Chapter Four

Dreams don't come true on their own

    By the time Charlotte and I got our seats, and it was about time for the concert to start, Charlotte looked almost too zoned out to even notice her surroundings at all. I let out a small giggle when the crowd started going crazy.
    I took that as a sign that the boys were now on stage.

    I looked up and they certainly on stage. Luckily Charlotte and I were able to get to the front for the event.

    I nudged Charlotte once, and then looked to each of the boys in turn, analyzing each one. Minho at one end, his on stage personality on high, and I glanced at Charlotte from the corner of my eye, I already knew the reaction she’d have, but I wanted to see it anyway. Her cheeks were tinted with a slight blush as her eyes settled on the now alight Flaming Charisma, her eyes sparkled slightly with a hint of longing in them that I’m sure she may have been debating on totally letting out, and the corners of her lips curved up ever so slightly in a contented smile.

    How did I know this reaction was there? Well because I knew my turn for it would soon reach.

    Next to Minho was Key, who had his normal playful smile plastered on. I don’t know why - maybe it was the diva in him - but that smile always seemed to have a slight mischievous touch to it. However, as long as he was smiling everything was fine.

    In the center of the group of boys was Jonghyun, and he seemed as good as ever. A small smirk of excitement, and a powerful gaze to the audience.  He -to me at least- always had that ‘ready for anything’ kind of expression, yet he always gave off this vibe that he was a complete and total sweetheart.

    Next up was Onew. Like  Minho, Onew seemed to have an off stage and on stage personality. Only the difference between the two weren’t as drastic as Minho’s. It was odd to me that his was the first gaze I caught. He smiled a smile that made at least 90% of the audience go wild with screams. I blushed a bit and quickly continued on my track to reach the final and youngest of the group.

    Now it was my turn to just light up.  His innocent smile was enough to light up almost every heart in the audience, and probably make them skip a beat as it did mine. Eyes were soft, and he just had that image of innocence surround him. Though I knew as well as any other girl out here, that when the dancing started, the cute innocent image would be instantly replaced with a whole other side.

    When I had originally noticed the personality change from normal to when he was dancing, the first thing I though of was that Minho had been teach Taemin some tricks on the duel personality thing. Not that I minded.

    The smile I got when I saw him was the same old one I had before, warm. There was another part of it I knew was there, but I didn’t like to acknowledge it.


    It didn’t take long to get involved enough in the music to start moving to it. The whole time I knew that Charlotte’s eyes were as glued to Minho as miner were to Taemin.

    But there was this one point through out the concert when for a split moment I caught his eye. My heart just began to float. For the moment everything was surreal and calm. I smiled up to him, but  that was only a moment before he looked away again.

    My heart , that was soaring so high, dropped like a rock. It made my stomach turn, but I knew that was from nerves and my own imagination. Even still I left for a bit to the back of the crowd. Leaving Charlotte alone.

    Charlotte had been so absorbed by what she was watching on the stage, Or who for this matter, that she almost didn’t see when Mai Squeezed around her to leave. Charlotte looked after her friend a moment, debating on if she should follow or not. She looked back to the stage a moment where she caught the glance of  the flaming Charisma. She smiled and As his eye moved a small smirk was barely visible on his lips, enough so that Charlotte couldn’t decided if she had actually seen it or not.

    Her eyes diverted again. To the other members, catching the eye of Onew, who gave her a ‘go-after-her’ look, that Charlotte smiled back in her friendly way, sparing a quick glance to Minho, and then took off after her friend.


    I Stopped at the back of the crowed to turn and look at the stage once more, when I saw Charlotte rushing up to me, she smiled and rather than saying anything, she just led me out of the place and to somewhere a bit quieter.

    “You know, you didn’t have to follow me, You could have stayed and watched the concert, you looked like you were enjoying it so much.” I smiled to her once I knew she could hear me.

    “I thought about it, but I can’t let you run loose in Los Angeles alone, now can I?” She laughed. I giggled along with her. “Now why are you running out of SHINee’s concert Mai? I never thought You’d do something like that.”

    I smiled, a hint of annoyance toward myself hidden in the smile. “I needed to regain my thought process.  I guess I’m letting my mind and heart run away. So I thought I’d come out here and get myself grounded again before going back and taking a bit more control of myself.” I laughed at the end. But when I looked at Charlotte, she wasn’t laughing too. Just gave me that ‘I’m gonna kick your but’ look. I smiled innocently at her, and then the laugh came.

    “I know we can’t get carried away with this Mai, we did just meet them. We can’t just expect they’ll fall in love with us as first sight. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try. We just need to go about it a little slower than you see in movies, or books. You know as well as I do, Dreams don’t come true on their own. But that doesn’t mean not at all. It just means you have to try a little harder, and give it a try.” Charlotte said to me with a strange calm I didn’t expect. I looked up at her and she smiled down at me.

    “Yeah, you’re right. But it’s gonna be hard not to get carried away.” I laughed, and she joined in with me.

    “I know what you mean,” she sighed as I watched her eyes glaze over, and I knew it was the thought of Minho that was dancing around in her mind.

    I smiled. Dancing. That word would forever bring a smile. Not that it didn’t before, it was just different now. I smiled softly to myself. Charlotte was right, I needed to slowly work at this. But just because it wasn’t immediate, doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

    When I looked up, I heard foot steps, and it seemed like the concert was at half time. I smiled and looked to Charlotte with an offer to now go back in. And we did.

    When we walked back to our seats, it seemed a good chunk of the crowed had left for the intermission. I was grateful for easy access to our seats. However today wasn’t going to let me just go and sit down when no one was in my way. Not at all.

    When we had reached where needed a man came up to us as ushered us to the backdoor stage, and I looked at Charlotte.

    “Who’d Idea do you think this was?” I asked with a smirk. Charlotte let loose a laugh before spouting the name to who she figured had called for us.


    I smiled, “Maybe it was Key, Or Jonghyun, or..” she cut me off.

    “Pick one.” she smirked.

    “Key.” I said back.

    “Why Key?” She asked with a look of puzzlement on her face. I smiled.

    “Because You picked Onew and I figured key was the only other likely candidate.” I smiled  innocently, figuring my logic made sense.

    When we walked in, we soon found out that one of us was right, and it wasn’t me.

    Onew smile as he walked up to and greeted us. Charlotte smiled a hi back, and for some reason gave Onew a knowing smile, then left to go talk to Jonghyun. I looked to Onew for a moment, then to Charlotte, was I missing something? It seemed so.

    “What happened.” He asked. My heart stopped a moment and I froze, then my eyes flicked over to the boy who currently filled my head to a level I was beginning to worry about., then I restarted and looked to Onew.

    I smiled up to him and threw my arms up in defence. “nothing.”  I looked at his eyes and knew he didn’t believe me. I mean, would you believe me? ‘I just ran out of your concert that I had saved up for months to try and see, and even after I had personally met you all and have became friends with at least you, all because of nothing.’ he had all the right in the world to not believe me. However I just smiled and continued on anyways.

    I walked over to a seat, not paying attention to who’s spot I was in, but I just sat and watched as the boys rested.

    Onew kinda pouted a bit and went over to talk to Key about something, and that pretty much was all they were doing. At one point Key looked over and I waved with a smile. I always had a lor of respect for Key. You just can’t help but love him.

    I moved my view over to Minho who was currently talking with Taemin, and I smiled shyly, my eyes hesitating to move. Luckily for me, it was Minho who looked at me and snapped me out of my thoughts. I blushed and waved sheepishly. I saw the smirk develop as I turned my view to Charlotte and Jonghyun.

    All I could do for now, was hope that Minho wouldn’t tell Taemin. Though I’m sure my cheeks would give something away with the colour.

    When Charlotte looked at me she gave a playful glare and then it looked like she excused herself and walked over to me.

    “What are you doing?” she asked as she arrived to me.

    “Sitting?” I responded with an innocent smile. She rolled her eyes with a playful smile and then walked away a moment, I thought I was in the safety range until I decided to look and see where she went.

    It seemed Charlotte decided it was time to give me a little push. She was over talking to Taemin and Minho, and when she had point to me and Taemin looked over, I sunk in the seat as low as I could and my cheeks lit up yet again. I mentally cursed my talent for turning unrealistic shades of red as I closed my eyes tightly, hoping the situation would magically go away when I opened them again.

    But since when did that theory ever work?

    I opened my eyes, and there he stood, I smiled sheepishly and waved.

    “Hi” I laughed nervously. He smiled the normal Taemin smile, and my heart just melted.

    “Hello.” He said in response. From the corner of my eye I saw the smirk that Charlotte had on as she turned to talk to Minho herself.

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