On a World Tour With Super Junior

On a World Tour With Super Junior

This chapter is the build up to Iso meeting SuJu in Chapter two :).



I closed the door from the meeting I just had with my manager. My face was hot and as I walked out of the Record Label's building I got asked many times "if I was okay," and "do I need water." No, I don't need water. I need air, because ever since I heard the news that my fanbase in South Korea was so strong they finally let me tour with a Korean band, I couldn't fill my lungs with the amount of air it was demanding. And it was not just any band; no, Super Junior.

I was able to close the door of my car, giving a quick appreciation from being out of earshot and view from anyone and screamed. Scream loud and proud as if I just won the lottery. Because as a proud ELF, I basically just did...but better.

I thought of texting my best friend, Melanie, but my fingers were too shaky and I was already peeling out of the parking lot with my sleek Mercedes. Unlike Korean bands, all the money I earned was given to me(for the most part), and the first thing I did when I got my first big paycheck was to buy my dream car. A black Mercedes. Mind you I'm not a car expert, but for some reason this has always been the car I've dreamed of since I was a kid. 

It felt like it took years to finally reach Mels house, because telling her in person was much more awesome and exciting for me. I quickly got out her spare key- AKA the one I had for her condo and let myself in the lobby.

"Morning Miss Isobella." Said the doorman. I gave a quick smirk and turned to him "Steve you've known me long enough, please call me Iso." Taken by my sudden niceness, he smiled and pressed the elevator button for me. "You sure are in a good mood today." He said as I stepped into the elevator and the doors were closing.


"You have no idea." I said.



"MELANIE." I screamed entering her apartment. She was still in her pajamas and fell off her couch in surprise at my entrance.


"What?! What happened?" She got up and ran to me giving me a quick hello hug. 

"Its happening!" I said squealing and jumping up and down. If Mel hadn't known me since I was two, she wouldn't have thought I was crazy. I never am loud except when I am on stage performing.

She gave me the 0.o look until it clicked for her. 

"So, you're meeting Super Junior? How long has it been since you started you're obsession?" She said laughing as I jumped on her couch. I was not going to be calm anytime soon.

"Too long to not have met them before now! I'm a well known Pop Star in America and you'd think being one would have its perks."

"What? Being rich and popular isn't enough for you?" She said in a mean tone, but we both knew she was joking. I loved my job, but I loved Super Junior before I even did my first demo.

I suddenly stopped bouncing, not because I felt a weird naseau coming my way, but because I realized what this meant.

I plopped on her couch and sat dumbstruck, the news finally hitting in.

"I get to meet Heechul."

"Oh boy, do I need to get a bowl for you to drool in Iso?" She said with her hand on her hip.


"What will you say when you meet him? I know you'll be fine with the other guys, but since I'm the only one who knows of your SuJu obsession I know that you may pee yourself when you meet Him."

"I...I don't know."

"Well there, ladies and gentleman, is a shock. Iso not know what to say? I'd thought I'd never see this day." She said finally taking a seat next to me.

"Shut up Mel. Can you imagine breaking the ice with your bias?"

She rubbed her chin between her forfinger and thumb and gave it a good couple minutes before she spoke again.

"Hey, why don't we go out for drinks tonite to celebrate. And then we can figure this all out in the morning. There should be a way that you can not embarrass yourself when you first meet Heechul."

I snorted, "I doubt that."

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heavenzabdiel #1
:D update!