Something New

Secretly Married to Lee Byunghun

He and I stood there with our pinky fingers entwined for what could have been an eternity, just looking into each other’s eyes in a silence that seemed to hold so much noise. I watched curiously as he smiled. It was as if he had been transformed into a completely different person- or rather, the person he had always been and always should have been. I was more than sure that that gentle smile could cure all illnesses. Or at least that it cure all of mine.

*If I had to marry someone I’m glad it was you* I smiled sheepishly back to him as the thought crossed my mind. If this had been any other moment in my life I would have made a run for it. I would have hidden away where I would never be found, but this was different. More different than anything my life had ever handed to me before. Every moment before this had been working hard to try to be a fraction of what my sisters where and falling flat every time. Being the useless child. Being the disappointment. All the while taking care of myself, because I knew no one else was going to- of tears and of fears that I couldn’t share with anyone but myself. But when those kind eyes looked back into mine I felt for the very first time in my life like I was home.

“Myeongji” Byunghun spoke my name tentatively, as if he was afraid to break the bubble that held us there in our own little world. I hummed lightly and raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue.

“There’s something that I need to tell you,” he couldn’t met my gaze as he spoke, the words appearing more like faint clouds on a summers day.

“And what might that be” I couldn’t help the smile that came to my lips as I watched him struggling and stuttering with his words. He reminded me of a small child, innocent and vulnerable. There was something devastatingly beautiful about the way he wore that vulnerability. And the way he spoke. All of it made everything inside of me crumble into a million pieces.

“Well, you see,” his voice was slow and as rich as honey,” For a long time now, actually, I have wanted to tell you-“ The flowing of his voice was shattered by the shrill call of the school bell. He sighed in what I could only assume was relief as he pulled my into his arms once more. Ever so gently he placed a kiss on the top my head,”Later”, he whispered into my hair, “For now, let’s get to class.”

“Fine, but you have to tell me later,” I squirmed out of his arms and smiled up at him.

“I’ll think about it” he nudged my arm playfully as he walked passed me towards the class room.

“Oh, you’ll definitely tell me.” I nodded my head in a i-have-my-ways manner as I caught up with him. By now the hallway was crammed full of other students scurrying one way or another desperate to get to their classes. Somehow they made time to gawk at us as we passed by, looking more like turkeys in the rain then high school students.

“Sure I will” he threw an innocent smile my way,” some point.”

“Yah! Don’t be a jerk” I punched at his arm,”you can’t just start to say something then not finish!” He only laughed and continued into the classroom. 


Hiya, guys!

Sorry about the short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm working on the next chapter right after this. It might end up being two short chapters. Aha~ ^^'


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*still look forward to it continuation OTL


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Okay, so I'm editing he entire draft right now. I'll be making a few, much needed, changes to the plot points that are unclear. I'm nearly half done now. I hope to have all of the changes posted soon :)
Chapter 13: oh please update ~~~ author-nim!
Vvarmy14 #3
Chapter 13: What is he planning please update
Chapter 1: I can't quite explain but the beginning of your story has a k-drama-feel like introduction and your writing is very appealing ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon author-nim and so cute~~~ Love the story <3
Chapter 11: Nice story authornim~ :D Update soon. ^^
Chapter 11: Byunghun is so cute, please update soon author-nim:)
hikari_leeyanna #8
Chapter 9: please continue dear author-nim.. ^_^
Chapter 9: Hi! Please Update!!! Love it!! XD
Chapter 9: Kyaa! So adorable! Please update soon! =D