Chapter 36: SHINee Arch: It's You

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 36
The moment I saw his face my heart started beating rapidly.
“I-… Uh.. .I haven’t.” I could barely manage to look at him. I turned quickly and went to the kitchen. “I’m … Pretty busy with homework K-Key… I can’t talk long.”
“Yeah right there is no homework… Why… Are you angry or something?” He asked walking up to me.
“No… Not at all…” To be honest I was just confused… I was embarrassed too. I backed away more.
“It’s irritating…” He mumbled going to a chair. I breathed a sigh of relief… Thanking him that he didn’t come any closer or my heart might explode….
“Oh… I know I hate homework…”
“No.. MinYoung… You’re irritating…” He glared at me. I bit my lip and looked away trying to ‘look’ for something to do.
“Oh… Sorry.” I whispered. 
“I find it irritating that I can’t figure out what’s going on with you… At all… A lot of other girls look for any excuse to blab their feelings… and you don’t reveal any of it……… unless you’re under extreme pressure.” He kind of mumbled the last part and looked at me.
“I-uh.. I tell my feelings…” Trying to back myself up…. Well I kind of failed.. I hated showing emotions that made me seem… ‘small’… or ‘weak’ it was the way my uncle had brought me up to be…
Key rolled his eyes at me. He quickly walked up to me and cornered me. He stared at me for a long while. I think he might have been able to hear my heart thumping like crazy. Maybe not, he seemed a little distracted.
“I don’t know what it is… But I’ll figure it out.” He mumble before backing away and leaving. “See ya soon MinYoung.” He smirked and closed the door behind him.
He left so quickly I couldn’t really move. But when he left I sighed heavily and slumped over. I felt my chest quickly… it was beginning to calm down. With him so close… I had the urge.. To ya know… Well Never mind let’s not think about that…
I wondered what it was like really kiss Key….
“MinYoung… You look distracted…” Eunhyuk said to me on the way home from school.
I sighed softly.. “Is it really obvious?” I asked.
“Yes… Well to me anyways… You aren’t laughing… At all…” He commented.
“Well, I don’t know I can’t really talk about it with you it would just be awkward…” I chuckled nervously.
“Why not?” He asked… “I’m sure I can help.”
“Yes but.. No..” I said biting my lips.
“I think its Boy issues.” Shindong whispered.
“NO IT ISNT!” I yelled and stormed off into school.
“……” They both stared at me with blank stares.
“Yeah… boy issues…” Eunhyuk whispered to Shindong and he nodded.
Is it really just Key making me be stupid? Why is this affecting me so much… I wish I could know what was going on. I ended up at Auntie’s grave funnily enough.
“Hey Auntie…” I whispered. “I know if you were here you’d give me the right advice…” I said. “I’m having Boy issues… as hard as it is for me to admit such a thing.. Hehe…” I blushed and looked at the ground. “I’ve always thought of Key as I guess, somewhat of a knight in shinning armour I never thought that I’d start thinking of him this way…. When he kissed me on stage… Well everything changed, but that wasn’t real… I bet he did it to show that he wasn’t coward… Now I’m nervous around him, embarrassed easily, and can’t stop thinking of him.” I said. “I have my self wondering… what it would be -
“-What it would be like to really kiss him?” Someone butted in. I froze on the spot and turned to the voice. It was Hyung Jong.
“Ahh Uhm.. No yes.. No…” I mumbled. “Uhh.”
He smirked and walked closer to Aunties grave and stood beside me.
“So this is why you’ve been so distracted…” He commented.
“…..” I couldn’t say anything I was really embarrassed.
“You’re doing the worst thing….” He said.
“Avoiding it, trying to hide it… Denying what you feel… It’s the worst thing, it also makes the situation twice as worse as what you think it is.” He explained. “Don’t you think if you keep avoiding him, he’ll eventually just start to think that you don’t want to hang around him anymore?” 
“I don’t think so… Key is stubborn, he came by yesterday and said he was going to find out whatever was making me… be this way.” I admitted.
“Ah… IF you’re so worried about it.. Just get him in a corner and kiss him… I doubt he’d be really angry… since he was the one who kissed you before right?” He laughed softly… He was taking great amusement over my girl predicament. “I think you should find yourself some girl friends… You’d be able to express your feelings more freely and wouldn’t have to suffer so much being the only girl.” Hyung Jong said.
I nodded my head, but really I didn’t think any girl would want to be my friend, after the whole SP thing I think the majority of girls hated me… I really don’t blame them, I was the only girl who went to SAFB which meant that I could talk to their idols pretty much whenever I wanted. Not like I wanted to….
I saw Hyung Jong place three white lilies on Aunties grave before turning to leave.
“Just go for it MinYoung, I don’t think you have anything to loose.” He smiled and waved before stepping off.
I honestly didn’t think I had to guts to plant one on him… Right now I could barely keep a conversation. 
[[ Lol Is anyone getting the hints that girl characters will be coming REALLY SOON? Lol ]]
Maybe I should just take Hyung Jong’s advice… I have kissed a guy before… It’s not like Im terrible at it. I know what to do with my hands… I know the process.. I am thinking way to far into this…. Anyways… I think it’s just that, the sudden change in the way I see Key is what is making it so hard. I think this is the first problem of my life where I didn’t have Auntie to console with.
Someone just tackled me on the sidewalk.
“Sorry MinYoung!” Taemin shouted sitting ontop of me. “I didn’t see you, and now that I have! Let’s go to a café!” He laughed.
“Okay…. Then please remove yourself from being on top of me.” I Groaned in pain, for such a skinny kid… He really hit me like a brick wall.
“Right… Sorry MinYoung!” He laughed and got off and helped me get up as well.
“Key has been strange all day MinYoung!” Taemin announced taking a bite of his cake.
“Hm?” I asked. I was avoiding him… I didn’t see him so much.
“He’s been writing things down, been more moody and constantly asking us where you are… He’s been daydreaming more too… Key doesn’t usually daydream…” He said still chewing on his cake. “You’ve been acting strange too MinYoung!” He pointed his fork at me.
“Hm?” I was starting to think of Key at that moment. So he really was trying to figure me out…
“You’ve been strange… Did you and Key get into a fight? Ever since Romeo and Juliette you two never hang out…” Taemin continued eating.
“I don’t know… I’ve been thinking a lot lately…”
“Stop thinking and start doing!, that’s what Key always says. Well he says it to us when he’s cooking and no one is helping him.” He laughed.
“I think I might just do that.”
“No thinking!”
“RIght.. I will do IT!”
“YES!” Taemin punched the air.
“YES I WILL DO IT!” I joined him by punching the air too.
“What are you going to do MinYoung?” He asked me.
I looked at him and pointed straight at him.
“I am going to take action to see what it is really LIKE!” 
“Excuse me but you are scaring the customers, if you cannot quiet down I will have to ask you to leave.” A waitress came.
I pointed at her and said. “YES I WILL DO IT!” I ran out of the café and Taemin clapped and joined me.
“Where are we going MinYoung?” Taemin asked.
“We’re going to Key’s house!” I announced.
“Oh!” He said and kept fallowing me. “But he doesn’t live this way…”
I never thought of it before… But I had never been to Key’s house….
“Oh… Taemin could you take me there?” I asked.
When we arrived at Key’s fancy apartment I took a deep breath. I was going to get it straight over with. So I stood in front of the door with my fists pump and Taemin cheering behind me, although he had no idea what he was going to see.
I heard a few rustles and voices and then the door opened.
So then I did it. I grabbed his face and smooched it. :D
It was awkward. It didn’t feel right. And I think he was in shock.
“MinYoung?” I heard someone say.
I opened my eyes quickly, and pulled away as soon as I noticed that the person I was smooching… Wasn’t Key… No Key was standing behind that poor boy.
“What are you doing to Onew?” Key asked.
“Waah…” Someone else said.
Onew was looking into space in utter shock. I don’t blame him I would never expect some crazy girl to kiss me if I opened the door.
“I…. Uhm.” My face was heating up.
“She was checking if Onew had an eyelash in his eye!” Taemin saved the day. Laughing nervously. Key looked at Taemin with an eyebrow raised. 
“I’m not blind I saw the whole thing…” He muttered and walked back into his place.
“That went terribly wrong…” I muttered to myself. “I’m sorry Onew…. Onew? Onew!” I tried shaking him, and he finally awoke from his… well whatever had happened to him.
“Hehe… Min-Minyoung…ha..” Onew mutterd going inside as well now.
When I got in and sat with the rest of them I was biting my lip, Onew went to the bathroom because … well he couldn’t funtion properly at the moment. Key went off to the kitchen grumbling, and Taemin was awkwardly trying to not say anything.
“Poor Onew…” Jonghyun said. “He never saw that coming.” He laughed.
“Too bad it was his first.” Minho said.
“What!?” I said. I felt awful…. I knew how important someone’s first could be, and I just stole Onew’s… Now I felt terrible. “Ah How can I make it up to him!?”
“What do you mean about making it up to him I bet he’s ecstatic! P5 steals all the girls, he must be thanking heavens!” Jonghyun laughed.
“Firsts are supposed to be special Jonghyun!” I argued.
“Yes this was, even though it was all a misunderstanding, you’re the only girl Onew has been close with.” He explained.
“I highly doubt that Onew is an extremely attractive guy.” I said, which was true, Onew had such a great personality, he was incredibly smart, that funny dork, and he was so cute.
“Tell that to P5 stalkers.” He mumbled.
Well regardless… My plan went terribly wrong. And Key seemed moody… Onew was flabbergasted, Jonghyun was amazed, Taemin felt awkward, and Minho…. Well he was Minho that night.
“Key is really cooking up a storm… “ Jonghyun said coming back from the kitchen… “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” 
I bit my lip again. This was all a misunderstanding, and I hoped Key new that, not like he should really be angry…. We weren’t tied together… I was terribly confused.
“Onew!! How are you feeling?” Taemin smiled when Onew came back. He was scratching the back of his head and laughing nervously. 
“I -Uh.. Great!” He chuckled and sat down.
“Onew can I talk to you??” I asked. I felt terrible and I thought I should talk about what I did. Maybe clear things up… I don’t know.
So I pulled him out to Key’s banister. It was starting to get dark, from this point you could see the lights of the city. Key sure did have a pretty home.
“So… MinYoung…” Onew stood awkwardly behind me.
“I’m.. Uh- Sorry about… Yaknow…” I said.
He laughed.. “I know.. That you thought it was someone else who answerd the door.” He looked away scratching his head again. “Don’t worry about it too much. I guess it’s just a little -uh… strange for me because it happened out of nowhere.” He laughed again. I smiled, Onew really was so understanding.
“You’re the best Onew!” I laughed. “I’m just very sorry… I heard it was your first…” I bit my lip and looked away.
“Oh.. No.. My first was stolen when I was little…” He laughed again.
“Yeah, Some girl named Jenny. She was a foreigner and thought I was cute… She was 2 years older then me… I was 6.” He said. “Though I don’t think it really counts.. She kind of missed….” He mumbled.
“If You want I can make it up to you whenever you need it. I still feel bad that I did it so suddenly. Pretty careless of me not to look at the person before.. You know.. Doing that.” I said. 
“Maybe if you got the person you were aiming for he would stop being so moody.” He placed his hand on my shoulder.
“AS Much as I want you guys to have a love fest, Please come inside.. I have finished cooking and I don’t want it to be cold.” THe Almighty Key grumbled in his cooking gear. One hand was on his hip and he was looking away sourly.
Onew smiled and went off past Key.
“It isn’t a lov-
“I don’t care MinYoung.” Key grumbled.
Well, Key was a more then moody. During dinner all he did was glare and snap at people who weren’t using proper manners. He didn’t even look at me once. In fact he completely ignored me. It saddened me that he was acting this way…And I really didn’t know why. Minho who was sitting sent me a text messege. Under the table I looked at it.
‘Talk to him… I’m getting irritated. -MinHo.’
I soon got another one.
‘Key Sure is feisty… Maybe you should talk to him.- Onew.’
And another one.
‘I bet you can cheer Almighty Grump- Taemin’
Oh… Ofcourse one more.
I looked up from my phone to see all of them a bit… stressed. Key looked like he was about to blow up. I was scared to talk to him… I didn’t know if I could, he seemed to be ignoring me since I got here.
As dessert came I decided that texting Key would be best.
‘Let’s Talk? -MinYoung’
When Key received it and read it he looked up at me. It was serious… Not angry, or held any emotion. He turned away quickly… I didn’t know if he wanted to or not….
So after the whole dinner thing was done, Minho, Taemin, Onew, and Jonghyun were all in the living room again getting ready for a movie. I decided helping Key clean up would be the best way to figure out his moodiness that night.
“Key?” I asked.
“Mm…” He mumbled Picking up plates.
“Why such a Sour Puss?” I asked with a pout.
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!