
Bride of B.A.P

How he proposed:

How he expected you to walk across the beach like this, you would never know.  You could only guess it was the beach because of the sand under your feet and the smell of salt water.  Himchan had blindfolded you the moment you'd gotten into his car that morning, so you weren't one hundred percent sure where you were.

"Himchan, please let me take this off." You frowned, taking unsure steps as Himchan guided you by the waist.

"Not yet~" He crooned playfully.  "We're almost there, jagi.  I've got a big surprise for you."

"Is that supposed to comfort me?" You asked dryly. 

"So mean." You could almost hear his pout. "Ah, here we are.  Stop here."

You did as told, twisting your hands anxiously, burying your feet into the warm sand.  You heard your boyfriend shuffle around for a few moments before he removed your blindfold. 

"Ta dah!"

You stood in front of a heart drawn in the sand, outlined with a few candles.  Scrawled in Himchan's writing inside of the heart read "Will you marry me?" A small pile of pink and white rose petals was placed under it, with an open ring box sitting on top. 

By the time you took in everything, Himchan had dropped down to one knee.  He carefully reached over and grabbed the ring box, taking your hand in his free one.

"Jagi, I'm not the perfect man. I'm not even close to the perfect boyfriend, and I doubt I'll be the perfect husband.  But I love you, more than anything else in the world, and I'll try to be the best me I can possibly be for you.  Everything I own, every inch of me is yours, and I promise it'll be that way until the day I die.  Will you marry me?"

"Yes." You could hardly manage more than a whisper.  Himchan got up and pulled you into an embrace, sliding the ring on your finger before wiping away a stray tear from your cheek, which you hadn't even realized was there.

"I love you, future Mrs. Kim Himchan." He smiled before pressing his lips to yours.

The wedding:

Your colors are fuchsia, gold and white.  The wedding took place at the very same beach, and the reception was at a nearby banquet facility.  Himchan is a bit of a people pleaser, so there was a decent number of guests there. Yong Guk was his best man, and the photographer took so many pictures that you could probably wallpaper a whole room with them if you really wanted to.

 The dress. The cake . The venue.


A.N: If there's something I have there that you don't like, feel free to ignore it.  My favorite color is pink, but I struggled so hard to find a pink wedding venue and cake that I liked.  I think Tatsmato's color is close enough to fuchsia that this works.  I also struggled with finishing a beach wedding dress that I liked.  I was crossed between having a beach wedding or a really formal wedding, but I think out of all BAP members, Himchan fits the beach theme best.

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iluvkpop28 #1
Chapter 6: KYAHHHH~~!!! MY BIAS!! *died* THIS ONE IS THE CUTEST OUT ALL THE OTHER ONES!! XD well... after all i am biased!! :P but i do like the others too! thnxs 4 writing this!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #2
Chapter 5: OMO!! my 3 favorite colors!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #3
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAHA!! XD i like the part when he nearly forgot bout da ring!! XD
iluvkpop28 #4
Chapter 3: OH MAN!! i love the way he proposed!! ^^ i love the venue, cake and dress too.^^
iluvkpop28 #5
Chapter 2: I LOOVE THIS STORY!!^^ i like the cake, venue and dress!! ^^
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 1: KYAH~!! THT WAS SOO CUTE!! i loove the dress, cake and venue pics!! ^^
hippo_guk #7
Chapter 6: okay I like totally loved your one shots!!! Daehyun was cute though...
Chapter 6: Oh my...!your stories!they are so sweet!i loved them all!Jong Upie with he is so adorable naive!Yong Guk with the sweets,Zelo just being Zelo,Daehyun dork,YoungJae,HimChan...I can't contain my feelings...asdfghjkl
Chapter 6: AhMahGah!! >////<
I LOVED HOW ZELO PROPOSED [well maybe cuz he's my bias LOL]
but I also loved how Daehyun, Yongguk, Youngjae, Himchan and Jongup proposed [So yea basically I love all of em XDD]
Ahh~ They were all so good.
I loved YongGuk's. :)
(Probably because I'm YongGuk biases.. Lol.)