Chapter 55: FT Island Arch: So Here It Is

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 55
“Ne… Jonghun?” Tiffany said.
I looked at the door. And nodded at Luna. 
Jonghun came in but so did Sohee and Amber.
“So… Let’s hear it.” Luna said.
“Jonghun is going to say everything that happened between Key and him in the past to help clear things up for you MinYoung.” Amber said sincerely.. “And then afterwards we’re going to settle things with Key.”
“Eh?” I said. “How do you-”
“Jonghun did.” Amber said.
So we all sat in the living room on the sofas and floor and got prepared for Jonghun’s long story.
“Okay.” Jonghun said. “I might as well… get started.” He mumbled.
“Yeah.. That would be nice.” Luna said sarcastically Tiffany nudged her.
The story started like this. Key and Jonghun had known each other since early grade school.
Key and Jonghun had really always been rivals in things, whether it had been sports, grades, girls, anything. Their families were rivals in businesses too so it was really only natural for them to pit against each other. Jonghun had a younger sister, HyoRin, who surprisingly grew a big liking to Key and started crushing on him from the beginning.
Key was a very big playboy around middle school and dated many many girls of all different ages and types. Jonghun was the same but more conservative in the matter, and was put off as a smooth guitarist in middle school, however he stopped his playboy actions when he met one girl Haerin (Sound familiar?) and the two got into a long lasting relationship. However, Key was jealous by the fact Jonghun didn’t care about the rivalry and did a lot of things to stop the relationship and eventually seduced Haerin into cheating on Jonghun.  
Jonghun didn’t get too upset by it, and eventually moved on. But Key was just using Haerin so he eventually just dumped her off telling her the truth. Hyorin who was pretty close to Key even betraying her family doing so eventually confessed her feelings to Key. However he didn’t accept them and rejected her harshly, saying that he had just been using her to get Jonghun angry. 
Hyorin who was devastated by this matter sunk into a depression. Since now her family rejected her and her only ‘love’ rejected her.  Jonghun eventually persuaded his family to allow Hyorin to move back in, because really she was naïve about Key.
Key moved on by continuing his play boy actions, which hurt Hyorin more and more without Key’s knowledge and eventually she had committed suicide. The press was now on Jonghun’s family’s backs and they did everything they could to cover up the truth. 
“I can’t believe this.” I said.
“What do you mean?” Tiffany asked.
“Key isn’t like that.. He never acted this way..” I said. “When SP were attacking me he did anything he could to help me.”
“Key changed a lot once he heard about HyoRin..” Jonghun admitted. “He isn’t as terrible as he was, he’s definitely calmed down. But I can never forgive him for using a girl and just throwing her away. He didn’t just do it to my sister but Haerin as well.” 
“Haerin…” Amber muttered. “Was that not the girl at the bridge?” She asked.
My eyes widened. “It is… It’s the girl who was trying to jump off the bridge that day!”
“Wait a second… Jonghun was the one who saved you..” Tiffany said. “You were there to save Haerin weren’t you?” she said looking at Jonghun.
“I had been trying for years to convince Haerin that Key is just using her and she really needed to give up but she just wanted to be with him. I don’t know what he did or what he promised her or how he got her to like him so much.” Jonghun explained. “I ran to the bridge once Haerin texted me over the phone saying she was going to jump.” He admitted.
“This still doesn’t explain why are you doing this stuff to MinYoung.”
“Because… Key isn’t the best guy… He isn’t someone that deserves a good person like MinYoung. She acts a lot like what Haerin and Hyorin did before Key ever messed up their lives, always wanting to take on a challenge by themselves, smart, independent, and caring. Key had messed up so many girls lives. I didn’t want to see it happening again.” He explained. “During this whole thing… I couldn’t look at MinYoung in the eye because now that I know it… I’m using her just like Key used Haerin, and Hyorin.”
I didn’t really understand… I couldn’t believe all of this. 
“So the things with uncle?” I asked. “Why would you go to the extend of fishing stories of my Uncle?”
“None of them are true.” he said.
“What!?” I asked.
“None of them are true.. They were all forged.. Jaejin is amazing at using the computer.” He said with a  smirk. 
“JONGHUN!” I yelled. “The thing in the paper now!?” I asked.
“Oh.. I paid that guy… to put them up when you were walking by…”
“But my Uncle he-
“Jaejin.” Jonghun said.
“He used a voice alternator.”
“WHAT!?” I was on the verge of tears. “How can you be so!?!”
I ran over and jumped on him whacking him as hard as I could. “Do you know everything that you’ve done!” I yelled. “Do you know how much stress I’ve been put through!” I kept whacking him.
“MinYoung!” Amber said and pulled me off. “In some …. Creepy way.. Jonghun has been trying to protect you from Key.”
“Key Isn’t like that anymore! He wasn’t like that with me!” I said.
“Really? You just found him cheating on you last night!” Jonghun yelled “How can you still trust him!?”
“Because! When I was being hurt… When I was getting attacked, When Auntie died.. When.. Everything was wrong he was there.. That’s why I believe he’s changed or at least changing.. No one is perfect.” I was crying.
“MinYoung..” Tiffany said. 
“He’s the reason my sister is dead!” Jonghun yelled.
“How can you say that it‘s all his fault!” I shouted back. “Your sister although I didn’t know her, was desperate for someone to love her and take care of her. Because your family abandoned her because she had a liking for someone that they disapproved of they threw her out of the house and made her live on her own! What family would do that Jonghun! It’s not all Key’s fault!”
“She came back MinYoung.”
“Living in a house with filled with hateful tension I bet. The only reason she came back was because you convinced your parents to do so. Not because they wanted her back. You said so yourself.” I said. “I can admit.. Key does have a regretful past… But he shouldn’t live the rest of his life in agony… He should be learning from his mistakes and mess and start to change himself and I can see it in him now.”
“MinYoung is right.” Sohee said. “Key would continue his life using girls and hurting people if Hyorin hadn’t passed  away.”
“Lets also think that Hyorin really brought things to the extreme by going as far as to commit suicide.” Tiffany said. “There’s plenty of times Girls and Boys get rejected by the ones that they like.. And it is painful but not all of them hurt themselves over it.”
“I also want to know Key’s side of the story.” Amber said.
“Im going…” Jonghun said. “You guys can sort out whatever…”
I sighed softly… This was really.. A lot to take in. I rubbed the side of my head and wandered to my room. 
“What are you doing?” Luna asked.
“Im… Going to sleep for a little then I’m going to talk to Key.” I said.
“Well wait here and cook you something!” Tiffany suggested.
So I slept. For an hour. I was woken up by the sweet smell of food.
The five of us sat around the table and ate a great meal and we didn’t talk about anything. Until we finally finished.
“So… Let’s go ask Key.” Amber said.
“I appreciate it and all.. But I’m going to go myself.” I said.
“But Minyoung.” Luna said.
“No wait Luna I think it’s better that she goes by herself too.” Tiffany said.
“Yeah… Like Key will really say everything if a bunch of girls are threatening him.” Sohee said.
“Good point.” Luna said.
“Okay we’ll take you to his house then.” Amber said.
So they did.
“Thanks guys.” I said softly and went to Key’s door.
“Call us!” Luna yelled.
I sighed deeply trying to get a hold of myself before knocking on the door.
“Min-MinYoung!” Key said opening the door and pulled me straight into a hug. However I pushed myself out of it. 
“Please don’t Key I’m here to clear things up with you.” I explained.
“I need to explain to you everything.” He said and pulled me into his living and sat me on the couch. “Here.” He said and gave me some water. 
“First of all I know everything about you and Jonghun, But I want to hear your story too.” I said.
“WHat?” He asked.
“About Hyorin.. And Haerin… What happened.” I said.
“Oh… Listen…” He started. “It’s hard to believe but it was really a big mistake… Everything.” He said.
“I’m listening Key.” I said softly.
“Hyorin… Yes she always attached herself to me, and I always told her to stop that she was going to regret everything and that I was a playboy and she would just get hurt. When she confessed I rejected her, and she seemed too desperate I didn’t know what to do but just leave her.. I thought it would be the best. I had my own issues with Jonghun, I didn‘t want to involve her.” He said. 
“Key… “ I whispered.
“What was… yesterday about?” I asked.
“That… Well it was Haerin again.. .That girl who tried to commit suicide. I thought she was being treated but recently she keeps showing up at my door.” Key explained. “I asked her what could I do to make her forget me, and she said she wanted me to kiss her. And not just any kiss. She was threatening to get at you I didn’t know what to do.” 
That would explain why Jonghun was there.
“You and Jonghun really need to sort out your issues.” I said bluntly. “Do you know how many people are getting hurt over this stupid rivalry…” 
“I know.. I’ve been ignoring him for a while but ever since we started dating… He just sprung back up again.” Key explained.. “I’m sorry I hope we can just forget about this and get things back to normal.”
“I can’t… Not now anyways.” I said. “I really like you Key… And I miss being in the same class as you. But I have a lot of things I need to do before I think about dating again. I have school, and someone I’ve been ignoring for a long time whose a really good friend of mine.” I was thinking about Eunhyuk… I needed things to get back on track. “I want to be friends… At least until everything gets sorted.”
“Well.. I’m traveling over the summer. When schools over this year I wont be around and maybe when I return things can go back to normal.” He said.
“What?” I asked. “You’re going away?”
“Yes… I was going to tell you sooner but this crap about Jonghun came up and I haven’t found the right time.. Maybe it’s good we aren’t together until we can get back on track ne?” Key smirked.. He seemed a bit hurt thought. 
I smiled softly. “Hey Cheer up… Or at least get moody or something I’m not used to this emo Key.” I giggled.
So it was sorted… Sort of… I think.
‘Can you come over? -JH’
Urg… I don’t know if I should be going to his house. Well maybe I can clear things up with him. And maybe I can finally end this school year on a good note… There was only 2 weeks left.
I didn’t have much to do that day anyways. 
When I arrived it seemed the house was empty. I knocked on the door and Jonghun came to the door with a soft smile on his face.
“Don’t worry… You do not have to clean anything.” He said smoothly.
“What… Am I here for?” I went straight to it. 
“Well… I’m just going to make up for using you for my personal issues.” He said.
“Ne?” I asked.
“I made you dinner.” 
“How…. Nice.” I said awkwardly.
“Don’t worry… Your friends are here… So are mine.. It wont be that awkward.” He said.
“Oh Good.”
“MINYOUNGGGG!” Luna yelled from another room. SO much for this house being empty.
“We aren’t getting drunk this time right?” I asked.
“Not unless you want to…” Jonghun said and winked.
“So are you and Key back together with everything sorted?” Tiffany asked me. The whole table of people looking at me now.
“Uhh…” I said awkwardly. I shook my head no.
“WHAT WHY!?” Luna yelled.
“Oh… Well, I just really want to stop all the drama and concentrate on other things, like Jonghun said… Me and Key always fought… And we never really acted like a couple., Yaknow.” I mumbled.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Jonghun interjected.
“I bet he was just jealous.” Hongki laughed. Sohee whacked him over the head.
“Owe… Since when did you get so violent Sohee!? You used to always be so nice when we were younger.” Hongki said.
“Mmm..” Sohee muttered something.
“So the pictures were a fraud…” Amber said. “Jonghun was jealous…. And has issues with Key.” She said. “Did it really have to go that far?” She asked.
“I guess not…” Jaejin said. “Sorry… If I wasn’t involved none of this would’ve of happened.”
Jonghun landed on the floor. Amber shook her hand.
“That’s for taking advantage of your friends and using MINYOUNG!” Amber yelled then left the house.
Everyone else stared blankly….
“Uhh… Well This is a great party.” Seaunghyun said with a  smirk.
“HYUNG! ARE YOU OKAY!?” Minhwan said running to Jonghun who was passed out on the ground.
I sighed heavily finishing my meal.
“Thanks.” I said then left myself.
So, I guess everything returned to ‘normal’ whatever that normal was. The next day at school was more then awkward. Key didn’t walk me to school, Jonghun didn’t give me his books, and I wasn’t miserable. I was content.
Sitting near Jonghun was weird. I didn’t talk to him though. I was more concentrated on the note that day. Today however… I was going to talk to Eunhyuk, I know things won’t get sorted out by one little conversation I was going to have to prove my friendship with him. I don’t blame him I’ve practically been ignoring him for the past month.
Lol~ THank you for all the support!
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!