On a World Tour With Super Junior

On a World Tour With Super Junior

I tried opening my eyes and all I found was a blinding light.

Oh God, why did I drink so much last night? It wasn't like me at all. Then again, it was for a good reason. I'm meeting Super Junior. I'm touring with Super Junior. Even thinking about this made my heart jump.

When the blinding light subsided, I realized I was in Melanie's spare bedroom. It wasn't any surprise to me. Whenever we had too much to drink(which wasn't too often) we would crash at each other's place.

I found Mel in the kitchen and I could immediately tell something was up. She was focusing really hard on her cup of coffee. Last nights event showed on her as it probably did me. 

"Morning Momo." She said still looking at her coffee.

"Now I really know something is up. What happened? What did you do?" I said taking a seat next to her at the island in her kitchen.

Why was she refusing to look at me? My stomach dropped.

"Did I embarass myself to the paparazzi? Oh my gosh my publicist isn't going to be happy." I said putting my face in my hands. I felt her put my hand on my back.

"No, it's something I did when you went to bed last night. My heart was in the right place- it was but I messed it up for you."

I was about to question what the heck she meant but when I saw the look on her face, I knew she did something involving my upcomming tour.


"I....well...remember that list you made of reasons why you and Heechul belong together?"

"Oh no."

"Well I thought, to break the ice, I would...post it." She said "post it," as an barely heard whisper. But to me it was as she screamed it.

"Where..where did you post it?" My voice was shaky and if I wasn't sitting I would've collapsed. That list I made was a joke(sort of) and I made it when I had had too many glasses of wine once at Mels house.

"....I'll just show you. But I want you to know I am very sorry and if I could take it back I would if it wasn't copied all over the internet by now."

She reached down next to her and placed her laptop on the island counter. She must have been looking at it right before I woke up.

She typed in a few things and finally brought me to a page on a social site I belonged to. Even though it was my personal profile, anyone could get to view it if they knew how. I gasped. It was really there.

Reason Why Kim Hee-chul and Isobella Jackson belong together

- We both love cats :3

- We have the same taste in music

- We both pretend to be very outgoing when in reality we are both very shy

- We are overprotective of people we love

- We're both strange in the best ways possible

- We have both have noses.

- We both change up our hair often


"Oh my god." I said putting my face back in my hands. 

"You're publicist already called, just like the rest of the world she had no idea about your Super Junior obsession."

Mel closed the laptop and had tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, I was incredibly stupid and I'm never drinking again."

I sighed and even though I wanted to cry and scream and kill her all at once, I hugged her.

"You had your heart in the right place like you said, and at least the ice has been broken...right?"

"That or I just made it more awkward."

"Please don't say that. Lie to me."

"Okay!" She said perking up. She could tell I had already forgiven her.

"Heechul got in contact with your people and he said he can't wait to meet you."

"Really?!" I practically screamed.
"Err...you said lie to you."

"I hate you right now."
"Love you too."


"Miss would you put your seatbelt back on? We are landing." The flight attendant said to me in horrible English. It's been a week since the "incident" and I managed to not give a comment on the note. I did say though that it was true I am a SuJu fan. It'd be insulting to deny that now.

As soon as I stepped out of the terminal with the rest of the passengers, I was flocked by paparrazzi. I knew if the note hadn't been put online I could've gone through the airport just fine. I sighed and put my sunglasses on.

"Miss Iso is it true you proposed to Heechul?" I felt my face twist into a scowl, I was only on a plane for 14 hours...how did the rumors get this crazy already here in Korea?

"No comment." I said in perfect Korean. The man laughed and took another picture of me trying to pick up my own bags.
"You speak Korean? You're very good." He said sounding sincere. Maybe these guys weren't as cruel as the American ones so I turned to him and smiled for his camera.

"Well being a diehard Super Junior fan I should know how to speak the language they do. That and Korean is a beatiful language right?" He nodded as he got his pictures. He thanked me and walked away.

The rest of the photographers took this chance to step even closer to me and ask me even crazier questions. Due to lack of sleep and stress, I put my hands over my ears and felt the beginning of a panic attack coming.

"Let her through! She just landed and she needs to get some rest." Said a man in a suit standing between me and the crowd all of the sudden. He turned to me and had a kind smile on his face.

"Iso, I'm here to take you to The Dorms for now until we get your official living space settled before we start The Tour." He held his elbow out and I happily s my arm through his.

As he opened the passenger car door for me, he said "My name is Chang-Sun by the way and from now up until The Tour I'll be the one to make sure you're okay and the press doesn't bother you too much."

I made sure to give him the best warm smile I could muster being so tired. "Thank you Chang-Sun."

"Just call my Chang though if you like." He said as he finished putting my luggage into the back seat.

"So, what are you going to do when you meet him?" 

I was taken back by his words, he was too straight foward but I could tell he wasn't out to get a story to tell later. He was being honestly curious.

"I dont know, but I want to sleep before meeting them."


I stretched my legs as I got out of the car, it wasn't a long ride but my body was fighting me since jet-lag had kicked in.

Chang took me past the lobby, which I was beautiful and amazing.

"You're bags will be taken up momentarily, but first we want you to do something." He said as the elevator doors closed.

"What?" I said, panic began to set in my stomach and throat. 

Before he could answer, the doors opened and there stood 13 men. All smiling as if they had just done something mischevious.

"Hello Iso!" They said in unison. They waved and a few of them were giggling. Eunhyuk, even though now faced with a girl, was trying not to giggle and was hiding his mouth behind his hands.

I couldn't move, and I tried my best not to look for Heechul. But my idiot self found him right between Leetuk and Wookie.

When he saw me smiling, he put his finger to his nose and said "Well look! We both do have noses."


Mortified didn't even begin to describe how I am feeling now. I stood there as SuJu  awaited my response. Chang had such a professional poker face on I felt my face get very red.

The elevator beeped and the doors closed.

"That went very well." Chang said as we descened back to the lobby.
"Chang if you don't mind I'll be taking the stairs." I said running out of the elevator.

I needed to get out of this place, if only for a today.

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heavenzabdiel #1
:D update!