Don't falter.

Wake Up.


The stinging of your cheek made tears well up in your eyes, in the brink of falling.


Don’t cry.


“Say that again and I’ll hit you twice.” He dared you.


Because it has just begun.


“Isn’t it true?” you spat.


“You little.” He lifted his hand to hit you again but you crossed your arms over you face.


Instead, he grabbed your wrists with his hands and gripped on it tightly.


“Why are you suddenly like this huh?” he asked.


You whimpered as he was hurting you.


“B-Because I’m tired of understanding you.” You choked as your tears were now streaming down your face.


“What are you talking about?” he asked as he tightened his hold on you, unknowingly digging his fingernails into your flesh.


“I was always the one understanding you.” You said as you tried to get away from his grip as more tears cascaded from your eyes.


“Shouldn’t girlfriends do that?” he stated still not letting go.


“But shouldn’t boyfriends do too?” you sobbed and looked down.


Your cheek still stung and his hand left a red mark across your pale-skinned face.


You felt his fingernails pierce your skin.


“Weren’t I understanding enough? Do you expect me to understand you every time?” he argued.


Understanding enough?


Understand you every time?


Since when did he even?


“WHEN DID YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ME?!” you suddenly shouted and faced him.


He was left speechless.


He just stared at your tear-stained face.


His grip on your wrists loosened but didn’t let go.




“TELL ME ONE TIME THAT YOU’VE UNDERSTOOD ME!” you continued to shout in his face.


“I-I’VE ASKED YOU OUT ON DATES!” he tried to shout back.


Poker face shattered.




He just stared at you.



He finally let go of your wrists.


“Two years Lu Han-oppa. I have been the understanding you for two years.” you whispered.


He sat still.




“Always accepting your excuses, going through with your unexpected plans, understanding EXO is important to you, being a great girlfriend to you.” You said.


He was still unresponsive.


It’s like he turned to stone once you’ve shattered his facade.


“You always forgot my birthday, you forgot our anniversaries, and you won’t even celebrate your birthday with me.” You sniffled.


“I could forgive you for all those but there was just one thing I’ve wanted you to do..” You trailed off.


“What?” he managed to lowly speak, finally woken by reality.


“To simply be there when I needed you to be, to be there when I needed a shoulder to cry on... And you never were.”  You closed your eyes.


Go for the kill.


“But you don’t have to worry about this anymore. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. You don’t have to worry about trying to be a good boyfriend to me while you are preparing for your debut.” You smiled while your eyes still close.


He gave you a hopeful look.


“Because we’re breaking up.” You opened your eyes as your smile was still plastered on your face.


Tears were still evident in your face but you showed him a genuine smile.


You’re finally free.


To your surprise a tear slipped from his eyes.


“T-This is a joke right.” He choked.


Your heart clenched again.


Don’t falter.


“Tell me you were just joking.” He smiled through his tears and he held your shoulders.


“I’m serious.” You answered him.


“I-I can change for you! I can change I promise! Just don’t leave me!” he broke out and sobbed.


He wrapped his arms around your neck.


“Don’t leave me, I’ll change, I promise I’ll change.” He pleaded as he hiccupped.


And now he’s filled with promises.


“Lu Han stop.” You said.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for always giving you an excuse, I’m sorry for not taking you on a real date, I’m sorry for not celebrating my birthday with you, I’m sorry for forgetting our anniversaries, I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday, I’m sorry for not being there for you when you need me.” He apologized.


Filled with regret.


You bitterly smiled ‘So now he tells me this.’ you thought


“Just don’t leave me please.” He begged you and wrapped his arms around more.


He wiped his tears with his finger.


He smelt something metallic and glanced at his fingers.


He gasped as he saw it.




He hurriedly unwrapped his arms around you and grabbed your wrists to examine it.


His fingernails had left wounds on your wrists and are now bleeding.


“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to.” He didn’t know what to do.


You withdrew your arms from his grasp.


“It’s ok.” You said and got out of bed.


“Where are you going?” his voice shook as he followed you with his gaze..


“This would probably the last time you’ll see me.” You said as you approached the door, trying to prevent your voice to shake.


“N-NO! DON’T LEAVE ME! I LOVE YOU!” he cried out as he stood.


Those haunting three words.


You hastily opened the door and ran out but was halted when someone had pulled you.


You were suddenly in the arms of someone as your tears had poured out.


Those three words you’ve been waiting for him to say.


“MIN CHAN!” you heard Lu Han call out and ran out of the room to go find you.


He wasn’t able to notice you, in the arms of the unknown man.


But it’s too late for him to say that now.


He should have known better.


Cherished your relationship.


And showed that he really did love you.


You love him.


But he loved himself more.



“It’s ok.” You heard the mysterious man say as he comfortingly patted your back.


You’ve recognized his voice and cried even more.


Oh SeHun.


He was always the one that ends up saving you.


Aren’t you glad now?



You’re heart is finally free.


Wounded but still finally free.


You’re finally out of a relationship---


Was it even a relationship?


You’re finally out of the drama you’ve been keeping yourself in for more than two whole years.


But why does it hurt so much?


It is better to be hurt like this than be forever hurting yourself on being with someone that doesn’t love you the way you want them to love you back.



the end. 

Would you still stay if ever Lu Han does this to you?


Here's Lu Han's side *theme song* :



Aha ... My angst skills may not be the best at least you guys took the time to read them.

Did you cry with me? ... :' |


35 subscribers?!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! UWAA~~ 

I could all just kiss you .... xD

Thank you all for reading this.

I hope you 'enjoyed' reading it. :)

Your comments and subscriptions make me cry too. xD

I really appreciate it you guys.

See you at the sequel! :D

I'll post the link here later ~~ :)

--- GoJangMi

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40 subscribers!! TT-TT YOU GUYS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! xD


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Chapter 4: Ouch..For a moment I thought I was Min Chan. I imagined myself as Min Chan. -_-
Chapter 5: aww, felt sorry for min chan! poor gurl :(
aimz_c #3
Chapter 3: wooooooo he hit her...ouch
aimz_c #4
oooo this sounds subbie ^_^
Chapter 4: AWWWW~ But she's a totally brave girl~ :)
Chapter 1: AIGOOO~ Heartbreaking </3
Smilone #7
Chapter 4: I liked it. I love reading angst stories so please continue writing =D
Chapter 5: This's good though. But if I were her then half of a year will be enough for me to end the relationship. Who does he think he is to act like this?
missfilipinoELF #9
Chapter 5: TT^TT

this is so heart breaking TT^TT

going to read the sequel now...TT^TT