sunburn too. Strange he seemed to be the type that would put boat loads of sunscreen on.

“Thanks Key.” I smiled when he was done. “I feel much better now.”

“Yeah uh… We gotta go.” He said. “Where’s your clothes?” He asked,

“Noona got blood all over them.” Beakhyun explained.

Key frowned a bit and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the shady tent thing.

“Well throw your clothes out Noona!” Chanyeol said and ran off with the clothes.

I was standing there awkwardly trying to cover my body with my arms. It wasn’t a full out bikini.. But it was a two piece suit underneath my tank top… And luckily running from here to there and being on the track team in Japan was I did have a somewhat athletic body… Nothing to fawn over…

But I guess I did have a chest compared to most .

Maybe it was because I was smaller than most.

Who knows… 

“WOAH!” Taemin said when we arrived back. “MINYOUNG!” 

“MINYOUNG YOURE HOT!” Jonghyun yelled who intern just got a whack upside the head.

“Are you sure you can play?” Minho asked… Even he was avoiding eye contact with me. 

“I’ll just take it easy.” I said and looked at my bandage. “I want to beat those girls!” I pumped my fist in the air.

“We’ll you definitely would win for best-” 

“Don’t finish that sentence Jonghyun.” Key muttered.

“Hey.. She’s single.” Jonghyun replied. “I can oogle.”




So back at the beach it was finally time to have the final game… This was exciting.. With my leg freshly wrapped up I felt like a new woman… Maybe it was also because I felt .. And having so many people stare at me was just… well you know the feeling.

“MinYoung.” Key said from beside me. “Don’t worry… Just pretend it’s us on the court. You’re beautiful.” Gosh I wanted to tear up right then and there.

“Yeah! Minyoung you’re cute!” Taemin said from my other side.

Minho smiled at me as well as Onew and Jonghyun winked and gave me thumbs up. That reminded me of GD and the rest of my body guards. I couldn’t give up now because of some skinship.

“Okay men!” I said. “We got this!”

“GAME START!” The referee said.

And with that. Taemin served the first ball. The other team was so well co ordinate, it was like those three boys were totally different on the court. In person they were so innocent playful and annoying.. Here they acted like men on a battlefield, yelling at each other and the girls were more concentrated on distracting my team with their charm than anything else… I got their play now.

Two could play at that game. 

After the other team had scored 5 points on us I decided to play it sneakily too. I turned back to Taemin who was going to serve and I winked at him.

“Beakhyun~~” I called.

He glanced in my direction and then I practically ripped off my tank top.

Lets just say… more than one jaw dropped. 

Then I noticed the ball land beside Chanyeol.

“SHINY POINT!” The referee said.

However when I turned around I was facing more dropped jaws. 

“MinYoung… that was daring of you.” Onew mumbled out.

“ITS FOR THE TEAM!” I yelled. “We need to catch up on points guys. TEAM HUDDLE!”

So I signald for a time out and huddled with the team.

“Ok so we’re down 4 points now… And there isn’t much left og the game to go.” I said. “What are we going to do?” They were silent and just looking at the ground. “YAH!”

They perked up.

“WHAT ARE WE GUNNA DO!?” I yelled.

“Uhh..Well whatever you just did worked.” Jonghyun mumbled.

“Oh come on I know you 5 have seen girls in bathing suits before.” I said.

“Yeah but not you…” Key said. “You’re too conservative to dress like that.

“Well this wasn’t by choice.” I replied. “Anyways… Lets just work hard…!” I guess had to keep playing this my way… Well.. Their way technically they started it.


And Taemin served again. 

“Oh look!~” I said all girly like. “A shell!” I bent over. 


“Stop doing that you little Bi-” One girl came up to me.

“Nuh uhuh~” I said waving my finger at her. “You don’t want to be disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct.” I explained and gave a cheesy wink… really this wasn’t anything like me I was not this crazy evil girl however I was letting them have a  taste of their own medicine. Heck I’ve had a crazy summer I believe I have the right to go nuts.

“URG~” Whatever girl it was stormed off.

“Noonaaa~” Sehun whined, “Why are you doing this now!”

“Noona is so cute!” Beakhyun said.

Jonghyun and Minho were laughing behind me.

“I like this Minyoung.” Jonghyun said. “She’s funny when she abuses her power.”

“ROUND START!” The referee yelled and the other team served the ball. Luckily our team received it with ease and set up for a strike and I could already see Sehun and Chanyeol ready to defend.

“Owe~~~” I ‘yelped’ and fell to the ground and ‘distracted’ 


“Oppsie” I said dusting myself off.

“Okay Okay Minyoung The poor kids can’t handle it anymore.” Jonghyun said. I nodded yeah… Enough was enough. I quickly grabbed my tank top again and switched spots with Onew again.

“I knew she couldn’t beat us with a  real team.” One of the girls said.

“Yah… She’s probably paying those guys to hang around her.” 

“My god…” I grumbled. Could they ever shut up!? I was about to explode.

“She probably has some parents that spoil her.” The last girl said. God this was unreal… Time to pull an amber.

“Yah~” I motioned to Minho. “Let… me get this one.” He nodded and when the game begun again he volley me up a good one. 

“MINYOUNG SUPASTRIKE KA POOOW!” More of a Luna than an Amber moment…. I yelled and hit it with all my might. And I ended up just hitting one of the girls in the stomach. She fell to the ground a bit winded. 


“MinYoung supastrike kapow?” Key looked at me struggling to hold his laughter.

“I don’t know it’s all that came into my head.”

“Ok there Ninjaturtle.” He replied and rubbed my head. 

“MinYoung you sure are funny today.” Taemin said.

“I think the heat is getting to me.” I said fanning my face.

“Lets tie it up everyone!” Jonghyun said.

The other team looked tired. We were tired… Everyone was tired… I wanted to go home. I was tired of these catty girls and all these boys. 

“Gooo gooo SHHINYY~~” The crowd seemed to be cheering us.

“Goo Noona!” M

“Why do you keep cheering me on?” I ask.

“We want you to win!” Chanyeol said.

“Noona is trying so hard.” Beakhyun said.

“Besides we don’t even have all of our team.” Sehun explained. What… There was more of them?

“Yeah this is just for fun!” Chanyeol explained.

Alright… Time to go hardcore.

And hardcore we went. Taemin was lucky to slip by their defences with another spike and we were tied.


It was a loud thunder crash and then the beach started pouring with rain. A few girls were screaming because of the rain and started running and most of the crowd fallowed suit. However I found it very refreshing. 

“WHAT!” Jonghyun yelled. “WE WERE GOING TO WIN!” He yelled at the referee. “COME ON!”

“Game cancelled sorry buddy.” The ref said “Everyone should get back to their cabins.”

“Pfft.” I said. “No way.. I’ve been in this heat all day. This is wonderful.” I said and held my hands out enjoying myself more. 

“Yeah!” Taemin yelled. 

Now we were all soaked and staring at each other.

Key then just busted out laughing. 

“What’s with you.” Onew said staring at him.

“This trip has been a total failure!” Key was laughing. Jonghyun pushed him and Key fell down into the muggy water.

I noticed that us 6 were the only ones left outside.Key was still laughing on the ground but Jonghyun was now laughing at him and Onew was soon joining it. However… Minho pushed Jonghyun who ended up in the puddle of muggy sand too… And then POW Minho fell in from Taemin and the Plop~ Taemin fell from Onew… Everyone was laughing.


And then onew fell two… I pushed him of course.

“HA!” I yelled and then ran off.

I was soon fallowed by 5 very wet and dirty guys. 

“YAH MINYOUNG!” I heard them yell. 

“DON’T RUN YOULL HURT YOURSELF AGAIN!” That was Key…. Oh worrisome Key… How I adored him… How I adored all these boys… And how I was going to miss moments like these.




So the trip may have been a total failure to people on the outside. But to me… and maybe to us.. I wouldn’t of had it any other way… Those two nights would be something I would never forget. I grew closer to these people who I really trusted with my life… And who reminded me of people my uncle trusted with my life. 

I didn’t ever realise that I was so surrounded by such awesome people.. And yet I was always so lonely in my place.. I should be thankful for everything I already had.


When we arrived back in Seoul and I was dropped off at my apartment. They helped put my things back into my place and with some brisk goodbyes they were gone.

‘We should hangout one more time before I leave-  Key’

Yes… We should. 

When I had put all my things in the laundry/back in my room I wandered back into the dining room. I noticed a small box sitting on the table..

Hmm… What was that from..

My mind searched for a memory.

AH! Jonghun! He left that there when he saw me after the whole kidnapping accident. Why didn’t I notice this thing before?

I was curious to say the least and I picked up the small box and wandered to the couch.

I put on the T.V and had some sitcom playing in the background. I opened up the small white box and gasped when I saw the inside.

It was the necklace Key gave me. 


Dear MinYoung

At the scene of the crime… Where it had all begun this was all I could find. Sorry your master couldn’t protect you.. I’m glad your back. I can’t wait for next year. ;)



I hadn’t even realised that I had dropped it there…. Was I even wearing it then? I don’t even remember… I guess it must’ve been on me. It was all a blurr to me now.

This Jonghun guy made no sense though.. I had a feeling he would bump himself into my life this coming school year too…. Great…




“YAH MINYOUNG!” Luna yelled.

“Wha???” I rubbed my eyes getting up. “How’d you get here again?”

“You’re window was open… again.” Luna explained… 

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked.

“Theyre packing…. So we’re going to go meet them… They leave in two days.” Luna explained. “You and Amber will be my only friends next year.”

“Don’t say that” I said. “You have plenty of friends.”

“Not ones that tolerate me.” She explained.

True… Luna was… Loonie.

“But… I heard you slept with someone!” Luna announced.

“What?”…. Oh right Taemin..

“Which one!??” she asked.

“Taemin couldn’t sleep so he slept next to me in my bed… There was a pillow between us…” I explained.



“TO TAEMIN!?” She asked. “I didn’t know you were into the cutesy type… But he is kinda hot..”

“No…. Luna”

“He does have a great smile…”


“And eyes… He’s really… kinda hot”



“Nothing happened..” I said.

“Yeah I know I’m just teasing…” 

I rolled my eyes at her.

“So.. What about Key?” She asked getting comfy on my bed.

“He’s going away next year.”

“What!??!?! But this whole weekend was a waste then.” Luna said.

“No… He wants to ‘grow up’” I said. 

“Well he should..” Luna replied. “He is a bit of a jealous boy right now… That’s romantic though.”

“I guess so..” I said I looked at the necklace hanging on my mirror.

“Are you going to wait for him?” She asked.

I shrugged. “He doesn’t want me to.. He wants me to experience everything..” 

“But you totally have the hots for him.”

“I think I kissed him over the weekend I’m not sure.”

“Jeeze you’re a real player.”

“Ahh enough with this talk let’s go see Tiffany and Sohee.” I said and got out of bed.


I think next year I would be getting awfully close to Luna…. 






So I have no idea why part 2 isnt working for anyone... But dont worry whenever I post the chapters up itll work then:P Honestly everything is the same except for the poster!


Question of the Day


Who makes the best brotherly figure for MinYoung?


Thanks for everything!!! :3

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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!