
Bride of B.A.P

How he proposed:

"Obviously you at this game." You teased as Zelo flipped over the piece of paper and began to draw again.

"Just one more round." He said, making lines across the paper.  He pinned it to the wall and turned to look at you. "Okay, start."

"Umm... e?" Logically, you always started with vowels when playing hangman.

"One e." Zelo penciled in an e in the last spot.  You automatically guessed that the last word would be me or be.

"M?" You guessed. 

"Two m's." He wrote an m for the first letter, and finished the last word. 

You bit your lip and picked another vowel. "O?"

Zelo drew an o. "One o."


The two of you played until only three letters were missing.  By then, you'd already figured it out.  You gulped and fidgeted nervously with your hands. "Solve?"

He nodded at you to give you the go ahead.

"Will you marry me?"

Zelo grinned and filled in the two r's and the w. 

"Lost again." He laughed nervously. "I've got your prize."

He got down on one knee, and pulled out a ring.

You skirted around him and pinned a new piece of paper up, drawing out three slots. "One more round."

Zelo bit his lip and looked at the spaces. "Solve?"

You nodded.


You nodded again with a grin.

"Really? Yes?" His voice exposed his excitement.


He stood up, limiting you into the air. "I'm going to make you so happy."

"You already do." You smiled, pressing your lips to his.

 The wedding:

You and Zelo got married by a lake.  The reception took place in a neighboring green house.  Jong Up was the best man and the colors were tiffany blue, black, white and silver.

The venue.  The cake. The dress.


Zelo is so young, this was hard to write. He's older in this, of course, at least 18. It's cute... I think. Fluffy.... Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the booklet. 

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iluvkpop28 #1
Chapter 6: KYAHHHH~~!!! MY BIAS!! *died* THIS ONE IS THE CUTEST OUT ALL THE OTHER ONES!! XD well... after all i am biased!! :P but i do like the others too! thnxs 4 writing this!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Chapter 5: OMO!! my 3 favorite colors!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #3
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAHA!! XD i like the part when he nearly forgot bout da ring!! XD
iluvkpop28 #4
Chapter 3: OH MAN!! i love the way he proposed!! ^^ i love the venue, cake and dress too.^^
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 2: I LOOVE THIS STORY!!^^ i like the cake, venue and dress!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 1: KYAH~!! THT WAS SOO CUTE!! i loove the dress, cake and venue pics!! ^^
hippo_guk #7
Chapter 6: okay I like totally loved your one shots!!! Daehyun was cute though...
Chapter 6: Oh my...!your stories!they are so sweet!i loved them all!Jong Upie with he is so adorable naive!Yong Guk with the sweets,Zelo just being Zelo,Daehyun dork,YoungJae,HimChan...I can't contain my feelings...asdfghjkl
Chapter 6: AhMahGah!! >////<
I LOVED HOW ZELO PROPOSED [well maybe cuz he's my bias LOL]
but I also loved how Daehyun, Yongguk, Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup proposed [So yea basically I love all of em XDD]
Ahh~ They were all so good.
I loved YongGuk's. :)
(Probably because I'm YongGuk biases.. Lol.)