On a World Tour With Super Junior

On a World Tour With Super Junior

Since this was my first time in Korea on my own and without anyone to guide me, I found myself lost in a matter of minutes.

I slapped my palm to my forhead and tried to remember my ways around the city since I was only here 6 months ago.

"You look lost." Said a male voice right behind me. As I turned around I bumped into him because he was standing so close.

Leetuk stood there and it looked as if he had ran to find me since his hair was askew a bit. He looked adorable as he cheeks had a slight pink-ish tint to them.

"What you just did wasn't funny." I said matter-of-factly crossing my arms.

"Yeah some of us got that idea when you didn't speak and let the elevator take you back down. We thought it would be sorry, and honestly we had no idea Heechul-ssi would say that. But if you are a true fan you shouldn't be surprised." He said putting an arm around my shoulders and giving me a sideways squeeze hug as we continued walking.

"Yeah I should've seen that coming, I know his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes." I said shuffling my heels as we walked. I slowly realized I was starting to not feel as embarrassed when we walked more.

"You can't stay out all night you know, we have early rehersals for our own performances. And our company was thinking of having us and you do a collaboration song as our finale."

"That sounds awesome! And yeah we should head back...I am really tired." I said stiffling a yawn.

By the time Leetuk pushed me out of the elevator on our floor I gave a quick sigh of happiness when I realized no one was awaiting our return.

"Here is your room." He said pushing the door open for me and handing me the key card in his hand.

"Thank you, for everything Teukie." I said smiling.

The dorm consisted of a medium sized room that was the living room and kitchen. And I can tell the dorm was made to be meant for more than one person but I knew I would be living here alone. I pushed open the first door off the living room and found a tiny but cute bathroom with a nice tall shower.

I took off my jacket and was already lifting up my shirt as I entered what I knew was my bedroom.

"AISH!" I said pulling my shirt down hard.

In the middle of my room were my suitcases of clothes. In the middle of my suitcases was Heechul kneeling in front of  my private suitcase which was wide open. He had a bra over his head and was holding up one of my thongs. It was the raciest one I owned and he was smirking.

"I must say, I approve of your sleeping attire."

I was shocked, but even though my bias was here in the room talking to me, he was invading my privacy. Something I hate more than the paparrazzi.

"Babo! Those are not my sleeping attires! Those are just my undergarments!" I said ripping the bra and thong from him.

He made a grunt as I knew I messed his hair and he instantly found the mirror in my room to fix it.

"Eunhyuk made a bet that you wouldn't talk to me for a week with the guys, so of course I had to make sure he lost." He had finished fixing his hair and was now checking himself out in my mirror. I took a moment to check him out too.

He was wearing skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt. 

When he turned around I managed to snap out of my oogling to see him rub his hands together and smile.

"I know you must be tired so goodnight my kitty." He said as he dramatically cupped my face in his hand then bowed as he left.

After a second I checked the whole dorm to make sure he really did leave, then even though I am tired I started dancing and jumping around.

He touched me.

My face.

I'm never washing it again.

Thank god no one but me can know what I'm thinking. I'd be so screwed! Haha.


This is a little short but the next chapter will be longer. I'm learning korean more as I write this so I'll be trying to encorperate more into each chapter :3. I hope you guys enjoy so far!

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heavenzabdiel #1
:D update!