Chapter Five

Dreams don't come true on their own

    I just laid in my bed as I woke up this morning, I had no intentions of moving or anything. I just wanted to lay here in my thoughts.

    No, I wasn’t upset, or hurt. I was content, maybe a bit above that.

    The night before had went rather well, I thought. Taemin mainly spent a lot of time probably laughing at me, or maybe with me. But none the less we really got a long well. 

    I remember before going back stage I also talked to Key a bit, and he was exactly like I’d imagined him. Outgoing, and Almighty.

    However, I seemed to have missed the news on what was happening tomorrow morning. Though I did remember the plans we had made for today.

    I slipped out bed and slipped on my slippers and a robe. I cracked open the door, and saw no movement.  I slowly walked out of my room and noticed Charlotte’s Door was still closed. I assumed she was still asleep, so I walked downstairs and started on making breakfast. Pancakes.

    I smiled as I turned my ipod on and swayed to the music that played. I was excited, today would be such a fun day. Then the doorbell went. I jumped and quickly removed the last pancake before rushing too the door.

    “Yes?” I said looking up as I opened the door. I smiled at the boys, momentarily forgetting the robe I was wearing. Yes, I was also wearing PJ’s, but they were just shorts and a long T-shirt.

    “Um,” I said looking at their eyes, pinned on my robe. I blushed slightly. “Come on in,” I said. “I’ll be down in just a moment.” I smiled running up the stairs.

    I closed the door and closed my eyes a moment to take a breath, then quickly sprang around the room as I pulled my self together, ending with putting my hair up in a half ponytail.

    As I made my way down the stairs I noticed that the boys were all in the living room eyeing the kitchen.  I smiled amused by this.

    “hungry?” I asked with a smirk. The boys hesitated before nodding, one by one. “I’ll make you some, if you’d like.” I smiled as I walked to the stove.

    Make another two batches, and I should be able to feed everyone. When I finished I had seven plates of pancakes in front of me.

    I looked to the boys, the seven plates, then the boys, then the plates. I did this a few times before remembering, Charlotte wasn’t even awake yet. Slowly my mind began to piece together an idea that could turn out rather interesting.

    “Minho! Can you come here a minute,” I called out when the boy looked at me, a hint of confusion in his eyes. I smiled.
    “Charlotte is upstairs right now, Could you bring her this?” I asked pointing to one of the plates. He looked at me confused. I smiled innocently. “It’s just I need to get the rest ready for you boys.”

    He looked at me again before I saw a light smile appear on his lips as he agreed, looking at the pancakes. What can I say, they must have been damn good looking pancakes. I stiffled a giggle as he walked off with the plate in hand, and I remembered I needed to tell him where she was.

    “First door on your right at the top of the stairs!!!” I called out, once he was out of site, I called the rest over for their own food.

    Key was the first one into the kitchen after Minho had left. He just looked at me a sec before a smile spread and he knew exactly what I had just done.

    Charlotte was still in her dreamland when a knock came at the door shocking her to reality. Though as soon as Charlotte was for sure a wake, there was no knock, or voice calling. She sat still wondering of maybe she’d dreamt up the noise as a subconscious way of waking herself up.

    As she lay back down on the soft sheets, the knock sounded again, and Charlotte shot up and looked at the door. This time she was sure she heard the sound

    “Hello?” She called. But the voice she got back, was not expected.

    “Charlotte, Mai sent me up with your breakfast.” Charlotte sat, still have asleep trying to decipher the voice. And a little of what was said. What? It was harder to think when you weren’t fully awake yet.

    However she finally click in, and quickly flew to the door, opening it a crack an peering out at the taller boy who looked at her with soft and wise looking eyes, a smile was apparent on his lips that gave off the feeling of warmth that would fly around your chest, filling you with a form of happiness, and with a slight blush Charlotte closed the door again.

    “Just a minute.” She called as she rushed around hunting for her clothes in her still partly asleep mode. She eventually found something she decided was good enough, and slipped on a pair of dark blue denim shorts and a dark green v neck t-shirt, and once again she opened the door, part of her mind was wondering if he had just left and joined the others - who she assumed had came as well.

    Sure enough though, he was still standing there, a twinkle of amusement was in his eye. He smiled down at her and offered the plate out. Charlotte smiled back, opening the door more so she could take the plate. She smiled up to him

    “Would you like to come in?” She asked, and he raised an eye brow. She playfully glared back. “Not like that.” She laughed as he smiled and walked in.

    At the bottom of the stair I stood watching a bit before slowly bringing up a plate and waiting for Minho to notice. Once I saw the two were beginning to talk, I gave up and headed back down the stairs.

    As I reached the living room again I smiled at the site. Everyone was just about finished, and looked ready to go.

    I smiled. “Let’s wait a bit before we leave.” I said walking in and taking a seat between Onew and Taemin on the couch. Onew smiled, and Taemin waved, a weak smile was playing on his lip, almost seeming against his will as he tried to hold it back a bit. I pouted slightly before turning on the stereo, and to my humiliation -Though I’m not sure why- Lucifer blared out, loud enough to shake everything at least on the wall the stereo was against. I turned it off as my cheeks again turned a colour that was bizarre beyond regular belief.

    “…Sorry.” I said with my eyes closed tightly and cheeks a flame.

    “What happened?” Charlotte asked in high shock as she entered the room. My hands made their way to my face as I slid down in my seat.

    I heard the laughing from either side of me, and all around the room. I opened my figures a bit and peered between my fingers and saw Onew was just howling with laughter…somehow there was no shock there, and Taemin had his hand up to help keep the laughter in, not that it was doing any good. I looked around and Jonghyun looked like he was going  to hurt himself laughing and Key was trying to explain to Charlotte and Minho. In between giggles of his own.  I sat up, just as Charlotte and Minho were beginning to  start laughing them selves, and  I playfully shoved Onew and Taemin. Onew falling into Jonghyun and they both were down. Almost like Domino’s, which got me laughing, and then Taemin shoved back which started some play fight, and before long, the whole room was just howling in laughter.

    It wasn’t long before the room began to quiet down a bit, as we all grew sore from laughter. For a moment we all sat there, until Jonghyun pointed out that we had plans.

    “So where are you taking us?” He said sitting up. Charlotte and I both shot up, knowing immediately we’d both forgotten, and looked at each other.

    “I forgot!” we shouted at the same time, before sparing a few giggles and we were up and heading for our shoes and the door.

    Charlotte stopped at the entrance way and looked back to the boys, spread out amongst the room.

    “Are you coming?” She asked, her regular smirk plastered on her face. We only had a simple day planned, but it would be more fun that much that’d happened lately. Both charlotte and I knew this. Especially after that laugh fest.

    It didn’t take long at all to get where we were headed. Really this small park was just a small ways away. Maybe ten minutes in the van. Which we had to take again, saying as there were seven of us.

    Charlotte pulled up to the park, and soon we all piled out of the van.

    “A nice way to end the visit. We’ll have lunch here too.” I smiled as I looked over to Charlotte who winked, letting me know she’s get the order started as soon as it was time. I smiled before walking over to a swing set I had spotted as soon as we pulled up.

    I was some ways away before I turned around and noticed the two following me were Key and Onew. I smiled back at them both and let my eyes wander as I looked for the face I wanted to see. As a future note to self, walking backwards + searching + not paying attention to where I’m headed = a bad out come. I’m not  sure what happened, but I tripped and soon began tumbling down the slight hill to where the swings sat. I could hear the voices of the others as they watched, but couldn’t make anything out.

    When I finally stopped, I shook my head trying to stop the spinning,  before looking up to now find the face I was looking for, and 5 other shocked expressions. I blushed a bit and smiled sheepishly, getting up and racing now, for the swings. I was the first there, then Key. I looked at him with a smirk.

    “Are you okay?” He ask and I giggled.

    “Oh yes. I’m alright. But when it’s time for lunch, can I get you to help me? Sending Charlotte and Minho off?” I ask with my bright smile. I knew what charlotte wanted, and I’d  do anything to help her get there. I saw Key smirk. An expression, unsurprised by what I was doing again.

    “Okay.” He smiled just as mischievously as I was going about this.

    That’s when Onew finally caught up, along with the others soon after.

    “Mai, are you alright?” Charlotte asked a bit shocked at the fact that I’d just gotten up and keep going after my tumble.

    “Mhmm. Key already made sure. I’m gonna live.” I said looking at her expression. By the end of this week, she’d probably give me a talking to for the crazy stuff I’m going about.

    Dreams don’t come true on their own. That’s what she told me. Though right now I wasn’t working on mine, I was helping her with hers.

    Soon enough, Charlotte placed in our order at none other than KFC. Which was oddly, my idea. However it took both Key and myself to convince Onew to stay with us, Taemin and Jonghyun while we shoved off Minho and Charlotte.

    I’m certain they’ll have fun together. As I sat back and chickened out at every opportunity I had.


                    P.O.V. Charlotte

    I sighed in my head at what Mai had come up with this time. I did appreciate that she was helping me get the chances to get closer to Minho, but that girl was never going to get her chances with Taemin if she kept ignoring them. I was going to have to have a talk with Key late so he’d help me help her to hurry up and try, before it was too late.

    “I wonder why this keeps happening.” Minho pondered aloud. I looked at him, snapping out of my own daze. I couldn’t help the warm smile that tugged at the corners of my lips when I saw his smiling eyes look at mine directly. He had the flame.

    Oh this would be a walk to remember, for sure.

    “Who knows,” I said looking away and watched where we were going. “But I think Mai might. How many times has it been now, Minho? That we have ended up alone?”

    “Three, I think.” He said in a sticky sweet tone. It’s no wonder many girls melt for him. The heat from the flame was always intense, but not even close to the intensity of being beside it.

    I stood in silence for a minute, or two. By heart was beating out of control, so in such a case it was difficult to keep my composure. Sure, as of right now I’m a fan girl, a bit, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t human, or that he needed his space or relaxation from the crazy one’s, and I was definitely fine with giving him that space.

    I could help an inner curse toward my difficulty to keep my composure. I was pretty sure I made some form of face at the thought. That fact was confirmed when I heard the quiet laughter beside me. I turned looking to Minho, and let out the only reaction I could. Playfully sticking out my tongue, then laughing as well.

    As I looked forward I spotted the KFC building, then smiled at Minho. “Race you.” I said as I took off running.

    Somehow, I don’t think I was going to win this race.

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