On a World Tour With Super Junior

On a World Tour With Super Junior

"Why on the day we have our first show do the love couple break up? AISH!" Ryeowook said as he threw down he scarf dramatically.

I rolled my eyes. When I woke up this morning my eyes were puffy and my face was blotchy. The other members knew by now what happened and while they were made I broke up with Eunhyuk, they also respected me for being honest and trying to not hurt Eunhyuk even more by staying with him.

Even with that said, I wanted to avoid the guys out of embarrassment and I wanted to avoid Eunhyuk. Seeing him would hurt me as I knew it would him.

"Iso wait." Wookie said as I went into my dressing room to hang out as the guys were going to practice on the stage first.

"I wanted to ask your something before, but even though the tour starts today I wanted to know if you'd do a song with me." He said as he followed me into my room. It was a simple room and was small, but it had everyting I needed and I leaned against the makeup counter.
"Ryeowook I'd be honored but wouldn't it be hard for me to learn a new song in one day?"
"The great thing about that is, is that if you're a true ELF you know it already. Remember Insomnia from our second Super Show?"

I instantly smiled, I loved Ryeowook's rendition of that song.

"I am doing it again because our fans want me to. Would you like to be my girl dancer for it? I know you're a fast learner so I will only accept a yes." He said snapping his fingers at me. 

I covered my smile with my hand and jumped up and down.

"OH WOOKIE! I've always loved that song! It's one of my favorite top love songs ever of course!" I said jumping in a circle around him. He laughed and hugged me.

"Great so meet in on the stage in five minutes."

I hurridly got dressed and spent a good minute spazzing out. It was one thing to be touring with Super Junior, but another to do a song with them. I was glad he didn't ask me to sing it with him. It would ruin the element the song held whenever he performed it.


When I got to the stage, Wookie was there and some of the guys were watching curiously.

The only guys that weren't there were Eunhyuk(of course), Leetuk and Kangin.

After an hour of learning the simple steps, I left to practice on my own as the guys needed to practice their songs still.

I spent the rest of my free time practicing, putting in all my emotion into it and I prayed I didn't fumble on stage with Ryeowook.


When a knock appeared at my door I opened to see Chang.

"I heard you had a little heartbreak already?"
"Chang that isn't even the half of it." I said as he led me to the stage.
"Well why don't you tell me it tomorrow morning over tea. But now go practice your performance for tonite."

"Will do!" I said hopping up onto stage. I gave him a bow and met my dancers.

"You ready for tonite Iso?" One of the guys said to me.
"As ready as I'll ever be." As I scanned the arena to make sure no SuJu member were watching. They were probably getting ready by now.



Since I was performing first, my performance for the show seemed to speed by.

When it was time for Super Junior to perform the fans were chanting for them.
"You were good." Kyuhyun said passing me as I was leaving the stage.

"Can't wait for our dance later!" Wookie said winking at me. 

"Oh god I almost forgot." I wanted nothing more than a nice hot bath after tonite.


As I bided my time waiting for me to be called back to stage for my duet, I fumbled over what to wear.

I recalled back to what the girl wore mostly in the other performance and in the end I choose sleek knee high boots that were danceable in(no heel yet still looked feminine) and a black dress that was form fitting but not too tight to look ty.

I took my hair out of the bun it was in for my performance and the loose waves fell over my shoulder and cascaded over my chest.

I took off my makeup and just put on red lipstick and as I was applying some hair spray to my hair I got the knock to go to stage.


Heechul's Point of View

As Iso walked pass me onto the stage I was taken back by her outfit, it was chosen well but her lack of makeup showed her natural beauty and her hair looked free and passionate kinda.

She gave a quick smile and wave to me as she was ushered to her spot to pop out from on stage.

I went quickly back stage to view the monitor of the performance. 

As the fans realized what song was playing they started screaming madly. Ryeowook did his part well and when Iso's part came the whole crowd gasped and gave a quick cheer when they realized it was her.

A thousand brilliant lights flashed from the crowds cameras and in that moment I swear Iso looked heavenly.

As Wookie and Iso danced, their movement matched perfectly with each others and the crowd was loving it. Iso was smiling even though she wasn't supposed to be and I laughed.

"She looks so happy." I said out loud. Some other production members shrugged since they were not looking at her like I was.

When she was on stage, she was not the same person we all came to know. On stage each step she took and each move she made held power and passion. The stage was her home, and I knew that was when she was her happiest. When she was off stage she seemed unsure of everything she did until she was doing it. And she did the silly things she did to cover her shyness.

I couldn't deny it anymore, I was mesmerized by her and I knew I was falling for her badly.

And as Iso walked off stage, her part finished she rushed passed me and went into her dressing room. The thing I wanted most right now was to dance with her the way Ryeowook was going to for the next 5 months. And more importantly, I wanted her to give me the passionate look she had to give Ryeowook on stage for her part. I wanted her love.

But I knew I messed up my chance with her, and I don't think I could get it back.


Here is the best link from SuJu's Super Show 2. This is exactly how I imagined Iso and Ryeowook to dance on stage.


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heavenzabdiel #1
:D update!