Yong Guk

Bride of B.A.P

How he proposed:

"I wouldn't even attempt eating that if I were you." You laughed as Yong Guk pulled a burnt giant cookie from the oven.  With a sigh, your boyfriend let the pan drop onto the counter, pulling his oven mitt off.

"This stuff is harder than it looks." He admitted. "But I wasn't going to eat it anyway, it was for you."

You shook your head quickly. "I love you, but no.  I won't subject myself to that."

"At least I tried." Yong Guk shrugged.

"I know." You patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Do you wanna go out for dessert instead?"

"No need." Yong Guk shook his head. "I already got some delivered."

You raised an eyebrow at him as he steered you back towards the bedroom. "What kind of dessert are you keeping in the room?"

"Something almost as sweet as you are." He leaned down and nipped your ear.

He stopped you before you opened the bedroom door, studying you face for a moment.  He then took a deep breath and pushed open the door, gesturing for you to enter.

You walked inside and gasped.  The bed was surrounded by twinkling Christmas lights, and there were bouquets on your dresser and nightstand.  The biggest shock was the array of desserts covering the bed.  Giant cookies and pretty cakes decorated with hearts were spread across the edges of the California king sized bed.  In the middle, cupcakes spelled out the words "will you marry me?"

Yong Guk wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind you. "It's better than a burnt cookie, right?"

"Yes." You whispered.

"You know it took the bakers a lot of sugar to make all of this? But all of this multiplied by a hundred still isn't as sweet as your love."

You blinked up at him and he continued.

"I've been imagining our future for a long time.  When I first met you, I knew I would ask you out.  When we first started dating, I knew I would fall in love with you.  When I first said that I love you, I knew it'd be forever." His hands slid down your arms, to your wrist and he took your hand in his.  He pulled a ring from his pocket and slipped it onto your finger. "Tell me that forever will never end and marry me."


He gently turned you around. "Yes?"

You nodded.

"This isn't just so you can have the sweets, is it?"

You playfully pushed his shoulder. "Maybe that's part of it."

He laughed, and pulled you closer. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The wedding:

 The colors were red, white and black (and bling!).The reception was held in a building modeled to look like a castle.  Yong Guk's best man was his twin brother.  There was a wall to wall dessert bar that included as many sweets as you could fit on the table.

The venue.  The cake. The dress.  2


... yes, I am biased.  Yes, I want the dessert buffet.  And I included two dresses.  Because I can see Yong Guk's bride wearing something y, but some people like more conservative styles (or I really liked both dresses).  I would've had Himchan as the best man, but logically, it would probably be his twin.

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iluvkpop28 #1
Chapter 6: KYAHHHH~~!!! MY BIAS!! *died* THIS ONE IS THE CUTEST OUT ALL THE OTHER ONES!! XD well... after all i am biased!! :P but i do like the others too! thnxs 4 writing this!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Chapter 5: OMO!! my 3 favorite colors!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #3
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAHA!! XD i like the part when he nearly forgot bout da ring!! XD
iluvkpop28 #4
Chapter 3: OH MAN!! i love the way he proposed!! ^^ i love the venue, cake and dress too.^^
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 2: I LOOVE THIS STORY!!^^ i like the cake, venue and dress!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 1: KYAH~!! THT WAS SOO CUTE!! i loove the dress, cake and venue pics!! ^^
hippo_guk #7
Chapter 6: okay I like totally loved your one shots!!! Daehyun was cute though...
Chapter 6: Oh my...!your stories!they are so sweet!i loved them all!Jong Upie with he is so adorable naive!Yong Guk with the sweets,Zelo just being Zelo,Daehyun dork,YoungJae,HimChan...I can't contain my feelings...asdfghjkl
Chapter 6: AhMahGah!! >////<
I LOVED HOW ZELO PROPOSED [well maybe cuz he's my bias LOL]
but I also loved how Daehyun, Yongguk, Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup proposed [So yea basically I love all of em XDD]
Ahh~ They were all so good.
I loved YongGuk's. :)
(Probably because I'm YongGuk biases.. Lol.)