Time's Discovery

The Destination of Time

pic from http://sapphireworld.tumblr.com


I closed my eyes, ready to meet any fate that would come of me.
After I released my spell, the raindrops began to once again douse what clothing I wore.
The dragon and I stayed in our positions, neither one acting.
It seems as if He did not know what to do either.
I decided that I should just leave first, and at that, bowed to Him.
When I was about to turn, however, the being began to speak. 
"Huang ZiTao?" His billowing voice questioned.
I did not know how to respond.
First, I hadn't expected the creature to talk.
Second, I didn't know how I should correctly respond back to Him.
I didn't want to offend Him, but I also didn't want to be made the village idiot.
Because of this, I gave a simple nod of my head.
"Your deed will not go unnoticed, for you have done far more than save a life. You will be greatly rewarded for your selfless action." His deep voice vibrated off of the surrounding trees.
I watched Him curiously as He didn't stay for a reply.
His left wing arched upward off of His back and stretched out, His right doing the same.
With one strong push, He lifted himself off of the ground.
His wings became shaky, however, the result of being tied down for so long.
Unable to withstand the weight, He was sent back down as gravity took over.
He landed with a sickening oomph and whimpered.
Seeing this, I ran over to Him and tried to help Him up.
"No. Go. They're coming!" He pushed me the opposite direction.
I froze in place, having no idea who He was talking about.
He sent a fireball my way, forcing me to run. 
I took off in the forest and nearly constantly looked back.
I couldn't just run away from the very person I saved.
Hearing crunching and slashing only feet away, I darted to the left and rerouted. 
A breeze shot by my cheek.
Another breeze shot past me and lodged itself in a trunk of a tree three inches from my face.
I stared at the silvery object and ripped it out-
It was a small knife with a 6 inch long blade.
Whoever was shooting wanted death to find me.
I dropped to the floor, clutching my side.
I need not look down to tell what it was.
I felt the cool blade lodged between my muscles, but I knew to not rip it out.
Tingling pricks began to multiply at the site if the wound, telling me it wasn't just an arrow.
Warm trickles of liquid traveled down my side, a sickly feeling of warmth soon developing in the area thereafer.
I shakily got up as I knew I needed to keep on moving.
As I started to run, the pain that shot through me became more and more unbearable.
My movements slowed and I once again developed ragged steps.
A groan escaped my mouth as I tried to look at what I had tripped over.
It was a man's body... 
It was impossible to tell if he was alive or dead.
I held my breath and hoped that we wouldn't be found.
I tried to get up but found that the object had slipped even further inside of me.
Keeping my eyes open, I watched the man twitch before opening his eyes.
The only thing I could tell was that this could not possibly be happening.
This man was human.
Purely human.
All source of that race died out centuries ago. 
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iAmWeAre #1
Chapter 3: This is so interesting...I have so many questions! O.O please update soon~ *^^*
Chapter 3: oh my goodness
did he trip over the dragon?!
And what exactly is trying to kill them? ... and why?
oh this fic. ;a; many many questions.
Chapter 2: oh my goodness
it's been so long. but..
completely worth it.
i loved it.
can't wait to see what happens next!
iAmWeAre #4
wow...this story is so mysterious i just love it! XD happy writing~~
Dancemach97 #5
Wow, nicely written. I will wait and see if Tao/Time gets roasted.
BANG_baby #6
Whoa. O____O;
It has a very mysterious...feel too it~
I like it. XD
Omg. I am highly anticipating this(: