It's on.

Wake Up.


You were awakened by the intense throbbing of your head.


You slowly sat down and held your head.


That’s what you get for waiting in the rain.


As you mentally cursed at yourself you looked around and analyzed your surroundings.


What have you gotten yourself into?


The door creaked to reveal a fair-skinned man clothed with a black V neck shirt paired with dark washed jeans. “Are you okay now?” he asked as he entered the room.


You squinted your eyes to see him clearly as to your headache was strangely affecting your eyesight.


You groaned in response, the man’s identity still unknown to you.


You felt the bed oppress as he sat beside you.


Oh SeHun.


“Does your head hurt?” he asked as he gently grabbed your hand that held your head.


“A little.” You mumbled. “H-How did I get here?” you asked.


“Well.. Since someone fainted on the street, being the good man I am, I carried you to my dorm.” He explained with his trademark eye smile, still holding your hand.


“Ahh .. Mianhaeyo.” You apologized and lightly bowed your head.


You realized that you are now wearing a loose t-shirt and (boxer) shorts.


You hastily withdrew your hand from his and protectively covered yourself.


“W-Who -----” you stuttered.


“I called a coordi-noona to change your clothes.” He cut you off and grabbed your hand again. “I’m not a ert.” He added as he smirked.


You looked down at your lap and blushed.




“So, do you mind telling me what happened today?” he asked.


Does he know how LuHan has been treating you?


You looked up to see him staring into your eyes.


He really does look like HIM.


“I-I ...” you stuttered and looked away from him.


He gave out a sigh.


“If you need someone to tell your problems to, I’m here for you.” He assured with a heart-warming smile.


You smiled back and thanked him.


His qualitites are so far from HIM.


“It’s a promise and I’ll seal it with a kiss.” He announced and kissed your cheek.


Your eyes grew wide and again your face was tinted red.


How could they even be bestfriends?


He lightly laughed and ruffled your hair. “I called LuHan-hyung earlier and he’s going to arrive any minute now.” He informed you before he left.


You’re screwed.


You were frustratingly racking through your brain as to what to do.


There’s no way out.


All you could do now is talk to him.


Another surge of intense headache hit you making you hold on to your head once again.


To let him know.


To finally let him understand what you really felt.


To finally let your heart be free.


“Does it hurt?” it was his voice.


You were too occupied with your thoughts that didn’t realize he had entered the room and was now sitting on the bed, beside you.


Where SeHun had sat on earlier.


You gulped, too afraid to respond.


Look up and face him.


“Min Chan?” he called.


You melted when you heard him call your name.


Don’t you ever learn?


You looked up to meet his eyes and let go of your head.


“Y-Yes.” You finally responded.


He sighed. “Why did you faint on the street?” he roughly questioned with a monotonous voice.


“I-I was .. waiting.” You stuttered.


Where has your strong spirit from yesterday gone to?


“Waiting? Waiting where?” he quizzically looked at you.


“A-At the amusement park entrance.” You said.


Why are you stuttering?


“Why are you waiting there?” he further questioned you.


All your effort..


“It was going to be a meet-up.” You mumbled.


“Meet up with who?” he asked in an annoyed tone.


.. had gone to waste.


“Y-You.” You whispered.


“What? I can’t hear you. Speak up woman.” He spouted, obviously getting more irritated.


Your heart suddenly clenched.


“I-I was going to meet-up with you remember.” You said.


And he even has the nerve to be irritated.


He looked at you for a second and then knitted his perfect eyebrows together.


“Didn’t you receive my text that I wouldn’t come?” he shook his head in disbelief.


“But didn’t you receive mine when I said that I’ll be waiting?” you added.


Tell him.


He gave you a slight glare. “Didn’t I tell you I’ll be debuting soon?” he asked again.


“Yes, but isn’t that the excuse you’ve been using on me since we started dating?” you let your attitude slip.


He stared at you.


Now he finally sees your attitude.


Your heart started to fasten its pace.


“What did you just say?” he asked, his voice turning dangerously low.


“I said it’s an excuse you’ve al---” you were cut off.


He slapped you.


You were left dumbfounded.


It’s on. 




Oh no..

Is it just me or has the air gotten thicker?

What do you guys think is going to happen next?

The next chapter would be the last chapter.

So stay tuned!!! :)))

Uwaa~~ 14 subscribers? THANK YOU GUYS!!! >_<

Take a listen to this while you re-read the chapters so far and wait for the last chapter. :)<>

-- GoJangMi

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40 subscribers!! TT-TT YOU GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! xD


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Chapter 4: Ouch..For a moment I thought I was Min Chan. I imagined myself as Min Chan. -_-
Chapter 5: aww, felt sorry for min chan! poor gurl :(
aimz_c #3
Chapter 3: wooooooo he hit her...ouch
aimz_c #4
oooo this sounds subbie ^_^
Chapter 4: AWWWW~ But she's a totally brave girl~ :)
Chapter 1: AIGOOO~ Heartbreaking </3
Smilone #7
Chapter 4: I liked it. I love reading angst stories so please continue writing =D
Chapter 5: This's good though. But if I were her then half of a year will be enough for me to end the relationship. Who does he think he is to act like this?
missfilipinoELF #9
Chapter 5: TT^TT

this is so heart breaking TT^TT

going to read the sequel now...TT^TT