Chapter 42: You And I

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 42
So Key and I ended up sitting at a booth at my favorite Ramen store :D
Kim Sang Bum was taking our order. I was still giddy about the whole Cute thing…
“So…” Key started. “New class next week.” He said.
“Yepp.. Don’t worry Key I won’t forget about you.” I said. I was a bit pained by the fact that the whole fiasco we went through… and the feelings that were so obvious I had… I still couldn’t manage to ‘break the ice’.
‘It’s good if he gets angry too!- Luna’ She texted me.
‘What?’ I texted back
I looked at my phone at back at Key who was just returning from the bathroom. I sighed softly.. Maybe I could try the Oppa thing… either he’ll think it’s weird… or do what Luna thinks he’ll do.
When he sat back down, there was really no conversation either of us could come up with. And because we were just sitting there I started playing with my chopsticks.
“Don’t Do that…” He said.
“Huh?” I looked up at him.
“Playing with chopsticks… you aren’t a child…” He mumbled.
“Oh… We’ll we just weren’t saying anything I guess-
“Well you should be trying to think of more things to say!” He said, ah another mood swing. 
“I can’t! I was trying to think of something but we’ve already said it today!” 
“There’s plenty of things to talk about!”
Maybe I should use it.
“I’m Sorry… Key oppa.” That was awkward.
“Ss-- What?” He looked at me.
“Uhh.. I’m sorry.” I said.
“No after that.”
“After that!”
“Oppa…” I whispered.
“Louder MinYoung.”
“Oppa!” I said looking at him. 
“Can you say it again?” He asked softly ignoring eye contact.
“Uhm… Oppa?” I looked at him a bit confused.
I saw him bite his lip then get up from the table. “Sorry I need to go to the bathroom…”
“But Oppa you -just.. I mean Key..”
“Ahh I’ll Be right back!” Key leaped off to the bathroom. I had never seen him so flustered.
“IT WORKKKEDD!” Luna stood up from the booth behind me.
“Ahh!” I screamed from her jumping out of nowhere.
“I knew it would work… Luna Love plan step 2 SUCCESSS!” She punched the air. “Hand it over Tiffany!!”
Tiffany passed over a couple bills of money to Luna. “It’s the first time Luna’s advice actually worked….” Tiffany said. “I would’ve thought Key was the type to not like Oppa… He’s just so moody.” She mumbled.
“Yes, but Key is just like any other guy…” Amber said sitting at the table eating some ramen cooley. “He’s reacting this way because MinYoung hasn’t called anyone Oppa before… Not KyuHyun, or even Eunhyuk.” She said not even looking up.
Sohee was sitting there reading while eating as well. 
“You owe me too Tiffany.” Sohee said cheekily…
Tiffany sighed and passed over yet some more bills to Sohee.
“THERE HE IS HIDE!” Luna yelled and dived under the table.
Key came back to the both and was pulling on his collar. 
“You surprised me.” He said.
“Haha…” I didn’t know what to say.
“OKay we’ll then for payback I shall surprise you.” He smirked. “What I have been trying to say for these past few days is that-
“WATCH OUT!” Kim Bum yelled. A waitress slipped and a three bowls of Ramen went flying and hit out table. Spilling all over it and onto us. It was hot too.
“OWEEE!” I yelled.
“AISH!” Key yelled.
“MinYoung! Are you Okay!?” Luna popped out.
“Ahh! I’ll get some napkins!” Tiffany said.
“I’m Sorry!” The waitress said.
“Don’t worry about it.” I said rubbing my hands and dabbing my legs with napkins getting up from the booth.
Key slammed his hands on the table and stood up. Causing the whole Chaos to stop and look at him.
“This will be good.” Amber whispered to Sohee, she nodded.
“That’s IT!” Key Yelled. “I don’t care whose listening anymore!” He yelled. “I don’t care if the moment isn’t perfect! And I don’t care if I’m covered in a bowl of steaming hot ramen! Because none of that matters to what I have to say!”
I really wish he wasn’t causing so much of a scene… But my eyes wouldn’t leave his face. He stared straight at me.
He then pointed at me with arm outstretched like he was some super hero.
“I Like You MinYoung!” He said. “I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you beaten up by S.P for the first time! And standing by your side through everything, and the thought that Onew might of being the one you liked it just…, but having you … Kiss me. It was enough that I knew you felt the same way about me. You moving to a new class shouldn’t have to change anything I still want to protect you! I still want to be there for you even though I’m not in your class!” He started walking closer to me. He pulled something out of his pocket. I was stuck there stunned… With noodles in my hair and clothes. “So… Let’s make it official…” He whispered. He hung a necklace in front of me it had a small key as the charm. “Let me be… The Key to your heart… Because I’m giving you mine.” He said and put the necklace on me.
“How cheesy..” Luna whispered to Tiffany.
“Shh Don’t ruin the moment!” Tiffany said.
“I Uh-” I was shocked… really. I felt so happy and relieved at the same time, and really I thought this was all just a fantasy. So what to do in such situations like these? Smile and Nod… And Smile and nod I did.
At that moment Key came and hugged me. Although, it wasn’t pleasant at all…. The noodles that were on out cloths squished together and created more mess.
"Luna’s love plan MISSION SUCCESS!”
“Haha… I DID IT!” Luna said.
“What do you mean you DID it?” Amber said. “You didn’t do anything…” 
“That is where you are wrong my dear friend.” Luna said. “I set the whole thing up! Who do you think tripped the noodle lady!?”
“Luna… You didn’t trip her on purpose… it was an accident… and when it happened you were yelling sorry.” Sohee said. “It was a flook.”
“Yes, and also you were complaining that the noodle lady was the reason the love plan failed… even though it didn’t.” Tiffany commented.
“I knew it was all going to happen…” Luna said. “It’s okay that none of you believe me because I know I’m right!”
“Right….” Amber rolled her eyes. 
“Hey guys!!!” I ran up to them. I still had noodles on me but I was on my way home…
“It was so romantic MinYoung!” Tiffany gasped. “I wish I could have a prince like moment like that!”
“Hehe.. Well yeah I -”
“I told you! Oppa!!! Works every time.” Luna stuck her tongue out.
“It’s not over yet..” Sohee said.
“Correct, the most difficult thing is keeping the relationship… Think about it MinYoung.. You’re in a school filled with guys.. And you’re no longer in Key’s class. The kid is moody enough as it is… and possessive… Now that you guys are actually a ‘thing’ Key will have an alarm system set up on you.” Amber said.
“Ah Well. I don’t think-
“You Don’t KNOW!!!” Luna said. “Don’t worry I shall be there every step of the way for you MinYoung.. I’m Luna The Love Monk.” Luna winked and ran off home.
I sighed softly and started walking down a different street from them to my apartment building.
Tomorrow was a new day. I was thankful, I felt giddy. And I didn’t know what tomorrow would really bring… I couldn’t believe that Key and I…Were really a thing now.
I looked at my cell phone.
‘I’ll be there to get you in the morning. Wait for me- Key’
I blushed looking at the message.
And there he was that morning. Ringing my doorbell like a maniac. We walked to school together and he was telling me to avoid sitting near certain guys. I told him I didn’t really have a choice where I sat… The teacher usually told me.
He held my hand while walking to school. Once we got there he also delivered me to my new classroom. 
“Ill see you at lunchtime.” He whispered.
I sighed softly turning to the class, which was empty.
The teacher walked in quickly.
“Good morning MinYoung! I’m your new teacher, Mr. Cho.” He smiled, “The class is excited to meet you, I think you know some of them already.”
Soon, the class piled in and took their seats while I stood talking with the teacher.
“Good morning class!” He announced. “We all know who this is, give a warm welcome to MinYoung!”
“Yo MinYoung!” Park JungMin said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes.
“Ahh, Since you know Mr. Park MinYoung, why don’t you take a seat next to him.” He said pointing to the empty desk next to… Park JungMin.
I sighed softly… Great.
I looked at Park JungMin who was rubbing the seat next to him…
Once I took a seat I remembered Hyun Joong was in this class too, I was relieved at that fact. I also saw that Choi Jonghun was also there… he was also staring at me… Should I say staring? It looked more like a death glare.
I was lucky class went by quickly. And that no one really bothered talking to me, well Hyun Joong was pretty far away from me, and he gave me a small wave when the teacher was writing things down. Park JungMin was constantly pestering me by poking me, although when I asked him what is it… he just looked out the window and smirked.
As soon as the bell rang, the teacher left, Key came flying in soon after and took my arm. 
“Woah.. Not so hasty there.” Park JungMin said. “We want to get to know our new classmate.”
“You know her well enough don’t be a pest JungMin.” Hyun Joong said. 
“Let me guess after your make out session with Romeo and Juliet you two are the real deal?” JungMin chuckled. “It’s kind of cute. Are you sure you don’t want someone a little more… manly?”
Key glared at JungMin I was surprised he hadn’t started to beat him…
I sighed softly. 
“Don’t be bitter JungMin just because she never liked you.” Choi JongHun decided to partake… “Although MinYoung… I’d be careful Key used to be a playboy.” Just then Key just about launched a punch and JongHun who thankfully caught his wrist before a brawl started.
“Watch your mouth….” Key Muttered. “MinYoung is only in this class for schooling, unless you’re partners for some project I expect you not to talk to her on any terms.” 
“Don’t be jealous Key… Or possessive that’s not the right way to start out a new relationship… Though I‘m sure you‘ll move on pretty fast… Like you always did.” JongHun said bitterly.
I coughed, “Uhm, Excuse me.” I said. And pulled JongHun’s arm off of Key’s wrist. “Sorry about this.. We’ll leave now.” I pulled Key out of the classroom.
“Nice One Key..” I muttered. “I havn’t been in there a day and you start trying to beat people up.”
“You don’t know any of them like I do.” He said.
“Well okay, but please avoid from doing anything physical. You might get suspended or expelled from school over something silly like that.” I said continuing down the hall.
He grabbed my hand and stopped me from moving so fast. “Let’s… Go see the others.”
So we were in the cafeteria. Along with Taemin, Onew, Minho, JongHyun, Eunhyuk, And Shindong. All chillin’ at a table.
“So… We HEARD THE GRAND NEWS!” Onew said and clapped.
I blushed lightly… Key pulled me closer and sat down at the table.
“So I guess you lost JongHyun.” Taemin chuckled.
“Huh?” JongHyun said.
“Oh yeah I remember the bet!” Onew laughed. “JongHyun just wasn’t fast enough.”
“Huh?” I said.
“There was a race to see who would ‘get the girl’ first.” Minho mumbled. 
I raised my eyebrow. “You’re kidding right?”
“It wasn’t at all serious… actually the only person who did take it seriously was JongHyun.” Taemin chuckled. 
I laughed softly.. “You guys have too much time on your hands. JongHyun you should be studying more, your biology marks are slipping…” I commented.
“I couldn’t help it I was looking at such a pretty girl the whole cl-
Key whacked him over the head. “Stop being an idiot. It’s embarrassing to say that I know you.”
EunHyuk and Shindong hadn’t said anything and I was kind of curious as to why-
‘YO MinYoung We’re in ‘THE BUSH’ -Luna’
“I…have to go pee.” I said..
They all gave me weird looks. And I just left.
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!