X: Drive

Ms. Opposite and Mr.Wrong
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Chapter Song: http://www.4shared.com/mp3/V020Cdw2/DBSK_-_Drive.html


You got up in bed slowly and were thankful that it was only 6:30 in the morning. You ate breakfast appreciatively—taking every bite meaningfully, eating only one cereal at a time. Then, you heard 3 knocks on the door.

You rolled your eyes. I bet it’s Ji Eun.

You stood up to open the door with the spoon still in your mouth. You were still in your pajamas and your hair is like a bird's nest but you didn’t care. It’s just Ji Eun anyway. As you opened the door, a voice echoed in your ears

“Good morning sleepy head.” Your forehead crumpled at the sound. You removed the spoon from your mouth to speak.

“What are you doing here Kim Jaejoong? It’s so early in the morning.”

“Jaejoong OPPA.” He corrected.

“What?” You asked.

“Didn’t I tell you to call me Jaejoong oppa?” He said.

“Whatever.” You muttered.

“I see you haven’t even dressed yet.”

“I thought you were Ji Eun.” You replied plainly.

“Usually she would threaten me of breaking my door in the morning.”

Jaejoong let himself in again .He saw the cereal you’re eating and took a spoonful of it.

“Yah. That’s my breakfast.” You protested.

“I haven’t ate cereal for a long time now. I wasn’t allowed. “ He said with a pout.

You sighed and let him finish your breakfast.

“Just give me 3 minutes. I’ll prepare quickly.”


“Is that how you normally dress?” Jaejoong asked, eyeing your outfit that is normal to you—but not to him.

“We are not going through that topic again.” You said stubbornly, crossing your arms. You were confident that you dressed properly today.

What’s wrong with white shirt, white pants, and white sneakers? What could possibly go wrong with that?

Jaejoong shook his head in disagreement as he eyed your outfit. After a long look, he clucked his tongue and went to look for your clothes.

One by one, he pulled the drawers of your closet, looking for clothes that will suit his incredulous taste (Well, incredulous to you.). An invasion of your privacy was happening live in your small apartment as he rummaged your insignificant closet that was barely half occupied by your clothes.

You stood there speechless – gapping as Jaejoong searched like a dog digging for a bone. Oh, for the sake of a decent outfit he suddenly became a meddler.

As you know that you are no match against his jerkiness—or whatever you want to call it—you decided to let him do what he wants to do. As long as he gives you your tuition fee back, you’re fine with that.

You were completely lost in thought when Jaejoong pulled out a wrong drawer particularly—the one that he was not supposed to see. His face flushed beet red. An awkward silence filled the room—the sound of pulling out of drawers, the shuffling of clothes and hangers stopped.

The sudden silence snapped you out of your being inattentive. You glanced at Jaejoong who was frozen in place and took a double look when you realized what made him stop.

Honestly, he didn’t mean to see the drawer were you place your underwear. Unfortunately, with your rotten luck and with his best of luck, he was able to take a long stare of it. Your face turned as red as Jaejoong’s.

You rushed to push back the drawer—placing your body as a wall between it and Jaejoong.

Jaejoong looked away and cleared his throat with embarrassment.

“I-I didn’t intend to see that.” He said and cleared his throat again.

You …

You thought accusingly as you stared at the ground—not wanting to meet his gaze right after he saw your .

Finally, Jaejoong stood up and shoved you a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a green hoodie.

“Change into that while I look for a pair of shoes.”

He turned his back, still blushing and went over to your shoe rack.

You beat up yourself mentally—regretting that you let Jaejoong open your closet.

After you got changed, Jaejoong made you wear a pair of black high cut converse shoes.

Little did he know, that was actually a birthday gift from Myungsoo. You haven’t worn it even once because you wanted to keep it as a treasure. In fact, it’s still in its box. It seemed like Jaejoong had an instinct for things that will remind you of Myungsoo. He kept hitting the center of the target with his invisible bow and arrows.

“I was almost glad when I saw this. At least you have one pair of proper shoes.”

Jaejoong said, handing you the box that contains the shoes.

“I’m not going to wear that.” You said with gritted teeth.

Jaejoong’s forehead crumpled with disbelief, confusion and surprise.

“Why? This is foremost the decent pair of casual shoes you have.” His face is slowly contorting into a pout. He can’t understand why you refused his choice.

You should stop cherishing that thing. Myungsoo’s gone. What’s the use of keeping it? Why don’t you use it? Shoes are meant  to be worn on feet—not kept in a musty old box.

A voice inside your head echoed these words.

No. Shut up.

You answered the voice.

Jaejoong stared up at you with his big round eyes, once in a while blinking slowly and softly. The corners of his lips were turned down and he’s making a sniffing sound—the one that sounds like he’s about to cry.

Just look at him! Aww—isn’t that too cute? How can you not pity him? It’s just for one day. Wear the stupid shoes for peace sake!

The voice inside your head made yet another round of conscience-racking words.

Just shut up, will you?

In the end, you’re left with no choice but to wear the shoes. Jaejoong put the shoes on for you despite your struggling and attempts to escape from his hold.

Then, as soon as your feet was dressed with the shoes, Jaejoong dragged you out to his car—half-carrying and half-pulling

Like a child who wasn’t bought a candy, you slumped on the passenger seat and sulked.

“Put on your seatbelt.”

Jaejoong commanded calmly.

You didn’t respond and crossed your arms with a “Humph.”

“You’re really hard to understand.” Jaejoong said with a sigh and leaned over in front of you.

He was so close you could feel his warm breath on your face. It reminded you of the first time you saw him—that day when he did the same gesture—coming so close that you felt like your heart is squeezing.

Except that this is very different. He’s not wearing any arrogance and cockiness at this moment.

“Y-yah… What are you doing?” you asked with a shaky breath.

“I’m putting your seatbelt on since you didn’t want to put it yourself.” Jaejoong said, finally pulling out his gaze from you.

After he buckled you up, you swallowed loudly with embarrassment. Since then, there was nothing heard but the low humming of the car’s engine.

The silence was getting louder and louder and you feel like you should speak up but you didn’t want to because you simply don’t like to.

Jaejoong sighed with the sight of the heavy traffic. He glanced at the rearview mirror and snickered in disgust. You turned back to see what he was irritated about. Apparently, taxis full of fangirls were tailing behind like the last time.

Just a while ago they weren’t there. It’s as if as soon as you’re out in the highway, they start to follow like vultures waiting for you to die for them to feast on.

Then suddenly, Jaejoong grabbed your hand without a warning. You quickly retrieved it and inched away from him.

“Seriously, what’s with you today? Are you drunk or something? Do you perhaps… take drugs?”

“And since when did you have such malicious, imaginative thoughts?”

He shot back and tried to get hold of your wrist. You tried to pull it back but his strength refused to let go. Jaejoong held your hand closely to him and examined it – turning it and rubbing the sides of it with his thumb. Then, with a long sigh, he finally released it.

You shot him a glare before you examined your own hand as well. The scratches and cuts on your palm stared back at you like it had eyes saying; you forgot to put medicine on us.

“I bought Neosporin and a pack of pain relieving patch.” Jaejoong said and opened the compartment in front of you. He pulled out a plastic bag and placed it on your lap.

“Apply that so it won’t get worse.” He said, opening the box of the Neosporin.

You obeyed without a word and squeezed out some Neosporin to apply on your palm. Then, you took of your shoes to place a couple of patches on your ankle.

Thankfully, the swelling has subdued to something minor. It wouldn’t really bother you to move around unless you were asked to run.

“I feel like I’m your nanny and you’re this stubborn child who likes whimpering a lot.” Jaejoong said with a small chuckle.

“Look who’s talking.” You muttered.

“I don’t sulk like you do. I don’t complain if I don’t like what I wear. Plus, I don’t kick cars.” He said with a wide smile that later on turned into laughter.

“Well, I’m not an arrogant jerk like you are. I don’t boss around, force people into cars and accuse an innocent of being a sasaeng. And by the way, I was glad I kicked that car.” You said with a shrug and mentally stuck out your tongue at him.

“I know.” He replied, still laughing. He just can’t get out of his mind the image of you, kicking the car and cursing like a fool.

 Your kicks weren’t even strong enough to make a tiny scratch on the car.

Jaejoong said mentally.

Jaejoong’s chuckle was interrupted when his cellphone rang. He tried to compose his self but failed and wiped a tear on his eye because of laughter. Anyway, he plugged the earphone on his ears and talked while driving.

“Yoboseyo?” Jaejoong answered the phone, with a hint of a chuckle in his tone.

“Oh, Yunho-ya! … Yeah, I’m on my way to the set. I’ll call you back later. I’m driving… Ne… Bye.”

When Jaejoong said Yunho’s name, you immediately thought of what Ji Eun said.

She’s right. They’re gay. Who would call just to ask someone’s whereabouts? Unless they’re your parents they would surely annoy you with their endless calls. And as far as I know, Yunho is definitely not Jaejoong’s parent.

Jaejoong ended the call and surprisingly handed his cellphone to you. You stared at him incredulously, not understanding why he’s giving you his cellphone.

“Keep it. When someone calls, I want you to answer it for me.” Jaejoong said and placed it on your lap since you didn’t move an inch to get it from his hold.

“Why would I answer calls for you?” You asked, still looking at him with the same incredulous expression.

“Duh… You’re my assistant. Remember?” He said, rolling his eyes.

“But still…” you tried to come up with an argument but failed to. So instead you placed his phone in your backpack and made sure it’s placed somewhere easy to find and hear when it rings.

“Do you mind if I sleep?” You asked.

Yes, out of all the random things in this world—sleep.

“Sleep where, in my house? Sure. I have spare rooms for guests or if you want, you can sleep in my room—together with me.”

“That wasn’t even funny. That’s such a erted suggestion and it is offensive.” You inched away from him with your cheeks turning a little red. Jaejoong turned to see your expression and laughed out loud again.

“Why are you blushing? Perhaps, you’re imagining things again?” Jaejoong asked and laughed even louder which made you blush even more.

“Yah! I’m not a ert like you.” You shot back and quickly looked away bitng your lips to hide your reddened cheeks.

After a while, Jaejoong’s laughter subsided and you decided to put on your headphones to avoid any more conversations. Not long after, you fell into a deep slumber.

She’s such a sleepy-head.

Jaejoong thought as he stared at you

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Hey guys :) Please bear with me a little. Update may come late for the next chap. I'll do my best to post it tonight or tomorrow :) XOXO -faye_lee


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 47: It’s so nice to read this story again~
YunaJi #2
Chapter 5: bigbang! ? i miss them so much btw ☹️?
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 50: It's such a great story, i didnt expect yunho to be the bad guy even though at the end everything fell into place with a very happy ending :) great job authornim :D
useless_1 #4
Chapter 48: please please please write some more of these jaejae ff......please oh please u r one of the best authors out there
Keahun #5
Chapter 50: What an amazing story, love your jae fanfic, thanks.
gemmymars #6
Chapter 49: This story is one of the best I've read so far^^ The ending was so sweet~ I loved reading your story authornim, daebak!!^^
Chapter 47: I love this story sooooooo much and JAEJOONG!!! <3 He is really sweet! Please write more Jaejoong story. ^^
Chapter 15: So far, this story is so damn good. I'm not even half of the story. It makes me miss dbsk esp the silliness of Yoochun and Junsu. I miss Jaejoong and Yunho. I freaking miss Kris and everyone who left the industry. Your story brings back memories. And i'm sooo thankful you made this wonderful story! <33333
Angelz0715 #9
Chapter 49: This story is so amazing!!! I love how all of my bias are the main leads haha xD
AngeliqueXDevilyque #10
Chapter 49: Hey Author-nim, just wanted to comment on your awesome story. For a Kris and Jaejoong - biased person, I was literally smiling throughout the entire fanfiction because when one of them screws up, the other would like solve the problem(?) Anyhow, love your story, keep it up! Always keep the faith :D