Time's Quest

The Destination of Time

A disruption is the formation of matter was no bother to him.

This being could halt matter with a simple twitch- nothing more, nothing less.

This particular evening was overtaken by oversized drops of moisture that raided the night.

He walked in a straight line, only, a straight line, even if he had to take extra measures to stay on that path.

It would lead him to an unknown destination, yet the feeling of nostalgia he got when he repeated the name of the owner was unforgettable.

If he stayed on this path, he would surely run into Him.

Only reading about Him on certain occasions, he made it his duty to test the tale.

He shuddered as the memory flooded his veins, pulsing through his soul as if it was his heartbeat itself.



Only a few more miles, he silently repeated to himself.



Anticipation got the better of him as he realized that he had faltered from his predetermined path.

Immediately correcting himself, and reprimanding himself thereafter, he set off again to his destination.

The rain clung to his skin as if it wanted to live, to prolong its short life before plummeting to his death.

It imbedded itself in what little clothing he wore, certainly meeting it's demise on the spot compared to the ones that sought skin.

A sudden rush of energy rushed through him, causing those muscles under him to work even harder to get there.

He looked up into the night, noticing not many stars were shining in this area.

Either it was cloudy, or the skies were just as sorrowful as the heavens.

Hearing a peculiar sound, he paused his every action to see if he could hear it again.


Seconds went by.




Minutes went by.




Lack of oxygen caused him to be panting within a few minutes; unable to live without it for much longer.


And there it was again.


He knew the sound couldn't've come from himself, for he was standing motionless except for a vibrating chest.

He turned his head in the direction of the sound, searching for the creator.

His eyes wandered the forest, curious.

He searched again and again, with no success.

Sighing, he resumed his steps forward.


Then he heard it: a sharp cry.


It was a foreign sound, unrecognizable to the normal ear.

Yet, to the trained ear, it was an extreme cry for help.

He bolted forward, rushing to help in any way he could.

He no longer knew where this would lead him-

whether it would bring him to the being or if it would take him in the opposite direction, disrupting his original path. 

He slowed; not knowing if he had gotten any closer, and started to simply and quietly place one foot in front of the other.
















It was at that moment he truly forgot how to breathe.

The subconscious action of a rising and falling chest never seemed more foreign to him.

Oxygen seemed to be of no use, for his stoic chest would have none of it.

It wouldn't be long before he was sure to die from lack of this element.

Or... maybe he was already dead.

It would explain the halt of this beating as well.

This supposed heartbeat that was to keep everyone alive now rest in its cavern simply, unaffected by any attempts of rebooting it.



There it was.

There He was, rather.



They were in an open field, the wheat already having been harvested for the upcoming season, that led to both of them easily noticing each other.

They both halted their actions.

Time passed, each one's eyes glued to the others', waiting for the next move.

Placing his foot forward, he made the first move.

The skies continued to weep, causing his steps to echo a sickening and soggy crunch.

The being crouched backwards, but not before letting out another cry.

He stopped, not wanting to scare it any further, and listened as a clink echoed through the air.


What had it come from?


He paused another moment before moving forward again.

As if on cue, it tried to back up ever more.


Tried to.


A second and third clink racked the air, the sound ricocheting off of the continuos drops in the air.

He stopped, now only ten feet in front of it, Him, and observed this beauty. 



Or, what was left, of this beauty. 

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iAmWeAre #1
Chapter 3: This is so interesting...I have so many questions! O.O please update soon~ *^^*
Chapter 3: oh my goodness
did he trip over the dragon?!
And what exactly is trying to kill them? ... and why?
oh this fic. ;a; many many questions.
Chapter 2: oh my goodness
it's been so long. but..
completely worth it.
i loved it.
can't wait to see what happens next!
iAmWeAre #4
wow...this story is so mysterious i just love it! XD happy writing~~
Dancemach97 #5
Wow, nicely written. I will wait and see if Tao/Time gets roasted.
BANG_baby #6
Whoa. O____O;
It has a very mysterious...feel too it~
I like it. XD
Omg. I am highly anticipating this(: