White Day

You guys are my Guardian Angels?

A month passed and it was now time for the guys' Valentines Day - White Day. Yoseob still hadn't showed up, but you slowly began to forget about him. Not in that way, you were just used to him not being in school.

You opened your locker and multiple White Day cards fell over you, almost knocking you down on the floor. But a pair of strong arms caught you and helped you regain your balance. You looked up and saw Kibum slyly smiling at you. 

"Hiya." you shortly greeted. Kibum nodded in response, then at all the cards with a sly grin, "Who gave you those?" 

You gave him a look and picked up one and read; "HAPPY WHITE DAY ANGEL!" Kibum just grinned sheepisly, "What? We're not the only ones who call you Angel." 

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, sure, whatever." you pushed the rest of the cards into your locker and shut it after you've picked out the books you needed for your next class. 

"You're not going to read those?" he asked. "Later. At lunch. I think I'll have time then." With that, you strolled off to your class. 

Kibum chuckled and shook his head, *She'll never know how much love we put into those cards. You better read them, or else the other's won't hesitate to torture you.* He chuckled at the thought. Kibum put his hands into his pockets and whistled as he walked towards the gym. 

As you were walking to your class, humming to a Jason Mraz "I'm yours.", you accidentally walked into a firm chest. You slightly winced at the impact and rubbed your head. 

There was a soft chuckle, followed by your hair being ruffled. You immediately recognized the sound and looked up. A pari of warm, brown eyes welcomed you. 

A jolt of both shock, surprisement, joy and fear shoot through your body. Pictures from the night a month ago flashed through your mind and you took a shaky step backwards. "Yoseob..." 

Yoseob sensed your feelings and softened. He realized that he surely had scared you that night and decided to explain to you. "Hi, Sora." he weakly smiled. 

All the feelings suddenly bubbled up and you blurted, "Where have you been!? Why didn't you contact me!? I though we were closer than this!" you scolded. The fact that you had seen Yoseob turn into a wolf didn't cross your mind at that moment. You only felt worried and betrayed, as a friend. 

Yoseob blinked, shocked. *She didn't ask about the whole wolf thing? Maybe she forgot about it?* he quickly pushed the thought away as you leaned in and whispered, "And what THE HELL happened that night?" 

Yoseob looked around, making sure that no-one was eaves-dropping. When he made sure that no-one could hear you, he cupped his palmover his mouth and whispered, "Meet me after school. I'll explain everything. It won't take long, and your bodyguards won't come looking for you." He pulled away with a smirk on his face. 

You mentally shivered at the name 'bodyguard', but let it slide for this once. "Fine, outside the gym." Yoseob nodded. 

Bell rang, signaling that class' was starting. You said goodbye to Yoseob and rushed to your classroom. 

Yoseob watched you run away, he had missed you. Not being able to see you for so long because of his transformation had hurt him. Not only mentally, but physically as well. 

He sensed a presence behind and spun around. The hallway was empty and his now very keen ears couldn't pick up any breathing thing in the area. *I'm just being paranoid.* he breathed out and walked away.

Heechul let out a sigh in relief as he jumped down from the lockers. He had been walking to class when he had seen you and Yoseob talking. So he acted quick and jumped up on the lockers and held his breath. 

He saw Yoseob whispering something to you, which you nodded to. Then the bell had rang and you had ran off. 

*There's something fishy about this. What does he want all of a sudden? Why did he show up?* All kind of questions roamed through his head. *AND WHY HAVEN'T SHE READ THE CARDS WE GAVE HER YET!?* 


School finally came to an end. You had told Super Junior that you had to meet up with someone after school, so that they could go home without you. But they weren't really so fond of that idea of yours.

"Who are you meeting?" Kangin firmly asked. "A friend." You simply replied.

"You don't have any friends in this school except us." Kyuhyun hurtfully stated. You frowned. *Well thank you.* "What do you know about that?"

"I've never seen you hang around with anyone else but us." Kyuhyun glared. 

You grew annoyed by his attitude, "Whatever. Just go home without me, I'll be home soon." you shook your head and spun around, ready to leave.

"Yah," Leeteuk grabbed your wrist. "Just tell us where you're going." he softly said. "To the library. There, happy?" you retorted and pulled away and left. You knew that you shouldn't have been so snarky towards them, but Kyuyhyun's comment had ticked you off.

*I know I don't have any friends in this school except them, but he didn't have to rub it in my face! StupidKyu..* you kicked a small rock and it landed in a puddle.

As Super Junior saw you walk away, Heechul broke the awkward silence. "Hey, guys, wanna know who I saw in the corridors today?" 


You met up with Yoseob outside the gym. He scared you by jumping out of the shadows screaming, "Boh!" 

You yelped and held your hand over your heart. Yoseob laughed loudly and clapped his hands. "Well, I'm glad that your sense of humor hasn't changed." you slyly grinned. 

"I've changed?" Yoseob asked, dumbfounded. "Wolf, remember." you gestured to his body. "Oh, right." his face fell slightly and he scratched the back of his head. "Can we sit down?" you nodded and the both of you sat down on a nearby bench.

Yoseob began to explain, "You see, by the beginning of the new year, I got sick. Like, really sick. Almost like a flu, only worse. I was freezing and sweating at the same time and I couldn't really eat anything without throwing up. It got a litte better after a week, so I went to school to get some books from the library. I found out later, by Doojoon, that my sickness was kind of something that ran in the family. Or a transformation, if you say it like that. You get sick for some time, then you start to notize some changes in your body. You can run faster, your senses becomes stronger and you can hear, smell, see and feel things better than before. Almost like a dog." he paused to look at you. 

You looked at him with a jaw on the ground. *A DOG!? IS YOSEOB A DOG!?* An image of a small chihuahua popped into your mind. Yoseob continued, "But you also get a really bad temper. You get mad easily and when you do, you turn into a beast. I don't really know why, but Doojoon hyung told me that it was because your mind can't control all the rage in the human form or something. So yeah.." he looked away from you. 

"Wait, Doojoon? He also knows about this?" You asked. "Of course, all of my friends are four-legged creatures." Yoseob nodded. You gawked at him, "SERIOUSLY!? WOLFS!?" 

Yoseob nodded slowly, "Beasts. That's what we are." he silently said. You blinked, "Beasts? Oppa, you're not beasts." You softened. You didn't like it when people talked low about themselves. 

"We are. We aren't human, Sora." he clenched his jaw. "May so be, but you're not beasts for that. You all are amazing and-" "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Yoseob suddenly snapped. 

You were taken aback by his outburst and shut up immediately. Yoseob softened, "Sorry, I didn't mean too." "I know." you patted his shoulder.

Yoseob smiled. That's what he loved about you. You were understanding and open-hearted. You always knew the right things to say at the right moment. Even though you could be short-tempered, sarcastic, childish, snarky and bad-tempered, he still loved and cared for you. 

"You're a very good friend, Sora." Yoseob smiled and soothingly patted your back. You smiled back, "I know, man." 

You and Yoseob catched up and chatted for a bit, then you had to go home, knowing that you were going to get scolded BIG TIME by Super Junior.


At your house, Super Junior had gathered in the livingroom, with the feather in the coffee table. An old man was standing on front of them.

"So, a wolf, you say?"  The old man took his long beard in his palm and coamed his fingers through it. Heechul nodded, "I heard they talk to each other. He said he was a wolf, or something. That it runs in the family." 

The old man nodded, understanding. "I see..Well, I've heard about this kind of scenario earlier. What was the boys' name? Yang Yoseob?" They nodded. "The Yang, Lee, Yoon, Jang, Yong and the Son genus have, as long as I remember, been carriers of this gene. It doesn't have a specific name, but people choose to call it "The werewolf." simply. In their teens, they go through this transformation that will turn them into wolfs, to be frank. I don't really know that much more about them, but I'll report to you when I know more." he ended the call with a nod, then he disappeared.

"Okay, so Yoseb and his friends are werewolfs. Nothing to be worried about, right?" Henry said. 

"GUYS, I'M HOME!" At that moment, you opened the door and hollered. "AND I KNEW YOU WERE LISTENING TO MINE AND YOSEOB'S CHAT SO DON'T EXPECT ME TO TALK TO YOU, OKAAAY!" you sang and walked up to your room. 

"Wait, ANGEL!" Sungmin wailed and followed you. "DID YOU READ OUR CARDS!?" 



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I'M BACK! and I'm writing a new chapter as i write this lol


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okay.. i think she's unlucky and i agree with her needing protection... i think i want to see how their journey will turn out XD
PieLife #2
Chapter 82: I finished this in a day :D its soo interesting ^~^ Hope theres a sequel!
Lee_yhannie #3
Chapter 7: This chap. is soooo Funnyyyyy... stop banging your head Eunhyuk..
2026 streak #4
Chapter 83: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story. It was nice. I thought she would be paired up with Hangeng but this story was good nevertheless :)
krissy25 #5
Chapter 25: omg this story is so freaking cute.. they r all so sweet and innocent rorwards her.. i love it. i especially love how sungmin always clings to her... it funny how they get jealous and over protective of her over the slightest thing.. this is by far my favorite story... it is also very very funny, i mean i laugh at least 3 times in each chapter... good job
Chapter 40: omg that little story of hea's ball calming hahaha
I miss this fan fic T-T it was seriously like my FAVORITE Super junior fantasy story EVER!! I honestly cried the last few chapters, I cry too much. :3
I hope you will make stories like this in the future! I'L SUPPORT YOU!!^^
I Love The Story! :D
Angel9 #9
Chapter 83: ah thank you for making this story buth i really want to know if the rest will be back or not :(
Chapter 82: I really love this story , I want a sequel PLEASE ,PWETTY PWETTY PWEASE ^~^

thank you for making such a great story <3 <3