Always Busy.

Wake Up.


Where did you go last time? You just left me on the bench.

-Lu Han


You stared at the text you had just read.


He didn’t understand?


Since when does he even understand you?


I guess it’s time to talk to him seriously this time.


But would he have time for you? Isn’t he always busy?


You shrugged off the thought and replied to his text.


Meet me tomorrow at the amusement park at 10am sharp. Don’t bring your cellphone. Go alone. I’ll be waiting.

- Min Chan


You turned off your phone not wanting to read any of his replies that you anticipate was about him going somewhere that day or he is going to practice with EXO.


He was always the one that invited you on ‘dates’ and this would be the first and last date you’ve ever asked him to.


You placed your phone on top of the bedside table and closed your eyes.


You better prepare yourself for tomorrow.




You sat on your bed while you dried your hair with a towel as you just got out of the shower.


You grabbed your phone from the table and turned it on.


You saw 3 messages. All were from him.


‘What? I’m going to practice with EXO tomorrow.’


‘Min Chan? My debut is going to be soon!’


‘Please understand.’


I told you so.


You gave him a reply and turned off your phone again.


I’ll be waiting at the amusement park entrance.

- Min Chan


This is your first time to ask him out and he never even took a second thought and rejected you.


You put on a cute beige spaghetti-strapped sundress that stopped at your mid thigh and strapped on your favourite flats.


'It’s his choice if he comes or not.' you thought.


You fixed your hair and checked yourself in the mirror.


You swore to yourself that if he never comes, he would never be able to see you ever again.


You grabbed your small back pack and headed out.


 Leaving your cellphone behind.




You sat on the settee beside the amusement park entrance.


You looked at your watch.




Now you just have to wait.


You looked up the sky and saw dark clouds scattered in the sky.


It seems the weather is going to turn dark soon.


He better come before it does.




“Are you not going to go home?” you heard a man said as you also felt the rain stop hitting your now soaked body.


Has he finally arrived?


You looked up in hope that he had finally come to realize that in front of you stood the guy who distributes the tickets in the entrance.


He hovered his umbrella over you two.


“I’m waiting for someone.” You answered with a weak smile.


“The park is closed already. You’re going to catch a cold with those wet clothes of yours. I’ve been watching you since you’ve arrived this morning! Haven’t you realized that the person you’re waiting for is not coming?!” he scolded you.


“Thank you for your concern but it is none of your business as to what I do.” You gave him a reassuring smile.


He looked at you for a second and said. “Suit yourself.”


He turned his back at you and left.


The raindrops hit your face as you were again left alone.


At least someone was even concerned for you.


You looked at your now wet watch.




And he still didn’t come.


You finally stood up from the place where you have been sitting for 13 hours.


Could you believe it yourself?


You’ve waited and sat still for 13 hours straight.


Without eating.


Without drinking.


Isn’t that an interesting feat?


You finally let out the tears you’ve been holding back while you waited.


The tears and raindrops mixed on your face.




You started to sob.


How could you even believe that he’ll be coming when from the start he never wanted to?


“Minnie?” you heard sweet male voice call out.


You turned to the sound of the voice to find Oh SeHun holding an umbrella.


You quickly turned your heel and ran away from him.


Why are you running?


You were surprised by yourself.


Why are YOU running?


It’s not like you’ve done something wrong.


You suddenly stopped running and instantaneously a weight had hit your back and then came a splash.


You turned around to find SeHun on the wet street floor, his umbrella a few feet away.


“I-I’m sorry.” You stuttered as you helped him up.


“Why were you even running away from me?” he asked as he tried to dust himself off but failed because he was now wet.


“I-I don’t know.” You stuttered again.


He grabbed his umbrella and positioned it above both of you. “Why are you here and do you even realize it’s almost midnight? A girl should not be out this late!” he scolded you.


You looked down at your feet as your teeth uncontrollably chattered from the cold.


It seems you’re always a victim of scolding today.


You heard him stop talking and felt his hand cup your chin.


He made you face him.


His other hand touched your forehead.


“You’re burning! How long have you been soaking in the rain?!” he exclaimed.


“I’m fine!” you answered, “I was just about to---”


Then everything went black.


What happened?


Your body finally gave in.


You didn't even feel that tired.

Or did you ?


You heard a faint calling of your name before you completely lost consciousness.




WHOA! 11 SUBSCRIBERS?!! THANK YOU!! TT-TT I love you guys! 

It would be even better if you guys comment more though. x) 

It seems this wouldn't be a twoshot anymore ..

AHAHHA Wait for the next chapter ok? :D


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40 subscribers!! TT-TT YOU GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! xD


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Chapter 4: Ouch..For a moment I thought I was Min Chan. I imagined myself as Min Chan. -_-
Chapter 5: aww, felt sorry for min chan! poor gurl :(
aimz_c #3
Chapter 3: wooooooo he hit her...ouch
aimz_c #4
oooo this sounds subbie ^_^
Chapter 4: AWWWW~ But she's a totally brave girl~ :)
Chapter 1: AIGOOO~ Heartbreaking </3
Smilone #7
Chapter 4: I liked it. I love reading angst stories so please continue writing =D
Chapter 5: This's good though. But if I were her then half of a year will be enough for me to end the relationship. Who does he think he is to act like this?
missfilipinoELF #9
Chapter 5: TT^TT

this is so heart breaking TT^TT

going to read the sequel now...TT^TT