Convincing And Meeting

My Best Friend's Sister


Chapter 2



Convincing and Meeting






“I… I want you to marry her.” Yuri finally answered.


“Look, Yoona let me explain first-“

“You’re drunk aren't you?” Yoona asked followed by nervous laughter. “Yeah, that’s it! You’re drunk! Let’s get you home, okay? You need to sober up-“

“Yoona! I’m not drunk!” Yuri assured, waving her hands in front of her. Yuri sighed and fiddled with the shot glass in her hands.

“Look, Yoong. My parents wanted me to take over the company right? And you know that I refused. So now, Seohyun’s taking over instead and they wanted her to marry Jung Yonghwa, the heir to another company. But I can’t let that happen! I love my sister and I don’t trust him. So I thought maybe you were a better option.”

“Yuri, what the hell?! What if your sister doesn't even like girls?! I-I can’t get married! I’m way too young, I've got my whole life ahead of me. I just got back to Korea! You can’t do this to me Yul.” Yoona replied, her voice filled with anxiety. She pulled out a few bills from her wallet and placed them on the bar before making her way to the exit. Yuri walked after her and followed the doe-eyed girl outside.

“Seohyun doesn't care about gender. All she ever cares about is her responsibilities. If she has too marry someone, no matter who it is, she'll do it for our parents' sake. Yoona, hear me out. I’m desperate, and this’ll benefit you too.” Yuri argued, trying to keep up with Yoona’s fast pace. Yoona came to an abrupt stop and scoffed at Yuri’s words.

“Benefit me? The only one benefiting from this is you! God, Yuri! When are you gonna start thinking about others for once?”

“I’m not thinking about myself! All I’m thinking about is my sister, Yoong. I can’t let her marry some random guy, okay? Besides, you don’t have to marry her right now! My parents… They gave me six months to find someone. And you… you arrived right on time.” Yuri said, her voice drifting off into a whisper.

“Plus, you said you wanted to make something of your parents’ company right? If you marry my sister, that’ll definitely happen. Look, Yoona just give it a shot please? At least come to my house tomorrow and meet her. You have to do this for me. You owe me and you’re my only hope.”

Yuri looked at Yoona with pleading eyes. Yoona looked back with a glare but it soon melted away after hearing Yuri’s words. She groaned loudly and kicked the street light next to her. The younger girl pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

Maybe Yuri was right. Maybe this would help her out. Maybe it was worth a shot. …She couldn't believe she was actually thinking this.

“You know what? Fine. I’ll go over to your place tomorrow.” Yoona said begrudgingly.

Yuri’s face broke out into a smile and she ran towards her friend. She enveloped Yoona in a bone crushing hug and Yoona struggled to break free. After Yoona was sure she was completely out of breath, Yuri finally let her go.

“I knew I could count on you! Yoona, you’re the best.”

“Look. I only said I’m gonna meet her tomorrow. I’m not making any promises on…” she paused and shuddered. “Marrying her.”

“Oh! I understand. I’m just glad you’re actually giving this a shot!" Yuri replied, nodding enthusiastically. “Well, I have to get going now Yoong. It’s almost 1am already. You should probably head home and get some shuteye too. Do you want me to give you a ride home? You still live in the same place right?”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll just take a cab or something. What time should I come over to your house?”

“Be there by lunch time. Oh and, call me before you leave your house alright?” Yuri informed.

Yoona raised her eyebrow at the strange request and just nodded. The two friends bid themselves goodbye and Yoona watched as Yuri drove off in her BMW. The now alone red-head sighed as she walked down the sidewalk by herself.

Tomorrow is gonna be a hell of a day.


Yoona woke up from the ringing alarm in her bedroom and groaned at her aching head. She probably shouldn't have taken that seventh shot. She slowly opened her eyes and slammed the alarm clock next to her. She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair, her eyes barely open; until she looked at the clock and eyed the time. 11:30am

“Oh sh!t!” She exclaimed and jumped out of bed. She ran to her bathroom for a quick shower and hurriedly got dressed. As soon as she finally finished, she checked the time again. 11:45am. She was so gonna be late.

She made her way to the front of her house and eyed her motorbike. She grinned at her old ‘friend’ and hopped on. But just as she was about to start the engine, she remembered something.

“Call me before you go okay?”

Yoona then took out her cell phone and quickly dialed Yuri’s number.


“Yuri! You said I should call before I leave right?”

“You’re only leaving your house now?! You’re supposed to be here in fifteen minutes!”

“I know, I know! So why am I calling you?”

“I just wanted you to know that you can’t come here on your bike okay? Waltzing in here on a motorbike isn't exactly the best way to make a first impression.” 

Yoona looked down at her motorbike sheepishly and sighed.

“Fine, I’ll take my dad’s car.”

“Great! Now, go go go! I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”  Yuri said before hanging up.

Yoona pocketed her phone and made her way to her house’s garage. When she opened up the door, she gasped in shock.

“Good morning Yoona.” The man greeted.

“You scared me! Good morning to you too... dad” Yoona replied.

Yoona’s father was busy staring at his cars when she walked in. The two stood in silence until Yoona cleared .

“You came home really late last night Yoona. Or should I say, this morning?” he said in a smug tone.

“Yuri and I just went out for some soju, dad; for old time’s sake.” Yoona answered.

“I see. You couldn't spend you first night in Seoul with your old man?”

“You know I love you, dad. But I promised Yuri we’d get soju the day I got back.”

Yoona’s father laughed heartily and turned around to face his daughter. He had the infamous Im alligator grin on his face and he gave his daughter a warm hug.

“You remind me too much of myself.” He murmured.

Yoona broke the hug and eyed his car suggestively. The old man just arched his eyebrow and smiled.

“Let me guess. You’re gonna borrow my car and drive over to Yuri’s aren't you?” he said, nudging his daughter with his elbow.

“You guessed right, old man! So is it okay if I do?”


Yoona dashed towards the car and had her hands on the door handle in less than a second.

“On one condition.” He continued.

“Anything, dad.”

“You’re going to have dinner with me and your mother tonight.”

“M-mom?” she asked, her voice shaky. The atmosphere suddenly became dark and Yoona looked down, her eyes glistening. She willed herself to not let any of the tears fall.

“Yeah. I know you want to visit her, Yoona.”

“Okay, dad. I promise. I’ll be home on time for dinner.” She answered.

Yoona’s father stepped away from the car’s way and waved goodbye to his daughter. Yoona returned the action and drove off, on her way to Yuri’s house.


When she arrived, Yuri was standing at the front gate, anxiously checking her watch. When a black four door car arrived the tan girl finally felt at ease. Yoona parked the car in front of Yuri’s house and when she got out Yuri had already grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her inside.

“Yuri, wait! My car’s door is open!” Yoona exclaimed,resisting her friend’s urgency.

“Don’t worry, ahjusshi can take of that.” Yuri answered, signaling for a man who happened to be standing in the doorway. The man nodded in understanding and made his way to Yoona’s car.

Yuri burst through the doors of their huge house and Yoona marveled at the sight of everything. The Kwons had a seemingly endless amount of expensive furniture. The first thing you see when you walk in are two staircases on either side of the room that lead to the upper floor. In between the staircases is a large double door that seems to lead to the living room.And on opposite sides of the room for the staircases are two doors that look like they lead to hallways.

Yuri pushed through the double door in between the staircases and lead Yoona to the dining room. Yoona's stomach started to churn at the thought of Yuri’s parents being in the upcoming room. When they were younger, Yoona never really had the chance to really meet Yuri’s parents. They were always too busy working. But judging from Yuri’s stories, her parents weren't exactly the nicest people in the world.

The two finally stopped in front of a wooden door and Yuri placed her hand on the knob. She let go of Yoona’s wrist and smiled.

“You ready?”

Yoona faked a smile and nodded. Yuri then slowly opened the door and Yoona couldn't help but close her eyes from nervousness. Yuri walked into the room and pulled Yoona along with her. She seemed to be doing that a lot today. It was silent, so Yoona finally decided to open her eyes. And they widened at what was in front of her.

The large dining room was beautiful with the dining table large enough for a dozen people right in the middle. Only there was only oneperson seated down. It was none other than Seohyun. But this Seohyun definitely wasn’t the one Yoona remembered from before.

She was breathtakingly beautiful.




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Chapter 6: Omg it's been so long since this fic's last update TT
I know you're working on your ITZY fic atm but I really hope you'd come back to this and see if you can still continue where you left off because I really love this so far and there's alot of things that has yet to be played out <3
It has an interesting story line, I wish the story was completed.
Chapter 6: This is an interesting one.
Chapter 6: Authornim please comeback huhuhuhu this story is so damn good
Kiddie13 #5
Chapter 6: Hello, i am a new reader here. Author, I really like this story of yours, the plot is really interesting, and I am sure a lot of your readers been wanting to read the continuation of this story. Please dont abandon this story?? Hehe fighting author!! :)
YulSicSLTTR #6
Chapter 6: I think this story has potencial (a lot).
Even thought your last update was a long (really long) time ago I hope don't know someday you'll be back with a new chapter.
Wish you luck and FIGHTING!!!^^
pre0611 #7
Chapter 6: this is a nice fic don't waste it or abandon it cause it's a really nice story.
please update soon author-nim. i've been waiting for this
yoohyun for the win!
OOOOOHHH i saw this on ssf!
hope you update again soon :D
love my yoonhyun :DDDDD
chyan01 #10
Whoaah, Yoong met with her ex ? Aww......
Hmm, you need to explain why did Nic left her before, kay ? Update soon, please.