Chapter 38: SHINee Arch: Why Do I Do Such Foolish Things?

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 38
Well it turns out. The thing WooYoung was looking out for… Was a stray cat. It was running away with Wooyoung’s lunch, and Wooyoung thought it was going to attack me. Such nonsense… Anyways, I wanted to murder him because that was the second time Key tried to tell me something and he couldn’t!
“Sorry MinYoung…” WooYoung said getting up and pulling me off the ground. Soon JaeBeom and Nickhun came to see what all the hubhub (XD that word makes me giggle) was about.
“You Idiot WooYoung!” Jay yelled.
“… Ah Sorry Again.” WooYoung bowed three times.
“Did you really have to chase after a cat… for your lunch? I mean who wants to eat something that a cat had been mauling on anyways?” Nickhun asked pulling WooYoung away.
“It was my favourite though!”
I sighed, I looked around and saw Key walking away. I felt a pang hit my chest, he must really be fed up with me.
When I woke up the next day I looked at my phone for the date and time. Two more days…. Two more days and I won’t be in Key’s class anymore, which probably meant I would see less of him, and if I didn’t confess my true feelings, or if something didn’t give me the courage to find out what really was going on between us… I’m sure nothing will happen.
‘I Want to take you dancing MinYoung! -Taemin’
That was a weird messege to receiving while walking to school.
‘Say What? -MinYoung’
‘Dancing! With everyone else too! It would be a good way to say good bye as a class! - Taemin’
‘I’ll still be in the same school Taemin- Minyoung’
‘But you won’t be in the same class D:- Taemin’
What the hell it might be fun.
Key seemed distracted that whole entire day. I had no idea what would be on his mind. Whenever I was distracted he would usually pester me until I told him, or until I cracked. Why couldn’t get the courage to do the same thing to him?
I really hated feeling this useless.
Someone’s cell phone went off.
Key pulled his out and stared at it for a while. He gripped his phone almost angrily and then put it back away. I bit my lip trying to figure out what could make him this… serious.
“Are you ready MinYoung!” Taemin said running into ym home, Jonghyun was with him.
“Uhh sure.” I got up from the kitchen table.
“Sayy whuut?” JongHyun came in. “You’re wearing that?” He pointed at me.
“Yes.. I am wearing this…” I said, I was just wearing black skinny jeans and a white graphic T did I really need anything else?
“No you’re not…” JongHyun said, “We’re going to a dance hangout, not ChuckieChuuuses”
“You mean Chuckie Cheese’s?” I said, JongHyun didn’t know his American stuff that well.
“Yeah but… I’m just a teenager JongHyun, I’m not going out in a y cocktail dress.”
“You’re right, but you aren’t going out in that either.” He said and then pushed me into my room. “Now let’s see!” He scrambled through my clothed while Taemin sat on the bed with me. He was about to reach for my drawer so I threw a pillow at him.
“HEY! Can you at least ask before you go rooting through my things!” I yelled.
He looked at me a little embarrassed but continued his adventure through the rest of my clothes.
So I came out wearing a short skirt and tight leggings, along with an oversized baggy grey loose t shirt that hung revealing my shoulders, and then I was wearing a black tank top underneath. Whoopie I was ready to watch people dance!
Jonghyun seemed to be happy, but he stuck me into high heeled shoes so I was gripping onto Taemin when we were walking there the whole time.
“Where are the others?” I asked when we arrived waiting in line.
“Oh they are probably already in there.” JongHyun said.
“I don’t think Key is coming though, he said something came up and he would probably not be able to make it.” Taemin said, I’ll admit I was extremely disappointed in that fact.
The Moment we got in there Taemin was swept away t the dance floor as well as JongHyun. I spotted Onew and Minho sitting at a table.
This was a more conservative place then I thought it was. There was T.Vs with the News on it, the music was loud, but you could still manage to hear your thoughts and talk to people around you. There was also a bar, although t didn’t seem like they were serving alcoholic beverages. This seemed like a teens place to hang out.
“It’s nice isn’t it!” Onew smiled, I sat down with them.
“It’s very cool! I wish Japan had more stuff like this, all we had were karaoke places.” I laughed. 
“Taemin’s father bought for him.” Minho explained. “This used to be a club.”
I wasn’t majorly surprised… A lot of SAFB students seemed to get a lot of cool things from their parents, it was amazing of course whenever I heard about something like this, but it was something I was getting used to. All of these boys were wealthy.
“Aren’t you going to dance MinYoung?” Onew asked.
I shook my head. “No way, I had my share of dancing with O11.” I said.
“You’re supposed to be having a good time! That’s the whole point of this. Jonghyun just might pull you out onto the dance floor soon.” Onew laughed.
“Well, he’s going to have to carry me… I can’t just free for all dance, or whatever it is you call it.”
“Freestyle?” Minho said.
“Yes that.” I thanked him.
“We aren’t asking you to break dance… We just want you to go up and get rid of steam and wiggle!” Onew smiled. “Look at that girl there.” He pointed to a girl, she looked amazing on the dance floor, it seemed like every move was just right. I was in awe. “She’s amazing because she’s just doing what her body feels like doing.” He said.
“Wow she’s amazing!” I exclaimed.
“That wasn’t the point…” He mumbled.
“Look at her go!” She started standing out amongst the crowd and soon there was a circle formed around her while she did her thing. It was amazing. “And You wanted me to go up and be like that? That definitely isn’t just your everyday dancer.” 
“Oh… Well I didn’t know that.”
“She’s been dancing her whole life.” Minho said.
“Hmm? You know her?” I asked.
“Yes.. That’s the presidents daughter.” He explained.
“SAY WHUUUT!?” Onew explained spitting out his drink.
I was a bit flabbergasted myself.
For being the presidents daughter she had almost a tough girl image, she was very pretty, but she looked like someone you wouldn’t want to be on the bad side. She didn’t portray the image of presidents daughter at all, and the way she moved on the dance floor, you wouldn’t believe it.
Once the song was over I noticed her go and sit down at the bar to get a drink.
“Let’s talk to her Onew!” I said.
“What?” He asked. “Why?”
“Because she’s cool!” I said. Minho chuckled. 
“I don’t need to come do I?” Onew asked.
“Well no… Fine I’ll talk to her myself Baby!” I nudged him.
So I went to the bar, however what was I supposed to say? ‘Hey your moves are pro’ …. ‘Hey I wish I could dance as great as you…’ …. Lame.
“Hello!” I just said.
She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow before continuing with her drink.
“Uhm, I’m MinYoung… I was just watching you dance, it was amazing.”
“Thanks.” She mumbled. “You’re that girl… At the Boy academy…” She said.
“Unfortuneatly yes… I am.”
“Not appealing to you? Every other girl wishes they were in your shoes.” She smirked.
“Every other girl? So you don’t.”
“A school filled with testosterone doesn’t sound that appealing to me.” She said.
I laughed, “It’s not necessarily the people in the school, it’s the reputation you get with it…” I said. She just continued drinking her water.
“What is MinYoung doing?” Jonghyun came to Onew and Minho. “She’s supposed to be dancing…” He muttered.
“She’s talking to Uh-” Onew Paused
“Liu Amber.” Minho said.
“The president’s daughter?” JongHyun asked. “She’s comes here a lot, not very sociable…”
“No one makes an effort to talk to her, why should she?” Minho said.
“Well MinYoung made an effort she seems to think she’s amazing.” Onew chuckled.
“She’s a great dancer!” Taemin butted in.
“Well MinYoung is here to dance….” Jonghyun said and started to head my direction.
“So you go to the girl institute?” I asked.
She nodded.
“So you know the Sweet Peas right?”
She nodded again.
“Did you know any of them?”
She nodded her head again.
“Are all of them like Jessica?”
She shook her head this time.
“Ah…” I nodded gripping my glass of water. “So What’s your name?” I asked, but then I got pulled off my chair.
“MinYoung! I went through the trouble of getting you dressed up, and you’re not even dancing!” Jonghyun said and started pulling me away. However someone else grabbed my arm and pulled me back. It was the girl I was talking to.
“Hey… Can’t you see we’re having a conversation?” She said. “My name is Amber.” She pulled my arm and JongHyun let go.
“You aren’t leaving this place MinYoung until you dance!” Jnghyun smiled and left.
“Oh yes I will…” I whispered.
“Not a dancer?” Amber asked.
“But I saw you at the competition a couple months ago. You were decent.”
“I went under vigerous training…” I said.
----- “Breaking News!” The music turned off and the T.V Turned up louder. I looked up at the screen. “On Grand River bridge a young girl is attempting to comit suicide! No one knows the cause of this yet, but a Young Boy is there at the scene as well as our tv crew and spectators!” Immediately it turned to the scene where I could see a girl with a bright red jacket on and a teenaged guy standing behind her about 3 meters away. There was a large crowd and they were around him.
Wait a second. That was the girl Key was talking to that one day. Wait that was KEY! I jumped off the chair and started running out of the dance place.
When I arrived at the scene I could see the crowd, of about 10-15 people standing around, and then the TV crew watching the whole scene. Key was standing there looking angry and the same time concerned. 
“Why are you doing this Haerin?” he asked.
“Because you don’t notice me anymore…” The girl whispered. “I’ve spent seven years of my life chasing you.” 
“I told you that I don’t feel that way about you! Why can’t you move on? I’ve never once given you any hint that I liked you!” Key was being a little harsh.
“How can you say that!?” She yelled. She was standing on the rail of the bridge so at any moment she could fall or jump.
“I don’t know what part of brain told you that I had any interest! We were friends at one point, and I saved you from SP once.” He said, “Stop being foolish and get down from there!” 
The girl looked back at the river now. “If I can’t be with you, then I don’t want to live. I’m sick of always loosing things.. Why can’t you be with me?”
“I… I like someone else.” He stuttered.
“WHY!? Is it because she’s prettier then me?” She screamed, “IS she smarter!? What is it that I don’t have that you can’t like me!”
“It’s probably because.. She faces most of her problems on her own.” He whispered, “I feel like I should always be helping her.”
The girl, Haerin was crying now. “Then there’s no reason for me to be alive.”
Oh frick! In that moment I started running towards them. If I didn’t stop her I think she was going to jump. 
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!