A Valentines day to remember

You guys are my Guardian Angels?

You soon recovered and you could return to school. Yongguk and Hyemi had stopped bullying, surprisngly enough. You weren't complaining at all. 

A thing that concerned you a little was that you hadn't seen Yoseob at all when you returned to school. At first, you thought that he still was sick, but when almost three weeks had passed, you were slightly curious. 

It was now the 14th of February. Valentines Day. 

You were on your room, writing on an essay on your laptop while stuffing your face with chocolate covered strawberries. You had completely forgot about this day because you never used to give anyone something. Only your parents when they were alive but otherwise, none. 

Super Junior had prepared for this day ever since they found out about it, which was last week when they overheard some girls talking about it in school. The girls had blushed when they asked them about what they were talking about, thinking that they would give them something on Valentines Day. 

"Wouldn't surprise me if she forgot about it." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Or maybe she doesn't love us?" Donghae's face fell at the thought. "She loves us, right!?" he turned to Eunhyuk.

"She loves us." Eunhyuk sighed. 

Finally, Sungmin couldn't take it and stormed up to your room. He slammed the door open and pointed his finger towards you. "YOU! HOW COULD YOU!?" 

Your eyes widened and you held up your hands, "Dude, it was like 5 left, I didn't mean to-" 

"HOW COULD YOU FORGET ABOUT VALENTINES DAY!?" Sungmin wailed. You blinked, slightly confused. "Valentines day?" you asked and took a bite from your chocolate strawberry.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GIVE US CHOCOLATE AND GIFTS!" Donghae entered the room and stood next to Sungmin. *Valentines day is today? Oh boy, I must've forgot.* "Eh.." you looked around the room and found the plastic bag with the strawberries next to your lap.

"Here! You could split them!" you grabbed the bag and held it out to them. 

Sungmin took the bag and glanced down at the content. "IT'S ONLY TWO OF THEM LEFT!" he cried. "You and Donghae could split them, just don't tell the others, ok?" you gave them a thumbs up and returned to write on your essay. 

"But we want-" "Leave." you pointed your finger towards the door. "I must finnish this, then, I can make you something." 

Donghae and Sungmin's faces lit up and they squealed in joy as they exited the room. You glanced up from the computer screen at them and chuckled. *Silly boys.* 

About an hour later you came down from your room. The boys were busy with watching a movie on the living room so they didn't notice that you tip-toed to the kitchen and began to pull out different kind of ingredients. 

You were planning on making chocolate cupcakes. You had searched for an recipe earlier and had found one pretty easy to make. Because your cooking skills weren't that good when it came to baking pastries. 

You quickly mixed all the ingredients in a bowl and seperated them into different colored tins. *There. It went pretty good, much to my surprisement.* you complimented yourself and began to make the frosting while the 'cakes' were in the oven.

Shindong's nose picked up the sweet smell of chocolate and quickly shoot up from couch and into the kitchen to see what was going on. "Cupcakes!" he happily exclaimed as he looked into the oven.

You smiled and nodded, "For you guys." You poured some cocoa into a small bowl together with the butter. Shindong beamed and gave you a quick hug, then walked back to the living room.

The cupcakes were ready and you took them out of the oven. That's when you noticed that you didn't have any decorations to put on the frosting. *Maybe I should be quick and run to the store to buy some sprinkles?* You glanced out and saw that it was dark outside and there was a full moon. 

You decided that you should run to the store quickly, so you gracefully smeared the frosting onto the cupcakes and put them under the fan on the stove so that they could cool down.

You grabbed your jacket and pulled on your sneakers. "I'm going to the store, don't trash the house." you called before you left. Super Junior let out a "Okay." in unison, not letting their eyes go of the TV screen. 

The moon was shining down on the sidewalk and together with the streetlights, it really looked beautiful. 

Just as you were about to turn left, a figure came crashing into your shoulder. "Ouch!" you yelped and almost lost your balance. You leaned yourself on the wall next to you so that you wouldn't fall. The person had ran right into your left shoulder and it hurt like hell.

You turned your head and saw a familiar figure behind you. *Is that...?* You pushed yourself off the wall and walked up to the figure. "Yoseob?" you reached out to touch his arm. 

*No, don't come near me!* Yoseob panicked as he heard your voice. It wasn't his intention to run into you so hard, but he had accidentally raged at Hyunseung and ran away from him, not wanting his hyung to see his transformation. But now, the situation had worsened. 

Yoseob let out a small growl and escaped into an alley. Worried, you quickly followed. *What is it with him? He seems different. Did he work out?* "Yoseob, are you okay?" you reached out again and gently touched his arm.

At your touch, Yoseob slightly calmed down, but he knew that he soon wouldn't be human, if you say it like that. "Sora, please, leave.." he panted.

"Yoseob oppa, you're scaring me, what's going on?" you asked and pulled away your arm. There was something about his voice that didn't feel right. It sounded threatening. 

*Why won't she leave!? I don't want her to see me like this.* Yoseob felt his anger build up and he bawled his fists up and punched the wall next to him. You gasped and brought your hands up to your mouth. The wall had now a big, dent you knew that not any normal human would be able to hit that hard.

"Yoseob, please, what's going on?" You asked again, with shaky voice. 

Yoseob couldn't take the pressure any longer. He let out a loud, ear-piercing, growl and looked up at the sky. You boxed your ears and shut your eyes. 

The boys whole body began to grow and his clothes was torned apart and rags fell to the groun. You slowly opened your eyes and you shrieked at the sight in front of you. 

There, was a big, black, wolf. It was bigger than any normal grey-wolf you had seen on Animal Planet, the height at the withers were up to your chest.

It had big, brown, kind eyes with it's appearance in general still made it seem frightening. 

"Yoseob-what are you.." your voice came out as a whisper and you slowly backed away. *I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this...* Yoseob looked away. He let out loud howl, then dissappeared in the dark alley. 

Back in your house, Yesung had a weird feeling in his gut. His senses told him something was wrong. *I don't like that she went alone. I should've gone with her.* 

He abruptly stood up and headed towards the front door. "Hey, where are you going? She will be back soon." Heechul called from the living room. Yesung ignored him, took his jacket and headed out.

He quickly searched the streets for you. *Come on, please tell me she went to the store and went back safely. She's probably on her way back home now.* he tried to calm himself, but failed. Suddenly, he heard a loud roar, followed by a girls high-pitched shriek. He immediately recognized the scream. *Angel!* 

Yesung quickly followed your voice and it led him to an alley. He squinted his eyes, trying to see better in the dark. Finally, he saw a tiny figure, leaning against the wall. "Angel!" he hollered and ran up to you.

You quickly spun around with a shocked epxression.  "Yesung...?" you breathed out shakily. Yesung nodded quickly as he approached. He noticed your pale face and grew worried. "Angel, what happened? Are you hurt?" he searched your body for injuries, but couldn't find any.

You shook your head, snapping back into reality. *Was that Yoseob? But it was a wolf...But those eyes..* you thought. "N-No, I'm fine!" you meekly laughed and gave him a thumbs up. Yesung raised a brow, "Don't lie. I heard your scream and that roar, so spill." he firmly said.

You gulped, "I, erhm, I saw this really scary dog. It was big, black and just frightening. It saw a cat and roared and ran after it, and I got scared." you quickly lied. "Really?" 

"Really! Come on, let's go and get those sprinkles for the cupcakes!" you grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the alley. Yesung still weren't sure if you were telling the truth or lying, but he decided that he shouldn't ask further.


You and Yesung bought the sprinkles, plus some other things you needed, and went back home. When you returned, you quickly squrried to the kitchen to decorate the cupcakes before Super Junior could see what you had bought. 

"Angel, what are you doing?" Ryeowook pekked over your shoulder curiously. "None of your business. Hey, can you do me a favor and pack up the things we bought at the super market?" you pointed towards the two plastic bags on the counter. Ryeowook nodded and began to pull up all kind of food and drinks.

When you were done, you gently placed the Cupcakes on a plate. "Guys, the living room, NOW!" you shouted as you walked into the living room. Super Junior quickly gathered and sat down on the couch. You put the plate down on the coffee table. "Happy Valentines day. I'm sorry if it's not what you expected, being your first Valentines day on earth and all, but I hope it's enough. Now, dig in." 

They didn't need to be told twice. They quickly grabbed their respectively cupcake and began to munch on them. "Woah, Angel, this is delicious!" Heechul and Zhou Mi gave you a thumbs up.

"Angel's the best!" Donghae, Sungmin and Henry sang in unison. You giggled and thanked them. 

"Hey, you got some frosting there." Eunhyuk said and pointed to the corner of your lips. "Harhar, don't even try. I didn't even eat-" Eunhyuk took some frosting on his index finger and placed it by the corner of your mouth. He smirked and wiped it off with his other finger, "Oopsie." 

"You're shameless." you sighed and rolled your eyes as you wiped off some of the frosting that he missed. Eunhyuk grinned and blew you a kiss. 

"Stop flirting with my wife." Leeteuk appeared by your side and put his arm over your shoulders. You looked up at him, bewildered, "Wife?"

Leeteuk grinned and leaned down and rubbed his nose on yours. "My wifey is so pretty when she's dumbfounded." "HEY!" you snapped. Leeteuk laughed and ruffled your hair. 

After that you had been more teased by Eunhyuk and Leeteuk, you decided that it was time to call it a day. You were tired and you had to get up extra early tomorrow because you had to touch up your essay a little.

"Good night boys." you tiredly called as you headed up the stairs. "GOOD NIGHT ANGEL, AND THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING VALENTINES DAY!" Sungmin hollered from the kitchen.

*Glad you liked it.* you weakly smiled. 

When you were done with washing up and changin into your pajama, you slumped onto your bed and pulled the covers over you. Thoughts were spinning around in your head. *Was that really Yoseob? Is he a wolf? How did he become like that?* Still confused, you finally fell asleep.

That night, the door to your room slowly creaked open and a figure sneaked in. He made sure that no-one was in your room, then headed to your bedside. You were sleeping heavily and he softened. 

*I want to know what really happened earlier. Your scream sounded so desperate, like you were about to get killed.* Yesung sighed and gently caressed your cheek with the back of his palm. *If something's wrong, don't hesitate to talk to me.* 

Yesung leaned down and pressed his lips gently against your forhead. *My Angel.* 













[gifs not mine btw] 

I want to thank everyone who subscribed and didn't unsubscribe because of my lack of updates sometimes, it means a lot ^^ 

Subscribers and comments are loved to death!



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I'M BACK! and I'm writing a new chapter as i write this lol


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okay.. i think she's unlucky and i agree with her needing protection... i think i want to see how their journey will turn out XD
PieLife #2
Chapter 82: I finished this in a day :D its soo interesting ^~^ Hope theres a sequel!
Lee_yhannie #3
Chapter 7: This chap. is soooo Funnyyyyy... stop banging your head Eunhyuk..
2032 streak #4
Chapter 83: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story. It was nice. I thought she would be paired up with Hangeng but this story was good nevertheless :)
krissy25 #5
Chapter 25: omg this story is so freaking cute.. they r all so sweet and innocent rorwards her.. i love it. i especially love how sungmin always clings to her... it funny how they get jealous and over protective of her over the slightest thing.. this is by far my favorite story... it is also very very funny, i mean i laugh at least 3 times in each chapter... good job
Chapter 40: omg that little story of hea's ball calming hahaha
I miss this fan fic T-T it was seriously like my FAVORITE Super junior fantasy story EVER!! I honestly cried the last few chapters, I cry too much. :3
I hope you will make stories like this in the future! I'L SUPPORT YOU!!^^
I Love The Story! :D
Angel9 #9
Chapter 83: ah thank you for making this story buth i really want to know if the rest will be back or not :(
Chapter 82: I really love this story , I want a sequel PLEASE ,PWETTY PWETTY PWEASE ^~^

thank you for making such a great story <3 <3