Chapter 53: FT Island Arch: Spoken

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 53 Spoken
I was finally at the ramen shop. I couldn’t remember the last time I was here. I really missed back in the days of being in S13... Where I could just talk and laugh with Eunhyuk in Shindong. I hadn’t seen them in a while either… I didn’t blame them that they never tried to contact me, my life was filled with so much drama. Besides that Jonghun now had control over my cell phone 
Speaking of S13... Kangin, Eunhyuk and Shindong just arrived at the ramen house. 
“Ah! Eunhyuk!” I called. He looked over and gave me a wave.  “Join me!” I waved him over.
“So… I haven’t heard from you for a while.” Eunhyuk said. “What’s going on these days?”
“Oh, nothing there’s just school friends and drama you know the usual.” I said.
“Am I not your friend anymore?” He asked.
“Ne Eunhyuk, she didn’t mean it like that, don’t be sore just because you’re jealous.” Shindong said.
“There’s a difference between the feeling jealously and belittlement. We’re not that important anymore.” 
“What no Eunhyuk you’re mistaken!” I tried to explain., but in some aspects he was right ever since Key and my new friends I hadn’t made any arrangements to see Eunhyuk or Shindong.
“How am I not? You make time for Key and his buddies, I’ve seen you with your new girlfriends, and then there’s your new classmates… Just admit that you’ve forgotten about us, it’s okay.” Eunhyuk said bitterly, I honestly hadn’t seen him like this before.
“Woah guys…” Kangin said… “This is getting a little awkward…” He mumbled. 
“You’re right Eunhyuk, I should of made more of an effort to-
“I don’t want you to make an effort to hang out with us because you have an obligation to… You do it because we’re friends and you want to.. And it’s obvious that you don’t” Eunhyuk said and got up and left.
The other two stared for a second, then looked at me.
“Listen MinYoung… Eunhyuk just feels a little upset because he never sees you anymore, he was the first one you became friends with here, and he really liked having you around.” Shindong explained.
“The whole class misses you actually.” Kangin explained… “You weren’t there for that long but it was defiantly more interesting when you were there.”
“I didn’t really do anything when I was there besides try and beat Kyuhyun is test scores.” 
“And if you stayed in that class I’m sure we would’ve of had more crazy adventures.” Kangin laughed.
I sighed softly, I honestly couldn’t wait for this year to be over… with a new school year I would finally stick to one class for the year… well hopefully. 
“So what is going on… I’ve been texting you every now and again and haven’t got any response… You and Key that busy together?” Shindong laughed.
“No actually… We haven’t really been able to do that much. My new class, well half of them anyways, that Jonghun group is just a big obstacle I need to figure out.”
“Ah! That kid… Love triangle? Is that why there was a fight at school?” Kangin.
“No more like Jonghun hates us.”
“If a guy hates another guy… He won’t go and beat him up for nothing… I mean as soon as you and Key got together that’s when Jonghun started acting frisky again.” Shindong said.
“So… Do you know what happened between them?” I asked.
“Ah… Not everything but back then Key and Jonghun sure were rebels… Key was much of a playboy…. And got in a little scuffle with Jonghun’s family… and I think Jonghun’s girlfriend too something along those lines. Key got cleaned up though his parents sent him to a private school in japan for a year.” Shindong explained.
“Arg…” I grumbled. ‘Do all guys fight over silly romances?’ I thought…
“I heard Jonghun’s sister committed suicide over the whole thing…” Kangin said.
“No she past away in an accident.” Shindong said.
“Well the family covered it up no one really knows. But, a family would want to cover up a suicide, not really a subway accident.”
I blinked a couple of times… I never knew Jonghun had a sister… Well I supposed he wouldn’t need to mention it, besides she passed away no one would want to bring up something like that. 
“Thanks guys.. I have to get going.” I said. If I can get this thing resolved I can return things back to normal.. And get my friendship back with Eunhyuk.
(With the girls.)
“Okay… Two of them are coming out… Luna Lets go!” Amber said. 
Luna pulled out her weaponry… Which consisted of a bag.
The two ran towards Hongki and Jaejin and quickly bagged them over the head. They struggled for a second.
“HEY WHATS GOING ON!?!?” Hongki yelled.
Amber whacked him over the head., “Shut up.” He passed out. She struggled to pull him into the van. “Urg since when did guys get so heavy.,”
Luna was struggling a bit and tried whacking him over the head but it wasn’t working so well. And when Amber got Hongki into the van she came over and just threw Jaejin in there too.
“Okay… Just two more to go…”
“Can’t we just use the gas instead of hitting them?” Tiffany asked. “I mean that’s why I got it…” 
“Yeah but I just really wanted to hit someone.” amber said. “You can use it on the other two.”
“Whats going on?” Jaejin said in the bag.
“Shut up.” Amber said.
“Oh look there’s the other two!” Luna yelled. “GO GET THEM Tiffany!” She pushed Tiffany out from behind the van.
Tiffany ran over with Amber who took Minhwan by the ear and dragged him to the van. Tiffany wanted to take on the small one however Amber beat her to it.
Seunghyun just stared at her with a blank expression.
“Uh…” Tiffany said.
“Okay I’ll just go in the van.” He said.
I was sitting on my bed hugging my plushie now. What was I to do now. Jonghun and Key had more then a complicated past it was… tragic. No wonder they’re so serious with each other… What exactly did Key do… and what exactly did Jonghun do in return?
Ring ring ring
‘Come now… I’m tired and the house is a mess. We need to talk -JH’ Speak of the devil… Whatever I’ll go only because now I felt a little sympathy for him.
When I arrived there passing a weird looking van driving away…. I knocked on the door but already found it opened.
“Uhh JongHun?” I called entering.
“Ne… I’m here.” He said I went into the kitchen finding him doing some paperwork… Homework… Or whatever it was. He was wearing cool looking glasses though… 
“Ah…” I said.. And stood there awkwardly… “Uhm.. The kitchen is clean… so what do you want me to do.” 
“I never said you could leave with Key.” Jonghun said suddenly.
“eh?” I asked confused.
“That day… I never said you could leave with Key. You really aren’t taking this seriously, I think he is a hindrance to your job… Break up with him.” He said simply writing his whatever it was down.
“Eh.. What?”
“I said break up with him… Its not like you guys are much of a couple anyways.” he muttered.
“Excuse. No You cant-”
“Yes I can… Really do you want the news about your uncles illegal activity to get out to the public.. Not only will your uncle suffer but the millions of people who work under him will loose their jobs because of his bankruptcy.”
“There’s no way he’d go bankrupt over this.” I said.
“Who would want to support a man who ignores the child he’s supposed to be raising, hires es, drinks too much, and deals with the black market.” He explained.
“I refuse to believe it!” I yelled. 
“… I’m sorry but there’s plenty of proof.” He said.
“How would you know my Uncle! Those pictures are WRONG! You did something! I know you did this over some grudge you have with Key!” 
“Some grudge!? He destroyed my-…. Urg Just leave… If you don’t break up You’ll regret it.” He said.
“Just! No! I’m not going to let you take over my life! I’m not breaking up with Key over something like this!” I argued. Then I just ran out of the house. What else was I to do.
(With the girls)
“OKAY SO WHATS GOING ON!?” Luna yelled.
“I think.. .we should be asking that question.” Jaejin said.
“YOU BE QUIET!” Luna pointed and yelled.
“Shh Luna you’re getting a little worked up.” Tiffany said. “Is Hongki awake yet Sohee?”
“Mmm..” Sohee just continued reading her book.
“Ill take that as a no seeing as he hasn’t moved… Jeeze You sure hit him hard Amber…” Tiffany said.
“Whoops…” Amber said sarcastically. “Okay here’s the deal…” She started looking at the three conscious guys. “The thing is… whatever you guys have on MinYoung don’t you think it’s enough? You’ve had your little game…. Can’t you stop before something terrible happens.”
“How do you know something terrible is going to happen?” Jaejin asked.
“Yeah, really Jonghun could just be bored and wants entertainment for the rest of the school year who cares.” Seunghyun added.
“Oh come on, if your girlfriend was all of a sudden hanging around with your least favourite person you’d be a little miffed too.” Luna said. 
“Using MinYoung just for entertainment is a little against morals isn’t it?” Tiffany added.
“You guys don’t understand the situation how would you know?” Minhwan grumbled. “If you knew the whole story you’d be kicking Key in the Shins and siding with-”
“We aren’t on anyone’s side except MinYoung you brat!” Amber shouted. “I’ve had enough of this stupid game MinYoung just wants to study for her future, and her classmates are just being foolish teenagers… If you guys don’t tell us what’s going on I’ll just use my own authority!”
“Why didn’t we just do that in the first place.” Luna whispered.
“Because I really wanted to punch one of them.” Amber said.
“Urrrggg…” Hongki groaned waking up. “Sohee!”
Sohee just slapped him with her book. “Shhh… You’re going to tell us what’s going on with MinYoung.”
“Eh?” Hongki said confused.
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!