Chapter 90: Beach Special: Noona~~!

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 90
So after finding out everyone was a different drunk probably the complete opposite to their actual personalities we all decided to read carefully before we drank foreign juices…AKA sparkly wine juice stuff.
“Key… You haven’t told me whoooo. I need to apologise.” I begged.
“No it’s fine last night will certainly be one only I will remember.” He chuckled.
I glared at him. “Bu-
He put his fingers to my lips. “Shh… Go get ready for the tournament.. It starts in a couple hours.”
I blushed he was close to me again. I guess we still had to do this thing even though we all practically had hangovers. A good shower should probably do the trick.
Now that we were on the beach it was a lot more crowded and had music playing and people dancing and having a good time.
“Do you know where were supposed to go?” Key asked.
Jonghyun shrugged.
“I’ll go look for a judges table or something.” Onew suggested and off he went. 
It was a beautiful day, and the beach was filled with such pretty girls in bikinis. I looked down at my baggy shirt and shorts. I kind of felt way out of place. 
“Hiii~” about three tall model like girls came up to us. “How are you guys~~~?” They asked playfully and touched Minho’s arm. Wow… Look at those legs. My eyes were popping out of my head.
“We’re great!” Jonghyun replied with a charming smile. 
“Are you guys competing in the competition??” Another asked walking up to Key.
Key nodded in return. 
“Yep and we’re going to win.” Taemin said with a  cute smile.
“Oh wow he’s so cute.” The third girl said and walked up to him. “Ahh, Is this your little sister?” She said pointing to me. “She’s so cute~”
I kind of wanted to shoot a glare at the girl. I knew what she was getting at… She probably wanted me to buzz off. Or she was hinting that I could never ‘get with’ these guys unless I had some sort of ‘family relation’. Typical catty move from a girl this kind of behaviour I was used to and usually ignored it…. So that’s what I did.
“Noooo!” Taemin said and s his arm around me. “She’s my wife!”
I had more of a shocked expression while he was smiling like an innocent young boy.
“What?” One of the girls asked. “She’s your girlfriend?”
“No My wife!”
I chuckled nervously. “He’s just kidding.” And I pushed him off me. “We just did some newlywed boot camp by mistake this weekend.”
“Ohhhh~” Another girl said. “See I told you girls she couldn’t be one of their girlfriend’s.” 
I couldn’t help but glare at her.
“Aren’t you hot in that outfit?” The one permanently attached to Minho asked me.
“Excuse me.” Key interrupted. “Just because she’s not running around in a skimpy bathing suit does not make her any less significant or deserve less respect from you three.”
“Oh we’re sorry~” One of them said. “You would look cuter in a bathing suit though.” She said. 
“I have a scar.” I replied shooting another icy glare
“Oh~~~ that‘s gross.” 
“You boys want to hang out at our beach tent before the matches begin?” One of them asked. 
“Yeah it’ll be great! Lets goo~” The one girl was trying to drag Minho but he wasn’t really going anywhere.
“I’m going to get something to drink.” I mumbled.
“See~~~ We’ll be more fun at our tent!” I heard one of them say as I walked off to go find Onew and his progress.
However I couldn’t find him so I just went to where all the music was playing and the people dancing were. I was bound to see him eventually.. He did go off in this direction.
I decided to sit on one of the bar stools and do some people watching. My mind couldn’t help but sway back to what I had just experienced. I was lucky, I was surrounded by so many wealthy and attractive men I forgot that they must get hit on whenever they were at social events like these. The thought just never crossed my mind till now. I looked down at my baggy shirt and then back up at all the girls in their cute little bathing suits and swim wear.
I was jealous that they could feel so secure with themselves to wear such things. It’s not like I was fat. I was a bit on the smaller side I was just never comfortable with showing my body… I could never swim well either so I never really wore a bathing suit. 
I sighed softly… It didn’t help having this nasty gash on my thigh either.. I’ll probably never get the guts to wear a bikini in my whole life time.
“Hey.” Someone said to me.
“Mm?” I looked up, it was a couple of strangers I had never seen before. 
“Why are you all by yourself?” One of them asked.
“I-uh…” I was a bit taken a back and nervous because of their sudden appearance.
“My name’s Chanyeol.” He said
“I’m Baekhyun.” Another one said.
“And I’m Sehun.” The last one said. “What’s your name beautiful?”
“I-uh.” I blushed. “MinYoung.” I replied.
“Wow, She’s cute.” Chanyeol said.
“How old are you?” Beakhyun asked.
“A NOONA!” They yelled. 
“MinYoung?” Ahh finally someone I knew.
“Onew!” I said grateful for his arrival.
“Ah.. Noona has a boyfriend??” They seemed a bit disappointed. Was everyone on this beach flirty?
“Uhh -well.” 
“Yes. She does” Onew replied and pulled me by my hand. “Minyoung let’s go~”
“Uhh.. Ok.” I said totally confused.
“Byebye Noona!!!” They chanted. “WATCH US IN THE COMPETITION!” I heard them yell before they were out of sight.
“Uhh. Onew?” I asked he was still pulling me along.
“Hmm?” He asked.
“What was that about?”
“Oh… Well I’ve seen those guys before.. They’ve been all over the beach getting girls numbers and such.. You don’t need anymore playboys in your life.” He chuckled.
“I wouldn’t of given them my number.” I said.
“Where did the others go?” Onew asked.
I shrugged. “As far as I knew they were hanging around with a bunch of pretty girls in a beach tent…” 
“Eh???” he asked. “That doesn’t seem like them.”
“I left because the girls didn’t like me.”
“Well they definitely wouldn’t of left you on your own.”
“Well I left on my own accord I don’t really know what happened after.”
“DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO SHE IS!?” …. There was Key yelling again.
“AHHHHH~~~” I heard a bunch of screams.
“Nevermind.” I said.
“Yeah seems like we found them.” Onew chuckled.
Soon Key came marching out with the other three fallowing and apologizing on his accord.
Key marched right up to us grabbed my arm and yanked me another direction and in turn yanked Onew because we were still holding hands…. God knows why.
“YAH!” Key yelled. “I HATE SUCH PRISSY WOMAN!” He yelled.
“Woah woah calm down Key.” I said and pulled him back letting go of both the two. “You’re dragging us where?”
“I don’t know this place is just getting on my nerves the people here are just rude.” He grumbled.
By then the others had caught up to us.
“MinYoung why did you leave.” Taemin said.
“I wanted to find Onew.”
“Didn’t you notice those girls Taemin?” Key asked
Taemin shrugged, “They were really friendly.”
“Don’t be ignorant.” Minho scolded Taemin. “they were flat out insulting MinYoung and every other girl on this beach.”
“They were??” Taemin asked.
“Everyone knows Taemin was more focused on the juice.” Jonghyun explained. “Strange girls all they talk about is themselves.” 
“Well the tournament will start soon.” Onew said, “We play 2nd match… There’s only 5 teams.” He explained. 
“Let’s focus on the match then guys..” I said. “We should come up with a game plan!” To be honest I wanted all this strange flirty negative thinking out the window.
“We should beat up those stupid girls.” Key said.
“You can’t beat up girls.” I argued. “Let’s just win this tournament instead.”
“Hmmm.. They said they had their own team in it.” Jonghyun said.
“More of the reason to beat them!” Heck.. Even I wanted to smack some balls in their faces.
“Hey.. Be careful Minyoung your injury.” Onew said. 
“Let’s go sit down and think of our strategy!” Jonghyun pulled out his pen and paper.
So we all sat in a circle under a big beach umbrella. 
“So Minho.. You should be front and center send most of the strikes because of your strong arm and high jumps.” Jonghyun seemed to be getting really into this… If only he put so much enthusiasm into studying he would probably have better grades. “MinYoung is our handicap.” I glared at him. “We should put her in the back center that way the two people on the sides, that’s you Key and Taemin can ‘protect her’” He said 
“Protect her?” Key asked. “It’s a ball.”
“Yes and if it hits her in the head she could come out with a concussion.” Jonghyun explained.
“If she can’t catch a ball flying at her head I’d be a bit more worried.” Key argued.
“He also means protect from my lacking of skills Key.” I explained about to punch one of them out for being so blunt.
“Don’t worry MinYoung!” Taemin said. “I’ll protect you!” 
“Onew You only seem to be good on one side so I put you on the left… I want you to mostly volley and either Minho or I will strike.” He explained.
“If we keep volleying to you two they’ll expect that move every time especially if the other teams are watching for when we challenge them.” I explained.
“Listen… I’m team captain.” Jonghyun said.
“No you’re not.. You just have the paper and pen…. All you’ve written is what you want for dinner tonight.” Key grouched at him.
“Again… I will ignore that comment because I am team captain.” 
“Ok… I agree that should be the main plan, but if one us thinks we can get a point they will shout set me up… and then go to a strike.” Onew said. “That’s what we did in P.E.”
Whatever, the plan was set and we had our team going. We were lucky because we got to see the first two teams go. The last years champions however got to be in the finals because they had one 2 years running.  No surprise it was the team with the three girls and looked to be the three boys I had met earlier.
Just my luck.
“So do you know the team we’re facing first?” I asked Onew.
“Uhhhh…” He looked at the schedual. “Well the two teams playing now are… Shinhwa… Those older guys.. Annnnnd Mblaq… Those younger ones.” Onew said pointing at them. 
“Funny names.” I replied.
“AHHH NOONA~” There they were again.
“Hiii…. You..” I didn’t really remember their names.
“Noona is with her boyfriend again~” I think it was Chanyeol.. .I couldn’t really tell. “I didn’t know you were in the competition too noona.” He said.
I nodded. “Hopefully we can face you.”
“Is this your team?” Baekhyun asked.
I nodded.
“We’re much cuter.” Sehun whispered. “I’ll treat you better than your boyfriend.” He grabbed my hand.
“Excuse me?” Key asked. “What boyfriend?” He swatted Sehun’s hand away.
“Is this a love triangle Noona?” Sehun asked. “This one is feisty…”
“Noona has so many admirers.” Chanyeol said. Gosh these three were cute and …annoying.
“Why does Noona wear a baggy tshirt?” Beakhyun asked.
“Can you three buzz off?” Key said.
“Yah Noona, you shouldn’t be around someone so angry.” Sehun said.. It was like they were completely ignoring Key.. Which was not a good thing to do.
“He might hurt you.” Chanyeol explained.
I was giggling at this attention and loving how much Key was getting riled up.
“Hey.. Minyoung is my wife not yours!” Taemin said and pulled me towards him. “I’ll protect her from him.”
“Oh wow Another one. Noona must be super popular.” Beakhyun said. “You should be on our team instead.”
“What are these kids on about.” Jonghyun said. 
“Get out of here.” Key said and swatted them away. “Aish..”
“Ohh Noona hope to see you on the court!” They said and wandered off.
“What’s with them?” Minho asked.
I shrugged.
“They’ve been doing that to every girl on the beach.” Onew said. 
“What is this about a boyfriend?” Key asked.
“I faked it so they’d stop bother her…” Onew explained.
“It obviously didn’t work.” Key said.
“Well you attempting to scare them didn’t either.” Onew smiled.
“Yah! I wasn’t trying to intimidate them..!”
“Come on Taemin could’ve done a better job at scaring them.” Jonghyun laughed. “You’re too much of a diva to be threatening.”
I giggled. 
“Stop blushing MinYoung!” Key said.
“I’m not!” I argued.
Sorry but if a bunch of cute guys were saying how awesome and pretty and popular you were I’m sure you would’ve blushed too!
“Gosh your so easy.” He grumbled.
“Nothing ever satisfies him.” I whispered to Minho and he nodded in return.
“TEAM… Shine…?”
“SHINEE!” Jonghyun yelled back,
“You called us Shiny?” Key asked.
So I see a lot of people wanting CN Blue... I know who they are... I only know one member though DX I got into them when they debuted... But I sort of lost track of them because it seemed like there was an endless amount of people debuting at the same time.
However! I did decide to add... EXO! Yeah... Maybe in the future there will be sparks of CN BLUE just for you guys but I can't promise anything.
I'm sorry if it upsets you.. but already having this many bands... ^^ It's really hard to keep track!
On another note. I REALLY like the suggestion of calling it Senior Year instead of just part 2~ So thank you for that!
There is no question of day this time. So your brains may take a rest!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you guys the next time I update!
Have a wonderful day, and thankyou again for all the wonderful support!
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!