Time's Duty

The Destination of Time

This chapter will be from Time's view, rather than third person~

And thank you all for being patient~




It's canvas was a rich shade of crimson; bolts of orange colour danced around His skin.

A pattern of divots could be seen throughout, distinguishing that this being had scales.

In the darkness, that was all I could see.

As a result, I hastily took another step forward.

It arched it's snout and released a warning growl that bounced off of trees even a mile away.

Scrunching his lips upwards, He revealed one of his many weapons.

His fangs glistened with a slick fluid that soon dripped on the foliage beneath Him.

I took another step forward, and it was then that we both showcased our abilities.


As if a punishment for not heeding His warnings, a heated spark of electricity shot from His mouth, sending out a flame that would've tarnished anything in its path.


If I hadn't halted time.

With a simple snap of my fingers, I paused the breath of life.

In perfect timing, it seemed, for a drop of rain that had been an inch in front of my face was now an evaporated mess of hydrogen and oxygen.

The rain drops that were falling now stay frozen in the air, gravity having no power against mine.

The skin of my extremities started to burn simply from the heat that radiated from the halted flame.

I bid my feet left and right, dodgeing the balls of moisture until I reached my target.

He knew He was caught, and under my control, as His eyes were moving with my every move.

His breath of fire had illuminated the night; enough to allow me to see nearly every detail on His body.


It was then that I wished that hadn't happened.


I examined Him, and immediately understood why the cries were made.

He had flawless skin, like previously mentioned, but hiding within those marvelous colors were thick, charred masses of skin.

As if a wound had been hit once it had started to heal, and hit once again, and again.

Once given the chance to finally heal, it was such a swollen mess that it probably took a year to do exactly that.

I brought my hand forward, wanting to see if it was just an illusion, but was proven just the opposite as He violently flinched even in his frozen state.

A silent yelp racked through His system.

I retracted my hand as fast as possible.

Glancing around once more I noticed the second culprit.

There was a small glimmer coming from His wrists.

A quick inspection revealed that the reflective item was a pair of shackles, so small that the being's skin had begun to envelop it as it grew.

I bent down and tested it's resistance.

It was rusted and the outer layers of iron were beginning to flake.

I could break it with a tap.

But, could I trust this being?


In that moment, it need not matter if I could or could not.

We were both admirable opponents of equal strength.

I took out my weapon and brought it down on the rusted material.

It snapped in an instant, but didn't fall off.

Suspecting the worst, I bent to examine it and found my suspicions were confirmed.

Grabbing the very edge of a broken piece, I lifted it up only to watch His skin lift up with it.


How long had He been chained up?


Sensing what I had to do, I stepped towards the being's ear and spoke:

"I am going to free you, but you will feel pain."

It blinked in simple understanding.

"But trust me, I am not going to hurt you."

I walked over to my previous position and began.


I cracked the cast-iron in smaller pieces in an attempt to make it less painful.

Once I finished the top half, I gently pushed a few raindrops down onto the surface of His flesh, hoping to cool it.

I repeated the same actions until I was on His last leg.

By this point He was shuddering, attempting to keep in the pained cries made from His wounds.

I began to hurry, wanting to lessen the pain He felt.

Within a few minutes, I had fully released Him from his capture.

I walked back in front of Him, and help my hand up, showing Him that I would unfreeze this moment.

I did not know what was going to happen next;

whether I would be a savior or be murdered on the spot.


Snapping my fingers, I braced myself for the worst. 

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iAmWeAre #1
Chapter 3: This is so interesting...I have so many questions! O.O please update soon~ *^^*
Chapter 3: oh my goodness
did he trip over the dragon?!
And what exactly is trying to kill them? ... and why?
oh this fic. ;a; many many questions.
Chapter 2: oh my goodness
it's been so long. but..
completely worth it.
i loved it.
can't wait to see what happens next!
iAmWeAre #4
wow...this story is so mysterious i just love it! XD happy writing~~
Dancemach97 #5
Wow, nicely written. I will wait and see if Tao/Time gets roasted.
BANG_baby #6
Whoa. O____O;
It has a very mysterious...feel too it~
I like it. XD
Omg. I am highly anticipating this(: