At The Beginning

My Best Friend's Sister


Chapter 1

At The Beginning




Yoona and Seohyun were five years old when they first met. Well at least Yoona was five while Seohyun was four and a half. By the time, Yoona and Yuri were already close friends but it was the first time Yuri ever invited Yoona over. When the two pranksters arrived, Yuri hurriedly dragged Yoona to her room to play. The moment they swung thedoor open, they heard someone gasp and Yuri’s expression became grim.

“Yah, Seohyun! What are you doing in my room?!” Yuri scolded the younger girl while Yoona just stared in confusion.

“I’m sorry unnie, I just can’t seem to find Sgt. Keroro. I was thinking maybe he was here.” Seohyun replied apologetically.

“Aigoo Seohyunnie, just get out already!”

“Is that what you’re looking for over there?” Yoona interrupted, pointing at the Keroro doll above Yuri’s closet

“Aish! Yoona, that was supposed to be a secret. You ruined my scheme!” The black haired girl said, crossing her arms and pouting.

Yoona just chuckled at her best friend and pushed a chair next to the closet. She got up on the chair and easily reached for the stuffed green frog. As she stepped down she handed it to the younger girl and smiled.

“Here you go. Try to watch out for it, ‘kay?”

Seohyun clutched the doll tighter and looked down bashfully. She muttered a small thank you and quickly darted of Yuri’s room.

“Was that your baby sis?” Yoona asked, turning to her friend who was in the middle of pulling out a cardboard box from underneath her bed.

“Yeah. She’s kind of a crybaby and never talks to anyone. I love her, but I love messing with her too.” Yuri replied, rummaging through the box. Just then she pulled out a handful of balloons and a can of paint.

“So, wanna go throw paint balloons at Taecyeon’s tree house?” the older girl said with a mischievous look on her face which Yoona easily returned.

“I call dibs on the first throw.”


Yoona was seven and Seohyun was six when they had their first real conversation. It was Yuri’s birthday party and of course all her friends were invited. Yoona wasn't really close with Yuri’s other friends so she spent most of it alone

Seohyun was pretty much in the same state, being younger than all the other kids at the party. So Yoona sat on the living room living room sofa while Seohyun sat at the staircase in the same room. She was holding onto the staircase’s banisters. Yoona didn't seem to notice her presence because the doe-eyed girl was too busy eating kimbap.

Seohyun eyed the other girl curiously, wondering why she wasn't playing with the other kids. Maybe she just didn't like to play while she ate. Or maybe she didn't want to be at Yuri-unnie’s party

“I know you’re there, Seohyun-sshi. I can feel ya staring at me.” Yoona says with a mouthful of kimbap, interrupting Seohyun’s thoughts.

Seohyun instantly shifted away from the banister and looked away from Yoona. She was thoroughly embarrassed and her cheeks were already a light shade of pink.

“Why don’t cha come down? Doesn't your hurt from sitting on the hard steps? Your couch is way better.” Yoona said, patting on the spot next to her.

The younger girl took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. She slowly walked down the steps and made her way next to Yoona.

“There, see? Told ya the couch was better.” Yoona jokingly said, taking another piece of kimbap into . Seohyun watched as the other girl ate heartily and her eyes widened at how much food Yoona could fit into .

“So Seohyun, right? I don’t think we’ve met formally. My name’s Im Yoona, but you can call me Yoong.” Yoona said, holding her hand out to Seohyun. Seohyun glanced at Yoona’s hand and just looked away shyly.

“Aish, Yuri wasn't kidding when she said you were shy. Don’t you remember me? I’m the one that got your doll you’re holding right now for you back when Yuri hid it on top of her closet.” Yoona reminded, pointing at the Keroro doll Seohyun was clutching hard onto.

Seohyun was still staring at the floor. Of course she remembered Yoona. She was the first person that was nice to her besides her older sister.

“I r-remember…” Seohyun muttered.

Yoona’s expression brightened up more than it already was and she slightly nudged the younger girl with her elbow.

“Well Seohyun, I hope you learn to talk more. So we can be friends, okay?” Yoona said.

“Yah! Yoona, come on out and join us for a round of Chicken! It’s my birthday for Pete’s sake, come on out and play!” Yuri shouted from the backyard.

“I’m gonna go now Seohyun. See ya later!” Yoona said as she nudged the younger girl playfully and ran off to join Yuri’s birthday.


Yoona was twelve when she realized that she wasn't like other girls. The first person she told was none other than her best friend; Yuri.

“Y-Yuri-ah I have something to tell you. But it has to stay a secret okay?” Yoona nervously informed. She was over at Yuri’s house and they were sitting together on Yuri’s bed, reading some magazines.

“Okay, Yoong. You know you can tell me anything. My lips are sealed!” Yuri enthusiastically replied,pretending to zip her lips and locking them on one end before throwing away an imaginary key.

“Thanks, Yuri. I know I can alway trust you.”

“Of course! But before you tell me whatever it is, I just want you to know that I heard that Ok Taecyeon likes you.” Yuri announced with a smug look on her face.

“But I don’t like him.” Yoona answered as a matter-of-fact.

“What? Why not? He’s nice and pretty good looking! A lot of girls like him even.” Yuri asked, confused.

“It’s not that he’s not a good guy, it’s just tha-“

“It’s just what? You like someone else don’t you?! Tell me!” Yuri butted in, grabbing Yoona’s arms.

“No, that’s not it I-“ Yoona was interrupted again.

“It’s Lee Seunggi isn't it?! I knew it!”

Yuri!” Yoona shouted. Yuri jumped in surprise and finally stopped talking.

“I… I like girls.” The younger of the duo whispered.

Yuri’s hands suddenly let go of Yoona and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what her friend had just told her. No way Yoona was into girls! She was one of the prettiest girls in school and there were never any signs of her liking girls before.

“You’re kidding right? It’s not April Fool’s anymore, Yoong!” Yuri said, letting out a nervous laugh. Yoona gave her a serious look and Yuri instantly knew she wasn't kidding.

“Are you mad? Do you still wanna be friends with me?” Yoona asked with a sad tone.

Yuri gawked at her friend and slapped her across the head.

“Yah! Im Yoona! Do you really think I’m that kind of person?! Of course I’m not mad and of course I still wanna be friends with you! You big babo, just because you like girls it doesn't mean I’m gonna hate you.” Yuri angrily replied.

Yoona looked at her sheepishly and wrapped her arms around her.

“Thanks, Yuri-ah.” She sincerely said.

Yuri returned the hug and smiled.

“Anytime, Yoona.”


Yoona and Yuri were seniors in high school when Yuri saved Yoona’s life. They were on their way to school together. Surprisingly, the two were walking to school together. Yuri always seemed to surprise Yoona since Yuri was from a very well off family. She could come to school in a limo if she wanted. But instead she chose to just simply walk there with her best friend.

Yoona wasn’t much different from Yuri either. She was from a well off family too, but not well enough to afford a limousine. She didn't want to waste her parents’ time by taking her to school so she chooses to walk as well.

As they were walking, Yuri was loudly complaining about how her parents wanted her to take over their company someday.

“But you get me right, Yoong? All I wanna do is dance! I wanna open up my own studio, teach people how to dance and maybe even perform someday. Hyoyeon said she’d help me with it.” She whined.

“I get you, Yul. But I don’t really know what to tell you. I mean my dream is to take over my dad’s company when I’m older and make something of it. I want his company to go overseas, then we could start making cars in places like Europe or America! You're lucky your family's company is a complete success.” Yoong replied, tugging at her backpack’s straps.

Both families ran their own car companies. Yuri's family ran Kwon Inc. which was famous for their fabulous sports car designs. Yoona's family owned Im Enterprise which only sold cars in Korea. It was locally famous for their stable family types of cars.

“I don't even know anything about cars! ...Maybe I can get Seohyun to do it! She does whatever our parents tell her to do. Plus, she’s super smart.” Yuri concluded as she stepped onto the street.

“Seohyun? It could work, but she has to learn to talk more often. The girl’s practically mut-“

“Yoona, watch out!” Yuri exclaims as she pulls Yoona towards herself.

Yoona gasps and instantly falls on her friend as a car dashes past right where she was standing, moments ago. She rolls off of Yuri and pulls her up.

“Yoona, are you okay?” Yuri says at her awestruck friend.

“Yuri… You just saved my life!” She replies as she glomps the doe-eyed girl.

“Glad to be of help, Yoong.”

Yoona let go of her friend and sent her a beaming smile. She pulled up Yuri’s hand and linked their pinkies together. She was staring at Yuri with a huge smile on her face that almost looked sinister.

“Yoona, what are you doing?”

“I promise that one day when you ask me for something, anything I will give it to you. I owe you my life and now I’m in debt to you.” Yoona sternly said as she tightened her pinkie’s grip against Yuri’s.

Yuri returned the action and nodded.

“I won't forget your promise, okay?”


When they graduated high school, Yoona had to tell Yuri that she was going overseas. She was headed abroad to study college and would only be coming back in four years to lend a hand in her family’s company. Yuri was staying in Seoul to study college there so of course she wouldn't be too glad abut Yoona’s decision.

“What do you mean you’re gonna be gone for four years?!” Yuri said after the news Yoona brought.

“I have to study Yul. There’s a great university in America and I need to do my best to stay there. It’s my big chance and if I screw up my scholarship there’s no way I’m staying there. That place offers amazing education and I only want the best for me and my parents.” Yoona answered seriously.

Yuri just stared at her friend with sad eyes. They've been best friends since they were kids, it was just a little hard to accept not seeing her for four straight years.

“I understand. I just… I’m gonna miss you, you know? Who's gonna help me out with my pranks?” Yuri said, sniffling loudly and emitting a chuckle from her friend.

“Yah! It’s not funny. I’m standing here about to shed tears for you, and you laugh?!” Yuri angrily said, wiping the single tear that fell from her eyes.

“I’m not gonna be gone forever, Yul. I’ll be back and when I do get back, it’ll be just like old times! The first thing we’ll do is go get some soju, alright?” Yoona said, patting Yuri on the back.

“Alright. But when you get back, I’m picking you up okay?” Yuri paused. “So when are you leaving?”

“Next week.”


So for the next four years, Yoona studied. She did her best and graduated university at the top of her class. Along the way, she learned some new things. Things like speaking English and French and how to be a decent baseball player.

She also became quite the player in college. She dated six different girls, two of which were at the same time. Yoona became quite the hot topic in university, wanted by both boys and girls.The one relationship that lasted a long time was her first one, and it was with a girl named Nicole Jung. They dated for more than a year but Nicole broke Yoona’s heart and Yoona became a player ever since.

Meanwhile, Yuri remained headstrong about her dream of becoming a dancer. She went to college for the sake of having an education but she also resumed practicing dancing. She opened up a studio with Hyoyeon like she said she would and started holding dance classes. Her parents begged for her to take the company seriously but she refused to do anything that involved the company.

Eventually, they gave up and decided that Seohyun was their only hope. They then introduced her to the heir of another company; Jung Yonghwa. He was a nice boy who was going to become his family’s company’s new President. Seohyun and Yuri’s parents hoped that if he and Seohyun were to marry, their company would survive.

Seohyun had no interest in the boy, but loved her parents too much to go against their will. So she continued seeing Yonghwa. Yuri on the other hand, knew of her sister’s feelings and told their parents immediately.

“You can’t make her marry him! She doesn’t even like him!” Yuri exclaimed.

“Yuri-ah, why must you always be against everything we do?! All we wants is what’s best for you and your sister!” Yuri’s father answered, bursting with anger.

“No you don’t, you want what’s best for the company! That’s all you ever wanted and cared about! You never cared about me and Seohyun!”

“That’s not true! We love you and your sister with all our hearts.”

“Forcing her into a marriage definitely shows that.” Yuri replied, sarcasm dripping from her words.

Then suddenly, Yuri had an idea. Maybe Seohyun could at least end up with someone she trusts.

“Look, what if…” Yuri started.

“What if what?” her mother asked.

“What if I find someone else? Someone else Seohyun can marry. I promise that she’ll be just as good as or even better than Yonghwa.”Yuri continued.


Yuri cringed at her slip up and sighed.

“Yes. She. I know it’s a little strange but-“

“A little?! It’s completely insane!”

“No! No it’s not. She’s from a well off family and they own a car company as well. Isn't that what matters? That the company survives?” Yuri argued.

Yuri’s parents sighed at the same time.

“Fine. We’ll consider. But if she’s not any better than Yonghwa, then we’re definitely choosing him.”

“So, who is this person that you’re thinking about anyway?” Yuri’s mother curiously asked.

Yuri glanced at both her parents eyes and took a deep breath.

“Im Yoona.” 




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Chapter 6: Omg it's been so long since this fic's last update TT
I know you're working on your ITZY fic atm but I really hope you'd come back to this and see if you can still continue where you left off because I really love this so far and there's alot of things that has yet to be played out <3
It has an interesting story line, I wish the story was completed.
Chapter 6: This is an interesting one.
Chapter 6: Authornim please comeback huhuhuhu this story is so damn good
Kiddie13 #5
Chapter 6: Hello, i am a new reader here. Author, I really like this story of yours, the plot is really interesting, and I am sure a lot of your readers been wanting to read the continuation of this story. Please dont abandon this story?? Hehe fighting author!! :)
YulSicSLTTR #6
Chapter 6: I think this story has potencial (a lot).
Even thought your last update was a long (really long) time ago I hope don't know someday you'll be back with a new chapter.
Wish you luck and FIGHTING!!!^^
pre0611 #7
Chapter 6: this is a nice fic don't waste it or abandon it cause it's a really nice story.
please update soon author-nim. i've been waiting for this
yoohyun for the win!
OOOOOHHH i saw this on ssf!
hope you update again soon :D
love my yoonhyun :DDDDD
chyan01 #10
Whoaah, Yoong met with her ex ? Aww......
Hmm, you need to explain why did Nic left her before, kay ? Update soon, please.