Happily ever after...or?

You guys are my Guardian Angels?

"Sora! Come on, it's not cold!" Yoseob and Emma called from the sapphire blue water.

"NEVER!" You shoot them glares and wrapped a towel around you. "IT'S FREAKING ICE IN THERE!"

You, Eunhyuk, Emma and the rest of B2ST had decided to go to beach. B2ST and Emma were already in the water, happily playing. But you imagined it to be ice cold so you stayed up on land, and so did Eunhyuk.

"Come on~" Eunhyuk nudged you. "I promise you it won't be cold."

"Easy for you to say when you practically live in there." You nodded towards the ocean. "Anchovy." you muttered and buried your face in your towel. Eunhyuk grinned, then in one swift moment had picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. The towel fell to the ground. "My towel! It will get sandy!" You shouted and stretched down to grab the cloth.

Eunhyuk ignored your protests and waded out to the water. When the water was about to his waist, he carefully put you down. You shrieked and tried to clung onto Eunhyuk's waist, but failed.

As you felt the soft sand under your feet and the warm water on your legs, you relaxed. "Not so cold, eh?" Yoseob raised brow. "Shut up." you muttered and bent down so that the water was up to your shoulders now. The warm water relaxing your body.

Eunhyuk snickered and copied you, but bending down more so that the water was up to under his eyes now. He wiggled his eyebrows and began to swim around.

Yoseob began to hum the sond from the movie 'Jaws' as Eunhyuk swam around, pretending to be a shark. Both you and Emma laughed. "OUCH!" You yelped as you felt someone pinch your sides. 

You spun around and saw Eunhyuk swimming away from you. "Yah, Eunhyuk!" You snapped. Eunhyuk grinned and turned around and stood up straight, "What?" "You stupid anchovy, stop pinching me!" you nagged.

He chuckled and pulled you up. Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him. You blinked, then let your gaze go down to his toned stomach. *Eunhyuk has abs?* 

Everything felt hot suddenly. You fanned yourself with your hand, "Didn't it get hot in here?" you looked at anywhere but at Eunhyuk. Emma snickered and exchanged glances with Yoseob, who had his arm around her waist. 


You froze. 

You spun around, towards land and saw Hyunseung and Junhyung laughing like hyenas. A blue bucket in Junhyung's hand indicated that he, indeed, had filled the bucket with ice-cold water and thrown it at you. 

"YAH, YONG JUNHYUNG!" you shouted and began to made your way up from the water, up on land. Junhyung's face fell. "Uh-oh." his face fell and he dropped the bucket and fled up to your set of lounge chairs. "COME BACK HERE, IMMA MAKE MINCEMEAT OUT OF YOU!" you roared and sat off after him.

"EUNHYUK, CONTROL YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Junhyung called as he hid behind the toilet stalls. "Blame yourself for upsetting my jagiya." Snickered Eunhyuk and waded up from the water and slumped down on the lounge chairs. 

You felt warm by the nickname, but averted your gaze towards Junhyung, who was crouching behind a pair of bushes. "Aha!" you exclaimed in victory and grabbed his arm. "!" he yelped and tried to run away, but you had a firm grip on his arm. 

"Giwkang oppa, Doojoon oppa, a little help here!" you called and pointed at Junhyung. 

Giwkang and Doojoon grabbed Junhyung's arms and legs and began to carry him down to the water. "Guys, we can sort this out! Right!?" Junhyung asked despserately and looked at his comrades in hope that they would let him go.

Both of them had straight faces, not showing any mercy. "KANG SORA, YOU'RE DEAD!" Was the last thing Junhyung said before he was dropped into the salt water. 

You laughed at the sight and walked to the lounge chairs and slumped down on the one next to Eunhyuk. You grabbed your towel and pulled it over your body, knowing Eunhyuk would try something if you didn't.

Eunhyuk pouted cutely, then rolling over to your chair, lying on top of you. You gasped at the weight and glared at him. "Off." you demanded and pointed at his empty chair. 

He pouted, "Wae~?" he used aegyo and wrapped his arm around your waist and buried his face in your shoulder. Sighing, you his hair, "Who knew a monkey could have so much aegyo?" 

"It thought I was an anchovy." Eunhyuk's voice came out muffled. You shrugged, "You're a mix of a monkey and an anchovy." Eunhyuk snickered and looked up at you, "You're so cute, you know that?" 

You scoffed, "When you did the Byuntae become so cheesy?" But you smiled affectionetly at him. You stretched your head up a little and gently pecked his lips. 

Suddenly, you felt something cold drip onto your leg. You glanced to the side and saw Junhyun standing there, soaking wet and with an evil grin on his face. Your face fell. "Oh no."

Junyung nodded, "Oh yes." 

You shrieked as Junhyung grabbed your legs and threw you over his shoulders, walking towards the ocean. "EUNHYUK! YOSEOB! EMMA! SOMEBODY!" you shouted as you tried to break free from his grasp. 

"I'M COMING, MY PRINCESS!" Eunhyuk shouted loudly and sat off after you.

"YEOBO!" Emma and Yoseob also ran after. 

Dongwoon, Gikwang, Doojoon and Hyunseung just watched you amusement.





"VICTORY!" Eunhyuk exclaimed as he caught you bridal style. 


"Junhyung that idiot made me get water into my ear.." you complained and shook your head to the side, trying to get the water out. "But we did get our revenge on him." Eunhyuk pointed out and slumped down on your bed. 

You grinned and nodded, "Yeah. He should learn not to mess with the almighty duo again." Eunhyuk laughed at the name. You sat down on the bed next to him and tied your hair up in a ponytail. "I wish we had more days like today." you said.

Eunhyuk nodded, "Even though I prefer when we're alone." he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. You sent him a look. 

"I don't mean it in that way, but if you want to-" You lightly slapped his arm. "Byuntae." you muttered. Eunhyuk chuckled and leaned in closer to your ear, "I mean that I've waited long enough. It was hard enough to keep my hands off you when the others were living here. And now, when I finally have you.." his voice trailed off. 

You turned your head slightly, facing him. "Are you implying something or..?" Eunhyuk snickered and shook his head, "I'm just glad I finally have my jagi~" he began to rock you from side to side. *Bipolar hyuk* You giggled and pecked his cheek.

"Let's get some ice cream!" You exclaimed and shoot up from the bed, leaving Eunhyuk slightly disappointed. "I'll chase you!" he then said and the both of you ran down to the kitchen. 

You shrieked as Eunhyuk picked you up bridal style. "No fair!" You cried. Eunhyuk ignored your words and crashed his lips onto yours. You were shocked, but slowly closed your eyes, responding to the kiss. 

That night, the both of you cuddled up on the sofa, watching movies and eating ice cream. 

And You lived happily ever after. Or did you...?



So the story's finally over! I want to thank everyone who commented and subscribed, it meant really much! Thank you for dealing with my lack of english and proper use of grammar.

And now, I want to ask you one last thing:

What did you think about the story? Comment what you think and I'll be happy ^^

Like I said earlier, I don't know if I'm gonna write a sequel. I'll keep you posted about it, but I think I'm gonna write a B.A.P fic, then a sequel to this ^^ 

Thank you all and I love you ~ <3 

/ EllaLeAwesome

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I'M BACK! and I'm writing a new chapter as i write this lol


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okay.. i think she's unlucky and i agree with her needing protection... i think i want to see how their journey will turn out XD
PieLife #2
Chapter 82: I finished this in a day :D its soo interesting ^~^ Hope theres a sequel!
Lee_yhannie #3
Chapter 7: This chap. is soooo Funnyyyyy... stop banging your head Eunhyuk..
2041 streak #4
Chapter 83: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story. It was nice. I thought she would be paired up with Hangeng but this story was good nevertheless :)
krissy25 #5
Chapter 25: omg this story is so freaking cute.. they r all so sweet and innocent rorwards her.. i love it. i especially love how sungmin always clings to her... it funny how they get jealous and over protective of her over the slightest thing.. this is by far my favorite story... it is also very very funny, i mean i laugh at least 3 times in each chapter... good job
Chapter 40: omg that little story of hea's ball calming hahaha
I miss this fan fic T-T it was seriously like my FAVORITE Super junior fantasy story EVER!! I honestly cried the last few chapters, I cry too much. :3
I hope you will make stories like this in the future! I'L SUPPORT YOU!!^^
I Love The Story! :D
Angel9 #9
Chapter 83: ah thank you for making this story buth i really want to know if the rest will be back or not :(
Chapter 82: I really love this story , I want a sequel PLEASE ,PWETTY PWETTY PWEASE ^~^

thank you for making such a great story <3 <3